Good Day October 11, 2011,
Thankful for a peaceful safe day, My dad build the gates to protect us from storms and burglars even if he is not here with us no more. The gate was rebuild many times to ward off bad guys from having bad intentions over us. Time passed and it probably our time to put up barriers for the future.
Letting me think why do people think of such resorts on taking what others have work hard for. I save and prepare for days that I might need to take some from my savings. Other people tend to thing it's ok to share with my hardships. I may say that's selfish and inconsiderate for other people's hardwork. Let's see, some people especially relatives that are very close to us tend to overlook a very important thing in our lives. We to things differently and live our lives differently. I may not do stuff now but it does not mean that I don't like to do it.
I consider myself a person who sacrifice some leisures to have a better tomorrow. Others tend to live their lives like there are no tomorrow hence when they wake up to a new day, they find themselves have so little and having a hard time to live tomorrow. Now what about the day after tomorrow? It would probably be lesser than tomorrow. These people tend to feel that they have rights to ask for other people's savings for their demise and promise them of empty words that they would repay and change their ways. When we savers share with them we tend to fall in a downward spiral loop where they don't payback and we feel that all our handwork was wasted and feels that we should enjoy a little or we would not help others and be a cold heartless bastard.
The only thing that is right is we should be more aware of others feeling and consider that other have plans and we must respect them. Having a hard life now, is a lesson for people to change their lives. I hope that people do change for the better and I will always not give my hardwork for others. I rather be a bastard that does not help others even they are die cause of their own demise.
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