Dear Blog Diary is where I put every thought and experience I have every day. I really hope you readers would get a have a great time reading my mind. I am glad that there is a tool for me to express my thoughts and share to people who wants to understand how a man's journey in his life would be.
USD 10,000,000,000.00

My Check
Saturday, July 17, 2021
Today fixing Soceity Governance 1
Monday, July 12, 2021
Today with Dealing Injustice
Sunday, May 2, 2021
Today with Phase 1
Thursday, January 28, 2021
Today with Short
Wednesday, January 27, 2021
Today with Avenue
Monday, January 25, 2021
Today with Forgone
Good Day January 25, 2021 its been several months since this pandemic started and we have signs of a vaccine that would help eradicate the virus and or eradicate the human race. Thank You for this situation that i have a chance to experience a zombie apocalypse. I dont like it but well you cant get everything we want. I have grown in this kind of environement there is a cost for everthing. My mindset seems to see everything is for exchange. Its like the anime alchemy equivalent exchange. You can tranform something to ge something in return but you cant get something without anything. The key word is transformation. As we age we gain experience and lose time as we go. Everyone have 24 hours and most of the hours we have are used to survived or thinking ways to get out of this rat race. Thats a simple understanding of how lofe is. Its nature when i say this selection and exchange is natural. It feeds the cycle of the universe where everything should be of someuse for something. Water as nutrients for plants converted to green and produce. The simple enlightenment of life. People would say lofe is great, ofcourse when you get a nice exchange of something. Its always equal even if you feel its not. Thats the way life is. We all want to be so lucky but there is a payment of that luck. The only question is are you willing to pay the price. I am pondering how much do i need to pay to ge what i want and is it worth it. 10 billion dollars is very nice and i am willing to pay certain things in exchange for it. I like the problems that comes with 10 billion dollars. I dont ljke fame or something. I like the freedom, the cool things i can do with it. Problems that i like with it is we really dont know who are friends are. Envy and greed is just around the corner and everyone would missunderstand all your ideas and stuff.
Overall the price to have that kind of financial freedom is tolerable for me and i really think handling that much is easier than wasting my time left for nothing.