Good day January 26, 2013,
Thank you for a very profitable day. Everyday we should say thank you for the little things. The orders keeps on coming and everything going as planned. Today mu appointment with a friend got backed tracked again. This friend of my seems to have a lost of honor. He seem to take all appointment so lightly.
I really think we should take everything seriously cause life passes by by every second. Every second wasted is not coming back. I would advise everyone that we should not hesitate on doing something we had taught about or definitely like cause regret is worst than doing something wrongly. I really think that those people who lived without regrets are the most happy. It doesn't mean they did everything they loved or like. They just knows how to let go and moved on.
Dear Blog Diary is where I put every thought and experience I have every day. I really hope you readers would get a have a great time reading my mind. I am glad that there is a tool for me to express my thoughts and share to people who wants to understand how a man's journey in his life would be.
USD 10,000,000,000.00

My Check
Friday, January 25, 2013
Today with Justice
Good day, January 25, 2013
Thank you for a very productive and profit earning day. Each day seems closer to my 10 billion dollar goal. I believe in our society and our current government system is never perfect. Other countries tries to protect everyone's freedom by making sure everything falls in protocol and every detail is never missed. People of some countries extend more effort on quality of freedom than freedom itself. Countries often use human enforcers of the law to make sure everyone abide by them. The problem these enforcers are also human which also fall prey to human malice and favors. Base on some scientific studies human do achieve a higher calling if they do possessed motivation and encouragement. The mostly sought after is basic necessity. If every enforcer would have ample or enough to spend their life In luxury due to their proper enforcing ability each country would be better off.
The problem here is the reward of being an enforcer is too low and government should always see to it everyone is rewarded accordingly. Society looks upon people who contributed a lot to their environment . People who sacrifice their time in enforcing the law should be rewarded with financial gains. This way the measurement of their respect would be how many trust worthy task they have accomplished.
I also saw the Samsung new Oled screen which folds. It's cool but I would say having a flexible screen is just having a good pen. It's how they use the pen that's the crucial point. Apple's stock when cliff side when it closed 450 from 500. Is this saying the company is doing bad or does it say that apple's product is not that interesting as before.
I would say, apple should remain focus on how to make the computer more like a computer. Having cooler gadgets doesn't mean better computing devices. They should focus their power in creating the best computing gadgets in the world. I really don't know if they read my blog or this segment but I would suggest to focus on their strengths.
If I were Cook, I would use apple's cash reserve to do 2 things. Expand on content, and use it to research or buy on energy saving devices. Their move on buying a flash drive company is great it would better if they bought a Japanese firm which manufactures their parts. They should also buy a company that manufactures batteries. Computers are now becoming mobile. The one who can make a computer, compute the fastest and last longer is the key to win the race. Having content like apps, games, programs, music, pod cast, movies and TV shows are the way to go. Buy the licenses directly from producers. It will be cheaper and better. Make all content free by utilizing the iAds. Imagine watching vampire diaries with commercials, but the commercials are different from the TV cause its apple's Broadcast. Buying shows rights and selling it on consumers would increase products demand. I would buy Apple TV if all the shows there are free. All ads would be removed if they pay a certain monthly fee. Now apple would now also be distribution company in which movie producers could sell the movies directly. Each movie would still cost a certain fee. But it would be owned by the watcher and they could watch it as a family. Because they bought apple products you earned the money already. Now how to make the computing device better. Buying a company who's expertise is on encoding a certain time . If apple could reduce the file transfer by 300% then everything could be done via Internet but faster. Having an iPhone is like having a assistant. That's what apple should aim for. Siri could do simple commands, if Siri would do more like turn on and off the TV, lights and other home appliances then everything would be automated. Apple could still improve on computing devices, they specializes in air stream and other wireless features. Apple could expand the wireless capability by making everything flow like water. Imagine sending a business card not using email or Bluetooth. Just click send and the contact would automatically be send to another iPhone user. iPhone would know which network it should use for the fastest and most reliable medium to use. iCloud could also be improved by multiple edits on pages and number from multiple devices same with other apps and stuffs. They way syncing would be seamless. Having a thin phone is just the half part of making a great device. Making the device work seamlessly without additional settings would be the best.
Thank you for a very productive and profit earning day. Each day seems closer to my 10 billion dollar goal. I believe in our society and our current government system is never perfect. Other countries tries to protect everyone's freedom by making sure everything falls in protocol and every detail is never missed. People of some countries extend more effort on quality of freedom than freedom itself. Countries often use human enforcers of the law to make sure everyone abide by them. The problem these enforcers are also human which also fall prey to human malice and favors. Base on some scientific studies human do achieve a higher calling if they do possessed motivation and encouragement. The mostly sought after is basic necessity. If every enforcer would have ample or enough to spend their life In luxury due to their proper enforcing ability each country would be better off.
The problem here is the reward of being an enforcer is too low and government should always see to it everyone is rewarded accordingly. Society looks upon people who contributed a lot to their environment . People who sacrifice their time in enforcing the law should be rewarded with financial gains. This way the measurement of their respect would be how many trust worthy task they have accomplished.
I also saw the Samsung new Oled screen which folds. It's cool but I would say having a flexible screen is just having a good pen. It's how they use the pen that's the crucial point. Apple's stock when cliff side when it closed 450 from 500. Is this saying the company is doing bad or does it say that apple's product is not that interesting as before.
I would say, apple should remain focus on how to make the computer more like a computer. Having cooler gadgets doesn't mean better computing devices. They should focus their power in creating the best computing gadgets in the world. I really don't know if they read my blog or this segment but I would suggest to focus on their strengths.
If I were Cook, I would use apple's cash reserve to do 2 things. Expand on content, and use it to research or buy on energy saving devices. Their move on buying a flash drive company is great it would better if they bought a Japanese firm which manufactures their parts. They should also buy a company that manufactures batteries. Computers are now becoming mobile. The one who can make a computer, compute the fastest and last longer is the key to win the race. Having content like apps, games, programs, music, pod cast, movies and TV shows are the way to go. Buy the licenses directly from producers. It will be cheaper and better. Make all content free by utilizing the iAds. Imagine watching vampire diaries with commercials, but the commercials are different from the TV cause its apple's Broadcast. Buying shows rights and selling it on consumers would increase products demand. I would buy Apple TV if all the shows there are free. All ads would be removed if they pay a certain monthly fee. Now apple would now also be distribution company in which movie producers could sell the movies directly. Each movie would still cost a certain fee. But it would be owned by the watcher and they could watch it as a family. Because they bought apple products you earned the money already. Now how to make the computing device better. Buying a company who's expertise is on encoding a certain time . If apple could reduce the file transfer by 300% then everything could be done via Internet but faster. Having an iPhone is like having a assistant. That's what apple should aim for. Siri could do simple commands, if Siri would do more like turn on and off the TV, lights and other home appliances then everything would be automated. Apple could still improve on computing devices, they specializes in air stream and other wireless features. Apple could expand the wireless capability by making everything flow like water. Imagine sending a business card not using email or Bluetooth. Just click send and the contact would automatically be send to another iPhone user. iPhone would know which network it should use for the fastest and most reliable medium to use. iCloud could also be improved by multiple edits on pages and number from multiple devices same with other apps and stuffs. They way syncing would be seamless. Having a thin phone is just the half part of making a great device. Making the device work seamlessly without additional settings would be the best.
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
Today with Billions
Good day January 23, 2012
It's an awesome day! Had a ton of sales and productive day. Thank you for having a lot of profitable transactions and I really hope that it will continue. My friend earned 1.7 billion gold in a game! That's like playing lotto! The roll for a certain item was so good that it was worth that much. I really hoped that I may get that luck or better yet have a better item for my character! This got me thinking! We could really make a living out of playing a game. 1.7 billion gold is worth around 3250 USD. That's a hefty sum!
In this society, do we really need to know or have respect on people on how they earn their money? Money is like a measuring gauge on how a person skill is valued or how is luck is faired. I consider myself lucky. I also know some others are luckier than I. I still believe that everything is fair in this world. I thank for all the luck I have and I still believe that the more I work hard the more luck I have. Some people do need few works to achieve a certain luck level needed to achieve something. The fact is that hard work always beat talent any day. I also do believe I make my own luck. Keep plying the game eventually would grant you also a 2billion value item. Life is always seems unfair but the truth is we never see how much work a person put to achieve a certain level in a person's life.
I do get envious of others luck! Others do get envious of my luck but the most importantly we should not be envious of others hard work cause I know that we could achieve their level of luck just by working hard. Time may not be equal but it will be fair. Every action there is always a corresponding reaction. My action now is to be happy for my friend and be inspired that I may have the chance to sell that kind of item when I have the opportunity all I need to do is play the game and it will eventually come.
In life, we count our financial gains as a measure of success. Some others becomes rich at an earlier time slot while other takes longer. The thing is your life maybe far better than the one who got it earlier cause when you were starting ice had the worse life than you. It's just like my friend, his character was the weakness amongst us but my character was better off. Now with his gold he surely will be able to improve his character. My character is very competent but it do still have a lot of room for improvement. That's how we should see our lives. We do have different licks and we should keep on finding ways to improve our way of life. Lifestyle is just how we want others to perceive how successful we are. The way of life is really the basis on how we should lived.
It's an awesome day! Had a ton of sales and productive day. Thank you for having a lot of profitable transactions and I really hope that it will continue. My friend earned 1.7 billion gold in a game! That's like playing lotto! The roll for a certain item was so good that it was worth that much. I really hoped that I may get that luck or better yet have a better item for my character! This got me thinking! We could really make a living out of playing a game. 1.7 billion gold is worth around 3250 USD. That's a hefty sum!
In this society, do we really need to know or have respect on people on how they earn their money? Money is like a measuring gauge on how a person skill is valued or how is luck is faired. I consider myself lucky. I also know some others are luckier than I. I still believe that everything is fair in this world. I thank for all the luck I have and I still believe that the more I work hard the more luck I have. Some people do need few works to achieve a certain luck level needed to achieve something. The fact is that hard work always beat talent any day. I also do believe I make my own luck. Keep plying the game eventually would grant you also a 2billion value item. Life is always seems unfair but the truth is we never see how much work a person put to achieve a certain level in a person's life.
I do get envious of others luck! Others do get envious of my luck but the most importantly we should not be envious of others hard work cause I know that we could achieve their level of luck just by working hard. Time may not be equal but it will be fair. Every action there is always a corresponding reaction. My action now is to be happy for my friend and be inspired that I may have the chance to sell that kind of item when I have the opportunity all I need to do is play the game and it will eventually come.
In life, we count our financial gains as a measure of success. Some others becomes rich at an earlier time slot while other takes longer. The thing is your life maybe far better than the one who got it earlier cause when you were starting ice had the worse life than you. It's just like my friend, his character was the weakness amongst us but my character was better off. Now with his gold he surely will be able to improve his character. My character is very competent but it do still have a lot of room for improvement. That's how we should see our lives. We do have different licks and we should keep on finding ways to improve our way of life. Lifestyle is just how we want others to perceive how successful we are. The way of life is really the basis on how we should lived.
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
Today with Bishop
Good day, January 22, 2013
Thank you for a wonderful day. I have my iPhone and I got a good sale. Time is the only thing that moves without hindrances. I read about st. Thomas argument about 5 proofs that there is god. I am very impressed with his arguments. I would also proposed that people should look it up and state what do they think about the 5 proofs. In his arguments I realize only 1 thing. People don't understand anything and tries to understand it by giving it an entity that is GOD.
Today also read an article about an archbishop who told his country that even there is a safe way to protect ourselves from unwanted childbirth, he encourages them to still produce 4-5 children. I personally agree with him in economic stand point that more people means more spending which will lead to good economy. This is also a good motivation for good moral behavior . The reason why he did state those word is neither one. He wanted people to have more children so that people would have a harder life and they would be motivated to pray and worship more. I believed that there are studies that shows people who are in hardship prays more than those who are not in hardship.
More population do help economy assuming that each individual do have a certain income. Rapid increase in population is the number 1 cause of poverty because people don't earn as fast as they spend now a days. The fast increase in additional expenses with the rapid growth of inflation add burdens to the income earner which eventually would ask for help. Man is a being of pride which would encourage him to pray or ask help from a being that is more perfect than him. This way churches would have more power and control over the society than their intended use.
More people who follow blindly will eventually lead to more problems in the future. I believe that churches should help their government on encouraging proper family planning and encourage them standing with their own strengths. Life is never easy but interesting hence priest who give couples advises seem questionable cause they never been in a normal relationship. Having a relationships means more that books.
Books do contain knowledge of a certain person but never their experience cause experience is the best teacher but it is also the most cruel teacher of them all. Religion is god for moral ethical stand point more on social ethics. They might not be good advisers on how to uplift ones life cause they do chose the easies path to financial freedom. They preach and others listen even thou they don't have the real experience they need to preach. I would go and be a priest when I am at my old age this way I have enough knowledge to educate and help my fellow men.
I really pray for me to win the sweepstakes or lotto, this way it could rally prove that there is GOD.
Thank you for a wonderful day. I have my iPhone and I got a good sale. Time is the only thing that moves without hindrances. I read about st. Thomas argument about 5 proofs that there is god. I am very impressed with his arguments. I would also proposed that people should look it up and state what do they think about the 5 proofs. In his arguments I realize only 1 thing. People don't understand anything and tries to understand it by giving it an entity that is GOD.
Today also read an article about an archbishop who told his country that even there is a safe way to protect ourselves from unwanted childbirth, he encourages them to still produce 4-5 children. I personally agree with him in economic stand point that more people means more spending which will lead to good economy. This is also a good motivation for good moral behavior . The reason why he did state those word is neither one. He wanted people to have more children so that people would have a harder life and they would be motivated to pray and worship more. I believed that there are studies that shows people who are in hardship prays more than those who are not in hardship.
More population do help economy assuming that each individual do have a certain income. Rapid increase in population is the number 1 cause of poverty because people don't earn as fast as they spend now a days. The fast increase in additional expenses with the rapid growth of inflation add burdens to the income earner which eventually would ask for help. Man is a being of pride which would encourage him to pray or ask help from a being that is more perfect than him. This way churches would have more power and control over the society than their intended use.
More people who follow blindly will eventually lead to more problems in the future. I believe that churches should help their government on encouraging proper family planning and encourage them standing with their own strengths. Life is never easy but interesting hence priest who give couples advises seem questionable cause they never been in a normal relationship. Having a relationships means more that books.
Books do contain knowledge of a certain person but never their experience cause experience is the best teacher but it is also the most cruel teacher of them all. Religion is god for moral ethical stand point more on social ethics. They might not be good advisers on how to uplift ones life cause they do chose the easies path to financial freedom. They preach and others listen even thou they don't have the real experience they need to preach. I would go and be a priest when I am at my old age this way I have enough knowledge to educate and help my fellow men.
I really pray for me to win the sweepstakes or lotto, this way it could rally prove that there is GOD.
Friday, January 18, 2013
Today with Plenty
Good day January 19, 2013,
Thank you for a very profitable day. Earning big money with simple math. I have been practicing how to play starcraft 2 , I would still consider myself a novice in the game. I enjoy the game really cause its how I like a game should be played.
I been playing with my friend and he is not quite that good but he is very formidable enemy. I will concentrate on how to defeat him very soon. I also like to thank you to be able to enjoy the game without paying any money. My friend lend me the game for me to enjoy. I would probably buy my own copy very soon. I planned to quit but apparently I could not.
Studying my CFA seem interesting and I believed that I could master it. It's really easy but tedious unless I fully understand all the concepts and apply such.
In the meantime I am quite happy on my equity investment. I really hope that it will prosper to let me earn big money.
I have been pondering a lot of ideals and read about 5 proof that god exist. Reading thru them I realize that this guy who wrote the arguments is quite a smart ass. It will be hard to contradict him due to he use science to explain. The whole thing just speculate that if a certain thing we can't explain probably it is the work of god.
One day I would land as such wise ass comment and I would be able to be as smart or even smarter compare to other people. I really hope the smarts I have could accumulate more money for me.
Thank you for a very profitable day. Earning big money with simple math. I have been practicing how to play starcraft 2 , I would still consider myself a novice in the game. I enjoy the game really cause its how I like a game should be played.
I been playing with my friend and he is not quite that good but he is very formidable enemy. I will concentrate on how to defeat him very soon. I also like to thank you to be able to enjoy the game without paying any money. My friend lend me the game for me to enjoy. I would probably buy my own copy very soon. I planned to quit but apparently I could not.
Studying my CFA seem interesting and I believed that I could master it. It's really easy but tedious unless I fully understand all the concepts and apply such.
In the meantime I am quite happy on my equity investment. I really hope that it will prosper to let me earn big money.
I have been pondering a lot of ideals and read about 5 proof that god exist. Reading thru them I realize that this guy who wrote the arguments is quite a smart ass. It will be hard to contradict him due to he use science to explain. The whole thing just speculate that if a certain thing we can't explain probably it is the work of god.
One day I would land as such wise ass comment and I would be able to be as smart or even smarter compare to other people. I really hope the smarts I have could accumulate more money for me.
Thursday, January 17, 2013
Today with fixing the world
Good day January 18, 2013,
Thank you for a very inspiring day. For the last 2 weeks I have been reading about my CFA studies and I ponder a lot of things. According to social standards the rate of money supplied to the whole world grows by 1-2% hence we should monitor and control inflation by 2% at most. I haven't finished the book nor the course but in simple terms I would like to try to explain what I am thinking.
We buy and sell goods at a rate. This rate is a countries' earns or grows its money. To explain this, I think when a country central bank releases 200 coins for trading. It's citizens buys and sells goods at a profit. Ofcourse with our greedy nature we opt of the highest possible gains. This would be tripling our doubling our money. After doubling it we only use a certain portion to buy stuff. Rich people or people accumulate wealth. The current economic system is not created for accumulating wealth. It's design more inclined towards spending. Spending creates growths, these growth could be seen in additional items or new stuff for the person to enjoy. This would further enhance growth cause with spending you let others earn and they would also buy stuffs which would continue the cycle. The problem with this model is that, people then not to anticipate the future or anticipate the future. That said, money would be differently need in the future than the present. The more growth or the higher the GDP of a country. The government needs to print more money to the economy for circulation. This would continue the cycle of growth. If however the government carelessly printed less money it would constrict the economy and would produce recession. Giving too much money out in the economy would also devaluate the value of money.
I don't know much about how policies should work or how to stabilize the economy. The free market system is a very good system, it gives the most efficient value for each resource available in the market. I really think that government all over the world are doing more bad than good in the current world economy. Exchange rate and currency devaluation is like saying the poor will always be poor. I would suggest a single way for government to control or stabilize their economy. Government should not be greedy. Here is my suggested plan. The economy should be weight not by spending, but it should be monitored on how much it earned. The first step it how each person should be taxed. Every country has its own cost for it to run. Everyone living inside the country should pay x amount for contribution living in the country. This way, each person inside the country would contribute to the country earnings. Secondly, a government should taxed each person differently, by means of how many assets it have accumulated. If a person bought a car he would need to pay road tax and tax that he pollutes the country air. The more he accumulated wealth he would need to pay more taxes for the government yearly. This taxed amount should be determine by offsetting the economic gains of the citizen who earned. This way if the government only issued 300 coins it will still be 300 coins in the economy. They could monitor the taxes earned. The government should put the money back to the market equal to the money earned. That means if the economy earned 10%. The taxed gained should be measured by 10% of the coins hence the government should issue 30 more coins towards the market. The problem with the current system the government do not have any idea on how many real gains or how much money they should pour back to the economy. Pouring back lesser would halt growth pouring more would trigger inflation which would result in lower growth.
Capitalism is a good system, the way me manage and monitor it has quite some flaws. In the past people predicted that people loves to have a comfortable lives. A d They were right! The only problem was they also decided that people who wants to have a luxurious life needs to for for it! Now a days, some are just born rich due their parents or ancestors had worked very hard or been very lucky. This means people tend to have a lot before they even worked for it. Now with this scenario, the people likes to enjoy life more. They spend more and don't think much about anything. This eventually will worked out for the future cause those who worked hard would eventually would catch up with the rich. The problem is that this rich people are also social beings. They need to interact. Not all they interacted are born rich. This influences the average income people to do what rich people do spend. With the current system it's goo cause the more you spend the more the economy would prosper. Here is the only problem, without thinking of the future. They will spend and exhaust all possible means of income. The time when their physiology or physical strength would not able to catch up with their excessive life style. This is when most of the people would result to recession. Responsibilities would not be meant and they would blame the government for their own problems.
Another irony is about jobs and population. It is simple to understand that a person ave age were they would earn x amount of income is at ages 18 - 55, this income years would also be subdivide to categorizes in the amount a person could earn in their life span. This amount could also be subdivided in which how much amount could be given to dependents. Cause from the age 0-17 we could assume a person don't have income and the person who earn the income need to sustain the income less years of their dependents. The more dependents the lower the quality of life an average income earner would have. The lower quality of life would also contribute to lower production output. This means when the person is depressed or stressed out on earning an amount for his/her family to live a certain lifestyle. It would add more stress to the workforce. More stress, physical or mental it will be less productive for the economy hence it will be a cycle that is hard to break.
The short term solution is to force doctors to offer permanent contraceptives like vasectomy and ligation for couples this way we are sure that they will control the birthrates. In the long term solution is education about sex at an earlier stage in life. Repackage the image of sex thru media. This way citizens would know that sex is just an act of reproduction. Sex is also an activity that both sexes could enjoy but they would require certain contraceptives to lower the risk of certain unwanted circumstances. These steps are not 100% certain but it is good enough cause we practice free will and democracy. Education system are also flawed. I would need to elaborate on the education on some other day.
Now with this said, solutions are needed to fix the economy. A healthy economy is able to sustain constant growth with no government intervention. The current situation is hard to fix due to the fact the government had already manipulated the market to expand at the rate they prefer or comfortable. Rich people should not be blamed for others misfortunes cause they are just doing the best they can to outwit the market. Politician thou are the once who are blinding the market with false hope and false truth. Engaging the market with manipulation to work to their favor. If the people are smarter they would pick the candidate which would government the people to a better future. A future of paperless money system, full proof security and the best a bright future for their children.
January 18, is my father's death anniversary. He is dead for 21 years now. He left his family to be peaceful. He did gave us a lot of opportunity to be fortunate enough to grow and live the way we have now. I am a person who dreams big and aim for something my heart thinks it is worth while. My life is really great, I have everything I want materially but in terms of achieving something worth while I am now in the process. The measurement of my achievement is money. The more money I accumulate the closer I am in achieving my dream.
Thank you for a very inspiring day. For the last 2 weeks I have been reading about my CFA studies and I ponder a lot of things. According to social standards the rate of money supplied to the whole world grows by 1-2% hence we should monitor and control inflation by 2% at most. I haven't finished the book nor the course but in simple terms I would like to try to explain what I am thinking.
We buy and sell goods at a rate. This rate is a countries' earns or grows its money. To explain this, I think when a country central bank releases 200 coins for trading. It's citizens buys and sells goods at a profit. Ofcourse with our greedy nature we opt of the highest possible gains. This would be tripling our doubling our money. After doubling it we only use a certain portion to buy stuff. Rich people or people accumulate wealth. The current economic system is not created for accumulating wealth. It's design more inclined towards spending. Spending creates growths, these growth could be seen in additional items or new stuff for the person to enjoy. This would further enhance growth cause with spending you let others earn and they would also buy stuffs which would continue the cycle. The problem with this model is that, people then not to anticipate the future or anticipate the future. That said, money would be differently need in the future than the present. The more growth or the higher the GDP of a country. The government needs to print more money to the economy for circulation. This would continue the cycle of growth. If however the government carelessly printed less money it would constrict the economy and would produce recession. Giving too much money out in the economy would also devaluate the value of money.
I don't know much about how policies should work or how to stabilize the economy. The free market system is a very good system, it gives the most efficient value for each resource available in the market. I really think that government all over the world are doing more bad than good in the current world economy. Exchange rate and currency devaluation is like saying the poor will always be poor. I would suggest a single way for government to control or stabilize their economy. Government should not be greedy. Here is my suggested plan. The economy should be weight not by spending, but it should be monitored on how much it earned. The first step it how each person should be taxed. Every country has its own cost for it to run. Everyone living inside the country should pay x amount for contribution living in the country. This way, each person inside the country would contribute to the country earnings. Secondly, a government should taxed each person differently, by means of how many assets it have accumulated. If a person bought a car he would need to pay road tax and tax that he pollutes the country air. The more he accumulated wealth he would need to pay more taxes for the government yearly. This taxed amount should be determine by offsetting the economic gains of the citizen who earned. This way if the government only issued 300 coins it will still be 300 coins in the economy. They could monitor the taxes earned. The government should put the money back to the market equal to the money earned. That means if the economy earned 10%. The taxed gained should be measured by 10% of the coins hence the government should issue 30 more coins towards the market. The problem with the current system the government do not have any idea on how many real gains or how much money they should pour back to the economy. Pouring back lesser would halt growth pouring more would trigger inflation which would result in lower growth.
Capitalism is a good system, the way me manage and monitor it has quite some flaws. In the past people predicted that people loves to have a comfortable lives. A d They were right! The only problem was they also decided that people who wants to have a luxurious life needs to for for it! Now a days, some are just born rich due their parents or ancestors had worked very hard or been very lucky. This means people tend to have a lot before they even worked for it. Now with this scenario, the people likes to enjoy life more. They spend more and don't think much about anything. This eventually will worked out for the future cause those who worked hard would eventually would catch up with the rich. The problem is that this rich people are also social beings. They need to interact. Not all they interacted are born rich. This influences the average income people to do what rich people do spend. With the current system it's goo cause the more you spend the more the economy would prosper. Here is the only problem, without thinking of the future. They will spend and exhaust all possible means of income. The time when their physiology or physical strength would not able to catch up with their excessive life style. This is when most of the people would result to recession. Responsibilities would not be meant and they would blame the government for their own problems.
Another irony is about jobs and population. It is simple to understand that a person ave age were they would earn x amount of income is at ages 18 - 55, this income years would also be subdivide to categorizes in the amount a person could earn in their life span. This amount could also be subdivided in which how much amount could be given to dependents. Cause from the age 0-17 we could assume a person don't have income and the person who earn the income need to sustain the income less years of their dependents. The more dependents the lower the quality of life an average income earner would have. The lower quality of life would also contribute to lower production output. This means when the person is depressed or stressed out on earning an amount for his/her family to live a certain lifestyle. It would add more stress to the workforce. More stress, physical or mental it will be less productive for the economy hence it will be a cycle that is hard to break.
The short term solution is to force doctors to offer permanent contraceptives like vasectomy and ligation for couples this way we are sure that they will control the birthrates. In the long term solution is education about sex at an earlier stage in life. Repackage the image of sex thru media. This way citizens would know that sex is just an act of reproduction. Sex is also an activity that both sexes could enjoy but they would require certain contraceptives to lower the risk of certain unwanted circumstances. These steps are not 100% certain but it is good enough cause we practice free will and democracy. Education system are also flawed. I would need to elaborate on the education on some other day.
Now with this said, solutions are needed to fix the economy. A healthy economy is able to sustain constant growth with no government intervention. The current situation is hard to fix due to the fact the government had already manipulated the market to expand at the rate they prefer or comfortable. Rich people should not be blamed for others misfortunes cause they are just doing the best they can to outwit the market. Politician thou are the once who are blinding the market with false hope and false truth. Engaging the market with manipulation to work to their favor. If the people are smarter they would pick the candidate which would government the people to a better future. A future of paperless money system, full proof security and the best a bright future for their children.
January 18, is my father's death anniversary. He is dead for 21 years now. He left his family to be peaceful. He did gave us a lot of opportunity to be fortunate enough to grow and live the way we have now. I am a person who dreams big and aim for something my heart thinks it is worth while. My life is really great, I have everything I want materially but in terms of achieving something worth while I am now in the process. The measurement of my achievement is money. The more money I accumulate the closer I am in achieving my dream.
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
Today with norms
Good day January 17, 2013,
Thank you for giving me strength to be motivated to reach my goal. It seems everyday I get older I get to realize that life is more interesting. There is much to see and to explore. I came across some interesting things about life. In our life we struggle to live, once able we struggle to live comfortably, once living comfortably we want others to know that we have a great life, hence we strive to live luxuriously. The part which is interesting we failed to understand that living is already such a feat. We don't need to struggle to live even in this day and age. We could get any food to eat when we do just a simple thing. The only problem is our psychology is really bad. We want to have everything easy. Doing nothing to get something.
As I ride thru our public transportation I saw a lot of people having cool gadgets and having quite expensive thing above their income. The life they chose it to jump the loop and live luxuriously. My uncle from Canada explain that a lot of people just don't know how to handle money very well. They don't do even simple math to properly budgets their expenses and savings. The government often help its citizens on saving via pensions and insurance. The normal thing this day is just live your life like a robot.
I keep on dreaming on having lots of money. Earning lots of money is quite fun and enjoying. The most enjoying part of it is how you gain the wealth you have. I played diablo game and found it quite difficult to earn x gold to make my character stronger. The thing is I would be stronger if I have accumulated more gold. The only thing is I enjoyed the game but sometimes I get bored. This is waht I mean in life. I know hAving a good life need money. The problem is accumulating lots of it is time consuming. I might end up wasting my life. Doing the thing we love most would be the best.
Life is never easy, life is always interesting. More money, More happy I would be. People should think more for others and do more for others. With lots of money I think I could do more, and give more. The constant worrying of where do I would get my luxurious lifestyle is the problem.
Thank you for giving me strength to be motivated to reach my goal. It seems everyday I get older I get to realize that life is more interesting. There is much to see and to explore. I came across some interesting things about life. In our life we struggle to live, once able we struggle to live comfortably, once living comfortably we want others to know that we have a great life, hence we strive to live luxuriously. The part which is interesting we failed to understand that living is already such a feat. We don't need to struggle to live even in this day and age. We could get any food to eat when we do just a simple thing. The only problem is our psychology is really bad. We want to have everything easy. Doing nothing to get something.
As I ride thru our public transportation I saw a lot of people having cool gadgets and having quite expensive thing above their income. The life they chose it to jump the loop and live luxuriously. My uncle from Canada explain that a lot of people just don't know how to handle money very well. They don't do even simple math to properly budgets their expenses and savings. The government often help its citizens on saving via pensions and insurance. The normal thing this day is just live your life like a robot.
I keep on dreaming on having lots of money. Earning lots of money is quite fun and enjoying. The most enjoying part of it is how you gain the wealth you have. I played diablo game and found it quite difficult to earn x gold to make my character stronger. The thing is I would be stronger if I have accumulated more gold. The only thing is I enjoyed the game but sometimes I get bored. This is waht I mean in life. I know hAving a good life need money. The problem is accumulating lots of it is time consuming. I might end up wasting my life. Doing the thing we love most would be the best.
Life is never easy, life is always interesting. More money, More happy I would be. People should think more for others and do more for others. With lots of money I think I could do more, and give more. The constant worrying of where do I would get my luxurious lifestyle is the problem.
Friday, January 11, 2013
Today with God & Religion
Good day January 12, 2013,
Thank you for having me able to do what I need to do. Thank you for what my mind can comprehend. Thank you for having a fortunate financial situation. Today, I have read yet another God related stuff. It simply states that God have a plan and everything that you think is not going your way is really doing you more good than bad. Eventually God with all his power tends to min and maxing everything. Well apparently we chose to have free will. We want to feel we are in control.
Last January 10, 2013, 9:00am I posted a sale for a equity. I posted all my stake for sale at a certain price. Then it did not register after 1 and a half. I realize that what the hell of a system. During the whole session the price was on momentum and I don't want to sell everything. Thank you that the order did not register. I would have not gained this much if it did. This got me thinking that everything has a reason. The universes is doing what you really like. Sometimes the only way to sway our current direction is having something wrong happen. That's the only way to steer us to the right one I guess. I feel like it does make sense. We have hardships in our life to make us better and know how to do certain stuff.
This also gives us new perspective on how to see our chosen path. Eventually if I continue the hard stricken path I would have a hard time but I would surely done something monumental. It will also deal our passion and things we like in life. Like I said, every path taken is hard the only problem is which path would make us happy. People tend to choose the easy path cause its easier and people are happy being easy. Those people who wants to reach a certain place in this world would need to overcome some obstacles cause it the only path available to once dreams.
Everything has a reason regardless of how small the happening is. Saving enough money to have something eventually would lead to something. I believed that everyone really doesn't know what they like but in their current circumstances that's what they have chosen in the past hence this gave them a new perspective in what they want.
It is better to really know what we really want. Always be happy cause that's the path we all want to go. Everything is nothing cause what makes us really happy is our free will do choose what will make us happy.
Thank you for having me able to do what I need to do. Thank you for what my mind can comprehend. Thank you for having a fortunate financial situation. Today, I have read yet another God related stuff. It simply states that God have a plan and everything that you think is not going your way is really doing you more good than bad. Eventually God with all his power tends to min and maxing everything. Well apparently we chose to have free will. We want to feel we are in control.
Last January 10, 2013, 9:00am I posted a sale for a equity. I posted all my stake for sale at a certain price. Then it did not register after 1 and a half. I realize that what the hell of a system. During the whole session the price was on momentum and I don't want to sell everything. Thank you that the order did not register. I would have not gained this much if it did. This got me thinking that everything has a reason. The universes is doing what you really like. Sometimes the only way to sway our current direction is having something wrong happen. That's the only way to steer us to the right one I guess. I feel like it does make sense. We have hardships in our life to make us better and know how to do certain stuff.
This also gives us new perspective on how to see our chosen path. Eventually if I continue the hard stricken path I would have a hard time but I would surely done something monumental. It will also deal our passion and things we like in life. Like I said, every path taken is hard the only problem is which path would make us happy. People tend to choose the easy path cause its easier and people are happy being easy. Those people who wants to reach a certain place in this world would need to overcome some obstacles cause it the only path available to once dreams.
Everything has a reason regardless of how small the happening is. Saving enough money to have something eventually would lead to something. I believed that everyone really doesn't know what they like but in their current circumstances that's what they have chosen in the past hence this gave them a new perspective in what they want.
It is better to really know what we really want. Always be happy cause that's the path we all want to go. Everything is nothing cause what makes us really happy is our free will do choose what will make us happy.
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
Today with Rush
Good day January 10, 2013,
Thank you for everything. I would like to thank that I am able to enjoy 3 meals a day. Thank you that I have bought a new phone and yet still have enough for a lot more. I thank you that my reputation precedes me. Thank you that starting this year my discipline haves improved.
I grew and mature last year and including this year. January 9 2012, a feast day of a certain saint which cause a ruckus every year it is held. Business was no where to be found cause everyone was busy in the festivity. Today was quite different. All my stock picks went off the charts and created new highs. I am very happy that everything is going as planned. More money would still make me more happy..
Now everything seem going my way. The rush here is that every single thing is need to be done according to my plan. This stressed me out. Because of this stress and the time constraint on certain task. I may have overlooked and disregarded some and now it conning back with a vengeance. I save money but this irresponsible acts cost me money. Not paying my bills on time. Depositing my own checks on my own account with wrong calculations and timing. This cost money and it hurts a lot.
They seem to think I got a lot of spare time. I would tell them frankly that it is true. These free time is not really free but these are times when I collect my thoughts and assessed my decisions and plans. If others add new task I would get lost and would probably execute the wrong one. It would eventually come back and bite me.
Anyways, more positive execution would wipe out all negative execution. This is my new way of taught. My wife also read my zodiac. It not like I believe it, but its like a guideline. They said that I need to take everything slow and that the way to make me more productive. This means I need to think and work carefully and allocate my energy so that I would execute it the right way.
Thank you for everything. I would like to thank that I am able to enjoy 3 meals a day. Thank you that I have bought a new phone and yet still have enough for a lot more. I thank you that my reputation precedes me. Thank you that starting this year my discipline haves improved.
I grew and mature last year and including this year. January 9 2012, a feast day of a certain saint which cause a ruckus every year it is held. Business was no where to be found cause everyone was busy in the festivity. Today was quite different. All my stock picks went off the charts and created new highs. I am very happy that everything is going as planned. More money would still make me more happy..
Now everything seem going my way. The rush here is that every single thing is need to be done according to my plan. This stressed me out. Because of this stress and the time constraint on certain task. I may have overlooked and disregarded some and now it conning back with a vengeance. I save money but this irresponsible acts cost me money. Not paying my bills on time. Depositing my own checks on my own account with wrong calculations and timing. This cost money and it hurts a lot.
They seem to think I got a lot of spare time. I would tell them frankly that it is true. These free time is not really free but these are times when I collect my thoughts and assessed my decisions and plans. If others add new task I would get lost and would probably execute the wrong one. It would eventually come back and bite me.
Anyways, more positive execution would wipe out all negative execution. This is my new way of taught. My wife also read my zodiac. It not like I believe it, but its like a guideline. They said that I need to take everything slow and that the way to make me more productive. This means I need to think and work carefully and allocate my energy so that I would execute it the right way.
Friday, January 4, 2013
Today with A New Year
Good Day January 5, 2013,
Thank you for a great 2012! I had everything I dreamt about 2012! This new year is going to be better. The seeds that I planted on 2010 on wards are getting some fruitful results. This is a great year! I got a new phone, I am having a blast with it. This new gadget would ensure me to get better working result and better profits. My friend have taught of new stuffs like a new business that would be great for us. CFA is just around a corner and it will be easy to earn the first level. Then it will be a blast to get all three level.
Dreaming of new stuff and eventually having everything I dreamt about. The next best thing is I would be working at apple and giving my cool ideas a life. Make my ideas come to life would be a life like dreaming.
Here are some of my ideas for IPhone
1. Remove the 3.5mm jack and use the new pin as a earpiece connector. Ofcourse it would be revolutionary and cool for the iPhone! Without it, the iPhone would have more space for more important like battery and any new feature. Like NFC!
2. Remove the volume controls and silet trigger to add more space.
3. Giving a touch a new meaning some areas of the iPhone like the back panel and side edge would respond with touch.
Sensors on the back and side will give iPhone a new touch meaning.
1. Smart phone would not be smart if it can't do simple smart task.
Add a feature that when we put the iPhone on our pocket the phones know that it's on our pocket and it will make rings louder for us to hear.
- iPhone should also know when we are in a meeting. It will automatically silent the phone. This would also occur when we are in cinemas. With the calendar sync and environmental sensors it would know if we are at home or driving. No inputs required.
- iPhone would also sense if the owner is holding the phone or other people is using it. By using the touch and light sensors and camera. The phone will keep frequent data as remembrance of the environment. Each person hold his or her phone differently. This means the phone should notice the difference.
Ios added features
1. Do not disturb function would also work well with multiple settings and environmental sensors.
2. Swiping up would pull up a new menu feature in which people could keep apps it also holds some settings control.
3. Added a new way to interact with apps. With stacks like in the osx, apps on the dock could be stacked up to 3 apps.
For the moment these are the features I would feel like adding. There are still more ideas on my back pocket to make the phone easier to use.
Apple's maps would be better if it works properly. More data would help with it. I would suggest make the apple maps accessible on safari web engine. Add a new input feature. Due to the laptop or iPhone is location base when ever a person pin's their location of they chooses they could enter some information about their pinned location. It will be recorded on their iCloud account! These feature would also help apple distinguish more locations! This way people would help in imputing data like their actual private location like their homes and offices and spots they like to visits. Ofcourse to encourage the inputs apple should place location markers after the person added or attached their location.
Example: if I where to use the new apple maps input, I would type in my address then the maps would prompt me to the map location. If the location is wrong I would drag the pin the which the map and satellite feature is placed. After dragging the right location on the map the location services would note the persons actual position. This way accuracy would be ensure to the user. Then with may people placing inputs on the map. Apple could utilize the data to map out more accurate locations. The reward of the person who placed their would make their location radius digitize or 3D model with in x number of months regardless of country.
Thank you for a great 2012! I had everything I dreamt about 2012! This new year is going to be better. The seeds that I planted on 2010 on wards are getting some fruitful results. This is a great year! I got a new phone, I am having a blast with it. This new gadget would ensure me to get better working result and better profits. My friend have taught of new stuffs like a new business that would be great for us. CFA is just around a corner and it will be easy to earn the first level. Then it will be a blast to get all three level.
Dreaming of new stuff and eventually having everything I dreamt about. The next best thing is I would be working at apple and giving my cool ideas a life. Make my ideas come to life would be a life like dreaming.
Here are some of my ideas for IPhone
1. Remove the 3.5mm jack and use the new pin as a earpiece connector. Ofcourse it would be revolutionary and cool for the iPhone! Without it, the iPhone would have more space for more important like battery and any new feature. Like NFC!
2. Remove the volume controls and silet trigger to add more space.
3. Giving a touch a new meaning some areas of the iPhone like the back panel and side edge would respond with touch.
Sensors on the back and side will give iPhone a new touch meaning.
1. Smart phone would not be smart if it can't do simple smart task.
Add a feature that when we put the iPhone on our pocket the phones know that it's on our pocket and it will make rings louder for us to hear.
- iPhone should also know when we are in a meeting. It will automatically silent the phone. This would also occur when we are in cinemas. With the calendar sync and environmental sensors it would know if we are at home or driving. No inputs required.
- iPhone would also sense if the owner is holding the phone or other people is using it. By using the touch and light sensors and camera. The phone will keep frequent data as remembrance of the environment. Each person hold his or her phone differently. This means the phone should notice the difference.
Ios added features
1. Do not disturb function would also work well with multiple settings and environmental sensors.
2. Swiping up would pull up a new menu feature in which people could keep apps it also holds some settings control.
3. Added a new way to interact with apps. With stacks like in the osx, apps on the dock could be stacked up to 3 apps.
For the moment these are the features I would feel like adding. There are still more ideas on my back pocket to make the phone easier to use.
Apple's maps would be better if it works properly. More data would help with it. I would suggest make the apple maps accessible on safari web engine. Add a new input feature. Due to the laptop or iPhone is location base when ever a person pin's their location of they chooses they could enter some information about their pinned location. It will be recorded on their iCloud account! These feature would also help apple distinguish more locations! This way people would help in imputing data like their actual private location like their homes and offices and spots they like to visits. Ofcourse to encourage the inputs apple should place location markers after the person added or attached their location.
Example: if I where to use the new apple maps input, I would type in my address then the maps would prompt me to the map location. If the location is wrong I would drag the pin the which the map and satellite feature is placed. After dragging the right location on the map the location services would note the persons actual position. This way accuracy would be ensure to the user. Then with may people placing inputs on the map. Apple could utilize the data to map out more accurate locations. The reward of the person who placed their would make their location radius digitize or 3D model with in x number of months regardless of country.
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