USD 10,000,000,000.00

USD 10,000,000,000.00
My Check

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Today with Routinely Work

Good day October 23, 2014,

Thank you for a wonderful sales and a succesful day.  I consider today succesful cause i was able to do everything i set it out to do.  Today or for the past week its been like godly.  Life is really great with this.  Read a lot of good quotes and let me realize a lot of stuff.  Today a lot seems to come and punches are thrown in our way.  I should move faster and i should move bigger.  The greater the risk th greater the reward.  

People seems to thing that the grass is greener on the other side they just forgot that when they water the grass on your side everything will be greener on our side.  Life is really interesting and cooperative it just showed me another wall i should go over to get what i really want.  I should stand and do my best to get what i want.  Think of ways to make the best happen to yourself.  My equities are doing well and it will keep on getting bigger and i would earn more money as the second and minutes starts.  Life is always giving challenges that i need to cross and think of ways to achieve the way i want it.  

People would envy and try to destroy or take the prize from me.  I should stand tall and protect the prize that is mine and owned.  There is no other way to have your way.  Prptecting and earning more money is the key to be rich.  

Monday, October 13, 2014

Today on why the world is the way it is

Good day, October 13, 2014 

Thank you for a wonderful day.  Its really breathe taking to know that your preception of life might be wrong but its reality.  Its hard to muster and break your friend's dream version of life.  Its like having a good dream the waking up and realizing thats just a dream.  Dreaming is Good it gives us a better understanding of what we would like.  

My friend told me that he could balance life and still be fluorishing in all the areas namely Financially.  I told him up front that he is wrong but he is welcome to try to put it in my face.  In reality,  people tend to see things that they are capable of doing a feat and even tough they know that it is not easy and yet they feel that they are up to the task.  I told my friend that due to each person's circumstances that they choose the things they did.  His grandfather seems to give lesser priority to Children's emotional needs and his father also did what his father did.  It is because the financial need to insure that their children would get the best opportunity they never had.  Now its my friend's turn and he is still young and the game is not over but its near.  His father  also did what his father did and became one succesful financial gains.  The challenge now my friend faces is that he needs to do everything better cause his goal is to prove to me that life should be balance and it can be done.  He also said that its how we should live our life.  

Thats the problem with our society,  especially here in the philippines.  People tend to understand how to make a government run well or better.  When they are elected and is at power they realize that they need more power to make a difference.  Thats the problem, having realization means that a government cant be both with a soft heart and would work well. It should be done to work for everyone and maintain an equal opportunity for every citizen it have.  Its regardless of beliefs and  stuffs.

Life and government are the same, realizing something is a good thing proving a certain way should be done without giving up any part thats impossible cause.  We are humans and we only have 24 hours a day to do everything.  Sleep or rest is needed within the 24 hours.  Hence 8 hours are now occupied by rest and another 3-4 hours for our dull time like relieving ourselves like eating and bathroom breaks.  Hence it only gives us 12 hours to balance everything.  If we need money to survive hence it will occuply almost all of the time we have.  Without work we might not survive,  but working too much to save up in the future is also bad cause our body might fall and we trade time with health and uses money to recupperate our health which it seems to be wrong.

The clue here is not balance but appreciation.  If we could just appreciate everything we have,  we could enjoy every single moments we could get from our small time for ourselves.  Working for money is really bad but we need to work to gain capital and use other or nurture young kids to work for capital and encourage them to make money work for them.  Its not what age is ideal to reture or stop.  It what time in our life we realize that we should live the live the way we want it and do everything we can to have the life we deserve

Friday, October 3, 2014

Today with Balance

Good day,  October 3, 2014,

Thank you for a wonderful day.  I had great sales.  My people seems to be more happy.  Everything is going as planned.  I also realize and analyze the things that are happening in my life.  Thank you for a new opportunity and better underatanding of the world around us.  

Today,  i would like to share my thoughts on balance.  Its a very simple word but in action it is very hard action to do so.  Let me start by saying currently there is an issue going on in manila about Cultural buildings or historical sites being dismantle or ruined by development.  The thing here i do agree that historical sites and things should be preserved and kept for the world to remember how significant those historical sites to a city.  It gives the city its own identity and flavor.  Saying that we should also honor agreements and contracts cause those are the foundation of good values and character. 

In the City of Manila, there are a lot of cultural historical buildings that should be preserved for future generation to cherish.  Tearing these sites would decrease the value of manila?  Here is my take on this situation.  I do believe that making these sites more productive and useful is the best way to honor and preserve this historical landmarks.  Phisically demolishing them doest not take aways its value but it add a more historical sense and value to the place.  It means that the old building have done its part to help the future to grow in a better place.  Developing new building to make use of the old place means the city is growing and the old have done its part to make the future more brighter.  Removing them physically but remembering them or placing monument on the same place and reminding the future people that this site once stood a great building that help the city grow to a better place for our future generation.

Teaching the children about historical sites and the meaning of these site are the best way to preserve the historical values of the sites.  We as people should always keep moving forward cause its our duty to our ancestors that we should strive for a better future.  Clinging to past building and past way of thinking doesn't give us values but it just gives us a sense that we are cultured.

Business and agreements should be respected and that is. The balance should be.  Thinking always about profit is bad but not thinking about profit is also bad.  Profits adds values to certain things.  This profit states how each item is valued in each persons eyes.  Its free market that is moving.  Everything has an equilibrium the only question is that when will it reach the said equilibrium.  We as human being should stop finding the equilibrium but start doing compromises on what we need and want.  Everything have a middle point,  compromises are bad but free conpromises are good.  It means that we would only keep the things we really really love and like to have.  Thats what compromiese should be.  Its not meant to be a sacrifice but a middle ground in which people would set their limits on certain aspect of their like and wants

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Today with mistakes

Good day, October 1 2014,

Thank you for giving me another chance to try what could have been.  I really wish that all my hard work pays off.  I would admit that in this half of the year i became lazy and fustrated with everything that is happening in this world.  I try my best to get to the habit of appreciating life and i am really having a hard time doing so.  I know that is a struggle and i know that the road ahead would be the best one.  I can do everything and i know i can do better and think of ways to earn more money.  Its the problem of fear that everytime i earn money others or circumstances tries to steal my thunder.  I think of it and i try to sway my mind that its all in the mind.  I really hope that i could find a nee courage and strenght that would propel me to greater  heights.  Pausing life for a minute may not be the best but all i know that something great is comming and all i need to do is to be prepared that when that day comes i would have the best abilty and skills to further boost my opportunity.  In life i realize that there will always be troubles and others might end up fearing what might be.  That's what I'm saying that my uncle fears about the problems or fear that he might have more problems.  The problems he now faces doesnt suits his inteligence but it suits his attitude.  

My favorite quote " life not having a good hand,  life playing a poor hand well" 
This in poker is the best idealogy.  It gits all the concept the principle on how to play the game.  Life is a game of poker.  Texas holdem.  I would initially fold if the the hand doesnt suit the time of play.  Playing the hand too passive or too agressive wont advance me to the final table or the heads up.  Playing the card well would win me the tournament.  Its really knowing to time and letting go some hands that you know wont give you yhe best possible outcome.  If you know that the hands your holding is drawing dead and you cant bluff the way out the best way is to cut your losses short and shuffle up and deal.  Thats how life is when you got a bad hand or opportunity let go and find a new opportunity.