USD 10,000,000,000.00

USD 10,000,000,000.00
My Check

Monday, October 8, 2012

Today with Subtle

Good day October 9, 2012,

Thank you for still making my 10 year old laptop working. Thank you for letting me save more money. Thank you for giving me such loyal and good customers.

Today I would like to tell you about subtle. I am currently engrossed with SC and trying every way to beat my friend who has been playing longer and better than me in this game. Any way to get to the point. I feel that my ability and skill in terms of strategy is well better and have great advantage over his. It gave me an impression that I should not be willing to drop my guard and let him win every time. To put it in a better prospective everytime I play with him I never even tried to beat him but I try my best to find new stuffs for my built. It seem insulting on his side so from this day I will consider my best to beat his ass. I will seriously do my best to win this time.

Reading thru some Facebook post of our president. It seem he just wants good publication and positive media. It's good to give our countrymen a better opportunity and happier outlook in their lives. If I were him I would seriously push for reforms and will ensure future of the country. I will use media to help push and inform the public about certain legislative body that delays good bills. I would also allow personalities to give opinions about our politicians.

Here are some legislative pushes that would help our country in the future.

Things that needs reform:
1. Taxes
2. Business Environment
3. Accountability

Taxes to be reform:

Remove Vat, Sales taxes, quotas and embargoes. This are market hindrances that gives an artificial market sentiment. All of this being remove the pros are big. All business would surely have a big upside. Business would declare their sales without hiding some Blackfoot income. This data would help our country to be more open and encourage foreign business to do business here. It would also add all kinds of job. Skilled or unskilled is good for the economy.

Regulating everything from drugs and guns are just giving in for more corruption. The thing we need first to accomplished is a unified ID system that would help government monitor their citizen. Each has a birth certificate now with this every one should have a national ID. This ID contains a number that identifies the person on the photo and the holder.

The ID should contain DNA data, Fingerprint, Photos from every 3 years which is being uploaded by the user every 3 years to the government servers. Each citizen would be given a government issued email Address that would be ensure that every government news and letters and notice be send to the said citizen. The government would also have access if the user is able to access or had accessed the account. Government would use the services of Google to have the latest security and fast access to their accounts. These accounts which is government sanctioned would be monitored and controlled only by google but it can be monitored by the government. This will ensure the fast news and other government help and warning.

Now with every citizen have an ID number this will ensure fast and easy recognition for every citizen. Now each citizen is taxed as an association dues cause each person needs to pay a fix x tax for just living here in the country. Now the bracket increase as the citizen aged and also decreases as they grew older until they reach the retirement age that they declare. Here is a sample if the ideal working age of a citizen is 18 years old then every 18 year old citizen should pay a fixed country association fee. If it is 1000 a year then it's a accountable amount. Each following year that they said person have not paid it will incurred interest rate equally compounded at a monthly basis of the country's inflation rate. The information should also be found in the citizen's email account and government's website. Of course this assumed ID system has the law that let all government personnel data is listed on the web for each person to scrutinize their assets and lifestyle. Also all government agency's projects and financials are also open for the public to scrutinize.

Here are my assumptions if this type of system is imposed each person will be pushed to find any work and that would contribute to the country. Without embargoes and taxes every citizen will have all necessities be available in terms of financially. Each person who owns a property would also be entitled to pay a tax for owning such property. This will be computed by means of square meters. The attached ID would monitor the amount each person owns and he or she would pay the said corresponding tax per square meter. All taxes that are imposed per age should not increase via inflation rate. The government rate of increase is thru it's population. The birth rate would give the government control to how fast population would grow. Any person who wants to be a citizen of the said country is welcomed cause it add more taxes to the government. This is also a sure way to monitor and control demand and supply of investment from other countries. The next reform is the give extra crazy fees to certain products like traveling abroad. Each citizen or anyone who would fly out of the country would pay x amount depending on the mileage traveled. It means going to Canada is more expensive than going to Hong Konh. This way we ensure citizen money is spend inside the market. Retention of the fee would help develop and add more income to the government. Each citizen is not allowed to own a gun. Anyone who owns a gun would need to surrender their arms and the government will pay the gun value. Each person who holds or posses a gun would be arrested and pay a huge fine. This way illegal security activities would be less trouble some to monitor.

Money would be plenty in this type of government. Each money would be accounted for. For spending it each taxes dues. Budgets are still allocated the same way. Now each legislative body would not have pork barrels for their constituency but they are given voting power depending on how many population each district they hold. The vote would be for the budget. Each district would be given X amount to develop their districts and they should spend the amounts accordingly to the budgets allocation. In mine they would need to purchase the needed development for their location. In choosing the suppliers they would need to purchase from any local suppliers. They would also need to follow the supplier criteria which is the enterprise should not belong to the same owner or relative of any government officials. They could not purchase goods from The same owners for x years. They need to look for other suppliers. This will limit unfair advantage and corruption. It do still have a loop hole but adding longer years to purchase would limit the number of businesses an owner could open. Each business entity would also need to pay an fix tax association dues which is base not on their sales or purchases. This will be base on current evaluation for each business entity. Each business doesn't need a location or a face but each should be link with an ID. That would be very limiting. Each Business ID is link to a Citizen ID. Hence this will give the employee and employer relationship. Each employee can be an employees. Any established business needed to hire Atleast 3 personnel.

Well to sum everything up, every country government are full of educated top of their class intelligence. The only problem with those kind of people they seem to lose common senses. The simpler the law, the easier people would follow. The easier to understand how to follow hence more would follow. Fixing the instruction and means would solved more than giving such complicated stuff. Remember this government.... KISS, keep it simple stupid. Make all regulation simple in order to people to identify community acceptable or unacceptable.

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