Good Day January 31, 2012,
Thank you for giving my brother in law a Singapore Job. This would greatly help his family and his life. I would also thank you for giving me an opportunity to try out my Currency crazy strategy. If it does pays off I would surely earn lots and lots of Dollars. Centillion Dollars easy does it. I would also like to thank you for giving me time to influence my sister in law to do better in her life. I would also thank that I was able to join the blizzard forum this could open me to work with them as a game designer. I would also thank that it would blow my opportunities to even greater heights. I
Here is a investment idea as apple keeps on growing big and they have the best business model ever and that is business innovation and the business strategies that are taught are all in them. Investing is like gambling but it seems like we put our money where we feels like we want the world to go forward. As for me another data provider for our Internet needs in the philippines is still the best option. PLDT might be the better value choice but they are not even close. With new stupid product launching out I feel like they might not grow into what I call a profitable sustainable model. If I were going to make it better I would surely incorporate what people want and that is fast good results.
In the future, it seems that my brother in law would live a very good life and the rest would be left out. My sister in law which apparently turn on the wrong road needed to turn back and go back. I would always recommend is never go back and just keep moving forward cause that is the only way we should go. The road we choose might be wrong but no road is perfect hence at every end of the road there will be the goal we seek. Regardless of how we do it, sometimes result is all that matters.
Dear Blog Diary is where I put every thought and experience I have every day. I really hope you readers would get a have a great time reading my mind. I am glad that there is a tool for me to express my thoughts and share to people who wants to understand how a man's journey in his life would be.
USD 10,000,000,000.00

My Check
Monday, January 30, 2012
Saturday, January 28, 2012
Today with everything
Good day January 28, 2012,
Thank you for giving opportunity to try out my crazy strategy. I really hope it worked. In a fantasy side, if I were CEO of apple I think there are big market for them to capitalize in due to their ecosystem. I would suggest to buy a bank like bank of America as they would be a part of American capitalism and ideals. I feel like their close mindedness would help bank of America be the bank of America. After buying the bank they could strip off products that would not fit their Philosophy which is keep your products simple. They would offer Savings/Online, Savings / Current, Time deposits, having consumers buy more apple shares as investments and hold it for a longer period. Having a flexible payment for all apple products. Now with that said, the 30% apple inherit from all transaction could now be lower like 5% max. Apple could go on and offer all products with NFC that would pay off all iTunes products and Apple Products via Apple ID system. This method would only be allowed if the iOS is not jailbroken. This is also to prevent buyers from jail breaking the iOS devices. Next Due to the 5% take apple could ask all developers open bank of America accounts so that they could transfer the payments to heir accounts. Same goes with all the in app purchases and music and TV shows. TV networks would agree with this cause 5% is a small rake from apple but, they would need to open an account with Bank of America. Apple would still give them price range to keep consumers happy. Like low bit rates song quality would still remain .99C. As for the iAd product apple is offering, All of apple suppliers are given free iAd support but when a product click in the iAd they would need to pay apple .30c as advertising fee. Secondly the product would also be charged 5% when bought thru the iAd support and the payment would automatically transferred from the buyer to the seller.
Thank you for giving opportunity to try out my crazy strategy. I really hope it worked. In a fantasy side, if I were CEO of apple I think there are big market for them to capitalize in due to their ecosystem. I would suggest to buy a bank like bank of America as they would be a part of American capitalism and ideals. I feel like their close mindedness would help bank of America be the bank of America. After buying the bank they could strip off products that would not fit their Philosophy which is keep your products simple. They would offer Savings/Online, Savings / Current, Time deposits, having consumers buy more apple shares as investments and hold it for a longer period. Having a flexible payment for all apple products. Now with that said, the 30% apple inherit from all transaction could now be lower like 5% max. Apple could go on and offer all products with NFC that would pay off all iTunes products and Apple Products via Apple ID system. This method would only be allowed if the iOS is not jailbroken. This is also to prevent buyers from jail breaking the iOS devices. Next Due to the 5% take apple could ask all developers open bank of America accounts so that they could transfer the payments to heir accounts. Same goes with all the in app purchases and music and TV shows. TV networks would agree with this cause 5% is a small rake from apple but, they would need to open an account with Bank of America. Apple would still give them price range to keep consumers happy. Like low bit rates song quality would still remain .99C. As for the iAd product apple is offering, All of apple suppliers are given free iAd support but when a product click in the iAd they would need to pay apple .30c as advertising fee. Secondly the product would also be charged 5% when bought thru the iAd support and the payment would automatically transferred from the buyer to the seller.
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Today with The Bet
Good day January 26, 2012,
Thank you for giving me strength and a wonderful opportunity to use my magnificent logical analytical brain in making me rich. I have decided to buy 120,000 shares of LIB a equity that hopefully would grant me closer to my dream. I have also found a way to accumulate 2M of capital to invest in the stock exchange of Hong Kong. I really am happy that everything is going alright. Because of the currency trading I am doing I am learning how to manage my emotions and controlling myself. It ok to blast of heat and irritation sometimes but cause of the Facebook post of my friend which shows a chubby guy with slowly exercising eventually sculpt his body like a model. It probably took him all the effort to reach his current physical shape but everything is well cause it was great that he made it. It just show that we must continue with small steps to reach our goals. Sometimes others moves faster than others but eventually you would reach your desired goal. I am very grateful that I was able to learn currency and equity trading cause I am sure that this is the path to reach my happiness and financial freedom. Slowly should do the trick and eventually I would get there. Having a great time analyzing and everything is going as I plan.
Thank you for giving me strength and a wonderful opportunity to use my magnificent logical analytical brain in making me rich. I have decided to buy 120,000 shares of LIB a equity that hopefully would grant me closer to my dream. I have also found a way to accumulate 2M of capital to invest in the stock exchange of Hong Kong. I really am happy that everything is going alright. Because of the currency trading I am doing I am learning how to manage my emotions and controlling myself. It ok to blast of heat and irritation sometimes but cause of the Facebook post of my friend which shows a chubby guy with slowly exercising eventually sculpt his body like a model. It probably took him all the effort to reach his current physical shape but everything is well cause it was great that he made it. It just show that we must continue with small steps to reach our goals. Sometimes others moves faster than others but eventually you would reach your desired goal. I am very grateful that I was able to learn currency and equity trading cause I am sure that this is the path to reach my happiness and financial freedom. Slowly should do the trick and eventually I would get there. Having a great time analyzing and everything is going as I plan.
Friday, January 20, 2012
Today with Game designer
Good day January 21, 2012,
It seems that as the day pass by so fast I realize it would be great for me to enjoy the days passing by me. Thank you for a wonderful big sales and profit. I really wish everything would be great. Thank you for letting me earn lots of money everyday. The secret told me that I attract what I want and dream of. I attract money and lots of it. I would eventually earn 10 billion dollars. I also posted some of my Ideas to blizzard and hope that it would make a difference it creating the game I like. I love the way things is turning out for my game. I really hope that my ideas would get notice and try would hire me as consultant and adviser to be a developer in the game. I really hope they would really acknowledge and ask for my help in creating the game I love.
It seems that as the day pass by so fast I realize it would be great for me to enjoy the days passing by me. Thank you for a wonderful big sales and profit. I really wish everything would be great. Thank you for letting me earn lots of money everyday. The secret told me that I attract what I want and dream of. I attract money and lots of it. I would eventually earn 10 billion dollars. I also posted some of my Ideas to blizzard and hope that it would make a difference it creating the game I like. I love the way things is turning out for my game. I really hope that my ideas would get notice and try would hire me as consultant and adviser to be a developer in the game. I really hope they would really acknowledge and ask for my help in creating the game I love.
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Today with Mac
Good day, January 19, 2011,
Thank your for giving me an opportunity to make tons of money. Thank you for giving me interest on Macs. I love how they are made and I wish that everything would work out in my mind about the Mac's. Planning to buy 2 Mac book pro and upgrade the ram to 8Gb each. It's for playing diablo and for work and trading equities. I know I would earn a lot from it. Another thing I figured out and would like to try is to make Mac mini as an media hub which it will automatically downloads TV shows and opt for me to watch it via my LCD TV. I would also love for it to be a hub for all digital files and stuff so that everything would be nice and in sync. Life is good cause of the gadgets. It make life interesting. That is why I want ten billion dollars to buy every gadget in the world.
Thank your for giving me an opportunity to make tons of money. Thank you for giving me interest on Macs. I love how they are made and I wish that everything would work out in my mind about the Mac's. Planning to buy 2 Mac book pro and upgrade the ram to 8Gb each. It's for playing diablo and for work and trading equities. I know I would earn a lot from it. Another thing I figured out and would like to try is to make Mac mini as an media hub which it will automatically downloads TV shows and opt for me to watch it via my LCD TV. I would also love for it to be a hub for all digital files and stuff so that everything would be nice and in sync. Life is good cause of the gadgets. It make life interesting. That is why I want ten billion dollars to buy every gadget in the world.
Today with Cat
Good day, January 20, 2012,
Thank you for the past days for giving me a lot of productive things to do. It seems like I am becoming busier everyday. Which is good by the way. I am getting better in trading currency and I apparently would earn much from it. In my equities trading I would much like to be an expert on it. Investing is what I love. I recently found it out. Thank you for giving me the chance to know what am I passionate about. It's all about manipulation of money. Everyday I learn more and more. Last week i decided to take care of a stray kitten. It was small and yesterday I just named him "swerte" lucky in English. It seems everyday, I am getting close with my dream. I also took time to listen to the secret again, to see if there are things I missed out. I knew the power of attraction is working and it is bringing me closer to my dream. 10 billion dollars rich. Yesterday my sister in law got a chance to hear what others see about life and how should each one manage it. We only got one life and we should do everything we can to live it to our dreams. Some other people enjoy at the early times while others enjoys the most part of it. Taking care of the kitten is like taking care of my sister in law. They are both lost and they just need to find out where they should go in their life. This is a free universe and they should choose which path to take. Family should only guide not dictate.
Thank you for the past days for giving me a lot of productive things to do. It seems like I am becoming busier everyday. Which is good by the way. I am getting better in trading currency and I apparently would earn much from it. In my equities trading I would much like to be an expert on it. Investing is what I love. I recently found it out. Thank you for giving me the chance to know what am I passionate about. It's all about manipulation of money. Everyday I learn more and more. Last week i decided to take care of a stray kitten. It was small and yesterday I just named him "swerte" lucky in English. It seems everyday, I am getting close with my dream. I also took time to listen to the secret again, to see if there are things I missed out. I knew the power of attraction is working and it is bringing me closer to my dream. 10 billion dollars rich. Yesterday my sister in law got a chance to hear what others see about life and how should each one manage it. We only got one life and we should do everything we can to live it to our dreams. Some other people enjoy at the early times while others enjoys the most part of it. Taking care of the kitten is like taking care of my sister in law. They are both lost and they just need to find out where they should go in their life. This is a free universe and they should choose which path to take. Family should only guide not dictate.
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Today with Parenting
Good day, January 4, 2012,
Thank you for giving me strength to ask for another chance on serving the DVD. It taught me that asking is not bad at all. Well today seems pretty hectic and everything will do so but I really glad that everything will work out well. January 3, 2011 was quite a challenging day. It was the first time that I meddle with another family's problem. It's was not good and it kept me thinking all the time. The sibling left me responsible for some O'neal future. Now I understand why parenting is hard and got to appreciate what my mom have done. In parenting people starts to take care of another person life and moulds them to the future the kid might like. Every parents wants the best for a child. It's probably wrong to say that any parent hopes ill towards a child. Sometimes it's a matter of how a person handles it. Some people are better not being parents and others are. But all parents wish well for their children. They might do the wrong moves to help their children but at the end of the day it's the motives that counts. My sister in law is having a hard time adjusting in college. She fails her grades and spend lots of time partying. It's may sound too much but the truth is what ever she do her heart is place in a place we could not help her with. My sister is quite the same but I got a mom who knows how may chances her child should have. Well that's good to hear, i have a great parent. Now being a parent is not being right all the time but being able to understand your child's needs and wants. I know strict punishment are just tools but the best way to help my sister in law is thru positive reinforcement. Well let's start of with a routine. Self-discipline is hard cause I sometimes forget to do so but guess what I got a lot of self discipline. Other people have more than me but I have plenty too. It's about how to control ones happiness and prolong it to have a better one. It's all about responsibility cause it's needed. One day the routine feels like not a needed task but a fun task to do. It's all about how to see thinks differently. It's all about doing the best thing, Towards what you really love. The only advise I could show my sister in law is to manage time. Have self control, and keep yourself preoccupied. Discipline is the best and I really do love it cause I have a lot.
Thank you for giving me strength to ask for another chance on serving the DVD. It taught me that asking is not bad at all. Well today seems pretty hectic and everything will do so but I really glad that everything will work out well. January 3, 2011 was quite a challenging day. It was the first time that I meddle with another family's problem. It's was not good and it kept me thinking all the time. The sibling left me responsible for some O'neal future. Now I understand why parenting is hard and got to appreciate what my mom have done. In parenting people starts to take care of another person life and moulds them to the future the kid might like. Every parents wants the best for a child. It's probably wrong to say that any parent hopes ill towards a child. Sometimes it's a matter of how a person handles it. Some people are better not being parents and others are. But all parents wish well for their children. They might do the wrong moves to help their children but at the end of the day it's the motives that counts. My sister in law is having a hard time adjusting in college. She fails her grades and spend lots of time partying. It's may sound too much but the truth is what ever she do her heart is place in a place we could not help her with. My sister is quite the same but I got a mom who knows how may chances her child should have. Well that's good to hear, i have a great parent. Now being a parent is not being right all the time but being able to understand your child's needs and wants. I know strict punishment are just tools but the best way to help my sister in law is thru positive reinforcement. Well let's start of with a routine. Self-discipline is hard cause I sometimes forget to do so but guess what I got a lot of self discipline. Other people have more than me but I have plenty too. It's about how to control ones happiness and prolong it to have a better one. It's all about responsibility cause it's needed. One day the routine feels like not a needed task but a fun task to do. It's all about how to see thinks differently. It's all about doing the best thing, Towards what you really love. The only advise I could show my sister in law is to manage time. Have self control, and keep yourself preoccupied. Discipline is the best and I really do love it cause I have a lot.
Today with lecture
Good day January 13, 2012,
Thank you for giving opportunities that are very achievable even by me. I tried my best to reach my dreams thinking everyday of ways and means to reach my goals. I have read some articles about our former president message to her former pupil. She said on her statement a president must concern themselves not on the bad side but providing better opportunities to his people. In her statement she states that she felt that she did her best to give her people what they deserves. If you ask me, I feel like everyone feel try did the best for their cause but in the end they just did what they did to make themselves feel better and have a easier life. I teach my sister in law about life, pretending I know what I am doing but I really can't say what I do is right or wrong. Time will only tell if what I did is right or wrong. The only thing I am certain that I have good intentions on helping her to be better. I really hope it do work. As for my dream to become 20 billion dollars rich it's becoming true every minute of every second. I am sure that I would be 20 billion rich. Earning 20 billion dollars is what I dream I would accomplished.
Thank you for giving opportunities that are very achievable even by me. I tried my best to reach my dreams thinking everyday of ways and means to reach my goals. I have read some articles about our former president message to her former pupil. She said on her statement a president must concern themselves not on the bad side but providing better opportunities to his people. In her statement she states that she felt that she did her best to give her people what they deserves. If you ask me, I feel like everyone feel try did the best for their cause but in the end they just did what they did to make themselves feel better and have a easier life. I teach my sister in law about life, pretending I know what I am doing but I really can't say what I do is right or wrong. Time will only tell if what I did is right or wrong. The only thing I am certain that I have good intentions on helping her to be better. I really hope it do work. As for my dream to become 20 billion dollars rich it's becoming true every minute of every second. I am sure that I would be 20 billion rich. Earning 20 billion dollars is what I dream I would accomplished.
Today with today
Good day January 12, 2012,
It's been long that I have written something about these days. Thank you for giving a great day. Thank you today for realizing i am very lucky and I will continue to be very lucky. I know reaching my goal is going to be one heck of a road and I am excited on how it turns out. My life is quite a rush and everything seems to move the way it should loving every second even though there are times that I shifted away or stop moving. Life will never stop but human existence will. Time will continue to unfolds and its up to the people who live their life to what they want. It's really hard to see things the way it should be, we should continue to do our best to reach our dreams and live our dreams . I am on the road to my dream 20 billion dollars rich!
It's been long that I have written something about these days. Thank you for giving a great day. Thank you today for realizing i am very lucky and I will continue to be very lucky. I know reaching my goal is going to be one heck of a road and I am excited on how it turns out. My life is quite a rush and everything seems to move the way it should loving every second even though there are times that I shifted away or stop moving. Life will never stop but human existence will. Time will continue to unfolds and its up to the people who live their life to what they want. It's really hard to see things the way it should be, we should continue to do our best to reach our dreams and live our dreams . I am on the road to my dream 20 billion dollars rich!
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