Thank you for a very nice cool weathered day. Thank you for giving another day another chance to prove and enjoy my life. I am thank you that my wife loves me very much and everything is going as planned. Life cant be predicted, it can be planned. The right push would push everything to a good place.
I have envisioned a place where everyone would just get along. Everyone would just think of others before acting this way everything would be a better and good place. Saying something and doing the opposite is a hypocrite. Now what do we call a person who see one mistake but doesnt see his own mistake? Thats a double standard. Why do we have people in this world who have double standards? Do they not know that what they are doing is wrong? Does it say that because they could do it and they would prove it that they can?
I think, people with double standards are people who are selfish. They see themselves as beneficiary of all the things that are good and when there is wrong in the world they would just ignore it. Kharma is also another concept that budist preach to console themselves that one day it will be even.
I am full of emotion and depressed at the same time. Having all my hard earn money being paid to corrupt government officials just for the sake they can. Proving to us that there is no right in this world but only those who have power could be right. We choose to live above them and tried our best to live an honourable life. The problem is that people are corruptable because they need to survive and adapt. This is the theory of evolution. The ones who adapt survives. Its a natural instict of human or animals to adapt. The problem with adapting is that we are shaped by our environment. We have a notion that we shape our environment but in reality, we are shaped by the environment controlled by circumstances that others acted upon.
What is the reason for a person to live in this world? Is it for their own sake or for others sake. The world is changing fast and those who cant adapt would surly perish. The only thing i wonder is, if there is a GOD, is this his plan? We humans try to shape our situations and future. The truth is we do have the power to shape and change our future circumstances. The only problem is that people are too afraid to challenge change but wiling to adapt in order to survive.
The Philippines is such a beautiful country. The people have a very nice culture and good attitude on life. The only problem is everyone is selfish. They only think of themselves. This make their Government suck and corrupt. Given a high rating for the current president but he contemplates to run another term even he condones others to have another term. He nor admits nor denies he wanted to run. As a person he is selfish but as a President he should be selfless. If i were him, i would like to leave the office with grace and respect. I would concentrate all my efforts to reduce all the corruption. Change everthing that would help his fellowmen to have more opportunity. Cleaning all the bureau of all selfish people, corrupt people and giving back the trust the government need to operate correctly.
Listening to the people means giving the right solutions to their problem. I use all my power to make my successor have a hard time to commit corruption. I will make sure that all the citizen would have enough money to enjoy their lives. Let first do a national ID system and change the tax code. Cause when there is money evil lingers. Making all payables to the government fixed and easily accoutable so that everyone would know just how much to pay exactly to reduce corruption and weong doings. Govenrment should be a government of just. Justice delay is justice denied is a very good measurement. The system of our government should have iron clad laws that nobody can be exempted. There should no be loopholes. Strong facts and definition of the facts are needed. When proven guilty, serve the punishment it should be fair cause we do have past crimes and it would also fit with current crimes. Now when the dealing failed due to lapse in time. Both procecutors and the defense attorney would be put in jail with the judge. This will surely make the justice here in the philippines much more better. I forgot, the defendant and the suing party would also go to jail until the process is finished. This way the proceedings will be faster.
There should be no exeption to the rule!!
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