It seems that i am having some rough or maybe confusing time. Finding things to be thankful for are the key to be successful and to overwhelm myself with passion and control. Thank you for having me able to decide or make correct decisions as each day passes. As i grow i realize that all of my success or hardwork are being accomplished by the small things and taughts that i have. I maybe sometimes lazy or maybe not doing enough but i think in actual i feel that i could do more. The only thing that is stopping me is not opportunity or faith. The thing that is stopping me is me. It feels like I am lost and i could not find the courage to draw a better path for my future. Is it because i think too much or am i thinking too much. Am I sharing to much? These are all the questions that runs in my mind everyday and for each thing that passes i do still think that way. Having confidence and being full of my skills are kind of similar. I am greatful for the opportunity that has presented to me. I am grateful that my stock trades are getting better. I may not see the big picture now but it seems that we are going there. Thinking of the end results have me motivated but thinking of the cons about the result do hinder me to think further.
I really do need to reevaluate the way how i would proceed. Doing another business is never easy. As i am now my time is full and reall stress out on the small things that are coming. Enjoying the journey is not quite as fun as I taught. The main important stuff is to enjoy the journey. Making everything seems look easy is bad and making everything look complicated is also bad. Having a simple task or routine eliminates the taught of what you are doing cause it is giving an illusion that what your doing is the thing that is your doing to make your story a success.
Having achieve stuffs, does is qualify as success? I know a person who seems to me as successful but still strives everyday to prove himself or push himself better. Is that the reason he is still alive or the reason he keeps on moving or doing what he does. I also know a person who enjoys doing really nothing and enjoys his life. So it seems but i really dont understand. Enlighten as I am the only think in all that i am thinking is the solution to all the stuff i am wondering about.
I am grateful that i have this magnificent analyzation skill that can shape my future. Currently I am stuck and i really hope that i could further push my mind into thinking a more better way.