Good Day February 20, 2013,
I would firstly want to thank today for me realizing a lot of stuff. Being mature in every passing day. It seem life would just passed thru our eyes like the wind. I am great full for the opportunities that keeps coming into my life. I would also like to thank all the hardships the came by my life without them I may not be able to learn life in a more interesting manner.
Today, I officially posted my first cut loss for my equity. It seem having it valued at 12 is better than swing it valued at 4.5. Haha. Now with that said I would use this experience to learn how to properly reduce my risk further. Equities are the way to invest in order for me to reach the top of my game. Being rich is always awesome and no matter what others say it will remain as awesome in my eyes.
I have some run down with oldies trying to explain why I should have children but they fail to impressed me with their reasoning and they called my point of childless marriage not responsible enough. They all seem bear a child or children for a single purpose and that' is to make their lives fulfilled. It seem selfish too, I believe in life everyone is selfish cause everything they do is to make them selves feel good.
I also got to meditate on my dedication and sacrifices during this phase in my life. I realize I am afraid to become someone who doesn't know when to stop. A person that would seem to understand everything but really doesn't understand that a person life isn't about how may accomplishment he had but how those accomplishment makes his life better. It seems compounding and overwhelming but the good thing is that I know and that would be my tool to make myself better in many ways.
I also got to ponder what life really is. My friend seem desperate to find a mate. Eventually he did found a mate which might be too young for him and for his environment. Biologically it seem logical but experience wise it seem cumbersome. I believe he is determine to leave behind a his legacy. The legacy of his own reflection. He believes that his ways or his genes are best for the world and it would have suffice tools to face the world as he know it. Another friend of mine just realize that his parent was doing the best it could to enjoy life as he see it. His dad currently was diagnose with cancer and it seem he understand the predicament but I feel that he truly doesn't comprehend the degree of risk this brings to his life. I would understand him cause until
Now he may read and see the world as he knows it. Now he will be the one experiencing this.
I concluded that life is really scary at the same time enjoyable. I really believe this time that life is what we decide it would be. Plans aren't created to be know where we are going but it is created by us to remind us what we really like in life.
Dear Blog Diary is where I put every thought and experience I have every day. I really hope you readers would get a have a great time reading my mind. I am glad that there is a tool for me to express my thoughts and share to people who wants to understand how a man's journey in his life would be.
USD 10,000,000,000.00

My Check
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
Friday, February 15, 2013
Today with Blogging
Good day, February 16, 2013,
Thank you for letting me lived thru this day. Everyday seems a well orchestrated interesting day. Today I got to ponder another life's question. It's rather a society question. Why is money so important. I googled it and found the exact definition of money. Money is a physical means of exchanging of goods. I would put it in a better context money is an exchange. A lot of forums discuss money is important bla bla. The only real question why do humans want it so much. There is only one explanation. People wants to exchange. They feel the more they change something to something they feel something. It may be happiness or power regardless of what human want to exchange for. The important is that money is a medium of exchange. It means money is liquid as finance expert define it. Money could be change to anything we perceived or want.
This brings us to the new ideology that money can't be use to exchange for something. Well the fact of the matter is it does exchange for anything we want. The exchange Doesn't state the quality of the exchange. In the near future where everything would have enough to priced almost everything then money would be put to a certain value of exchange. The power to change anything is unbelievable. I also read that money can't buy happiness due to the study they uncover that to certain level that money would not make us happier. Money do make our lives comfortable but money do have a limit on how much money could buy. The simple explanation is that when we use money to buy the softest bed to sleep in we would have our preference and each do have a preference. A person preference differ and maybe that preference determine the level of money one do need to find the best bed for him or her. This means that at a certain point of life people would see money as a tool and would not allocated that much time to accumulate that much. This statement is true but it did not answer the question on how much money a person should have to be happy. Any amount would be good for anyone but that amount would have an amount after a person got to see all the preference of options he do have. We do got offers if only we do fit the market. We can't say we don't like something we don't have or even tried. This means that we would need infinite money in order to obtain a certain freedom in opportunities.
I would again write what my dream would be and what stuff I would be doing. Managing my own funds and investing it big. Earning enough returns to live a very comfortable life. My investments would earn me around 100 million dollars a year would be sufficient. I think having that much would not only give me the perception of security but also the perception of freedom. I would enjoy my life by doing what I love investing on equities and bonds. Doing some analyst job and offering my services. My services of consulting. Life would be great when I do have that job. My reputation would always precedes my judgement and everyone would respect my picks and analysis.
Thank you for letting me lived thru this day. Everyday seems a well orchestrated interesting day. Today I got to ponder another life's question. It's rather a society question. Why is money so important. I googled it and found the exact definition of money. Money is a physical means of exchanging of goods. I would put it in a better context money is an exchange. A lot of forums discuss money is important bla bla. The only real question why do humans want it so much. There is only one explanation. People wants to exchange. They feel the more they change something to something they feel something. It may be happiness or power regardless of what human want to exchange for. The important is that money is a medium of exchange. It means money is liquid as finance expert define it. Money could be change to anything we perceived or want.
This brings us to the new ideology that money can't be use to exchange for something. Well the fact of the matter is it does exchange for anything we want. The exchange Doesn't state the quality of the exchange. In the near future where everything would have enough to priced almost everything then money would be put to a certain value of exchange. The power to change anything is unbelievable. I also read that money can't buy happiness due to the study they uncover that to certain level that money would not make us happier. Money do make our lives comfortable but money do have a limit on how much money could buy. The simple explanation is that when we use money to buy the softest bed to sleep in we would have our preference and each do have a preference. A person preference differ and maybe that preference determine the level of money one do need to find the best bed for him or her. This means that at a certain point of life people would see money as a tool and would not allocated that much time to accumulate that much. This statement is true but it did not answer the question on how much money a person should have to be happy. Any amount would be good for anyone but that amount would have an amount after a person got to see all the preference of options he do have. We do got offers if only we do fit the market. We can't say we don't like something we don't have or even tried. This means that we would need infinite money in order to obtain a certain freedom in opportunities.
I would again write what my dream would be and what stuff I would be doing. Managing my own funds and investing it big. Earning enough returns to live a very comfortable life. My investments would earn me around 100 million dollars a year would be sufficient. I think having that much would not only give me the perception of security but also the perception of freedom. I would enjoy my life by doing what I love investing on equities and bonds. Doing some analyst job and offering my services. My services of consulting. Life would be great when I do have that job. My reputation would always precedes my judgement and everyone would respect my picks and analysis.
Thursday, February 14, 2013
Today with Gender Equality
Good day, February 15, 2013,
Thank you for a very profitable earning day. My equities are high and earring lot of money. Earning wealth is my passion and dream. Patience may be something I need to practice but end of the day. Life should be about being happy. We only have one life and we should stay happy. Having a lot of things happening we can't stop wondering about each stuff society have bring. This society dictates structure in how we should life our life. Imagine this each person should need to work for money or earn money. Need to have 8 hours of sleep and a lot more routinely non-sense. This way of thinking have been imbedded deep inside our society.
One new thing that is currently being imbedded into the society is to give equality to race and gender. The thing with this is that women would get more power hence there is no equal sense. Nature created us in different ways. We also have different attitude and perception. It's the way it is. The law of evolution would simply win over time cause stuff that we need to survive now will be nurtured and it will lived to the future. I know females are the gender that are much more needed freedom. A lot of culture hinders proper equality while in the west equality is blown into unequal proportion. They have the notion that females are gender that are weak and they need more handicap from the males in order to survive. I tell you this men and women are equal. The state in which I want female and men are equal is simple. What ever a man wants to do a female would have the option to do such thing.
We do live in nature which states the weak will perish and the powerful will survive. That's why more and more beautiful ladies are born cause only beautiful in our eyes are getting married or getting manufacturing of kids done. The chances that the kids are much beautify is higher. It same goes with intelligence and athletics. This is the simple truth. I would propose that men should not control women nor women control men. They should be able freely choose what they want without harsh consequences like death or physical torture.
Society is a powerful evolutionary tool that helps our species evolve to the next stage of human evolution.
Thank you for a very profitable earning day. My equities are high and earring lot of money. Earning wealth is my passion and dream. Patience may be something I need to practice but end of the day. Life should be about being happy. We only have one life and we should stay happy. Having a lot of things happening we can't stop wondering about each stuff society have bring. This society dictates structure in how we should life our life. Imagine this each person should need to work for money or earn money. Need to have 8 hours of sleep and a lot more routinely non-sense. This way of thinking have been imbedded deep inside our society.
One new thing that is currently being imbedded into the society is to give equality to race and gender. The thing with this is that women would get more power hence there is no equal sense. Nature created us in different ways. We also have different attitude and perception. It's the way it is. The law of evolution would simply win over time cause stuff that we need to survive now will be nurtured and it will lived to the future. I know females are the gender that are much more needed freedom. A lot of culture hinders proper equality while in the west equality is blown into unequal proportion. They have the notion that females are gender that are weak and they need more handicap from the males in order to survive. I tell you this men and women are equal. The state in which I want female and men are equal is simple. What ever a man wants to do a female would have the option to do such thing.
We do live in nature which states the weak will perish and the powerful will survive. That's why more and more beautiful ladies are born cause only beautiful in our eyes are getting married or getting manufacturing of kids done. The chances that the kids are much beautify is higher. It same goes with intelligence and athletics. This is the simple truth. I would propose that men should not control women nor women control men. They should be able freely choose what they want without harsh consequences like death or physical torture.
Society is a powerful evolutionary tool that helps our species evolve to the next stage of human evolution.
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
Today with 2013 hearts Day!
Good day February 14, 2013,
Thank you for another nice day! Sales are booming, profits rising, wealth increasing by the second and reached my money value threshold! It's really hard to see the positive side of things. It's really easy to see the bad part of things cause its always obvious. Lately I am having much meditation and learning a lot of things about life. I already know humans do their best everyday to survive. The next thing I also know that people are often looking for easy way out.
This week, I have been pondering another new characteristic that people posses. They tend to favor the side of surviving. It's like saying the way of surviving is imbedded in humans DNA or all living things. People would also have to determine the manner they would like to survive. It means their survivability doesn't really depend on physical needs but its determine by how a person perceived his survival should be. It does explain why some rich dudes do suicide, when poor dudes see that they say rich dudes are stupid. In reality it explain a lot of stuff in people lives. The manner a person would prefer to survive is very important. If the person finds his current survival condition fits his/her perception it would generate a more positive wave that would increase the way they survive. The problem with this way of thinking is that people tend not to be appreciative about the things they have. This gives human a developmental attitude towards everything. It's a survival tool.
I would generally advise to keep our selves contained and be appreciative. I would also give a better advise keep our survival perception more on the side of survival. Differentiate survival and lifestyle. Lifestyle is more on a negative path while survival is more nature wise. As nature tend to do things easily hence surviving should also be a blast. Living life should always be smooth. Easy does it. Easy doesn't really means easy, it only means that the path we take should always be favored on our future not the present. Surviving is never easy. In the older times humans do have harder time to survive. Now surviving seems simpler but in reality humans tend to forget that everyday should be a battle to survive and we should decide the outcome to favor us in the future.
Thank you for another nice day! Sales are booming, profits rising, wealth increasing by the second and reached my money value threshold! It's really hard to see the positive side of things. It's really easy to see the bad part of things cause its always obvious. Lately I am having much meditation and learning a lot of things about life. I already know humans do their best everyday to survive. The next thing I also know that people are often looking for easy way out.
This week, I have been pondering another new characteristic that people posses. They tend to favor the side of surviving. It's like saying the way of surviving is imbedded in humans DNA or all living things. People would also have to determine the manner they would like to survive. It means their survivability doesn't really depend on physical needs but its determine by how a person perceived his survival should be. It does explain why some rich dudes do suicide, when poor dudes see that they say rich dudes are stupid. In reality it explain a lot of stuff in people lives. The manner a person would prefer to survive is very important. If the person finds his current survival condition fits his/her perception it would generate a more positive wave that would increase the way they survive. The problem with this way of thinking is that people tend not to be appreciative about the things they have. This gives human a developmental attitude towards everything. It's a survival tool.
I would generally advise to keep our selves contained and be appreciative. I would also give a better advise keep our survival perception more on the side of survival. Differentiate survival and lifestyle. Lifestyle is more on a negative path while survival is more nature wise. As nature tend to do things easily hence surviving should also be a blast. Living life should always be smooth. Easy does it. Easy doesn't really means easy, it only means that the path we take should always be favored on our future not the present. Surviving is never easy. In the older times humans do have harder time to survive. Now surviving seems simpler but in reality humans tend to forget that everyday should be a battle to survive and we should decide the outcome to favor us in the future.
Monday, February 11, 2013
Today with Birthday
Good Day February 12, 2013,
It's a very good day today cause today is my 30th birthday. It marks 30years that I had lived in this world. It seem short, everything seems just to pass by very fast. That's why lot of elders keep on saying enjoy life while you can cause life should be interesting. I would sincerely agree with them and today I would have a lot of things to be thankful for.
Lets start my thank you, by saying thank you that I was born. Being born is really a miracle. Could we really tell what type of person will be born in this world? Having me born this kind of person is really interesting. This world is very interesting. Seeing that everything in this world have their way with how things move. People tend to mimic how nature evolve. The main fact that humans try to mimic is also an evolution if things. The next thing I would like to say thanks is my current life. How I lived is very comfortable compare to others. Some people seem to like to have more luxurious life. I would prefer living a comfortable luxurious life. This life of mine has been easy from the start. I would also like to thank how I see things. I perceived thing differently compare to most of the people. I would not say that I am a genius but I would say that I have a special gift that is able to analyze stuff and having guess a lot of stuff correctly gives me confident in my skills. I am also grateful that I am able to remain perceptive about how things are functioning in this world. Being open minded and humble is very hard especially if you have a gift like mine. I read last night about apple's watch plan and stuff. The markets are saying they are in bull mode. I would keep in mind that everything is really different from each others point of view. I would say the bulls are over we are now in recession mode again and it's on the peak.
My equities investment are doing great I really hope this year it will be the best!
My birthday wish is same as always I wish to have 10 billion dollars this year. Wishing is saying you want it. Living a comfortable life and interesting life is quite a gift. It's how a person should see things and appreciate things that's the beauty in life.
It's a very good day today cause today is my 30th birthday. It marks 30years that I had lived in this world. It seem short, everything seems just to pass by very fast. That's why lot of elders keep on saying enjoy life while you can cause life should be interesting. I would sincerely agree with them and today I would have a lot of things to be thankful for.
Lets start my thank you, by saying thank you that I was born. Being born is really a miracle. Could we really tell what type of person will be born in this world? Having me born this kind of person is really interesting. This world is very interesting. Seeing that everything in this world have their way with how things move. People tend to mimic how nature evolve. The main fact that humans try to mimic is also an evolution if things. The next thing I would like to say thanks is my current life. How I lived is very comfortable compare to others. Some people seem to like to have more luxurious life. I would prefer living a comfortable luxurious life. This life of mine has been easy from the start. I would also like to thank how I see things. I perceived thing differently compare to most of the people. I would not say that I am a genius but I would say that I have a special gift that is able to analyze stuff and having guess a lot of stuff correctly gives me confident in my skills. I am also grateful that I am able to remain perceptive about how things are functioning in this world. Being open minded and humble is very hard especially if you have a gift like mine. I read last night about apple's watch plan and stuff. The markets are saying they are in bull mode. I would keep in mind that everything is really different from each others point of view. I would say the bulls are over we are now in recession mode again and it's on the peak.
My equities investment are doing great I really hope this year it will be the best!
My birthday wish is same as always I wish to have 10 billion dollars this year. Wishing is saying you want it. Living a comfortable life and interesting life is quite a gift. It's how a person should see things and appreciate things that's the beauty in life.
Friday, February 8, 2013
Today with Nothingness
Good day February 9, 2013,
Thank you for having a very productive and profitable 2012. It's the last day of the 2012 Chinese calendar. It's apparently by birthday in Chinese. I was born the eve of the day before Chinese New Year. This is a fact. Another fact is that I was nothing until then. Now am something.
I got to read some more summarize philosophy of Thomas Aquinas. I could say he was really a world class philosopher which I really have a hard time to find now a days. He presented all his argument with step by step explanation and sited some argument against his argument to challenge his philosophical theories. Upon reading the summaries I got to think he got a very good point that he forgot to expound. He was to preoccupied on explaining proof that there is a GOD. He forgot to me sip. Who will say that the God he worships is the God he was explaining on his logical theories. The second one is a very interesting part, he has an argument if there is something then there must be nothing it's the law of opposite if I remember it correctly. I would concentrate on the nothing's first. I would theorize that everything should start with nothing. It means that there was no universe cause it should be nothing. In our counting numbers we starts with 1 but in reality we should start with 0. In Mathematics as we all simple minded people would know that 0 should be the starting of anything. If someone would state that maybe it started with (-) I would tell them negative would only occur if you had taken something from something. You can't have negative when there is nothing. You can't start something if there is already something. This is my theory. It also got me thinking. Thomas Aquinas also state that the theories he is saying can't be proven cause they are divine in nature as God. I would say nice waiver on stuffs if people would asked for proofs. I agree and people would agree with his law of nature in which state that for every action there will be an effect. We could see that nature seems to do everything easily. The fact that we as humans also a product of magic. We don't need batteries nor electricity but we do produce it and consumes order to have energy to move and do simple stuff that we as human could not possibly create. We as humans only imitates our own actions and creates a beings just like us. I do think from nothing came something and easily shape to what the world is today. Understanding and creating something of some sort is quite different. I read in an article that a scientist created leaves that absorbs more carbon dioxide that normal trees but the only problem after collecting the scientist seems don't know how to make the collected carbon useful unlike the trees.
I would say we are far behind nature in technology cause our brain is far more complex that any computer system available in the world. I could simply conclude that nothing came from nothing and something might be nothing. So if nothing could be something which it is cause nothing is also something then it would simply explain why something emerged from nothing.
Thank you for having a very productive and profitable 2012. It's the last day of the 2012 Chinese calendar. It's apparently by birthday in Chinese. I was born the eve of the day before Chinese New Year. This is a fact. Another fact is that I was nothing until then. Now am something.
I got to read some more summarize philosophy of Thomas Aquinas. I could say he was really a world class philosopher which I really have a hard time to find now a days. He presented all his argument with step by step explanation and sited some argument against his argument to challenge his philosophical theories. Upon reading the summaries I got to think he got a very good point that he forgot to expound. He was to preoccupied on explaining proof that there is a GOD. He forgot to me sip. Who will say that the God he worships is the God he was explaining on his logical theories. The second one is a very interesting part, he has an argument if there is something then there must be nothing it's the law of opposite if I remember it correctly. I would concentrate on the nothing's first. I would theorize that everything should start with nothing. It means that there was no universe cause it should be nothing. In our counting numbers we starts with 1 but in reality we should start with 0. In Mathematics as we all simple minded people would know that 0 should be the starting of anything. If someone would state that maybe it started with (-) I would tell them negative would only occur if you had taken something from something. You can't have negative when there is nothing. You can't start something if there is already something. This is my theory. It also got me thinking. Thomas Aquinas also state that the theories he is saying can't be proven cause they are divine in nature as God. I would say nice waiver on stuffs if people would asked for proofs. I agree and people would agree with his law of nature in which state that for every action there will be an effect. We could see that nature seems to do everything easily. The fact that we as humans also a product of magic. We don't need batteries nor electricity but we do produce it and consumes order to have energy to move and do simple stuff that we as human could not possibly create. We as humans only imitates our own actions and creates a beings just like us. I do think from nothing came something and easily shape to what the world is today. Understanding and creating something of some sort is quite different. I read in an article that a scientist created leaves that absorbs more carbon dioxide that normal trees but the only problem after collecting the scientist seems don't know how to make the collected carbon useful unlike the trees.
I would say we are far behind nature in technology cause our brain is far more complex that any computer system available in the world. I could simply conclude that nothing came from nothing and something might be nothing. So if nothing could be something which it is cause nothing is also something then it would simply explain why something emerged from nothing.
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