Good day, January 21, 2016,
Its been a while that i have written on my blog. Everything is going well with some minor setbacks. Currently i have received a letter from the BIR again. Its a corrupt government agency that focuses on getting cash from organizations that worked hard on earning them. This country the philippines is a great country but the government here especially this current administration who current goals is only to help push more opportunities to the set political family business to grow their interest more. I really cant understand this government on how they uplift the lifestyle of the people of this country. They are following the style of a certain country in which the system is not applicable in this settings. This government is corrupt as hell and their image is as clean as Divine. The money that would be taken from us is going to be pocketed by them. Its like a bad game in which you cant win, i really hope that i could find way like captain Jame T. Kirt to overide the program and change the rules of the game. Its like this if you complete and all details are declared to the BIR they would find new loppholes to say that uou did not pay the correct taxes. The people here in this country just give money to just to get over this bad system. Its always a win win situation for them. The feeling i have cant be properly explained thru this blog but its like your trap in this bad dream and they would keep on sucking you dry. They dont like to fix the system cause it would be unprofitable for them.
Money is really not money as i have come to understand. Its time, money is a tangible, accountable stuff and devaluatable form of time. Each person earns money thru time. Its a matter of how much you earn per second. Its like your life converted to paper. Life is consist of time and in order for life to have additonal value is to experience good moments to bolster the value of your life. Tis current governement sucks the life out of their people. Currently, this aquino administration's bet in this coming elections is Mar Roxas, this platform or lifestyle in this country is not good for normal low income people cause this lifestyle and platform only works well with the rich people. The system is placed to keep the poor from being rich. Why does the rich keeps on getting richer, its not because they are bad or they play the system better. Its because they have more money than others. Money is accumulated thru time cause money is time, this is the current system in which everyone lives by regardless of what. Its hard to accept other system cause its also money/time we need to survive. We use money to get everything we need. Some government are shifting from a monetary soceity to a more morality soceity. Like a ticket vending machine that will give out free tickets when people do squats to get ticket to have free rides. We should aim a more helping others community in which people would do good thngs to others or help people to harvest their own food and love the things their doing.
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