Hello and thank you for a wonderful big sale again. My awaited items have arrived and 50% are now sold! Tha k you for a great sale. It will continue provide me capital to fund my new project and opportunities. Thank you for letting me see the great value in which we could invest in a equity and enjoy the benefits of not working and still able to have lots of money to spare. I am thank ful that all my investments are paying off and now i am analyzing on how to invest in dividend yeilding equities that would ensure me that i would earn X amount of money at the end of the year. Recreation is something we humans needs its like a breather. Like a theory in which we are quite stressed and not happy with the current situation in life because we as humans are program not to be robotslike now. Or like machines that work 24/7 non stop. We tend to focus on how to be very efficient. The real concern here is not about that but rhythm of doing certain task via weather cyclical patterns. It do means that we might be not efficient at all cause we do have to rest more of the time than work most of the time. The problem with this is that our society now demands us more than we could produce that is why humans tend to live unproductive life. The key in life is not being too productive but be productive enough. I really find it more efficient. San Antonio's Spurs Greg Poppavich really do know how to be efficient. Its not training more than one capacity but training all the needed to skills to keey a system running smoothly. As each Gear would be polished the system would run better.
Dear Blog Diary is where I put every thought and experience I have every day. I really hope you readers would get a have a great time reading my mind. I am glad that there is a tool for me to express my thoughts and share to people who wants to understand how a man's journey in his life would be.
USD 10,000,000,000.00

My Check
Tuesday, April 22, 2014
Monday, April 21, 2014
Today with Vanity
Good day April 22, 2014,
Thank you for another good big sale. Thank your for letting me realize how to earn money more efficiently. Thank you that was able to play my favorite game. I am also thankful that i have more opportunities now and i am better position to make life easier. I would also be thankful for the life and health i am having cause i am really stronger and healthy now than ever before. I really find that i am very lucky to have a very understanding wife. I am grateful that she is by my side all the time. Thank you for me being hard working cause as i worker harder i find myself more lucky than ever. My forex trading is also doing well, earned 5USD from a trad last 2 week ago and looking for another good trade within the week.
Life is getting better by the second. I am now seeking vanity? Haha well my friend is currently doing a CGI film which i volunteered to do a voice over hahaha well 2 lines and a need to practice how to say them in a exciting way. Well that the precourse well hope that it would be good for me to try and do voice over. Doing thing that i find fun is quite lucky and thankful for it. Life is always great and i always remember that life is not holding a good hand but playing yoir hand well.
Sunday, April 13, 2014
Today with Quotes
Good day, April 14, 2014,
Thank you for another smooth sucessful day. Thank you for a lovley understanding wife who cooked my meals everyday. They say that being appreciative will be the key to happiness and this attitude would surely bring be to achieving greatness. Lofe is really great, imagine life that is not magical then everything would be not magical. I am glad that i was able to enjoy a great day playing a game i truely love. Life is really going as planned. All my investement in equities are paying off great and everything will be setup so that when i am old money would just come from yhe equities i have earned and it would pay for my financial freedom. Now with all the opportunity lining in my life. I really am appreciative in everything. I do believe that being happy is a phase and to be able to live in that phase we do need a lot of Cash to keep our happiness alive. Who said that you dont need money to be happy? If that is the case then try having no money and just be happy. Life is about survival, as Darwin theory of evolution state that we have evolve to a certain point that we would have our current physical capabilities to do what we need to survive. Thos who cant adapt to the new world order will die. This is how nature weed out the weak. Life is really great trying to be great and achieved something monumental. Strong passion to be alive is the only way to survive. Doing the societies's mean of correctness or ethical value as a mean to survive is way better compare to others.
We do need to survive and everyone should find ways and means to live their lives as they seem fit. Morally ethical to keep our conscience alive.
Tuesday, April 8, 2014
Today with Tea
Good day April 8, 2014,
Thank you for a great sales!! Thank you for letting me analyze the whole sales report of the business from January till now. The results are staggering as time goes on. I also realize that to keep the flame or motivation moving is to find new ways to keep these consistent. I realize too that keeping this consistent is simple but hard.
Meditation and eating well helps my mind off things to find new ways to compete and construct a new motivational ways to keep the flame burning. I have listen to my friend who have a business that is stable and earning well but during our conversations i realize they too have problems on developing or making the business grow. The business have a lot of parts, and all parts are integral in keeping the business alive and getting profit from it. There should be a mastermind who thinks of everthing and manages the future and gives the business an identity. There should also be persons who counter checks and see that all the plans and visions of the masterminds are meet. The last integral part are the operators. They are like the soldiers in the battle feild that fights the war. Essentially you need good soldiers to take battles and win the fights. While strategy is needed to porperly allocate the resources to win the war. I am doing both and letting other manage the business in the operation side is hard to let go. It would seem easy but in reality they might fight the battle differently as you and the style might lose the battle. Sometimes it would win the battle. Which is great. Having goals for the soldiers to meet are the best. If i could think of a way to put a system that everyone would follow because of their own motivation then the gears and cogs of the business would run accordingly.
Having taught of this system is harder than expected cause everyone have theri own agenda and they would find ways to manipulate the set goals. Keeping everything in order and having everything monitored are different and i would need a new system or manipulation to guide my soldiers and motivate them to work towards my desire path and goal. While doing this i would also need to gather my imagination to help me built a better following for the business and grow the business to new heights to have me consistenly earn big money. Then investing the said earning to keep the business going and alive.
Wednesday, April 2, 2014
Today with Time Management
Good day April 2, 2014,
Thank you for a wonderful relaxing day. I really find each day seems interesting and opportunistic. Thank you for a nice gift from a friend from distance place. I am sure that the gift will taste great. Today seems unproductive but i am grateful that my forex trading is going bery well and i earn good enough. I really hope that this trend would continue.
Timemanagement is quite a hard and simple thing to do. It is managing your day. There is 24 hours a day, which i spend 8 hours on working and 8 hours on sleeping. It do left me 8 hours to do my own stuff but actually it only gives me 2 hours of straight alone time. Cause when you calvulate the time doing your meals and bathroom breaks it will consume around 2 hours of my time of the 8 hours. 6 hours left the remaining for is for chours and other simple task that guve me the luxury to do my stuff. Living this life is nice. Managing what time we have is also needed. Structure is needed. We as humans need structure to grow but we also do need freedom or break from our routinary life. The main reason why i want 10 billion dollars is that. Having this much money will surely free me another 8 hours of my life. This will make my life better. 10 hoirs of free time!!
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