Thank you again for all the hardships and stress. These are the things that i might need to succeed in life. Failure is part of success but what is success is. Everyone wants to be successful but they dont know how to be successful or what does it take to be successful. I have a lot of ideas and imagination and everyday i try my best to find and look ways to do it. Small things add up to being great and being consistent. Living this kind of life sometimes is a bit boring cause your not able to do the one you love most everyday. They say doing nothing is wasting time and its worst than wasting money. I am currently 32 years old still considerably young but up ahead there are a lot of crossroad in which we would cross and move forward to. Finding way to keep positive and feel positive is really difficult but i think its manageble. I have big plans to uplift our life and change the fate of our family into greater and better. Having more money and earning a lot more is the key for me to say i have live a ful life.
Getting older everyday and continue to learn from all my mistake and experiences help me be the man i am today. I may not have traveled and be friend a lot of people in this world but i know that i had friend all the most important ones.
Everyday its hard to find something i like and love. Finding positive things to lookforward to is the current thing i am having trouble finding. I really hope that one day, i could find a way to earn a lot of money and at the same time enjoy everything i have earned and eventually be happy for everything i have accomplished.