Good Day October 1, 2012,
It's been a long 2012 year for me. Thank you for a very opportunistic and full of educational year. The year may not be done. This is the 10th month of this year and 2 more months it is going to be 2013.
Today seem very good as the pass couple of days. Our sales are good and I really hope that my analysis on stocks would be right and would take in big profits. I am quite disappointed with my diablo game. My chracter had been ruined cause of bad analysis in my part. It's not about the items stats that made me wrong but on how I would manage the gold I earn thru the days I played the game.
I am thankful that I still got enough money to buy some stuff and to earn money for the game. It's more about analysis and risking the right amount for the character.
I been playing more than studying. I really want to have the confidence in studying the CFA manuals and the best way is to win some games and get me feeling great or best. It seems that more happy, makes more money. It's like the chicken and egg. Which comes first the egg or the chicken. . I answer this question by saying its regardless of which comes first it about how one human would gain neither to achieve the other.
Life is never going to be easy. I only choose to be easy. Easy path is never easy while the hard road is often easy. Consistency is the key to be happy. Consistently doing the things needed to be done would result to a very good start or very happy result. The process is boring but it only seems boring when you finds it boring. The key is to find what makes it interesting that would make our lives develop and improve.
Dear Blog Diary is where I put every thought and experience I have every day. I really hope you readers would get a have a great time reading my mind. I am glad that there is a tool for me to express my thoughts and share to people who wants to understand how a man's journey in his life would be.
USD 10,000,000,000.00

My Check
Sunday, September 30, 2012
Sunday, September 23, 2012
Today with reality dreamt
Good day September 24, 2012,
Thank you for letting me have a good opportunity to be rich. Everyday I learnt something new and interesting. Last night thou before going to bed I watch an interview of Charlie Rose of Bloomberg. He interviewed and ask about global politics and Global conditions. It got me thinking that the world should be united as on. What I meant that the world should only have one leader and each country should be govern in terms of state. This meat hid would ensure unity and proper distribution and allocation of wealth thru symmetry principle. Each region of the world is currently having problems, Europe has an economic meltdown, USA has a great debt and continues to print money to ease or say prolong the inevitable. China and other Asian countries are having disputes and every economic advantage they have is either actually weak or profoundly strong due to some hidden aspect. These are facts that simply state the world today is no better than the world before. Humans tend to develop and evolve but it seems that our economic and social system is really in disarray. Having our education system serves as a ranking system to filter skilled and special ability. What the world really need is a proper way to filter people who are really contributing to society and people who are not. I would suggest is a ranking system base on criteria hence this would have equal footing for everyone.
Here is a summarize system of how it would work. Each person should be able to earn tokens or points thru doing certain task. Each simple or hard task is measured by how many are willing and able to do the task. Each would auction how many points each task would value for every member. If the winning member did the task and accepted a 1 token for a hard task that's for him. Tallying the token would means how valuable each person would be. Now the token should also be infinite and accountable. Each person do have x number of tokens a year. These tokens are given to every task they ask a person to do. This would limit and give control to everyone. Money would not only be a secondary value but tokens are more valuable.
Lets apply this in context. In a corporation each person do have value. They give token to other people in society to measure their value. This way each person would try to earn as much token possible for them to have x additional token for the next year. The person with the least amount of token would have the same amount of token he earned the current year. This would limit people. Monetary value would come secondary. Due to the fact each token is accountable cause. Each person should only have x amount of token a year. If there are 6 billion people in the world and each person have 10 token every year hence there would be 60 billion tokens accountable.
Monetary value could be printed by token can't be due to the limited quantity. This is how people be rank in the economic sense. If someone tends to gain tokens thru illegal or forcefully, it's ok cause every year he would have the most token, more tokens mean he would need to pay more taxes and contribute more to society.
Well this idea may not be perfect yet but having another means to calculate each economic value and social value this would be great.
Money is a good way for transferring property of a good to another. It is also a good way to gauge a value of each item. Money is not a good gauge for people. Most of the rich people often do in despicable acts and harms the society. Again most rich people thinks how to get rich more.
That's why money is a bad gauge for social status in this world. While having a diploma and other educational certificate proves your mental prowess. It does not prove your mental application of the said education. It's having comprehension and application of your knowledge of the said field. They say that it is the first step in learning. In the old days apprenticeship is the way to earn one's masterpiece. In the older times, it's a better gauge of people's strengths. If you studied with X master they would probably recommend you or surely the skills you posses is in the high levels.
Now universities accepts almost everyone as long as they have the ability to pay and pass an entrance exam. It's not a good judge of character and or skill cause its just paper knowledge. Actual experience and on hand practice is still the best way to enhance and polish one's set of skill.
The reality of this world is not as good as olden times cause people exploits the loop holes in our society and integrity is tested in almost all the time. Our society tries to teach integrity thru religion, but religion that aims to teach integrity and ethical values are now array. Religious groups tend to conserve the false teaching of the past. Stating wrong statements about present discoveries and aims to curse all men who did not perceive as they do.
In my dream, everyone is happy cause everyone respects each other because they respect each others boundaries and accept the consequences that befalls their decisions in life. Learning in the difficult times and applying what they learn to better themselves.
Thank you for letting me have a good opportunity to be rich. Everyday I learnt something new and interesting. Last night thou before going to bed I watch an interview of Charlie Rose of Bloomberg. He interviewed and ask about global politics and Global conditions. It got me thinking that the world should be united as on. What I meant that the world should only have one leader and each country should be govern in terms of state. This meat hid would ensure unity and proper distribution and allocation of wealth thru symmetry principle. Each region of the world is currently having problems, Europe has an economic meltdown, USA has a great debt and continues to print money to ease or say prolong the inevitable. China and other Asian countries are having disputes and every economic advantage they have is either actually weak or profoundly strong due to some hidden aspect. These are facts that simply state the world today is no better than the world before. Humans tend to develop and evolve but it seems that our economic and social system is really in disarray. Having our education system serves as a ranking system to filter skilled and special ability. What the world really need is a proper way to filter people who are really contributing to society and people who are not. I would suggest is a ranking system base on criteria hence this would have equal footing for everyone.
Here is a summarize system of how it would work. Each person should be able to earn tokens or points thru doing certain task. Each simple or hard task is measured by how many are willing and able to do the task. Each would auction how many points each task would value for every member. If the winning member did the task and accepted a 1 token for a hard task that's for him. Tallying the token would means how valuable each person would be. Now the token should also be infinite and accountable. Each person do have x number of tokens a year. These tokens are given to every task they ask a person to do. This would limit and give control to everyone. Money would not only be a secondary value but tokens are more valuable.
Lets apply this in context. In a corporation each person do have value. They give token to other people in society to measure their value. This way each person would try to earn as much token possible for them to have x additional token for the next year. The person with the least amount of token would have the same amount of token he earned the current year. This would limit people. Monetary value would come secondary. Due to the fact each token is accountable cause. Each person should only have x amount of token a year. If there are 6 billion people in the world and each person have 10 token every year hence there would be 60 billion tokens accountable.
Monetary value could be printed by token can't be due to the limited quantity. This is how people be rank in the economic sense. If someone tends to gain tokens thru illegal or forcefully, it's ok cause every year he would have the most token, more tokens mean he would need to pay more taxes and contribute more to society.
Well this idea may not be perfect yet but having another means to calculate each economic value and social value this would be great.
Money is a good way for transferring property of a good to another. It is also a good way to gauge a value of each item. Money is not a good gauge for people. Most of the rich people often do in despicable acts and harms the society. Again most rich people thinks how to get rich more.
That's why money is a bad gauge for social status in this world. While having a diploma and other educational certificate proves your mental prowess. It does not prove your mental application of the said education. It's having comprehension and application of your knowledge of the said field. They say that it is the first step in learning. In the old days apprenticeship is the way to earn one's masterpiece. In the older times, it's a better gauge of people's strengths. If you studied with X master they would probably recommend you or surely the skills you posses is in the high levels.
Now universities accepts almost everyone as long as they have the ability to pay and pass an entrance exam. It's not a good judge of character and or skill cause its just paper knowledge. Actual experience and on hand practice is still the best way to enhance and polish one's set of skill.
The reality of this world is not as good as olden times cause people exploits the loop holes in our society and integrity is tested in almost all the time. Our society tries to teach integrity thru religion, but religion that aims to teach integrity and ethical values are now array. Religious groups tend to conserve the false teaching of the past. Stating wrong statements about present discoveries and aims to curse all men who did not perceive as they do.
In my dream, everyone is happy cause everyone respects each other because they respect each others boundaries and accept the consequences that befalls their decisions in life. Learning in the difficult times and applying what they learn to better themselves.
Saturday, September 22, 2012
Today with Hierarchy
Good day, September 22, 2012,
Thank you for a nice Saturday morning. Yesterday I forgot to elaborate on why am I productive. Every morning I wake up opened our store, do every morning routine to make the store efficient. By the time of 10:00am I would read a book about CFA study cause I am interested on financials. I would like to pass all levels to have a certification. This might open a new opportunity for me in the future. I would encode our inventory after lunch and when I go home I would practice a game that would let me exert my full mental potentials. These are some of the routinely stuffs I do. This might not be great for some but the important thing is that it is good enough and doable for me. People won't notice my hardwork but they would know the fruits of my hardwork. They would praise my skill and intellect but all I know is to be consistent and persistence.
I ride the metro rails almost everyday. I analyze that everyone live the life the chose. They also place hierarchy amongst themselves saying this job is below level while other jobs are more up level. It's like saying your job is not good enough. Reading thru the CDA study notes, this type of psychological analogy seem to come from our capitalism mentality which also comes from the theory of symmetry. This theory states that the government should be the only one regulating all property transfer and including owns labor. It states that our labor could translate to things. With this I could safely assume that if your job is low level your monetary reward. It could simply states that a lot of people could do your job. It only means your labor is not as special as you think.
I would greatly disagree with this idea cause every man's job is his labor. Maybe his skill is just at this level that is why is reward is only on such level but it doesn't mean that people will gauge your being as levels. Sadly, we do live in a community social world that defines stature and ranks. Humans do need class divisions to properly bestow order in their lives. Everyone wants to be king but only one could be. If everyone is king then there would be no king.
It's really great to live in this time. This time people strive to have a better life. A better living, better everything. Working hard for it is the best way to achieve it and lottery is the easiest way to have it.
I would thank the opportunity that this time gave me cause I have the luxury to have both options at my disposal. Winning the lottery maybe the easy route but this is life nothing is really easy unless you say it's easy.
Thank you for a nice Saturday morning. Yesterday I forgot to elaborate on why am I productive. Every morning I wake up opened our store, do every morning routine to make the store efficient. By the time of 10:00am I would read a book about CFA study cause I am interested on financials. I would like to pass all levels to have a certification. This might open a new opportunity for me in the future. I would encode our inventory after lunch and when I go home I would practice a game that would let me exert my full mental potentials. These are some of the routinely stuffs I do. This might not be great for some but the important thing is that it is good enough and doable for me. People won't notice my hardwork but they would know the fruits of my hardwork. They would praise my skill and intellect but all I know is to be consistent and persistence.
I ride the metro rails almost everyday. I analyze that everyone live the life the chose. They also place hierarchy amongst themselves saying this job is below level while other jobs are more up level. It's like saying your job is not good enough. Reading thru the CDA study notes, this type of psychological analogy seem to come from our capitalism mentality which also comes from the theory of symmetry. This theory states that the government should be the only one regulating all property transfer and including owns labor. It states that our labor could translate to things. With this I could safely assume that if your job is low level your monetary reward. It could simply states that a lot of people could do your job. It only means your labor is not as special as you think.
I would greatly disagree with this idea cause every man's job is his labor. Maybe his skill is just at this level that is why is reward is only on such level but it doesn't mean that people will gauge your being as levels. Sadly, we do live in a community social world that defines stature and ranks. Humans do need class divisions to properly bestow order in their lives. Everyone wants to be king but only one could be. If everyone is king then there would be no king.
It's really great to live in this time. This time people strive to have a better life. A better living, better everything. Working hard for it is the best way to achieve it and lottery is the easiest way to have it.
I would thank the opportunity that this time gave me cause I have the luxury to have both options at my disposal. Winning the lottery maybe the easy route but this is life nothing is really easy unless you say it's easy.
Friday, September 21, 2012
Today with revelation
Good day September 21, 2012,
Thank you for a wonderful day, I had a great time cause our store had a great sales. I really hope that everyday would be like today.
I have been productive lately and I have hopes that everything would turn out the way I planned. Here is a run down on how my current life is. My investments are doing well and I have big hope that it will turn out great. I have learned that it take a small amount of practice and patience to be master in something.
People seems to think everything is easy, I would tell them it is easy as long as you commit and be consistent. My reminders on my Itouch always Alena me to be persistence and patience. Consistency is the key to success.
Past couple of nights I have been practicing Starcraft 2, it's a strategy game that my friend challenge me. He told me that I would never beat him in the said game. My experience would not measure any hardcore gamers as they call themselves. I would have a decent amount of knowledge how to win on such types of game. Practice is needed to achieve certain type of superiority over someone else skill. The skill here is not the clicking of the mouse but on the executions and adaptations of certain scenarios.
I realize that the game is quite the same in really life tackling problems. The scenarios are different but the end game is the same. It's how you execute your plan or strategy is the key to overcome this obstacle.
I have also decided lately that I would sever myself from any family relationship cause they seems to give me more problems than happiness. Everything has a reason and maybe the way how things are unfolding is giving me ways to pursue my dreams to be financially rich compare with others. It's like winning the game of life. I have also decided to buy an IPhone 5. This is the phone that my wife likes and dreamt of. I would be a hypocrite saying I don't find the phone appealing. I really like to have an IPhone, the only reason why I feel like its time for me to have one is that everyone is buying a phone that seems great and I keep on using a free phone cause I love money more than iPhone 5 but I would say, this Itouch if mine had earn me lots of money for the past years and I would think owning a highly upgraded IPhone would help with my investment financially. Financially increasing my wealth is a good thing.
Like I always say: More Money, More Happy, More Happy, More Money.
My friend just found out I have a blog.
Thank you for a wonderful day, I had a great time cause our store had a great sales. I really hope that everyday would be like today.
I have been productive lately and I have hopes that everything would turn out the way I planned. Here is a run down on how my current life is. My investments are doing well and I have big hope that it will turn out great. I have learned that it take a small amount of practice and patience to be master in something.
People seems to think everything is easy, I would tell them it is easy as long as you commit and be consistent. My reminders on my Itouch always Alena me to be persistence and patience. Consistency is the key to success.
Past couple of nights I have been practicing Starcraft 2, it's a strategy game that my friend challenge me. He told me that I would never beat him in the said game. My experience would not measure any hardcore gamers as they call themselves. I would have a decent amount of knowledge how to win on such types of game. Practice is needed to achieve certain type of superiority over someone else skill. The skill here is not the clicking of the mouse but on the executions and adaptations of certain scenarios.
I realize that the game is quite the same in really life tackling problems. The scenarios are different but the end game is the same. It's how you execute your plan or strategy is the key to overcome this obstacle.
I have also decided lately that I would sever myself from any family relationship cause they seems to give me more problems than happiness. Everything has a reason and maybe the way how things are unfolding is giving me ways to pursue my dreams to be financially rich compare with others. It's like winning the game of life. I have also decided to buy an IPhone 5. This is the phone that my wife likes and dreamt of. I would be a hypocrite saying I don't find the phone appealing. I really like to have an IPhone, the only reason why I feel like its time for me to have one is that everyone is buying a phone that seems great and I keep on using a free phone cause I love money more than iPhone 5 but I would say, this Itouch if mine had earn me lots of money for the past years and I would think owning a highly upgraded IPhone would help with my investment financially. Financially increasing my wealth is a good thing.
Like I always say: More Money, More Happy, More Happy, More Money.
My friend just found out I have a blog.
Sunday, September 16, 2012
Today with World War 3
Good day September 17, 2012,
Thank you for a peaceful wonderful and full of hope. Reading thru some articles I can help to imagine if a war broke out what would happen to the world today.
Asia is currently having a territorial dispute over some island presumptively that has rich mineral deposit. In the middle east same problems occur. Is it because that people needed hierarchy to have order. People do need to follow certain rules and have them enforce to keep everything in place.
Is it the same in a family? Well in my analysis everyone has their own motivation and they wants something and they get it. It's just someday the one being bullied stood up and fight for his right that everything would go array. The simple explanation of thing is that people need to know when they are getting on other peoples right and pushing them back in a corner with no where to go but up.
I do believe that there is a way people could compromise to have their interest be given to them. Philippines, Vietnam, Japan are countries that stars they claim the lands but they want the minerals in them. China also do want them why don't we just share them. It's like saying, China would capitalize and make it an international city and no one owns it but all of the Asian countries near the island. Due to the ownership, china should give x amount of minerals or profit to Philippines, Vietnam, Japan for their fair share. Now that's a better proposition. As Japan have some bad bloods and wrongs to other asian countries they should have the lesser amount. While Philippines and Vietnam may be small but do deserve more units. Vietnam should have more than the Philippines cause the Philippines is kind of government that has a fickle mind. They should have a same priority which is peace. War would only adds power to the west which is USA. USA is not a good example of running a government but they have the ideals to run it. China may not have the ideals but their people are much capable of sharing.
This is the same scenario in a family as the parents are the force to reckon with but as time goes by the children powerful and decides to take what they want and the parents could do nothing to stop it. This will make other sibling add grudge to their other siblings. The strongest of the siblings should establish power and control in order to maintain peace. In an ideal world the best way to ensure happiness and peace is equality from everyone and understanding of each other. People should not take advantage of other people's weakness.
Thank you for a peaceful wonderful and full of hope. Reading thru some articles I can help to imagine if a war broke out what would happen to the world today.
Asia is currently having a territorial dispute over some island presumptively that has rich mineral deposit. In the middle east same problems occur. Is it because that people needed hierarchy to have order. People do need to follow certain rules and have them enforce to keep everything in place.
Is it the same in a family? Well in my analysis everyone has their own motivation and they wants something and they get it. It's just someday the one being bullied stood up and fight for his right that everything would go array. The simple explanation of thing is that people need to know when they are getting on other peoples right and pushing them back in a corner with no where to go but up.
I do believe that there is a way people could compromise to have their interest be given to them. Philippines, Vietnam, Japan are countries that stars they claim the lands but they want the minerals in them. China also do want them why don't we just share them. It's like saying, China would capitalize and make it an international city and no one owns it but all of the Asian countries near the island. Due to the ownership, china should give x amount of minerals or profit to Philippines, Vietnam, Japan for their fair share. Now that's a better proposition. As Japan have some bad bloods and wrongs to other asian countries they should have the lesser amount. While Philippines and Vietnam may be small but do deserve more units. Vietnam should have more than the Philippines cause the Philippines is kind of government that has a fickle mind. They should have a same priority which is peace. War would only adds power to the west which is USA. USA is not a good example of running a government but they have the ideals to run it. China may not have the ideals but their people are much capable of sharing.
This is the same scenario in a family as the parents are the force to reckon with but as time goes by the children powerful and decides to take what they want and the parents could do nothing to stop it. This will make other sibling add grudge to their other siblings. The strongest of the siblings should establish power and control in order to maintain peace. In an ideal world the best way to ensure happiness and peace is equality from everyone and understanding of each other. People should not take advantage of other people's weakness.
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Today with wish list
Good day September 13, 2012,
I would like to thank you for a wonderful day. I have great sales and profit from ELECTX. A great new iPhone update. And most of all one of my blogs about the iPhone I wrote what it could still improve just arrived.
Wishing list just keeps getting longer. I said last couple of nights that I would rather not win the lotto cause it would not teach my siblings how to live life. I came to realize that I should be selfish more cause we only lived once. I would think that being selfish is bad but now I realize they're taking advantage of my unselfishness. Because of this I have decided to be much selfish and keep more secrets from my mom and sibling cause they keep on making my life miserable.
Imagine this I am earning money for my sister wedding without any benefits and yet my mother thinks that her hospital bill should be charge to my business managed cause i manage it more efficiently.
I have decided that I would go on with my way. Now is the best time to start. I would give 70% of my effort on my own business and take more on our family business. They only think of their own and not thinking that I am wasting my time for them. They are just selfish people. I really wish I would win the lotto and I would give x money for them as gifts but would reduce the said amount drastically. Let them say that I am just lucky that I won.
I would like that so that I would enjoy my life till death. I would believed that my life is destined to have financially riches and this would make them envy my luck. I know what I am doing is right. Right to make them feel bad. Let them dream that I am very lucky compare to them cause I am lucky.
I am lucky cause I have a beautiful sexy wife. I have I good life and I have good investments and best of all I have a very powerful mind. I would need to educated and learn more to improve.
I can't wait to write new ways to improve iPhone cause it seems to be a guessing game for me. Which I won btw with sept 12, 2012 update.
Apple could still improve by merging the earphone with the new dock the make space for extended battery. They would also use body warmth or environmental warmth to charge and maintain battery life.
I have won in every anticipation which means I know they would not change and they will continue to take advantage of me.
I would like to thank you for a wonderful day. I have great sales and profit from ELECTX. A great new iPhone update. And most of all one of my blogs about the iPhone I wrote what it could still improve just arrived.
Wishing list just keeps getting longer. I said last couple of nights that I would rather not win the lotto cause it would not teach my siblings how to live life. I came to realize that I should be selfish more cause we only lived once. I would think that being selfish is bad but now I realize they're taking advantage of my unselfishness. Because of this I have decided to be much selfish and keep more secrets from my mom and sibling cause they keep on making my life miserable.
Imagine this I am earning money for my sister wedding without any benefits and yet my mother thinks that her hospital bill should be charge to my business managed cause i manage it more efficiently.
I have decided that I would go on with my way. Now is the best time to start. I would give 70% of my effort on my own business and take more on our family business. They only think of their own and not thinking that I am wasting my time for them. They are just selfish people. I really wish I would win the lotto and I would give x money for them as gifts but would reduce the said amount drastically. Let them say that I am just lucky that I won.
I would like that so that I would enjoy my life till death. I would believed that my life is destined to have financially riches and this would make them envy my luck. I know what I am doing is right. Right to make them feel bad. Let them dream that I am very lucky compare to them cause I am lucky.
I am lucky cause I have a beautiful sexy wife. I have I good life and I have good investments and best of all I have a very powerful mind. I would need to educated and learn more to improve.
I can't wait to write new ways to improve iPhone cause it seems to be a guessing game for me. Which I won btw with sept 12, 2012 update.
Apple could still improve by merging the earphone with the new dock the make space for extended battery. They would also use body warmth or environmental warmth to charge and maintain battery life.
I have won in every anticipation which means I know they would not change and they will continue to take advantage of me.
Saturday, September 1, 2012
Today with Hangged
Good Day June 18, 2012,
Thank you for everything. Thank you for giving me a lot of opportunities to excel in my life. I know I am lucky in every aspect in life and I really do hope everything i do would turn up very good.
Time flys so much, my daddy passed away last Jan 18, 1992. It's been 20 years I don't have a father to guide me but I do have a wonderful mother who did everything in her power to let us have the best opportunity in our lives with her means. I can't say thank you enough for everything she's done.
My life can be summed up by one word "Lucky". I may not have everything but I do have everything. It's really the matter on how I perceived the things and opportunities that comes knocking on my door. I do am grateful that I was able a very powerful laptop only for my gaming enjoyment. How many people could say they have 5 laptops that are functioning? It's really been a blessing that everything I have.
I really thank that I have found my life long partner that is my wife which helps me to endure and enjoys the things I like with me. Life with her is like a rainbow crossing thru the sky beautiful and magical. It's been 4 years we are married and I really can't say that I did a great job on finding the best partner for me. She means the world to me. I really am thanking her for understanding and taking care of me. She sacrificed a lot in her life and I would find ways to repay her in the future. I really am very Lucky cause everything seems falling into my plan and it would be magical when I reach 10 billion dollars rich.
Thank you for everything. Thank you for giving me a lot of opportunities to excel in my life. I know I am lucky in every aspect in life and I really do hope everything i do would turn up very good.
Time flys so much, my daddy passed away last Jan 18, 1992. It's been 20 years I don't have a father to guide me but I do have a wonderful mother who did everything in her power to let us have the best opportunity in our lives with her means. I can't say thank you enough for everything she's done.
My life can be summed up by one word "Lucky". I may not have everything but I do have everything. It's really the matter on how I perceived the things and opportunities that comes knocking on my door. I do am grateful that I was able a very powerful laptop only for my gaming enjoyment. How many people could say they have 5 laptops that are functioning? It's really been a blessing that everything I have.
I really thank that I have found my life long partner that is my wife which helps me to endure and enjoys the things I like with me. Life with her is like a rainbow crossing thru the sky beautiful and magical. It's been 4 years we are married and I really can't say that I did a great job on finding the best partner for me. She means the world to me. I really am thanking her for understanding and taking care of me. She sacrificed a lot in her life and I would find ways to repay her in the future. I really am very Lucky cause everything seems falling into my plan and it would be magical when I reach 10 billion dollars rich.
Today with Diablo 3
Good day September 9, 2012,
It's really nice to have these couple of months. I thank for the enjoyable days cause of Diablo 3. The game I most awaited for all these years. It opens my stress point into the lowest but also do increase it faster than normal when I am not able to enjoy the game on a regular basis. It often seems playing the game for x hours is not enough. Sometime the game itself pissed me off due to the randomness of the reward system. In all it help me reduce and keep my mind of things.
I came to realize life is about living it not planning and strategizing on how should I live my life with x resources. It seems I enjoy playing diablo but it pissed me off cause The game almost simulate life experiences. In life you keep on doing the same stuff with persistence and it give us x results and people says that it sometimes keep doing the wrong stuffs that's why getting the wrong results.
Diablo is kinda of the same, keep on killing the same monsters and getting the same stuffs hopefully it would drop better items.
It's really nice to have these couple of months. I thank for the enjoyable days cause of Diablo 3. The game I most awaited for all these years. It opens my stress point into the lowest but also do increase it faster than normal when I am not able to enjoy the game on a regular basis. It often seems playing the game for x hours is not enough. Sometime the game itself pissed me off due to the randomness of the reward system. In all it help me reduce and keep my mind of things.
I came to realize life is about living it not planning and strategizing on how should I live my life with x resources. It seems I enjoy playing diablo but it pissed me off cause The game almost simulate life experiences. In life you keep on doing the same stuff with persistence and it give us x results and people says that it sometimes keep doing the wrong stuffs that's why getting the wrong results.
Diablo is kinda of the same, keep on killing the same monsters and getting the same stuffs hopefully it would drop better items.
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