Good day December 28, 2012,
Thank you for a very relaxing and initiative week. I had a blast! I surprised my wife with our new iPhone 5, got a new business idea! All equities that I hold show good signs. There are a lot of new opportunities for me and I am eager to study CFA. These are the some few things I would thank for these past few days.
Talking about the holidays. It's been quite for almost a lot of years. Our family holidays isn't like the past once but it seems better and getting better by the year. It may take some time to get to the way it use to cause of my stubbornness but I feel like its the right thing to do. I feel happy doing it and most of al I can see positive results.
Relatives and family is always going to be present and they would always give problems and cause undesirable outcomes. The only thing that is good about them is that they worth nothing really. This year I would be glad to win the jackpot lottery and I should have won it. Times are getting better and tougher at the same time. I feel like going over the wall and not looking back. This is my way to divide my great mind against others . I really hope that this new business opportunity would give me the dream that I wish. Having 10 billion dollars on my bank account is the best.
Who says money can't buy happiness? Money can buy happiness.. It's how much money you have and money willing spend to keep on being happy of x period of time.
Dear Blog Diary is where I put every thought and experience I have every day. I really hope you readers would get a have a great time reading my mind. I am glad that there is a tool for me to express my thoughts and share to people who wants to understand how a man's journey in his life would be.
USD 10,000,000,000.00

My Check
Thursday, December 27, 2012
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Today with productivity
Good day December 4, 2012,
Thank You for letting me enjoy my mornings. I have eaten my wife's graham cake and it taste awesome. Every morning for the past 3 weeks or more I have been logging in diablo 3. I really have fun playing but after a awhile I realize I could have done much more. I should have research and do small task that would help increase my wealth rather than playing my favorite game. 6 months I have played the game and enjoyed it. Lately I realize that I am being unproductive. I have dilemma about not doing what I like, Discipline and all. The thing is we should do what we love. I love doing non-sense stuff. Playing is one. Playing diablo for 6 month and knowing every single detail makes me feel that I should have channel this energy else where. This passion should be place in earning or investing which would give me more wealth.
Today my mom will be coming back from her long vacation in Canada. I know she had fun. Things are not quite the same with out her here. This is like an example of the future if she join my dad. My wife was telling me that we should personally fetch her to welcome her home. Make her feel missed. I told her that in our family we don't do such thing. Mainly I don't do such thing. I prioritize routine which I hate but doing something out of the blue is really not my thing. I told her that we should cherish the time given to us. Don't worry about my mom coming home. She would probably want to meet us on say or Sunday if time permits. Life is full of compromises. It's what you are willing to let go is the most important thing. Time is the most valuable thing for me right now cause when you spend time you can't get it back. It's the time I have given to them they should appreciate and vise versa.
I have learned a lot this year and I really grew a lot. The problem right now is finding the thing I want to do and enjoy it for the rest of my life. Playing diablo might not be productive. Investing might not turn out productive. The main thing is you do what you need to do and want to do cause life is short.
Life is short and every single time you spend not loving what you do or being angry is a waste of time. Spending the time with someone worthwhile is the most important thing. Every family is not perfect, the only thing that is perfect is enjoying the time given. If the time passed by it will never come back. Our family situation is never going to be the same. My perception about my sibling and relatives won't change. I enjoy spending my time with my wife. Just being with her, talking with her and creating a new family is what I love about our family. You don't need to have a kid to be a family.
I don't have time for my sibling to change and understand. I don't have time for them to realize stuff. I don't have time to give my time for them. I really have time earning money and spending the time I have doing the things I love. Play a little work hard. Do stuff that would help you achieve something worthwhile In your eyes. I always leave a Danish quote saying : Life is not having a Good Hands, life is playing a poor hand well. This means everyone do have a pair of poker card and the community cards are still undetermined. Even if it turned out not your way it how you play your hand the defines you as a person.
I do have situations in my life, I tend to fold them cause playing them would reduce my chip count and I might not have enough to win the bigger pot. Learn to fold and wait for a better one to come up. Life is like waiting for the right time to go All - in. The problem with people is that they don't know what hands they are willing to go all - In.
Thank You for letting me enjoy my mornings. I have eaten my wife's graham cake and it taste awesome. Every morning for the past 3 weeks or more I have been logging in diablo 3. I really have fun playing but after a awhile I realize I could have done much more. I should have research and do small task that would help increase my wealth rather than playing my favorite game. 6 months I have played the game and enjoyed it. Lately I realize that I am being unproductive. I have dilemma about not doing what I like, Discipline and all. The thing is we should do what we love. I love doing non-sense stuff. Playing is one. Playing diablo for 6 month and knowing every single detail makes me feel that I should have channel this energy else where. This passion should be place in earning or investing which would give me more wealth.
Today my mom will be coming back from her long vacation in Canada. I know she had fun. Things are not quite the same with out her here. This is like an example of the future if she join my dad. My wife was telling me that we should personally fetch her to welcome her home. Make her feel missed. I told her that in our family we don't do such thing. Mainly I don't do such thing. I prioritize routine which I hate but doing something out of the blue is really not my thing. I told her that we should cherish the time given to us. Don't worry about my mom coming home. She would probably want to meet us on say or Sunday if time permits. Life is full of compromises. It's what you are willing to let go is the most important thing. Time is the most valuable thing for me right now cause when you spend time you can't get it back. It's the time I have given to them they should appreciate and vise versa.
I have learned a lot this year and I really grew a lot. The problem right now is finding the thing I want to do and enjoy it for the rest of my life. Playing diablo might not be productive. Investing might not turn out productive. The main thing is you do what you need to do and want to do cause life is short.
Life is short and every single time you spend not loving what you do or being angry is a waste of time. Spending the time with someone worthwhile is the most important thing. Every family is not perfect, the only thing that is perfect is enjoying the time given. If the time passed by it will never come back. Our family situation is never going to be the same. My perception about my sibling and relatives won't change. I enjoy spending my time with my wife. Just being with her, talking with her and creating a new family is what I love about our family. You don't need to have a kid to be a family.
I don't have time for my sibling to change and understand. I don't have time for them to realize stuff. I don't have time to give my time for them. I really have time earning money and spending the time I have doing the things I love. Play a little work hard. Do stuff that would help you achieve something worthwhile In your eyes. I always leave a Danish quote saying : Life is not having a Good Hands, life is playing a poor hand well. This means everyone do have a pair of poker card and the community cards are still undetermined. Even if it turned out not your way it how you play your hand the defines you as a person.
I do have situations in my life, I tend to fold them cause playing them would reduce my chip count and I might not have enough to win the bigger pot. Learn to fold and wait for a better one to come up. Life is like waiting for the right time to go All - in. The problem with people is that they don't know what hands they are willing to go all - In.
Sunday, December 2, 2012
Today with Getting Rich Fast
Good day December 3, 2012,
Thank you for giving me a lot of opportunities to choose from. Thank you for giving me a stable and comfortable life. I am feeling down today, it seems that even with a lot good thing happening I still wants more. It's only human to want more and hope for more. It's like diablo game I am playing. I want to achieve something that is cool in my eyes. There are still a lot of things I could improve in my character and I really hope that I would be able to reach the targeted goal.
In life, it's pretty much the same. I know what I want! To have 10billion dollars. It seems everyone wants to be rich. The question is how to become rich fast. I really want to be rich fast enough so that I could enjoy life without worries. It seems everytime I reach a certain level. I have an impasse. I know getting rich wont be fun if I could not find the ways and means of doing so. I taught playing diablo would be my passion. It seem I love playing games is to relax me of my routinely life task. While playing the game I realize that I also do such thing. Keep on doing the same old thing and hope that I would get a better result.
I googled some articles on how to get rich. I also invested money on forex and stuff and hopefully that I would earn much. Everyday passes and I only feel that my goal seems far and unable to reach it. People said in order to feel happy is to enjoy your life and say thanks to everything good in your life.
Poker is like a game of life, it's never been easy and playing with a good hands doesn't mean you will get a good reward. Sometimes risking more would gain enough to be rich.
The only question I am having is...... What if what ever I do I would not get what I desire. What if everything I sacrifice is for nothing. I should start doing something worthwhile in order to reach something good.
Thank you for giving me a lot of opportunities to choose from. Thank you for giving me a stable and comfortable life. I am feeling down today, it seems that even with a lot good thing happening I still wants more. It's only human to want more and hope for more. It's like diablo game I am playing. I want to achieve something that is cool in my eyes. There are still a lot of things I could improve in my character and I really hope that I would be able to reach the targeted goal.
In life, it's pretty much the same. I know what I want! To have 10billion dollars. It seems everyone wants to be rich. The question is how to become rich fast. I really want to be rich fast enough so that I could enjoy life without worries. It seems everytime I reach a certain level. I have an impasse. I know getting rich wont be fun if I could not find the ways and means of doing so. I taught playing diablo would be my passion. It seem I love playing games is to relax me of my routinely life task. While playing the game I realize that I also do such thing. Keep on doing the same old thing and hope that I would get a better result.
I googled some articles on how to get rich. I also invested money on forex and stuff and hopefully that I would earn much. Everyday passes and I only feel that my goal seems far and unable to reach it. People said in order to feel happy is to enjoy your life and say thanks to everything good in your life.
Poker is like a game of life, it's never been easy and playing with a good hands doesn't mean you will get a good reward. Sometimes risking more would gain enough to be rich.
The only question I am having is...... What if what ever I do I would not get what I desire. What if everything I sacrifice is for nothing. I should start doing something worthwhile in order to reach something good.
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Today with Second Chance
Good day November 30, 2012,
Thank you for all the small blessing that came to me in past day. I am thank you for the time you given me to enjoy small activities like playing diablo And watching my favorite shows. I have written this blog again due to lack of memory I would need to rewrite everything.
In these past days, I may not written my experiences but surely there was a lot of Things that got me thinking. I read a quotation from the Dai Lai Lama. The quote explained that Man is the most interesting thing on earth. He states that man spend all his life accumulating money and in his end of day spend the money he earned to recuperated his health. The quote also states that man while he is living does all the things he doesn't love to do. Upon his death he would regret that he should have done the thing he loved. In the end man did not even lived his life.
This quote gave me a realization that I am somewhat that kind of man. I spend all my life working to earn money sacrificing my health to an extend due to stress then uses the money I earned to recuperate my health. I would saved money and say I would do certain things when I reach a certain point in my life. In my last breath I am afraid that I would say the same thing . I should have enjoyed my life.
Then I came to watch a video blog by a professor. The professor asked what if money is not needed what would you like to be? The student said professions that is unlikely their strengths but the professor said do that. The funny thing about life is that we might not know what we loved to do. People might have different things they loved to do at any point in life. If people tend to do what they loved they might not end up doing anything cause they would always find new things to love.
I understand what these two person is trying to say. Life should be living the way you love it. Spending time to enjoy. Doing things you like and sacrificing something to get what you love. It is not wrong to follow what we feel or love. The only thing is once you found it make sure you finish it before jumping to the next thing you love. Loving is never short term nor it is easy. Loving is able to sacrifice your life to make it better.
Recently I also fired one of my most well performed staff. He was great in his job but he has a problem. He is an alcoholic. On November 28, 2012, pass 11:00pm to midnight. He was drunk yet again. He went upstairs to his co worker's dormitory room and tried the open the door knob. All my staff do lived in one roofed and tee could consider it a dormitory. Upon turning the knob and found out it was locked he eventually went out the balcony of the said room which was occupied by my female staff with 2 children one you g lady and her younger brother. The female co-worker woke up and got anxious due to the sound. Then she saw a shadow lurking outside the window. She then asked the shadow with a firm voice that who's is there. Then with a small glimpse of the face. She then said I saw who you are and why are you here. The worker immediately drop on all his fours as the female co-worker drew near the window cautiously. She then peaked outside and saw the perpetrator crawled back to his room and pretended nothing happened.
The following morning she told me what happen. During this time, my gut tells me this guy did not do anything grievously wrong but he would eventually do something bad in the future. This guys have been living in the said dormitory for almost 2 years now and nothing like this ever happened. I called a friend and asked for an advise me to tell the guy to find a new place to sleep.
I find his advise good, but still I really can't risked any bad thing that might occur. I have decided to let him go due to working conditions might not be as normal. Awkwardness would be in the air and we don't know if he would repeat the creepy act in the future. This guy has a potential to do harm or have a bad intention toward someone. I called him and talked. I asked him what was his problem. He said he did nothing wrong he just peaked. I told him if you don't have any bad intentions you should not have hide your face or hide from his co-worker. He still have his conscience. I asked him what was his plan? He was silent all the time. After I fired him, the following day I felt bad. I felt bad cause I really like his performance and I was planning to give him a raised. My decision is for the whole work force cause security and peace of mind is needed to cultivate a family atmosphere.
Some of my staff, told me that I was too rush in mu decision and they might able to work with him. I told them that today he did this. We taught that he could not do such a creepy thing. One day he might use drugs or had used it and do something worse that we could not even bear. I would call the police and file criminal charges and his life would be worse.
I think what I did was the right decision cause it gave my ex-personnel a perspective that right things should always be protecting and respecting others. What he did was not respectful and very scary. He might not do bad things in the future. I am not willing to risk it.
Thank you for all the small blessing that came to me in past day. I am thank you for the time you given me to enjoy small activities like playing diablo And watching my favorite shows. I have written this blog again due to lack of memory I would need to rewrite everything.
In these past days, I may not written my experiences but surely there was a lot of Things that got me thinking. I read a quotation from the Dai Lai Lama. The quote explained that Man is the most interesting thing on earth. He states that man spend all his life accumulating money and in his end of day spend the money he earned to recuperated his health. The quote also states that man while he is living does all the things he doesn't love to do. Upon his death he would regret that he should have done the thing he loved. In the end man did not even lived his life.
This quote gave me a realization that I am somewhat that kind of man. I spend all my life working to earn money sacrificing my health to an extend due to stress then uses the money I earned to recuperate my health. I would saved money and say I would do certain things when I reach a certain point in my life. In my last breath I am afraid that I would say the same thing . I should have enjoyed my life.
Then I came to watch a video blog by a professor. The professor asked what if money is not needed what would you like to be? The student said professions that is unlikely their strengths but the professor said do that. The funny thing about life is that we might not know what we loved to do. People might have different things they loved to do at any point in life. If people tend to do what they loved they might not end up doing anything cause they would always find new things to love.
I understand what these two person is trying to say. Life should be living the way you love it. Spending time to enjoy. Doing things you like and sacrificing something to get what you love. It is not wrong to follow what we feel or love. The only thing is once you found it make sure you finish it before jumping to the next thing you love. Loving is never short term nor it is easy. Loving is able to sacrifice your life to make it better.
Recently I also fired one of my most well performed staff. He was great in his job but he has a problem. He is an alcoholic. On November 28, 2012, pass 11:00pm to midnight. He was drunk yet again. He went upstairs to his co worker's dormitory room and tried the open the door knob. All my staff do lived in one roofed and tee could consider it a dormitory. Upon turning the knob and found out it was locked he eventually went out the balcony of the said room which was occupied by my female staff with 2 children one you g lady and her younger brother. The female co-worker woke up and got anxious due to the sound. Then she saw a shadow lurking outside the window. She then asked the shadow with a firm voice that who's is there. Then with a small glimpse of the face. She then said I saw who you are and why are you here. The worker immediately drop on all his fours as the female co-worker drew near the window cautiously. She then peaked outside and saw the perpetrator crawled back to his room and pretended nothing happened.
The following morning she told me what happen. During this time, my gut tells me this guy did not do anything grievously wrong but he would eventually do something bad in the future. This guys have been living in the said dormitory for almost 2 years now and nothing like this ever happened. I called a friend and asked for an advise me to tell the guy to find a new place to sleep.
I find his advise good, but still I really can't risked any bad thing that might occur. I have decided to let him go due to working conditions might not be as normal. Awkwardness would be in the air and we don't know if he would repeat the creepy act in the future. This guy has a potential to do harm or have a bad intention toward someone. I called him and talked. I asked him what was his problem. He said he did nothing wrong he just peaked. I told him if you don't have any bad intentions you should not have hide your face or hide from his co-worker. He still have his conscience. I asked him what was his plan? He was silent all the time. After I fired him, the following day I felt bad. I felt bad cause I really like his performance and I was planning to give him a raised. My decision is for the whole work force cause security and peace of mind is needed to cultivate a family atmosphere.
Some of my staff, told me that I was too rush in mu decision and they might able to work with him. I told them that today he did this. We taught that he could not do such a creepy thing. One day he might use drugs or had used it and do something worse that we could not even bear. I would call the police and file criminal charges and his life would be worse.
I think what I did was the right decision cause it gave my ex-personnel a perspective that right things should always be protecting and respecting others. What he did was not respectful and very scary. He might not do bad things in the future. I am not willing to risk it.
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Today with Harwork
Good day November 16, 2012,
Thank you for a wonderful day, it's been a while since I wrote to you. I would be very great full cause for the past days its been very smooth. Smooth means everything went well. The progress is nice, I would be more happy if it progressed faster.
Last November 11, 2012 my bet friend got married! It was a blast! I met my friends enjoy their company and enjoy the evening. We now share an unbreakable date bond due to our anniversary are the same.
As a friend I gave him advise, I told him that don't change cause when your married you would change but always remember who you are. That's the person whom your partner loved. Through the years marriage needs work. I have learned a lot from my partner and vise versa. It's all about compromise and understanding and putting up guidelines.
I also remembered that I bought a ticket for a wine expo to impress one of my clients's purchasing officer so that I would have many orders from him. I hope that I would happen soon. This is what makes business unattractive for me. Sometimes or more often that not everything you do don't have any result! Perseverance and hard work is the only key to achieved what we aim for.
Today, someone just broke his promise and trust. He promised something and should have completed it. Regardless of how circumstances. I understand him but this is the thing. Understanding doesn't mean accepting and letting him have his way. Responsibility and honor are hard stuffs to maintain. We as human beings tend to take those for granted. We should treasure our honor cause when everything is at the end. We will be measured by how we lived our lives.
Having lots of money gives us a false sense of security but I would prefer to have lots than none. I am still playing my favorite game diablo. It really gives me perspective on how each players are different. Many would complain and have hard time comparing their characters with others. While others enjoys the characters they develop. There will always be better items and better built. This I realize that in life others might have better lives and stuffs but your not behind. Having to focus on your built you might excel and push your life further. It would be hard and you might need more money or stuffs. The thing I realize is that all we need is patience and hard work.
In life and in game is almost the same. You want to excel the game and in life with the set of given rules. Others might get there faster. All we should concentrate is how would we get there.
Thank you for a wonderful day, it's been a while since I wrote to you. I would be very great full cause for the past days its been very smooth. Smooth means everything went well. The progress is nice, I would be more happy if it progressed faster.
Last November 11, 2012 my bet friend got married! It was a blast! I met my friends enjoy their company and enjoy the evening. We now share an unbreakable date bond due to our anniversary are the same.
As a friend I gave him advise, I told him that don't change cause when your married you would change but always remember who you are. That's the person whom your partner loved. Through the years marriage needs work. I have learned a lot from my partner and vise versa. It's all about compromise and understanding and putting up guidelines.
I also remembered that I bought a ticket for a wine expo to impress one of my clients's purchasing officer so that I would have many orders from him. I hope that I would happen soon. This is what makes business unattractive for me. Sometimes or more often that not everything you do don't have any result! Perseverance and hard work is the only key to achieved what we aim for.
Today, someone just broke his promise and trust. He promised something and should have completed it. Regardless of how circumstances. I understand him but this is the thing. Understanding doesn't mean accepting and letting him have his way. Responsibility and honor are hard stuffs to maintain. We as human beings tend to take those for granted. We should treasure our honor cause when everything is at the end. We will be measured by how we lived our lives.
Having lots of money gives us a false sense of security but I would prefer to have lots than none. I am still playing my favorite game diablo. It really gives me perspective on how each players are different. Many would complain and have hard time comparing their characters with others. While others enjoys the characters they develop. There will always be better items and better built. This I realize that in life others might have better lives and stuffs but your not behind. Having to focus on your built you might excel and push your life further. It would be hard and you might need more money or stuffs. The thing I realize is that all we need is patience and hard work.
In life and in game is almost the same. You want to excel the game and in life with the set of given rules. Others might get there faster. All we should concentrate is how would we get there.
Sunday, November 4, 2012
Today with Revolution
Good day November 5, 2012,
Thank you for a great relaxing day. Last weekend was also a blast. Craving for more time like that. Having time for what you like to do. Doing exactly what I love. I have been thinking a lot about how life should be. It's quite unique and crazy at the same time. I see my life like balancing thru this period. My wife said that I don't give her proper time. I would agree but let get to the point of time. Time is the most valuable thing a person or a living thing could have. Once you invested in the wrong place you can't take it back.
Talking about investing time. I realize that people do change due to the thing around them and they change quite often. This simply means the people are fickle minded. People tend to do their best if they stick with what they initially planned. This is why time is important. People sees it wasting time when they see what their doing is to resulting anything. The real thing is that the fruits of labor may come in a slower pace due to some changes in life also. Keep doing what we believe and eventually we would get what we dreamed. If we keep on changing what we want. We would end up with nothing.
Thank you for a great relaxing day. Last weekend was also a blast. Craving for more time like that. Having time for what you like to do. Doing exactly what I love. I have been thinking a lot about how life should be. It's quite unique and crazy at the same time. I see my life like balancing thru this period. My wife said that I don't give her proper time. I would agree but let get to the point of time. Time is the most valuable thing a person or a living thing could have. Once you invested in the wrong place you can't take it back.
Talking about investing time. I realize that people do change due to the thing around them and they change quite often. This simply means the people are fickle minded. People tend to do their best if they stick with what they initially planned. This is why time is important. People sees it wasting time when they see what their doing is to resulting anything. The real thing is that the fruits of labor may come in a slower pace due to some changes in life also. Keep doing what we believe and eventually we would get what we dreamed. If we keep on changing what we want. We would end up with nothing.
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Today with Balance
Good day October 16, 2012,
Thank you for a very peaceful day and I am looking forward on the new Diablo 3 patch updating today. These patches for games are like small alteration on a game's mechanics and hope that it will make it balance enough for people to play and enjoy. Talking about game balance I got to think about how balance is really non existence. Balance is just as simple as compromise but its hard to understand and to implement. In life everyone saying have a balance life. When eating food you should have a balance meal. The main fact is that each person is different and balance for a person may not be balance for another. The issue is balance in what area. Balance is not equal or neither fair. Balance is like if have more money you will surely have more stuff. Balance in meaning is far more harder to understand. Like in the game of starcraft, they say its balance in terms of game units. It's simply means that each unit is balanced in a way that each unit have its own function and strength and weakness. While other see this balance very balance. I for one can't see the balance in the game cause each unit have different resource requirement, time produce and most importantly the unit extra added features. This make a simple game impossible to balance. It would be balance if each unit would be cost related saying for each resource spend it would have x amount of life and it would be produced longer due to longer health points.
In life balance is also very tricky. Having to balance relationship, finance, work, and other stuff. We could try to balance each aspect of our live by time. In actual we really can't cause as we all know the more time we invest in something we either get better from it and learn something from it eventually. Each aspect should be given equal opportunity. Balancing them one by one would mean a life that might go nowhere. Each aspect of life contribute to the others significantly. Having a good relationship would eventually open new windows of opportunity. Having a good finance would ensure better secure future. Having a good education would give us prepares to survive in the future environment. All in all each aspects needs our time and devotion to full harvest the potential of each.
I have learned lately that I may now able to play starcraft Diablo, watch TV shows and study my CFA and I really am luck to be able to do all those stuff. In my opinion it's a great thing but its been quite dull. It's not boring it just like its useless cause. I really am not getting anywhere with each stuff I do. The diablo game can't improve cause I am not farming enough. Playing starcraft needs more than know how but practice and knowledge. Studying CFA sometimes makes me sleep but overall I learned some.
Focusing in one aspect is not balance in others point of view but I will tell you guys this balance is for the weak. Focus in one and make it the best you can. When you hit a wall on a certain aspect keep pushing. Other aspect can't wait it will crumble over time but I assure you that what you focused on will be worthwhile as long as you put your heart into it. Example of this is some people neglect relationship and focus on earning money. Then one day they will find themselves very rich but their love life is in array or their relationship is bad. Having lots of money would guarantee you that you will have more new opportunity but it may not be the old opportunity. It's all about trade off. Remember everyone wants to have it all but one a few is able to. It's not because their lucky or they know what they are doing. The only thing separating them from people is their sheer determination on achieving what they planned for.
Plan your life and live your plan. That the only way to have a good life. Always remember that we are the planner hence we could also alter our plan as we see fit. That is how life should be. Balance life is a happy life. Make your life happy and everything would go as we planned. Everything has a time and moment.
Thank you for a very peaceful day and I am looking forward on the new Diablo 3 patch updating today. These patches for games are like small alteration on a game's mechanics and hope that it will make it balance enough for people to play and enjoy. Talking about game balance I got to think about how balance is really non existence. Balance is just as simple as compromise but its hard to understand and to implement. In life everyone saying have a balance life. When eating food you should have a balance meal. The main fact is that each person is different and balance for a person may not be balance for another. The issue is balance in what area. Balance is not equal or neither fair. Balance is like if have more money you will surely have more stuff. Balance in meaning is far more harder to understand. Like in the game of starcraft, they say its balance in terms of game units. It's simply means that each unit is balanced in a way that each unit have its own function and strength and weakness. While other see this balance very balance. I for one can't see the balance in the game cause each unit have different resource requirement, time produce and most importantly the unit extra added features. This make a simple game impossible to balance. It would be balance if each unit would be cost related saying for each resource spend it would have x amount of life and it would be produced longer due to longer health points.
In life balance is also very tricky. Having to balance relationship, finance, work, and other stuff. We could try to balance each aspect of our live by time. In actual we really can't cause as we all know the more time we invest in something we either get better from it and learn something from it eventually. Each aspect should be given equal opportunity. Balancing them one by one would mean a life that might go nowhere. Each aspect of life contribute to the others significantly. Having a good relationship would eventually open new windows of opportunity. Having a good finance would ensure better secure future. Having a good education would give us prepares to survive in the future environment. All in all each aspects needs our time and devotion to full harvest the potential of each.
I have learned lately that I may now able to play starcraft Diablo, watch TV shows and study my CFA and I really am luck to be able to do all those stuff. In my opinion it's a great thing but its been quite dull. It's not boring it just like its useless cause. I really am not getting anywhere with each stuff I do. The diablo game can't improve cause I am not farming enough. Playing starcraft needs more than know how but practice and knowledge. Studying CFA sometimes makes me sleep but overall I learned some.
Focusing in one aspect is not balance in others point of view but I will tell you guys this balance is for the weak. Focus in one and make it the best you can. When you hit a wall on a certain aspect keep pushing. Other aspect can't wait it will crumble over time but I assure you that what you focused on will be worthwhile as long as you put your heart into it. Example of this is some people neglect relationship and focus on earning money. Then one day they will find themselves very rich but their love life is in array or their relationship is bad. Having lots of money would guarantee you that you will have more new opportunity but it may not be the old opportunity. It's all about trade off. Remember everyone wants to have it all but one a few is able to. It's not because their lucky or they know what they are doing. The only thing separating them from people is their sheer determination on achieving what they planned for.
Plan your life and live your plan. That the only way to have a good life. Always remember that we are the planner hence we could also alter our plan as we see fit. That is how life should be. Balance life is a happy life. Make your life happy and everything would go as we planned. Everything has a time and moment.
Monday, October 8, 2012
Today with More Money More Happy,
Good day October 10, 2012,
Thank you for giving me another opportunity to earn more money. Speaking about money, I have been browsing the web if money would really give me happiness. I would like to state that I am currently happy and enjoying my life. It's seems I want more and the question for others is do more money gives us more happiness..
I would like to give analyze opinion about the said matter. More money do indeed give everyone more happiness. The only catch is how does a person handles the additional money he have earned or got. More doesn't mean better or good.... But in having more we could do more. More means excess of something we basically don't need. Having enough is just fair and balance. Money does give is a new perspective on how each person should live their lives. People who thinks money is evil or bad doesn't understand that money is just a thing. People who despise money is surely a person that can't get a hold of enough money. It's like saying I can't get that so it's probably bad anyways.
In my life, it seems money maybe the root to everything we desire. The only question is how much money is needed. I have stated on some of my tweets that in life a person aims for different factors in life. Money or financial is one factor in which a person could attain happiness. The only secret here is that people don't understand that each life's factor to happiness is link with each other. Lets give an example, with more money you would gain more friends and you would gain more time to spend it with them. Others say they would only be friends with you because of your money. I would tell those people that its you who chose them. If you think their using you or just being nice because your rich then it's better to cut them off. Family is one factor in to happiness. With more money they would be more Likely to be friendlier and give you priority. In achievement factor having that much money makes you feel good not only because of security but also the fact that you have that much give you an aura that most want.
Eventually, money do solve and buys everything we want the only question is how much. For this people who think that you can't buy life. I tell you this, a lot of people sell their bodies as surrogates and others sell their own child. Other people tell you that you can't improve life with money and give you false sense of security. I would tell them that more money would give you a comfortable life. It could prolong your life when fear of dying is still in the air.
Life with enough money is like giving you an open door to limitless possibility that could have severe sacrifices upon getting them. Life with no money make you feel that life is hell, it would be harder to do what we want and the things we see that we might want would only be a dream. The urge that we might do anything to get what we want is stronger hence more problems might arise with that perception. Life with plenty of money is a life that has the most possibilities to change and mold the world you live in. It changes how we see things. The good things that we can achieve with money is limitless and opportunities are much more attainable.
A simple explanation about life is that we live by the rules life gives. When you have money which is power life will be what you dream it would be.
Money can't buy happiness because you don't have enough to buy one.
Thank you for giving me another opportunity to earn more money. Speaking about money, I have been browsing the web if money would really give me happiness. I would like to state that I am currently happy and enjoying my life. It's seems I want more and the question for others is do more money gives us more happiness..
I would like to give analyze opinion about the said matter. More money do indeed give everyone more happiness. The only catch is how does a person handles the additional money he have earned or got. More doesn't mean better or good.... But in having more we could do more. More means excess of something we basically don't need. Having enough is just fair and balance. Money does give is a new perspective on how each person should live their lives. People who thinks money is evil or bad doesn't understand that money is just a thing. People who despise money is surely a person that can't get a hold of enough money. It's like saying I can't get that so it's probably bad anyways.
In my life, it seems money maybe the root to everything we desire. The only question is how much money is needed. I have stated on some of my tweets that in life a person aims for different factors in life. Money or financial is one factor in which a person could attain happiness. The only secret here is that people don't understand that each life's factor to happiness is link with each other. Lets give an example, with more money you would gain more friends and you would gain more time to spend it with them. Others say they would only be friends with you because of your money. I would tell those people that its you who chose them. If you think their using you or just being nice because your rich then it's better to cut them off. Family is one factor in to happiness. With more money they would be more Likely to be friendlier and give you priority. In achievement factor having that much money makes you feel good not only because of security but also the fact that you have that much give you an aura that most want.
Eventually, money do solve and buys everything we want the only question is how much. For this people who think that you can't buy life. I tell you this, a lot of people sell their bodies as surrogates and others sell their own child. Other people tell you that you can't improve life with money and give you false sense of security. I would tell them that more money would give you a comfortable life. It could prolong your life when fear of dying is still in the air.
Life with enough money is like giving you an open door to limitless possibility that could have severe sacrifices upon getting them. Life with no money make you feel that life is hell, it would be harder to do what we want and the things we see that we might want would only be a dream. The urge that we might do anything to get what we want is stronger hence more problems might arise with that perception. Life with plenty of money is a life that has the most possibilities to change and mold the world you live in. It changes how we see things. The good things that we can achieve with money is limitless and opportunities are much more attainable.
A simple explanation about life is that we live by the rules life gives. When you have money which is power life will be what you dream it would be.
Money can't buy happiness because you don't have enough to buy one.
Today with Trades
Good day October 12, 2012,
Thank you for a wonderful profitable day. Our shop is earning not bad these days I really hope that it does continue to grow toward sustainability of high income. This way all of my staff and owner would enjoy living a plentiful life. Earning money from business is quite distracting especially if you know there are people earning big bucks without sweating much. In this society as I depict is quite imbalance. It seems paper skill is much important than manual labor skill cause it pays more to be a certified diploma person than a well skill manual laborer. This should change cause I see that the society is becoming more lazy. We people tend want to have more with doing less. Certificates and diplomas are like papers increasing income value without actual value. Lets say a carpenter vs a risk analyst income. The carpenter would earn less than the analyst cause our society dictates the person who uses intellect would be more rewarded than those who are physically gifted. For athletes physical attributes are needed as part of sorting from god given gift than those who work hard for the gift. I have seen much successful people and all I see are people with determination to do what is necessary to attain their desired place in society. This means that they work hard on their skill and achieve an incomparable advantage over others. This makes them worth more than others because of their sheer hardwork. I really hope that our society would give equal opportunity to all people cause you can test physical or mental aptitude but you can't test emotional determination.
Example in this retrospect is the game Starcraft 2. I tried to understand the strategy behind the game but all I got is that game developers made the game more action motivating than strategy base. Here is a clear example, the one who created a unit production structure should always lead in terms of numbers assuming he continues to manufacture the said units. It will be impossible for the other player out pace the speed of the other player. Regardless of players usage race or character. The game is created towards the fact that each type have their strength and weakness. This is portrayed by the race strength on different stages of the game which means. A single type of play would be very effective if you use this race or character. Don't get me wrong about balancing. They are pretty balance in a way each have equal strengths but opportunity is not equal. Certain strategy would be more effective if you used this type of race.
In my opinion, speed in creating x number of structure is a skill. Thus making him faster but not superior. It may also means that player would able to do over power by sheer quantity.
The game designer have explain how they balance the game. They use winning percentage of each trace to properly gauge if the game is balance. Which seem it is a better gauge on players usage. It only give the information that players using x race would have x chance if they properly sync the player skill and rankings in the game. It seems this evaluation is quite favored towards the game type not balancing. In balancing each player should have equal footing it means if a player out speed to build a unit producing structure the player who is later to create would have quantity down time.
It would seem the same in the real world. Government an society is favored on how each man should equip themselves to survive in this time period. Unlike in the olden time, it was much balance. Each person have the equal chance on catching their food by using their evolutionary gifts.
Caveman in the Jurassic area might use their strength to catch their food. While other might use some tools to catch their. See this example. Assuming there is a god he is a great balancer. Each person have been given x talent to survive. The one with the stronger body would catch a fish via his hands. While the person with a smaller frame might catch a fish using another skill his brain.
It only means, everyone is equal and it depends on the person on how to get the end result. In this game the equal power each unit is balance but the race control an time is not the same.
That is why, people should change the meaning of balance. Balance is the key cause in balancing. Each would have a better chance. The caveman who catch the fish by his bare hand might catch 1 fish at a time and it maybe time consuming depending on his skill. While the one created a tool might catch more depending on his skill in creating The tool. It would look simple but it is not simple. It maybe longer to catch the fish by hands but he skip the process of creating a tool. The end result is time acquiring the fish would probably be the same.
The game is quite different, a single race can outpace the other race in building even they start the same time. There is the imbalance. I would say time is also important.
We all would like a balance world but in reality, this world is far from balance Te only thing you can balance is your time cause everyone has equal time a day to spend. Lifetime is quite not balance. The Time given to each person is very balance.
Thank you for a wonderful profitable day. Our shop is earning not bad these days I really hope that it does continue to grow toward sustainability of high income. This way all of my staff and owner would enjoy living a plentiful life. Earning money from business is quite distracting especially if you know there are people earning big bucks without sweating much. In this society as I depict is quite imbalance. It seems paper skill is much important than manual labor skill cause it pays more to be a certified diploma person than a well skill manual laborer. This should change cause I see that the society is becoming more lazy. We people tend want to have more with doing less. Certificates and diplomas are like papers increasing income value without actual value. Lets say a carpenter vs a risk analyst income. The carpenter would earn less than the analyst cause our society dictates the person who uses intellect would be more rewarded than those who are physically gifted. For athletes physical attributes are needed as part of sorting from god given gift than those who work hard for the gift. I have seen much successful people and all I see are people with determination to do what is necessary to attain their desired place in society. This means that they work hard on their skill and achieve an incomparable advantage over others. This makes them worth more than others because of their sheer hardwork. I really hope that our society would give equal opportunity to all people cause you can test physical or mental aptitude but you can't test emotional determination.
Example in this retrospect is the game Starcraft 2. I tried to understand the strategy behind the game but all I got is that game developers made the game more action motivating than strategy base. Here is a clear example, the one who created a unit production structure should always lead in terms of numbers assuming he continues to manufacture the said units. It will be impossible for the other player out pace the speed of the other player. Regardless of players usage race or character. The game is created towards the fact that each type have their strength and weakness. This is portrayed by the race strength on different stages of the game which means. A single type of play would be very effective if you use this race or character. Don't get me wrong about balancing. They are pretty balance in a way each have equal strengths but opportunity is not equal. Certain strategy would be more effective if you used this type of race.
In my opinion, speed in creating x number of structure is a skill. Thus making him faster but not superior. It may also means that player would able to do over power by sheer quantity.
The game designer have explain how they balance the game. They use winning percentage of each trace to properly gauge if the game is balance. Which seem it is a better gauge on players usage. It only give the information that players using x race would have x chance if they properly sync the player skill and rankings in the game. It seems this evaluation is quite favored towards the game type not balancing. In balancing each player should have equal footing it means if a player out speed to build a unit producing structure the player who is later to create would have quantity down time.
It would seem the same in the real world. Government an society is favored on how each man should equip themselves to survive in this time period. Unlike in the olden time, it was much balance. Each person have the equal chance on catching their food by using their evolutionary gifts.
Caveman in the Jurassic area might use their strength to catch their food. While other might use some tools to catch their. See this example. Assuming there is a god he is a great balancer. Each person have been given x talent to survive. The one with the stronger body would catch a fish via his hands. While the person with a smaller frame might catch a fish using another skill his brain.
It only means, everyone is equal and it depends on the person on how to get the end result. In this game the equal power each unit is balance but the race control an time is not the same.
That is why, people should change the meaning of balance. Balance is the key cause in balancing. Each would have a better chance. The caveman who catch the fish by his bare hand might catch 1 fish at a time and it maybe time consuming depending on his skill. While the one created a tool might catch more depending on his skill in creating The tool. It would look simple but it is not simple. It maybe longer to catch the fish by hands but he skip the process of creating a tool. The end result is time acquiring the fish would probably be the same.
The game is quite different, a single race can outpace the other race in building even they start the same time. There is the imbalance. I would say time is also important.
We all would like a balance world but in reality, this world is far from balance Te only thing you can balance is your time cause everyone has equal time a day to spend. Lifetime is quite not balance. The Time given to each person is very balance.
Today with Subtle
Good day October 9, 2012,
Thank you for still making my 10 year old laptop working. Thank you for letting me save more money. Thank you for giving me such loyal and good customers.
Today I would like to tell you about subtle. I am currently engrossed with SC and trying every way to beat my friend who has been playing longer and better than me in this game. Any way to get to the point. I feel that my ability and skill in terms of strategy is well better and have great advantage over his. It gave me an impression that I should not be willing to drop my guard and let him win every time. To put it in a better prospective everytime I play with him I never even tried to beat him but I try my best to find new stuffs for my built. It seem insulting on his side so from this day I will consider my best to beat his ass. I will seriously do my best to win this time.
Reading thru some Facebook post of our president. It seem he just wants good publication and positive media. It's good to give our countrymen a better opportunity and happier outlook in their lives. If I were him I would seriously push for reforms and will ensure future of the country. I will use media to help push and inform the public about certain legislative body that delays good bills. I would also allow personalities to give opinions about our politicians.
Here are some legislative pushes that would help our country in the future.
Things that needs reform:
1. Taxes
2. Business Environment
3. Accountability
Taxes to be reform:
Remove Vat, Sales taxes, quotas and embargoes. This are market hindrances that gives an artificial market sentiment. All of this being remove the pros are big. All business would surely have a big upside. Business would declare their sales without hiding some Blackfoot income. This data would help our country to be more open and encourage foreign business to do business here. It would also add all kinds of job. Skilled or unskilled is good for the economy.
Regulating everything from drugs and guns are just giving in for more corruption. The thing we need first to accomplished is a unified ID system that would help government monitor their citizen. Each has a birth certificate now with this every one should have a national ID. This ID contains a number that identifies the person on the photo and the holder.
The ID should contain DNA data, Fingerprint, Photos from every 3 years which is being uploaded by the user every 3 years to the government servers. Each citizen would be given a government issued email Address that would be ensure that every government news and letters and notice be send to the said citizen. The government would also have access if the user is able to access or had accessed the account. Government would use the services of Google to have the latest security and fast access to their accounts. These accounts which is government sanctioned would be monitored and controlled only by google but it can be monitored by the government. This will ensure the fast news and other government help and warning.
Now with every citizen have an ID number this will ensure fast and easy recognition for every citizen. Now each citizen is taxed as an association dues cause each person needs to pay a fix x tax for just living here in the country. Now the bracket increase as the citizen aged and also decreases as they grew older until they reach the retirement age that they declare. Here is a sample if the ideal working age of a citizen is 18 years old then every 18 year old citizen should pay a fixed country association fee. If it is 1000 a year then it's a accountable amount. Each following year that they said person have not paid it will incurred interest rate equally compounded at a monthly basis of the country's inflation rate. The information should also be found in the citizen's email account and government's website. Of course this assumed ID system has the law that let all government personnel data is listed on the web for each person to scrutinize their assets and lifestyle. Also all government agency's projects and financials are also open for the public to scrutinize.
Here are my assumptions if this type of system is imposed each person will be pushed to find any work and that would contribute to the country. Without embargoes and taxes every citizen will have all necessities be available in terms of financially. Each person who owns a property would also be entitled to pay a tax for owning such property. This will be computed by means of square meters. The attached ID would monitor the amount each person owns and he or she would pay the said corresponding tax per square meter. All taxes that are imposed per age should not increase via inflation rate. The government rate of increase is thru it's population. The birth rate would give the government control to how fast population would grow. Any person who wants to be a citizen of the said country is welcomed cause it add more taxes to the government. This is also a sure way to monitor and control demand and supply of investment from other countries. The next reform is the give extra crazy fees to certain products like traveling abroad. Each citizen or anyone who would fly out of the country would pay x amount depending on the mileage traveled. It means going to Canada is more expensive than going to Hong Konh. This way we ensure citizen money is spend inside the market. Retention of the fee would help develop and add more income to the government. Each citizen is not allowed to own a gun. Anyone who owns a gun would need to surrender their arms and the government will pay the gun value. Each person who holds or posses a gun would be arrested and pay a huge fine. This way illegal security activities would be less trouble some to monitor.
Money would be plenty in this type of government. Each money would be accounted for. For spending it each taxes dues. Budgets are still allocated the same way. Now each legislative body would not have pork barrels for their constituency but they are given voting power depending on how many population each district they hold. The vote would be for the budget. Each district would be given X amount to develop their districts and they should spend the amounts accordingly to the budgets allocation. In mine they would need to purchase the needed development for their location. In choosing the suppliers they would need to purchase from any local suppliers. They would also need to follow the supplier criteria which is the enterprise should not belong to the same owner or relative of any government officials. They could not purchase goods from The same owners for x years. They need to look for other suppliers. This will limit unfair advantage and corruption. It do still have a loop hole but adding longer years to purchase would limit the number of businesses an owner could open. Each business entity would also need to pay an fix tax association dues which is base not on their sales or purchases. This will be base on current evaluation for each business entity. Each business doesn't need a location or a face but each should be link with an ID. That would be very limiting. Each Business ID is link to a Citizen ID. Hence this will give the employee and employer relationship. Each employee can be an employees. Any established business needed to hire Atleast 3 personnel.
Well to sum everything up, every country government are full of educated top of their class intelligence. The only problem with those kind of people they seem to lose common senses. The simpler the law, the easier people would follow. The easier to understand how to follow hence more would follow. Fixing the instruction and means would solved more than giving such complicated stuff. Remember this government.... KISS, keep it simple stupid. Make all regulation simple in order to people to identify community acceptable or unacceptable.
Thank you for still making my 10 year old laptop working. Thank you for letting me save more money. Thank you for giving me such loyal and good customers.
Today I would like to tell you about subtle. I am currently engrossed with SC and trying every way to beat my friend who has been playing longer and better than me in this game. Any way to get to the point. I feel that my ability and skill in terms of strategy is well better and have great advantage over his. It gave me an impression that I should not be willing to drop my guard and let him win every time. To put it in a better prospective everytime I play with him I never even tried to beat him but I try my best to find new stuffs for my built. It seem insulting on his side so from this day I will consider my best to beat his ass. I will seriously do my best to win this time.
Reading thru some Facebook post of our president. It seem he just wants good publication and positive media. It's good to give our countrymen a better opportunity and happier outlook in their lives. If I were him I would seriously push for reforms and will ensure future of the country. I will use media to help push and inform the public about certain legislative body that delays good bills. I would also allow personalities to give opinions about our politicians.
Here are some legislative pushes that would help our country in the future.
Things that needs reform:
1. Taxes
2. Business Environment
3. Accountability
Taxes to be reform:
Remove Vat, Sales taxes, quotas and embargoes. This are market hindrances that gives an artificial market sentiment. All of this being remove the pros are big. All business would surely have a big upside. Business would declare their sales without hiding some Blackfoot income. This data would help our country to be more open and encourage foreign business to do business here. It would also add all kinds of job. Skilled or unskilled is good for the economy.
Regulating everything from drugs and guns are just giving in for more corruption. The thing we need first to accomplished is a unified ID system that would help government monitor their citizen. Each has a birth certificate now with this every one should have a national ID. This ID contains a number that identifies the person on the photo and the holder.
The ID should contain DNA data, Fingerprint, Photos from every 3 years which is being uploaded by the user every 3 years to the government servers. Each citizen would be given a government issued email Address that would be ensure that every government news and letters and notice be send to the said citizen. The government would also have access if the user is able to access or had accessed the account. Government would use the services of Google to have the latest security and fast access to their accounts. These accounts which is government sanctioned would be monitored and controlled only by google but it can be monitored by the government. This will ensure the fast news and other government help and warning.
Now with every citizen have an ID number this will ensure fast and easy recognition for every citizen. Now each citizen is taxed as an association dues cause each person needs to pay a fix x tax for just living here in the country. Now the bracket increase as the citizen aged and also decreases as they grew older until they reach the retirement age that they declare. Here is a sample if the ideal working age of a citizen is 18 years old then every 18 year old citizen should pay a fixed country association fee. If it is 1000 a year then it's a accountable amount. Each following year that they said person have not paid it will incurred interest rate equally compounded at a monthly basis of the country's inflation rate. The information should also be found in the citizen's email account and government's website. Of course this assumed ID system has the law that let all government personnel data is listed on the web for each person to scrutinize their assets and lifestyle. Also all government agency's projects and financials are also open for the public to scrutinize.
Here are my assumptions if this type of system is imposed each person will be pushed to find any work and that would contribute to the country. Without embargoes and taxes every citizen will have all necessities be available in terms of financially. Each person who owns a property would also be entitled to pay a tax for owning such property. This will be computed by means of square meters. The attached ID would monitor the amount each person owns and he or she would pay the said corresponding tax per square meter. All taxes that are imposed per age should not increase via inflation rate. The government rate of increase is thru it's population. The birth rate would give the government control to how fast population would grow. Any person who wants to be a citizen of the said country is welcomed cause it add more taxes to the government. This is also a sure way to monitor and control demand and supply of investment from other countries. The next reform is the give extra crazy fees to certain products like traveling abroad. Each citizen or anyone who would fly out of the country would pay x amount depending on the mileage traveled. It means going to Canada is more expensive than going to Hong Konh. This way we ensure citizen money is spend inside the market. Retention of the fee would help develop and add more income to the government. Each citizen is not allowed to own a gun. Anyone who owns a gun would need to surrender their arms and the government will pay the gun value. Each person who holds or posses a gun would be arrested and pay a huge fine. This way illegal security activities would be less trouble some to monitor.
Money would be plenty in this type of government. Each money would be accounted for. For spending it each taxes dues. Budgets are still allocated the same way. Now each legislative body would not have pork barrels for their constituency but they are given voting power depending on how many population each district they hold. The vote would be for the budget. Each district would be given X amount to develop their districts and they should spend the amounts accordingly to the budgets allocation. In mine they would need to purchase the needed development for their location. In choosing the suppliers they would need to purchase from any local suppliers. They would also need to follow the supplier criteria which is the enterprise should not belong to the same owner or relative of any government officials. They could not purchase goods from The same owners for x years. They need to look for other suppliers. This will limit unfair advantage and corruption. It do still have a loop hole but adding longer years to purchase would limit the number of businesses an owner could open. Each business entity would also need to pay an fix tax association dues which is base not on their sales or purchases. This will be base on current evaluation for each business entity. Each business doesn't need a location or a face but each should be link with an ID. That would be very limiting. Each Business ID is link to a Citizen ID. Hence this will give the employee and employer relationship. Each employee can be an employees. Any established business needed to hire Atleast 3 personnel.
Well to sum everything up, every country government are full of educated top of their class intelligence. The only problem with those kind of people they seem to lose common senses. The simpler the law, the easier people would follow. The easier to understand how to follow hence more would follow. Fixing the instruction and means would solved more than giving such complicated stuff. Remember this government.... KISS, keep it simple stupid. Make all regulation simple in order to people to identify community acceptable or unacceptable.
Friday, October 5, 2012
Today with Future Gadget
Good Day October 6, 2012,
Thank you for a wonderful day. I would like to thank you a very profitable day. I would also like to thank my skill in playing some games. I have a great knack for playing a strategy war game.
Now about the future of gadgets. I read in an article that Steve Jobs had a lost speech and he predicted or had a vision about creating the iPhone and iPad. I would like to throw in some of my ideas. I would see the phone would no longer be a phone but an identification device and payment portal for everything we do. Phones would not only be charging wirelessly but it will be charge using our body heat. Another future feature I would add is the phone would not only be touch device it will also be a feel device. The phone would know our body language and would send off alarms if we are in danger or our vitals are in awry. Using the feel features it could also tell if a person is lying. I also thing the smart phone will be so smart that it will literary communicate with its owner as we have a personal assistance. The level if intelligence it posses is an average person that would help us do computer automated stuffs. Imagine that when we enter a location or our house the phone would automatically turns on the light and measures the required intensity of the light. The phone would also automatically control the appliances. It will automated everything digital for you. An example is that if you would want to watch a TV show. The phone would automatically download the show via what ever free or paid server for the show. The phone syncing with your money would be easier to monitor and track. Proximity of people locations would also be accurate. All government would require all citizen to have this phone device so that they could verify each person or citizen. Taxes would also be automated as you phone would be a portal for income.
Other cool features that this phone would have is to able to visually encode data via their camera. Only why using the camera the Phone would decrypt and encode a letter and comprehend the letter as an average intellect would. I will be stored in a cloud server were everything would be securely protected. World Wide Web would be different. Each portal would need a app type to enter this would restrict hackers and unwanted visitors. Blogs on the other hand will be posted up in web pages as normal but with more statistics and links for sponsors and viewers to see.
Crazy ideas that keeps on poping up in my head. If I were Tim Cook I will concentrate on the Car Automation and IPhone iPhone communication. This way they are better sync and its better to use than androids.
Apple would also need to create a new electrical box that would let iPhone control electricity on/off on certain devices. As the Apple TV goes small it would be cool if it do have an outlet so that TV could be directly connected via a single port were data and electricity flows in a single cable cord. This way less mess and faster communication between the TV and Apple TV box. The Box would be the brain of an ordinary TV which would be turned off and on by the iPhone.
Well I still got a lot of ideas but its better to keep it there for now.
Thank you for a wonderful day. I would like to thank you a very profitable day. I would also like to thank my skill in playing some games. I have a great knack for playing a strategy war game.
Now about the future of gadgets. I read in an article that Steve Jobs had a lost speech and he predicted or had a vision about creating the iPhone and iPad. I would like to throw in some of my ideas. I would see the phone would no longer be a phone but an identification device and payment portal for everything we do. Phones would not only be charging wirelessly but it will be charge using our body heat. Another future feature I would add is the phone would not only be touch device it will also be a feel device. The phone would know our body language and would send off alarms if we are in danger or our vitals are in awry. Using the feel features it could also tell if a person is lying. I also thing the smart phone will be so smart that it will literary communicate with its owner as we have a personal assistance. The level if intelligence it posses is an average person that would help us do computer automated stuffs. Imagine that when we enter a location or our house the phone would automatically turns on the light and measures the required intensity of the light. The phone would also automatically control the appliances. It will automated everything digital for you. An example is that if you would want to watch a TV show. The phone would automatically download the show via what ever free or paid server for the show. The phone syncing with your money would be easier to monitor and track. Proximity of people locations would also be accurate. All government would require all citizen to have this phone device so that they could verify each person or citizen. Taxes would also be automated as you phone would be a portal for income.
Other cool features that this phone would have is to able to visually encode data via their camera. Only why using the camera the Phone would decrypt and encode a letter and comprehend the letter as an average intellect would. I will be stored in a cloud server were everything would be securely protected. World Wide Web would be different. Each portal would need a app type to enter this would restrict hackers and unwanted visitors. Blogs on the other hand will be posted up in web pages as normal but with more statistics and links for sponsors and viewers to see.
Crazy ideas that keeps on poping up in my head. If I were Tim Cook I will concentrate on the Car Automation and IPhone iPhone communication. This way they are better sync and its better to use than androids.
Apple would also need to create a new electrical box that would let iPhone control electricity on/off on certain devices. As the Apple TV goes small it would be cool if it do have an outlet so that TV could be directly connected via a single port were data and electricity flows in a single cable cord. This way less mess and faster communication between the TV and Apple TV box. The Box would be the brain of an ordinary TV which would be turned off and on by the iPhone.
Well I still got a lot of ideas but its better to keep it there for now.
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Today with serenity
Good day October 4, 2012,
Thank you for a very nice warm morning. I really want to thank the universe that gave me such reputation and trust I got from others. Friends of mine are willing to lend me money and trust me that I would return it. I have garner trust from others that they see me as a successful person.
Today I continued to search the Internet to know how to be a billionaire. It seems that I have been doing those advised ways. Consistency should be the key. I should have faith that everything I do would eventually be towards me being a billionaire.
I praise my friend for being a good capitalist and doing business in a game. I praise a friend of mine that finds ways to be good in a game. Good in finding exploit.
I really think that, it will be a good experience to be a billionaire. I would define being rich is able to buy anything you want and don need to work for it. Having that much money to spend and not worry about it.
Thank you for a very nice warm morning. I really want to thank the universe that gave me such reputation and trust I got from others. Friends of mine are willing to lend me money and trust me that I would return it. I have garner trust from others that they see me as a successful person.
Today I continued to search the Internet to know how to be a billionaire. It seems that I have been doing those advised ways. Consistency should be the key. I should have faith that everything I do would eventually be towards me being a billionaire.
I praise my friend for being a good capitalist and doing business in a game. I praise a friend of mine that finds ways to be good in a game. Good in finding exploit.
I really think that, it will be a good experience to be a billionaire. I would define being rich is able to buy anything you want and don need to work for it. Having that much money to spend and not worry about it.
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
Today with my Theory
Good Day October 3, 2012,
Thank you for having me watch one TV show this morning. I find it refreshing to be able to relax before going to work. Thank you for the great opportunity you given me to earn big bucks. Today it's been raining, like it is water world here. Last night while I was in transit. I got to think about economics. It's about demand and how people reacts to it. Our society states that what is happening in this world is base on free market or free thinking. In my opinion it is quite true. Now with my theory, this theory will be name as Theory of unlikeness: this states that each person would choose something they like and they would support it cause they like the product or idea. Assuming that they have tried and tested the idea before jumping in to the theory. A person's judgement of a certain idea would change thru time hence there is really no real support of the certain idea as it comes. This theory would explain that each person or product that have been launched today is not really supported by anyone but its about how great the idea and product makes a person feel.
Lets have an example, mobile phones are sprouting out like crazy with different models and features. The current theory states that if IPhone 5 have the bigger sales and A lot of people tends to buy it. It means that people love the phone. With my theory there is really no like but it's about how great the item makes the user feels.
It's about emotions. We would consider this theory in our daily decisions and lives. We do everything not really base on emotions. Even tough people say they do logic. It's really about how do you feel. If you want to feel happy, you just do what you like. If you want to feel secure about the future, you would go to work and suck it all in. Mob mentality states that if one does a thing everyone would follow cause a lot of people does the same thing. These theory's are somewhat correct. The most idea theory is why. We do feel and emotions does control all our lives. Trying to control it is also a feeling or emotions that makes you feel like your in control.
Now back to investing and in business. A person would invest or probably put their money where they feel. It's not about the numbers, if they have good profits it only means the investor feels secure that is why they pick the stock. It really doesn't mean people like the stock or they would like the technology be push towards a certain way. People tends to go toward how they feel at a certain moment or certain feeling.
Conclusion, I would do what I feel make me comfortable. This will ensure that my life would go the way I like regardless what obstacles and problems might arise cause the feeling is what I am after. The feeling to be happy and free to certain point. Financially happy and financially achieved.
Thank you for having me watch one TV show this morning. I find it refreshing to be able to relax before going to work. Thank you for the great opportunity you given me to earn big bucks. Today it's been raining, like it is water world here. Last night while I was in transit. I got to think about economics. It's about demand and how people reacts to it. Our society states that what is happening in this world is base on free market or free thinking. In my opinion it is quite true. Now with my theory, this theory will be name as Theory of unlikeness: this states that each person would choose something they like and they would support it cause they like the product or idea. Assuming that they have tried and tested the idea before jumping in to the theory. A person's judgement of a certain idea would change thru time hence there is really no real support of the certain idea as it comes. This theory would explain that each person or product that have been launched today is not really supported by anyone but its about how great the idea and product makes a person feel.
Lets have an example, mobile phones are sprouting out like crazy with different models and features. The current theory states that if IPhone 5 have the bigger sales and A lot of people tends to buy it. It means that people love the phone. With my theory there is really no like but it's about how great the item makes the user feels.
It's about emotions. We would consider this theory in our daily decisions and lives. We do everything not really base on emotions. Even tough people say they do logic. It's really about how do you feel. If you want to feel happy, you just do what you like. If you want to feel secure about the future, you would go to work and suck it all in. Mob mentality states that if one does a thing everyone would follow cause a lot of people does the same thing. These theory's are somewhat correct. The most idea theory is why. We do feel and emotions does control all our lives. Trying to control it is also a feeling or emotions that makes you feel like your in control.
Now back to investing and in business. A person would invest or probably put their money where they feel. It's not about the numbers, if they have good profits it only means the investor feels secure that is why they pick the stock. It really doesn't mean people like the stock or they would like the technology be push towards a certain way. People tends to go toward how they feel at a certain moment or certain feeling.
Conclusion, I would do what I feel make me comfortable. This will ensure that my life would go the way I like regardless what obstacles and problems might arise cause the feeling is what I am after. The feeling to be happy and free to certain point. Financially happy and financially achieved.
Sunday, September 30, 2012
Today with error in analysis
Good Day October 1, 2012,
It's been a long 2012 year for me. Thank you for a very opportunistic and full of educational year. The year may not be done. This is the 10th month of this year and 2 more months it is going to be 2013.
Today seem very good as the pass couple of days. Our sales are good and I really hope that my analysis on stocks would be right and would take in big profits. I am quite disappointed with my diablo game. My chracter had been ruined cause of bad analysis in my part. It's not about the items stats that made me wrong but on how I would manage the gold I earn thru the days I played the game.
I am thankful that I still got enough money to buy some stuff and to earn money for the game. It's more about analysis and risking the right amount for the character.
I been playing more than studying. I really want to have the confidence in studying the CFA manuals and the best way is to win some games and get me feeling great or best. It seems that more happy, makes more money. It's like the chicken and egg. Which comes first the egg or the chicken. . I answer this question by saying its regardless of which comes first it about how one human would gain neither to achieve the other.
Life is never going to be easy. I only choose to be easy. Easy path is never easy while the hard road is often easy. Consistency is the key to be happy. Consistently doing the things needed to be done would result to a very good start or very happy result. The process is boring but it only seems boring when you finds it boring. The key is to find what makes it interesting that would make our lives develop and improve.
It's been a long 2012 year for me. Thank you for a very opportunistic and full of educational year. The year may not be done. This is the 10th month of this year and 2 more months it is going to be 2013.
Today seem very good as the pass couple of days. Our sales are good and I really hope that my analysis on stocks would be right and would take in big profits. I am quite disappointed with my diablo game. My chracter had been ruined cause of bad analysis in my part. It's not about the items stats that made me wrong but on how I would manage the gold I earn thru the days I played the game.
I am thankful that I still got enough money to buy some stuff and to earn money for the game. It's more about analysis and risking the right amount for the character.
I been playing more than studying. I really want to have the confidence in studying the CFA manuals and the best way is to win some games and get me feeling great or best. It seems that more happy, makes more money. It's like the chicken and egg. Which comes first the egg or the chicken. . I answer this question by saying its regardless of which comes first it about how one human would gain neither to achieve the other.
Life is never going to be easy. I only choose to be easy. Easy path is never easy while the hard road is often easy. Consistency is the key to be happy. Consistently doing the things needed to be done would result to a very good start or very happy result. The process is boring but it only seems boring when you finds it boring. The key is to find what makes it interesting that would make our lives develop and improve.
Sunday, September 23, 2012
Today with reality dreamt
Good day September 24, 2012,
Thank you for letting me have a good opportunity to be rich. Everyday I learnt something new and interesting. Last night thou before going to bed I watch an interview of Charlie Rose of Bloomberg. He interviewed and ask about global politics and Global conditions. It got me thinking that the world should be united as on. What I meant that the world should only have one leader and each country should be govern in terms of state. This meat hid would ensure unity and proper distribution and allocation of wealth thru symmetry principle. Each region of the world is currently having problems, Europe has an economic meltdown, USA has a great debt and continues to print money to ease or say prolong the inevitable. China and other Asian countries are having disputes and every economic advantage they have is either actually weak or profoundly strong due to some hidden aspect. These are facts that simply state the world today is no better than the world before. Humans tend to develop and evolve but it seems that our economic and social system is really in disarray. Having our education system serves as a ranking system to filter skilled and special ability. What the world really need is a proper way to filter people who are really contributing to society and people who are not. I would suggest is a ranking system base on criteria hence this would have equal footing for everyone.
Here is a summarize system of how it would work. Each person should be able to earn tokens or points thru doing certain task. Each simple or hard task is measured by how many are willing and able to do the task. Each would auction how many points each task would value for every member. If the winning member did the task and accepted a 1 token for a hard task that's for him. Tallying the token would means how valuable each person would be. Now the token should also be infinite and accountable. Each person do have x number of tokens a year. These tokens are given to every task they ask a person to do. This would limit and give control to everyone. Money would not only be a secondary value but tokens are more valuable.
Lets apply this in context. In a corporation each person do have value. They give token to other people in society to measure their value. This way each person would try to earn as much token possible for them to have x additional token for the next year. The person with the least amount of token would have the same amount of token he earned the current year. This would limit people. Monetary value would come secondary. Due to the fact each token is accountable cause. Each person should only have x amount of token a year. If there are 6 billion people in the world and each person have 10 token every year hence there would be 60 billion tokens accountable.
Monetary value could be printed by token can't be due to the limited quantity. This is how people be rank in the economic sense. If someone tends to gain tokens thru illegal or forcefully, it's ok cause every year he would have the most token, more tokens mean he would need to pay more taxes and contribute more to society.
Well this idea may not be perfect yet but having another means to calculate each economic value and social value this would be great.
Money is a good way for transferring property of a good to another. It is also a good way to gauge a value of each item. Money is not a good gauge for people. Most of the rich people often do in despicable acts and harms the society. Again most rich people thinks how to get rich more.
That's why money is a bad gauge for social status in this world. While having a diploma and other educational certificate proves your mental prowess. It does not prove your mental application of the said education. It's having comprehension and application of your knowledge of the said field. They say that it is the first step in learning. In the old days apprenticeship is the way to earn one's masterpiece. In the older times, it's a better gauge of people's strengths. If you studied with X master they would probably recommend you or surely the skills you posses is in the high levels.
Now universities accepts almost everyone as long as they have the ability to pay and pass an entrance exam. It's not a good judge of character and or skill cause its just paper knowledge. Actual experience and on hand practice is still the best way to enhance and polish one's set of skill.
The reality of this world is not as good as olden times cause people exploits the loop holes in our society and integrity is tested in almost all the time. Our society tries to teach integrity thru religion, but religion that aims to teach integrity and ethical values are now array. Religious groups tend to conserve the false teaching of the past. Stating wrong statements about present discoveries and aims to curse all men who did not perceive as they do.
In my dream, everyone is happy cause everyone respects each other because they respect each others boundaries and accept the consequences that befalls their decisions in life. Learning in the difficult times and applying what they learn to better themselves.
Thank you for letting me have a good opportunity to be rich. Everyday I learnt something new and interesting. Last night thou before going to bed I watch an interview of Charlie Rose of Bloomberg. He interviewed and ask about global politics and Global conditions. It got me thinking that the world should be united as on. What I meant that the world should only have one leader and each country should be govern in terms of state. This meat hid would ensure unity and proper distribution and allocation of wealth thru symmetry principle. Each region of the world is currently having problems, Europe has an economic meltdown, USA has a great debt and continues to print money to ease or say prolong the inevitable. China and other Asian countries are having disputes and every economic advantage they have is either actually weak or profoundly strong due to some hidden aspect. These are facts that simply state the world today is no better than the world before. Humans tend to develop and evolve but it seems that our economic and social system is really in disarray. Having our education system serves as a ranking system to filter skilled and special ability. What the world really need is a proper way to filter people who are really contributing to society and people who are not. I would suggest is a ranking system base on criteria hence this would have equal footing for everyone.
Here is a summarize system of how it would work. Each person should be able to earn tokens or points thru doing certain task. Each simple or hard task is measured by how many are willing and able to do the task. Each would auction how many points each task would value for every member. If the winning member did the task and accepted a 1 token for a hard task that's for him. Tallying the token would means how valuable each person would be. Now the token should also be infinite and accountable. Each person do have x number of tokens a year. These tokens are given to every task they ask a person to do. This would limit and give control to everyone. Money would not only be a secondary value but tokens are more valuable.
Lets apply this in context. In a corporation each person do have value. They give token to other people in society to measure their value. This way each person would try to earn as much token possible for them to have x additional token for the next year. The person with the least amount of token would have the same amount of token he earned the current year. This would limit people. Monetary value would come secondary. Due to the fact each token is accountable cause. Each person should only have x amount of token a year. If there are 6 billion people in the world and each person have 10 token every year hence there would be 60 billion tokens accountable.
Monetary value could be printed by token can't be due to the limited quantity. This is how people be rank in the economic sense. If someone tends to gain tokens thru illegal or forcefully, it's ok cause every year he would have the most token, more tokens mean he would need to pay more taxes and contribute more to society.
Well this idea may not be perfect yet but having another means to calculate each economic value and social value this would be great.
Money is a good way for transferring property of a good to another. It is also a good way to gauge a value of each item. Money is not a good gauge for people. Most of the rich people often do in despicable acts and harms the society. Again most rich people thinks how to get rich more.
That's why money is a bad gauge for social status in this world. While having a diploma and other educational certificate proves your mental prowess. It does not prove your mental application of the said education. It's having comprehension and application of your knowledge of the said field. They say that it is the first step in learning. In the old days apprenticeship is the way to earn one's masterpiece. In the older times, it's a better gauge of people's strengths. If you studied with X master they would probably recommend you or surely the skills you posses is in the high levels.
Now universities accepts almost everyone as long as they have the ability to pay and pass an entrance exam. It's not a good judge of character and or skill cause its just paper knowledge. Actual experience and on hand practice is still the best way to enhance and polish one's set of skill.
The reality of this world is not as good as olden times cause people exploits the loop holes in our society and integrity is tested in almost all the time. Our society tries to teach integrity thru religion, but religion that aims to teach integrity and ethical values are now array. Religious groups tend to conserve the false teaching of the past. Stating wrong statements about present discoveries and aims to curse all men who did not perceive as they do.
In my dream, everyone is happy cause everyone respects each other because they respect each others boundaries and accept the consequences that befalls their decisions in life. Learning in the difficult times and applying what they learn to better themselves.
Saturday, September 22, 2012
Today with Hierarchy
Good day, September 22, 2012,
Thank you for a nice Saturday morning. Yesterday I forgot to elaborate on why am I productive. Every morning I wake up opened our store, do every morning routine to make the store efficient. By the time of 10:00am I would read a book about CFA study cause I am interested on financials. I would like to pass all levels to have a certification. This might open a new opportunity for me in the future. I would encode our inventory after lunch and when I go home I would practice a game that would let me exert my full mental potentials. These are some of the routinely stuffs I do. This might not be great for some but the important thing is that it is good enough and doable for me. People won't notice my hardwork but they would know the fruits of my hardwork. They would praise my skill and intellect but all I know is to be consistent and persistence.
I ride the metro rails almost everyday. I analyze that everyone live the life the chose. They also place hierarchy amongst themselves saying this job is below level while other jobs are more up level. It's like saying your job is not good enough. Reading thru the CDA study notes, this type of psychological analogy seem to come from our capitalism mentality which also comes from the theory of symmetry. This theory states that the government should be the only one regulating all property transfer and including owns labor. It states that our labor could translate to things. With this I could safely assume that if your job is low level your monetary reward. It could simply states that a lot of people could do your job. It only means your labor is not as special as you think.
I would greatly disagree with this idea cause every man's job is his labor. Maybe his skill is just at this level that is why is reward is only on such level but it doesn't mean that people will gauge your being as levels. Sadly, we do live in a community social world that defines stature and ranks. Humans do need class divisions to properly bestow order in their lives. Everyone wants to be king but only one could be. If everyone is king then there would be no king.
It's really great to live in this time. This time people strive to have a better life. A better living, better everything. Working hard for it is the best way to achieve it and lottery is the easiest way to have it.
I would thank the opportunity that this time gave me cause I have the luxury to have both options at my disposal. Winning the lottery maybe the easy route but this is life nothing is really easy unless you say it's easy.
Thank you for a nice Saturday morning. Yesterday I forgot to elaborate on why am I productive. Every morning I wake up opened our store, do every morning routine to make the store efficient. By the time of 10:00am I would read a book about CFA study cause I am interested on financials. I would like to pass all levels to have a certification. This might open a new opportunity for me in the future. I would encode our inventory after lunch and when I go home I would practice a game that would let me exert my full mental potentials. These are some of the routinely stuffs I do. This might not be great for some but the important thing is that it is good enough and doable for me. People won't notice my hardwork but they would know the fruits of my hardwork. They would praise my skill and intellect but all I know is to be consistent and persistence.
I ride the metro rails almost everyday. I analyze that everyone live the life the chose. They also place hierarchy amongst themselves saying this job is below level while other jobs are more up level. It's like saying your job is not good enough. Reading thru the CDA study notes, this type of psychological analogy seem to come from our capitalism mentality which also comes from the theory of symmetry. This theory states that the government should be the only one regulating all property transfer and including owns labor. It states that our labor could translate to things. With this I could safely assume that if your job is low level your monetary reward. It could simply states that a lot of people could do your job. It only means your labor is not as special as you think.
I would greatly disagree with this idea cause every man's job is his labor. Maybe his skill is just at this level that is why is reward is only on such level but it doesn't mean that people will gauge your being as levels. Sadly, we do live in a community social world that defines stature and ranks. Humans do need class divisions to properly bestow order in their lives. Everyone wants to be king but only one could be. If everyone is king then there would be no king.
It's really great to live in this time. This time people strive to have a better life. A better living, better everything. Working hard for it is the best way to achieve it and lottery is the easiest way to have it.
I would thank the opportunity that this time gave me cause I have the luxury to have both options at my disposal. Winning the lottery maybe the easy route but this is life nothing is really easy unless you say it's easy.
Friday, September 21, 2012
Today with revelation
Good day September 21, 2012,
Thank you for a wonderful day, I had a great time cause our store had a great sales. I really hope that everyday would be like today.
I have been productive lately and I have hopes that everything would turn out the way I planned. Here is a run down on how my current life is. My investments are doing well and I have big hope that it will turn out great. I have learned that it take a small amount of practice and patience to be master in something.
People seems to think everything is easy, I would tell them it is easy as long as you commit and be consistent. My reminders on my Itouch always Alena me to be persistence and patience. Consistency is the key to success.
Past couple of nights I have been practicing Starcraft 2, it's a strategy game that my friend challenge me. He told me that I would never beat him in the said game. My experience would not measure any hardcore gamers as they call themselves. I would have a decent amount of knowledge how to win on such types of game. Practice is needed to achieve certain type of superiority over someone else skill. The skill here is not the clicking of the mouse but on the executions and adaptations of certain scenarios.
I realize that the game is quite the same in really life tackling problems. The scenarios are different but the end game is the same. It's how you execute your plan or strategy is the key to overcome this obstacle.
I have also decided lately that I would sever myself from any family relationship cause they seems to give me more problems than happiness. Everything has a reason and maybe the way how things are unfolding is giving me ways to pursue my dreams to be financially rich compare with others. It's like winning the game of life. I have also decided to buy an IPhone 5. This is the phone that my wife likes and dreamt of. I would be a hypocrite saying I don't find the phone appealing. I really like to have an IPhone, the only reason why I feel like its time for me to have one is that everyone is buying a phone that seems great and I keep on using a free phone cause I love money more than iPhone 5 but I would say, this Itouch if mine had earn me lots of money for the past years and I would think owning a highly upgraded IPhone would help with my investment financially. Financially increasing my wealth is a good thing.
Like I always say: More Money, More Happy, More Happy, More Money.
My friend just found out I have a blog.
Thank you for a wonderful day, I had a great time cause our store had a great sales. I really hope that everyday would be like today.
I have been productive lately and I have hopes that everything would turn out the way I planned. Here is a run down on how my current life is. My investments are doing well and I have big hope that it will turn out great. I have learned that it take a small amount of practice and patience to be master in something.
People seems to think everything is easy, I would tell them it is easy as long as you commit and be consistent. My reminders on my Itouch always Alena me to be persistence and patience. Consistency is the key to success.
Past couple of nights I have been practicing Starcraft 2, it's a strategy game that my friend challenge me. He told me that I would never beat him in the said game. My experience would not measure any hardcore gamers as they call themselves. I would have a decent amount of knowledge how to win on such types of game. Practice is needed to achieve certain type of superiority over someone else skill. The skill here is not the clicking of the mouse but on the executions and adaptations of certain scenarios.
I realize that the game is quite the same in really life tackling problems. The scenarios are different but the end game is the same. It's how you execute your plan or strategy is the key to overcome this obstacle.
I have also decided lately that I would sever myself from any family relationship cause they seems to give me more problems than happiness. Everything has a reason and maybe the way how things are unfolding is giving me ways to pursue my dreams to be financially rich compare with others. It's like winning the game of life. I have also decided to buy an IPhone 5. This is the phone that my wife likes and dreamt of. I would be a hypocrite saying I don't find the phone appealing. I really like to have an IPhone, the only reason why I feel like its time for me to have one is that everyone is buying a phone that seems great and I keep on using a free phone cause I love money more than iPhone 5 but I would say, this Itouch if mine had earn me lots of money for the past years and I would think owning a highly upgraded IPhone would help with my investment financially. Financially increasing my wealth is a good thing.
Like I always say: More Money, More Happy, More Happy, More Money.
My friend just found out I have a blog.
Sunday, September 16, 2012
Today with World War 3
Good day September 17, 2012,
Thank you for a peaceful wonderful and full of hope. Reading thru some articles I can help to imagine if a war broke out what would happen to the world today.
Asia is currently having a territorial dispute over some island presumptively that has rich mineral deposit. In the middle east same problems occur. Is it because that people needed hierarchy to have order. People do need to follow certain rules and have them enforce to keep everything in place.
Is it the same in a family? Well in my analysis everyone has their own motivation and they wants something and they get it. It's just someday the one being bullied stood up and fight for his right that everything would go array. The simple explanation of thing is that people need to know when they are getting on other peoples right and pushing them back in a corner with no where to go but up.
I do believe that there is a way people could compromise to have their interest be given to them. Philippines, Vietnam, Japan are countries that stars they claim the lands but they want the minerals in them. China also do want them why don't we just share them. It's like saying, China would capitalize and make it an international city and no one owns it but all of the Asian countries near the island. Due to the ownership, china should give x amount of minerals or profit to Philippines, Vietnam, Japan for their fair share. Now that's a better proposition. As Japan have some bad bloods and wrongs to other asian countries they should have the lesser amount. While Philippines and Vietnam may be small but do deserve more units. Vietnam should have more than the Philippines cause the Philippines is kind of government that has a fickle mind. They should have a same priority which is peace. War would only adds power to the west which is USA. USA is not a good example of running a government but they have the ideals to run it. China may not have the ideals but their people are much capable of sharing.
This is the same scenario in a family as the parents are the force to reckon with but as time goes by the children powerful and decides to take what they want and the parents could do nothing to stop it. This will make other sibling add grudge to their other siblings. The strongest of the siblings should establish power and control in order to maintain peace. In an ideal world the best way to ensure happiness and peace is equality from everyone and understanding of each other. People should not take advantage of other people's weakness.
Thank you for a peaceful wonderful and full of hope. Reading thru some articles I can help to imagine if a war broke out what would happen to the world today.
Asia is currently having a territorial dispute over some island presumptively that has rich mineral deposit. In the middle east same problems occur. Is it because that people needed hierarchy to have order. People do need to follow certain rules and have them enforce to keep everything in place.
Is it the same in a family? Well in my analysis everyone has their own motivation and they wants something and they get it. It's just someday the one being bullied stood up and fight for his right that everything would go array. The simple explanation of thing is that people need to know when they are getting on other peoples right and pushing them back in a corner with no where to go but up.
I do believe that there is a way people could compromise to have their interest be given to them. Philippines, Vietnam, Japan are countries that stars they claim the lands but they want the minerals in them. China also do want them why don't we just share them. It's like saying, China would capitalize and make it an international city and no one owns it but all of the Asian countries near the island. Due to the ownership, china should give x amount of minerals or profit to Philippines, Vietnam, Japan for their fair share. Now that's a better proposition. As Japan have some bad bloods and wrongs to other asian countries they should have the lesser amount. While Philippines and Vietnam may be small but do deserve more units. Vietnam should have more than the Philippines cause the Philippines is kind of government that has a fickle mind. They should have a same priority which is peace. War would only adds power to the west which is USA. USA is not a good example of running a government but they have the ideals to run it. China may not have the ideals but their people are much capable of sharing.
This is the same scenario in a family as the parents are the force to reckon with but as time goes by the children powerful and decides to take what they want and the parents could do nothing to stop it. This will make other sibling add grudge to their other siblings. The strongest of the siblings should establish power and control in order to maintain peace. In an ideal world the best way to ensure happiness and peace is equality from everyone and understanding of each other. People should not take advantage of other people's weakness.
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Today with wish list
Good day September 13, 2012,
I would like to thank you for a wonderful day. I have great sales and profit from ELECTX. A great new iPhone update. And most of all one of my blogs about the iPhone I wrote what it could still improve just arrived.
Wishing list just keeps getting longer. I said last couple of nights that I would rather not win the lotto cause it would not teach my siblings how to live life. I came to realize that I should be selfish more cause we only lived once. I would think that being selfish is bad but now I realize they're taking advantage of my unselfishness. Because of this I have decided to be much selfish and keep more secrets from my mom and sibling cause they keep on making my life miserable.
Imagine this I am earning money for my sister wedding without any benefits and yet my mother thinks that her hospital bill should be charge to my business managed cause i manage it more efficiently.
I have decided that I would go on with my way. Now is the best time to start. I would give 70% of my effort on my own business and take more on our family business. They only think of their own and not thinking that I am wasting my time for them. They are just selfish people. I really wish I would win the lotto and I would give x money for them as gifts but would reduce the said amount drastically. Let them say that I am just lucky that I won.
I would like that so that I would enjoy my life till death. I would believed that my life is destined to have financially riches and this would make them envy my luck. I know what I am doing is right. Right to make them feel bad. Let them dream that I am very lucky compare to them cause I am lucky.
I am lucky cause I have a beautiful sexy wife. I have I good life and I have good investments and best of all I have a very powerful mind. I would need to educated and learn more to improve.
I can't wait to write new ways to improve iPhone cause it seems to be a guessing game for me. Which I won btw with sept 12, 2012 update.
Apple could still improve by merging the earphone with the new dock the make space for extended battery. They would also use body warmth or environmental warmth to charge and maintain battery life.
I have won in every anticipation which means I know they would not change and they will continue to take advantage of me.
I would like to thank you for a wonderful day. I have great sales and profit from ELECTX. A great new iPhone update. And most of all one of my blogs about the iPhone I wrote what it could still improve just arrived.
Wishing list just keeps getting longer. I said last couple of nights that I would rather not win the lotto cause it would not teach my siblings how to live life. I came to realize that I should be selfish more cause we only lived once. I would think that being selfish is bad but now I realize they're taking advantage of my unselfishness. Because of this I have decided to be much selfish and keep more secrets from my mom and sibling cause they keep on making my life miserable.
Imagine this I am earning money for my sister wedding without any benefits and yet my mother thinks that her hospital bill should be charge to my business managed cause i manage it more efficiently.
I have decided that I would go on with my way. Now is the best time to start. I would give 70% of my effort on my own business and take more on our family business. They only think of their own and not thinking that I am wasting my time for them. They are just selfish people. I really wish I would win the lotto and I would give x money for them as gifts but would reduce the said amount drastically. Let them say that I am just lucky that I won.
I would like that so that I would enjoy my life till death. I would believed that my life is destined to have financially riches and this would make them envy my luck. I know what I am doing is right. Right to make them feel bad. Let them dream that I am very lucky compare to them cause I am lucky.
I am lucky cause I have a beautiful sexy wife. I have I good life and I have good investments and best of all I have a very powerful mind. I would need to educated and learn more to improve.
I can't wait to write new ways to improve iPhone cause it seems to be a guessing game for me. Which I won btw with sept 12, 2012 update.
Apple could still improve by merging the earphone with the new dock the make space for extended battery. They would also use body warmth or environmental warmth to charge and maintain battery life.
I have won in every anticipation which means I know they would not change and they will continue to take advantage of me.
Saturday, September 1, 2012
Today with Hangged
Good Day June 18, 2012,
Thank you for everything. Thank you for giving me a lot of opportunities to excel in my life. I know I am lucky in every aspect in life and I really do hope everything i do would turn up very good.
Time flys so much, my daddy passed away last Jan 18, 1992. It's been 20 years I don't have a father to guide me but I do have a wonderful mother who did everything in her power to let us have the best opportunity in our lives with her means. I can't say thank you enough for everything she's done.
My life can be summed up by one word "Lucky". I may not have everything but I do have everything. It's really the matter on how I perceived the things and opportunities that comes knocking on my door. I do am grateful that I was able a very powerful laptop only for my gaming enjoyment. How many people could say they have 5 laptops that are functioning? It's really been a blessing that everything I have.
I really thank that I have found my life long partner that is my wife which helps me to endure and enjoys the things I like with me. Life with her is like a rainbow crossing thru the sky beautiful and magical. It's been 4 years we are married and I really can't say that I did a great job on finding the best partner for me. She means the world to me. I really am thanking her for understanding and taking care of me. She sacrificed a lot in her life and I would find ways to repay her in the future. I really am very Lucky cause everything seems falling into my plan and it would be magical when I reach 10 billion dollars rich.
Thank you for everything. Thank you for giving me a lot of opportunities to excel in my life. I know I am lucky in every aspect in life and I really do hope everything i do would turn up very good.
Time flys so much, my daddy passed away last Jan 18, 1992. It's been 20 years I don't have a father to guide me but I do have a wonderful mother who did everything in her power to let us have the best opportunity in our lives with her means. I can't say thank you enough for everything she's done.
My life can be summed up by one word "Lucky". I may not have everything but I do have everything. It's really the matter on how I perceived the things and opportunities that comes knocking on my door. I do am grateful that I was able a very powerful laptop only for my gaming enjoyment. How many people could say they have 5 laptops that are functioning? It's really been a blessing that everything I have.
I really thank that I have found my life long partner that is my wife which helps me to endure and enjoys the things I like with me. Life with her is like a rainbow crossing thru the sky beautiful and magical. It's been 4 years we are married and I really can't say that I did a great job on finding the best partner for me. She means the world to me. I really am thanking her for understanding and taking care of me. She sacrificed a lot in her life and I would find ways to repay her in the future. I really am very Lucky cause everything seems falling into my plan and it would be magical when I reach 10 billion dollars rich.
Today with Diablo 3
Good day September 9, 2012,
It's really nice to have these couple of months. I thank for the enjoyable days cause of Diablo 3. The game I most awaited for all these years. It opens my stress point into the lowest but also do increase it faster than normal when I am not able to enjoy the game on a regular basis. It often seems playing the game for x hours is not enough. Sometime the game itself pissed me off due to the randomness of the reward system. In all it help me reduce and keep my mind of things.
I came to realize life is about living it not planning and strategizing on how should I live my life with x resources. It seems I enjoy playing diablo but it pissed me off cause The game almost simulate life experiences. In life you keep on doing the same stuff with persistence and it give us x results and people says that it sometimes keep doing the wrong stuffs that's why getting the wrong results.
Diablo is kinda of the same, keep on killing the same monsters and getting the same stuffs hopefully it would drop better items.
It's really nice to have these couple of months. I thank for the enjoyable days cause of Diablo 3. The game I most awaited for all these years. It opens my stress point into the lowest but also do increase it faster than normal when I am not able to enjoy the game on a regular basis. It often seems playing the game for x hours is not enough. Sometime the game itself pissed me off due to the randomness of the reward system. In all it help me reduce and keep my mind of things.
I came to realize life is about living it not planning and strategizing on how should I live my life with x resources. It seems I enjoy playing diablo but it pissed me off cause The game almost simulate life experiences. In life you keep on doing the same stuff with persistence and it give us x results and people says that it sometimes keep doing the wrong stuffs that's why getting the wrong results.
Diablo is kinda of the same, keep on killing the same monsters and getting the same stuffs hopefully it would drop better items.
Sunday, June 17, 2012
Today with Hangged
Good Day June 18, 2012,
Thank you for everything. Thank you for giving me a lot of opportunities to excel in my life. I know I am lucky in every aspect in life and I really do hope everything i do would turn up very good.
Time flys so much, my daddy passed away last Jan 18, 1992. It's been 20 years I don't have a father to guide me but I do have a wonderful mother who did everything in her power to let us have the best opportunity in our lives with her means. I can't say thank you enough for everything she's done.
My life can be summed up by one word "Lucky". I may not have everything but I do have everything. It's really the matter on how I perceived the things and opportunities that comes knocking on my door. I do am grateful that I was able a very powerful laptop only for my gaming enjoyment. How many people could say they have 5 laptops that are functioning? It's really been a blessing that everything I have.
I really thank that I have found my life long partner that is my wife which helps me to endure and enjoys the things I like with me. Life with her is like a rainbow crossing thru the sky beautiful and magical. It's been 4 years we are married and I really can't say that I did a great job on finding the best partner for me. She means the world to me. I really am thanking her for understanding and taking care of me. She sacrificed a lot in her life and I would find ways to repay her in the future. I really am very Lucky cause everything seems falling into my plan and it would be magical when I reach 10 billion dollars rich.
Thank you for everything. Thank you for giving me a lot of opportunities to excel in my life. I know I am lucky in every aspect in life and I really do hope everything i do would turn up very good.
Time flys so much, my daddy passed away last Jan 18, 1992. It's been 20 years I don't have a father to guide me but I do have a wonderful mother who did everything in her power to let us have the best opportunity in our lives with her means. I can't say thank you enough for everything she's done.
My life can be summed up by one word "Lucky". I may not have everything but I do have everything. It's really the matter on how I perceived the things and opportunities that comes knocking on my door. I do am grateful that I was able a very powerful laptop only for my gaming enjoyment. How many people could say they have 5 laptops that are functioning? It's really been a blessing that everything I have.
I really thank that I have found my life long partner that is my wife which helps me to endure and enjoys the things I like with me. Life with her is like a rainbow crossing thru the sky beautiful and magical. It's been 4 years we are married and I really can't say that I did a great job on finding the best partner for me. She means the world to me. I really am thanking her for understanding and taking care of me. She sacrificed a lot in her life and I would find ways to repay her in the future. I really am very Lucky cause everything seems falling into my plan and it would be magical when I reach 10 billion dollars rich.
Thursday, May 31, 2012
Today with irritation
Good Day June 1, 2012,
Thank you for keeping everything in perspective. It seems that I still need more emotional control and probably better trust on my own decisions and analysis. Everything seems gloomy but it's because of my impatience that cause missing opportunities. Everything have a reason. If the things I plan seems very rigid and not smooth sailing it just means I need to wait cause its not yet ripe for the taking.
Stress is annoying me cause I got no place to spill it out! Diablo 3 my outlet seems so far away. I could buy a new laptop and play it but it would coincide with my plans and just as I said I need to control my emotions more and the more power I gain the temptations seems to get stronger to do everything in impulse.
I am happy cause I got to notice it before it goes awry but like I said, controlling and understanding is very hard especially if I have the power todo everything at once. Rush is the killing factor.
Thank you for keeping everything in perspective. It seems that I still need more emotional control and probably better trust on my own decisions and analysis. Everything seems gloomy but it's because of my impatience that cause missing opportunities. Everything have a reason. If the things I plan seems very rigid and not smooth sailing it just means I need to wait cause its not yet ripe for the taking.
Stress is annoying me cause I got no place to spill it out! Diablo 3 my outlet seems so far away. I could buy a new laptop and play it but it would coincide with my plans and just as I said I need to control my emotions more and the more power I gain the temptations seems to get stronger to do everything in impulse.
I am happy cause I got to notice it before it goes awry but like I said, controlling and understanding is very hard especially if I have the power todo everything at once. Rush is the killing factor.
Sunday, May 27, 2012
Today with Economy
Good day May 28, 2012,
Thank you that you gave me time to play D3 for 15mins it was fun and addictive. I was reading an article about the game and come to realize I would rather read how did world wars occurred. I came to my realization that wars occur due to people unsatisfied lifestyle. Hence I would give my slight analysis of this economic market as we have today.
Each country earns money thru taxes and these taxes are used to develop the countries common areas to better serve their country man. In order the country would gather more money they need to encourage their countrymen to work and earn money so that they could spend it to buy goods and this is where the government's country gains taxes. In other words GDP is the percentage or rate that each countrymen spend. The more they spend in theory the more taxes the country gains and earn. The complexity of the economy comes here cause each people tends to earn differently and buys different items which is good but having too much good and items to choose from, give the economy market a breather cause it's the time where each business inside the country compete for the countrymen's money. Typically it would last for 20 years or more. With the pressures from other country on competing and the rise of population or the decrease of population on a country. This rise and fall of population is the key that is we called economy. More population means more countrymen hence more demand for a certain goods. This is assuming that all country men do have work or earning enough to sustain the economy. Other country controls their population growth to stabilize the economy which is good but the best this is to let everything falls into manipulation. What the economy needs is countrymen that have enough money to spend for the economy. The only problem with this setup is we rely on human's hardwork or perseverance which is sometimes unavailable.
I would suggest that we move our focus on a different model in which people are more motivated to work and their efforts are put to good use. I would pretend that I am a ruler of a country hence I would need my country men to work. I would give all citizenship to any human that would like to live in this piece of land as long as he pays a certain fee. This way there would be a bottom price for wages and people would be manipulated to work. I would also impose taxes would be impose on a national level which would lessen corruption on the micro level. Government agency would work on the assumption that everyone pays their association dues yearly this way it would be easier for the country to develop and entice other people to join or give more births to the country. I would also incorporate the business investment idea as like in equities which would dictates which corporations would be left to do business further. With lesser tax burdens for the country men everyone would earn and everyone would have a very happy life.
This is just a part on how would I manage a country. To increase the minimum wage I would increase the association dues do that employers would need to offer better wages for their people. With no sales tax and income tax people have money to spend on wages and development. I would tax commodities that have directly affecting common areas of the country like roads. Cars would have a registration Tax yearly as they are the ones who uses the roads. Further study on how to add different fees limit and manipulate consumption and presumptive freedom of choice
Thank you that you gave me time to play D3 for 15mins it was fun and addictive. I was reading an article about the game and come to realize I would rather read how did world wars occurred. I came to my realization that wars occur due to people unsatisfied lifestyle. Hence I would give my slight analysis of this economic market as we have today.
Each country earns money thru taxes and these taxes are used to develop the countries common areas to better serve their country man. In order the country would gather more money they need to encourage their countrymen to work and earn money so that they could spend it to buy goods and this is where the government's country gains taxes. In other words GDP is the percentage or rate that each countrymen spend. The more they spend in theory the more taxes the country gains and earn. The complexity of the economy comes here cause each people tends to earn differently and buys different items which is good but having too much good and items to choose from, give the economy market a breather cause it's the time where each business inside the country compete for the countrymen's money. Typically it would last for 20 years or more. With the pressures from other country on competing and the rise of population or the decrease of population on a country. This rise and fall of population is the key that is we called economy. More population means more countrymen hence more demand for a certain goods. This is assuming that all country men do have work or earning enough to sustain the economy. Other country controls their population growth to stabilize the economy which is good but the best this is to let everything falls into manipulation. What the economy needs is countrymen that have enough money to spend for the economy. The only problem with this setup is we rely on human's hardwork or perseverance which is sometimes unavailable.
I would suggest that we move our focus on a different model in which people are more motivated to work and their efforts are put to good use. I would pretend that I am a ruler of a country hence I would need my country men to work. I would give all citizenship to any human that would like to live in this piece of land as long as he pays a certain fee. This way there would be a bottom price for wages and people would be manipulated to work. I would also impose taxes would be impose on a national level which would lessen corruption on the micro level. Government agency would work on the assumption that everyone pays their association dues yearly this way it would be easier for the country to develop and entice other people to join or give more births to the country. I would also incorporate the business investment idea as like in equities which would dictates which corporations would be left to do business further. With lesser tax burdens for the country men everyone would earn and everyone would have a very happy life.
This is just a part on how would I manage a country. To increase the minimum wage I would increase the association dues do that employers would need to offer better wages for their people. With no sales tax and income tax people have money to spend on wages and development. I would tax commodities that have directly affecting common areas of the country like roads. Cars would have a registration Tax yearly as they are the ones who uses the roads. Further study on how to add different fees limit and manipulate consumption and presumptive freedom of choice
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Today with Timing
Good day May 9, 2012,
Thank you for a wonderful day. I could not thank enough for the itouch and opportunities that keeps on coming. Everyday seems a history to me. My timing is getting better and everything is going very well. Equities of the Philippine market are quite crazy and the World markets are also in turmoil. I really feel that timing is the key. If I would have a chance to win the PCSO which I do have. Winning it would surely change my life forever.
Thinking how to become rich and feeling a billionaire is quite different. I really think that 10 billion dollars would make me happy and everything else would follow. Today stuffs I learned are unique it would help me deal for my future and better understanding of the proper way of managing everything. Life is full of surprises cause you really won't know what would happen next but always remember the road is long and rocky but once you reach the end the road you would not stop telling stories about the road traveled. People say take the road less traveled and I would agree. Equities that are seldom mentioned are the ones that would give us a boost of earnings.
Thank you for a wonderful day. I could not thank enough for the itouch and opportunities that keeps on coming. Everyday seems a history to me. My timing is getting better and everything is going very well. Equities of the Philippine market are quite crazy and the World markets are also in turmoil. I really feel that timing is the key. If I would have a chance to win the PCSO which I do have. Winning it would surely change my life forever.
Thinking how to become rich and feeling a billionaire is quite different. I really think that 10 billion dollars would make me happy and everything else would follow. Today stuffs I learned are unique it would help me deal for my future and better understanding of the proper way of managing everything. Life is full of surprises cause you really won't know what would happen next but always remember the road is long and rocky but once you reach the end the road you would not stop telling stories about the road traveled. People say take the road less traveled and I would agree. Equities that are seldom mentioned are the ones that would give us a boost of earnings.
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Today with Having A blast
Good day May 8, 2012,
First I want to thank you for a another big sales and hope for continuance of this great trend. Lotto is again up! 130m and counting really hoping to win big so that everything would be alright. Today I got to chat with my friend and realize I might be too mature over a lot of things and that might get me to a place where only a few could. Thank you for letting me enjoy chatting with my friends, time to study my stock picks and letting me learn that gambling is always gambling. You don't gamble but always make it your choice.
I was thinking again for ways that might help apple to be on top of its game. They might not be pioneers but they make stuff great! As now I saw iPod nano and I think what could the nano be next. It's an assistance for fitness why not make it a full pledge doctor. Selling the accessories that would record heart rate on different times and help you remind things better with vibration. It could be set up as a gateway of controller to a lot of things and maybe a sensor for appl TV motion sensor. Integration is Apple's strength, their supply chain and robust margin in products separates them from others. With ICloud as a drive for data, Nano could serve as a locator, health monitor and assistance to everyone. Imagine giving you warning on your blood sugar, recording your sleep times, recording your heart rate, blood pressure and body temperature from your wrist. It would serve as a watch and a gateway to your phone. You could connect your Bluetooth device to your iPod nano on your wrist and when a call is place on your phone you could answer it on your watch. Better is answering FaceTime call on your watch. Another cool way that iPod nano could be useful is they not only records your health data it also sends it to your doctor.
Locator is another cool thing with it you will never be lost cause you could always ask iPod touch where are you. Battery tech is another cool thing it charges slowly using body heat. Now that a cool way.
It could also be use to control Apple TV and set reminders via Siri. Apple could sell a new bluetooth headset which is small yet powerful.
Imagining these make me feel like Steve Jobs. All in all I really thank you that I have the time to think and analyze a lot of stuff which make me a better person. Wiser and cooler. Money comes plenty and easily cause playing the stock market is like having your money being loaned to a best corporation of your choice and the return are exponential.
First I want to thank you for a another big sales and hope for continuance of this great trend. Lotto is again up! 130m and counting really hoping to win big so that everything would be alright. Today I got to chat with my friend and realize I might be too mature over a lot of things and that might get me to a place where only a few could. Thank you for letting me enjoy chatting with my friends, time to study my stock picks and letting me learn that gambling is always gambling. You don't gamble but always make it your choice.
I was thinking again for ways that might help apple to be on top of its game. They might not be pioneers but they make stuff great! As now I saw iPod nano and I think what could the nano be next. It's an assistance for fitness why not make it a full pledge doctor. Selling the accessories that would record heart rate on different times and help you remind things better with vibration. It could be set up as a gateway of controller to a lot of things and maybe a sensor for appl TV motion sensor. Integration is Apple's strength, their supply chain and robust margin in products separates them from others. With ICloud as a drive for data, Nano could serve as a locator, health monitor and assistance to everyone. Imagine giving you warning on your blood sugar, recording your sleep times, recording your heart rate, blood pressure and body temperature from your wrist. It would serve as a watch and a gateway to your phone. You could connect your Bluetooth device to your iPod nano on your wrist and when a call is place on your phone you could answer it on your watch. Better is answering FaceTime call on your watch. Another cool way that iPod nano could be useful is they not only records your health data it also sends it to your doctor.
Locator is another cool thing with it you will never be lost cause you could always ask iPod touch where are you. Battery tech is another cool thing it charges slowly using body heat. Now that a cool way.
It could also be use to control Apple TV and set reminders via Siri. Apple could sell a new bluetooth headset which is small yet powerful.
Imagining these make me feel like Steve Jobs. All in all I really thank you that I have the time to think and analyze a lot of stuff which make me a better person. Wiser and cooler. Money comes plenty and easily cause playing the stock market is like having your money being loaned to a best corporation of your choice and the return are exponential.
Thursday, May 3, 2012
Today with Climate heat
Good day May 4, 2012,
Thank you for another big sales and profit. Today when I woke up, I decided that I would change the way how I trade currency. I been trying my best to get the best trade but apparently I keep on loosing money.. Thinking about how I should manage my money to enter the trade is the best option right now cause I often get the trade but always my tight option on my stop loss keeps on triggering.
I learned that patience is passion control and I would learn to control my passion. This is how I felt last night when I would earn a good trade then I just put a few units. I would feel very pissed. Upon thinking it carefully I need to fix my trade and think of pip rather than the money. It's how earning slowly keeps the trade alive and earning good money is the key to do it.
Another thing happen today, customer adding up on their purchases is very good! I really hope customer would keep on coming and more money would come to me! More money more happy!
As my portfolio grows I would keep on getting happier everyday! It's been crazy today, a lot of things happening that are quite beyond my control. The things that are having a turn to the worst as I expect. I really wish that everyday would go smoothly as we plan.
I got news that my cousin had an interview with a reputable bank and I really hope he gets the job. This would really perk his life. Business life is really a volatile condition cause it could have you go crazy over small crazy things.
Thank you for another big sales and profit. Today when I woke up, I decided that I would change the way how I trade currency. I been trying my best to get the best trade but apparently I keep on loosing money.. Thinking about how I should manage my money to enter the trade is the best option right now cause I often get the trade but always my tight option on my stop loss keeps on triggering.
I learned that patience is passion control and I would learn to control my passion. This is how I felt last night when I would earn a good trade then I just put a few units. I would feel very pissed. Upon thinking it carefully I need to fix my trade and think of pip rather than the money. It's how earning slowly keeps the trade alive and earning good money is the key to do it.
Another thing happen today, customer adding up on their purchases is very good! I really hope customer would keep on coming and more money would come to me! More money more happy!
As my portfolio grows I would keep on getting happier everyday! It's been crazy today, a lot of things happening that are quite beyond my control. The things that are having a turn to the worst as I expect. I really wish that everyday would go smoothly as we plan.
I got news that my cousin had an interview with a reputable bank and I really hope he gets the job. This would really perk his life. Business life is really a volatile condition cause it could have you go crazy over small crazy things.
Today with 5.0
Good day May 3, 2012,
Thank you very much for a big sales today, and for the past days! I am also want to thank you for to opportunity that I was able to trade in HK Stocks and currently earning not bad. I may not be earning with my currency right now but I wan really glad that I am still here playing it for almost 7 months.
Speaking of other stuff I would like to thank you for my physical health that I am able to do much of activities I love. I also would like to thank you that lately I am being enlighten on how to earn my dream goal which is $ 10,000,000,000.00. I also am glad that I was able to hold my chubby niece and to hold my first legitimate God Son Leon Kindsey Sitosta.
I could not stop saying thank you for all the good things happening in my life. My staff are getting more skillful by the day and they are becoming more reliable day by day. My job is lighter and I have lots of time to ponder all the stuff happening in my life.
I could not say how many more things I would like to share like how I was relaxed during my vacation. The things I saw and learned thru the trip was unimaginable. I could not wait for the stuffs that will come in my life for the following days.
Thank you very much for a big sales today, and for the past days! I am also want to thank you for to opportunity that I was able to trade in HK Stocks and currently earning not bad. I may not be earning with my currency right now but I wan really glad that I am still here playing it for almost 7 months.
Speaking of other stuff I would like to thank you for my physical health that I am able to do much of activities I love. I also would like to thank you that lately I am being enlighten on how to earn my dream goal which is $ 10,000,000,000.00. I also am glad that I was able to hold my chubby niece and to hold my first legitimate God Son Leon Kindsey Sitosta.
I could not stop saying thank you for all the good things happening in my life. My staff are getting more skillful by the day and they are becoming more reliable day by day. My job is lighter and I have lots of time to ponder all the stuff happening in my life.
I could not say how many more things I would like to share like how I was relaxed during my vacation. The things I saw and learned thru the trip was unimaginable. I could not wait for the stuffs that will come in my life for the following days.
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Today with My MacBook pro Dream
Good day March 28, 2012,
Days are getting closer for my vacation and while it creeps closer some thing keeps on getting closer too! Diablo 3 release and the new Mac book pro release! Things that would probably make be decide 100% to buy the new MacBook pro 2012 model, the number 1 criteria it should have is the battery life. It would be awesome if it could run 15 hours straight with the battery. 2. Improve performance using the battery or plugged. 3. Of course the hardware that is not too much new but new enough to crack open a new dimension for my needs. 4. More RAM and better graphic card. 5 last but not the lease is the weight. Things that I won't mind losing is the Optical drive, Ethernet port, Fire wire port and the SD card reader. Things that should be in the new laptop is 8gb Ram, SSD 250GB, 1 GB video card and that's all I need. Mountain lion and other features are like soup to my meal. I could live without. The integration of the hardware and software is very important and it seem that it would be awesome to feel and use the new animal! Retina screen or not it's ok. My eyes can't see it anyway! Better battery is much better than a screen. 12-15 hrs battery life is insane! That's good enough!
Days are getting closer for my vacation and while it creeps closer some thing keeps on getting closer too! Diablo 3 release and the new Mac book pro release! Things that would probably make be decide 100% to buy the new MacBook pro 2012 model, the number 1 criteria it should have is the battery life. It would be awesome if it could run 15 hours straight with the battery. 2. Improve performance using the battery or plugged. 3. Of course the hardware that is not too much new but new enough to crack open a new dimension for my needs. 4. More RAM and better graphic card. 5 last but not the lease is the weight. Things that I won't mind losing is the Optical drive, Ethernet port, Fire wire port and the SD card reader. Things that should be in the new laptop is 8gb Ram, SSD 250GB, 1 GB video card and that's all I need. Mountain lion and other features are like soup to my meal. I could live without. The integration of the hardware and software is very important and it seem that it would be awesome to feel and use the new animal! Retina screen or not it's ok. My eyes can't see it anyway! Better battery is much better than a screen. 12-15 hrs battery life is insane! That's good enough!
Saturday, March 24, 2012
Today with Looking Forward
Good day March 25, 2012,
It's been a while since I said thank you for all the opportunities and blessings comes and coming in my life. Let's name a few things to get the ball rolling. First this April I would be going a trip with my friends! That's one second it's going to be a two country trip! Australia and Singapore. Next in my thank you wagon, is my most awaited Game is going to be released on May 15, 2012. Without saying a word I would also opt to upgrad my rig ! My Laptop, Currently eyeing for the 2012 model MacBook pro15". Setup my home to be a media hub! Most of all I can't thank enough that all my investments are in good shape and everything would surely gave me the financials to buy all my stuffs! Nothing short is that the managed business is getting better every second and with that said I would be going to HK to enjoy and Talk business with my business partner in Guangzhou! Impressive enough that a door of opportunity opened with a Big potential client Gaizano would buy my LED Christmas lights! It pushes thru then business would be great! Another part that I am looking forward to is my equity investment in HK cause it would be impressive enough that It would give me a return of 500% in the next two years. This year is really my year and the succeeding years to come. I would thank you everyone and every experience I gain thru this cause without them I would not be able to have all these opportunities and wealth put together. CFA is also around Te corner and my Currency trading is doing quite well. Hopefully this year my capital would return and I would learn a big chunk of it controlling my emotions.
Thank you and good luck to me! Leisure is everywhere I just need to notice them. Avengers, Wrath of the Titans and GI Joe are some list of movies I anticipate but sacrifices are needed to really give me what I really want Financial freedom by earning tons of money by investing and doing nothing but analyzing!
It's been a while since I said thank you for all the opportunities and blessings comes and coming in my life. Let's name a few things to get the ball rolling. First this April I would be going a trip with my friends! That's one second it's going to be a two country trip! Australia and Singapore. Next in my thank you wagon, is my most awaited Game is going to be released on May 15, 2012. Without saying a word I would also opt to upgrad my rig ! My Laptop, Currently eyeing for the 2012 model MacBook pro15". Setup my home to be a media hub! Most of all I can't thank enough that all my investments are in good shape and everything would surely gave me the financials to buy all my stuffs! Nothing short is that the managed business is getting better every second and with that said I would be going to HK to enjoy and Talk business with my business partner in Guangzhou! Impressive enough that a door of opportunity opened with a Big potential client Gaizano would buy my LED Christmas lights! It pushes thru then business would be great! Another part that I am looking forward to is my equity investment in HK cause it would be impressive enough that It would give me a return of 500% in the next two years. This year is really my year and the succeeding years to come. I would thank you everyone and every experience I gain thru this cause without them I would not be able to have all these opportunities and wealth put together. CFA is also around Te corner and my Currency trading is doing quite well. Hopefully this year my capital would return and I would learn a big chunk of it controlling my emotions.
Thank you and good luck to me! Leisure is everywhere I just need to notice them. Avengers, Wrath of the Titans and GI Joe are some list of movies I anticipate but sacrifices are needed to really give me what I really want Financial freedom by earning tons of money by investing and doing nothing but analyzing!
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Today with Insomia
Good day March 7, 2012,
Thank you for giving me time to think and opportunities that keep on coming. It will surely make me 10 billion dollars rich. Lately seeing the Forbes billionaire list it made me more inspired to reach my billions.
Yeah from march 4-5 I was blasting always from my Facebook. I was quoting my mind in everything I was thinking. Apparently everyone thinks different compare to other people in the world.
I was having a hard time to sleep, also on march 4 2012, I quit on my sister in law and apparently for a very good reason. I thought my decision was harsh and wrong. But come the following days it was clear that it was the right decision all along. On March 4, 2012 when I drop the decision to my wife's auntie. She was not surprise but I saw a relief in her face. I gave her 20k for the tuition fee help, but also gave her my opinion that we would not give any further money after that day. It came as a shock cause I drop my sister in law for no apparent reason.
The last 2 weeks that she tried to behave and improve her character I notice that she really did not change from the last time I spoken and scold her. I was giving her pointers on how a person should see the world and perception to lead a better life. Apparently she was just trying to pass her punishment and continues to her own chosen path. Also for the past 2 week I monitored her movements and observe how she answer me thru the phone and how she reacts. I notice that she really doesn't care if I have approval or have her a passing mark. It was her way all the way. She knew that she would still get enrolled regardless of what she did. She was also planning her come back to her usual happy go lucky state. My wife and other in laws I was quick to judge. The only problem is when I saw something in a person it is often correct.
This is what I saw in Zerice, she always gets her way. She will pay it with her punishment but in the end she will still get her way. LOA was meant to make her think of the waste and attitude she have towards authority. It came to me that LOA was a plus points to her vanity stats cause when she come back to La Salle she will be the talk of the town. In her promise that she will do good next time. I find it impossible to accomplished. She is not afraid of her consequence cause she knows that she is the youngest and everyone would help her regardless of her treatment to them.
I meditated very hard, if dropping her would be a good motivator to help her in the future. Well it is. Here is my prediction- She would get enrolled in La Salle this term and would still fail her studies. Her family would also give up on her but would enroll her to a lower tuition fee college. She would then learned the hard way about how she would accomplished her dream. She would be very devastated but as I know her resourcefulness she would go and finished her college and finds a Job. This would only happen if Her family would also drop her cause of her attitude and perception.
Well I would still be the bad guy, but they would not realize the thing I did for her and that's letting her face her own stupidity.
The consequences of actions would be having no family beside me when I would have sickness or die. Well, I got sick a lot of time and during those time trust me I only have fuzzy memory of what happened.
I live my life without regrets and I live my life the way I like. I care less about others cause when they did made a wrong decision they would always blame on others. I blame myself.
Now that I am free from both sides it's time to gather money to make me more happy. My only revenge on people who said that I am wrong is to prove them wrong. The way I live my life is the proof I need to show everyone that I chose to live a life that is envied by selfish people and dreamed by unselfish people.
They would say I worship money, I tell them that money worships me and keeps on finding ways to come to me cause they like what I am doing and that is keep on moving forward and perseverance on the path I take.
30 years from now I would have tons of material things and 10 billions of dollar living a luxurious life without any worries. Sacrificing a family that is a risk that might make or break my will. Children are there to keep your legacy alive but they would also tend to break that legacy of yours. I broke my father's legacy by not having a legacy.
Thank you for giving me time to think and opportunities that keep on coming. It will surely make me 10 billion dollars rich. Lately seeing the Forbes billionaire list it made me more inspired to reach my billions.
Yeah from march 4-5 I was blasting always from my Facebook. I was quoting my mind in everything I was thinking. Apparently everyone thinks different compare to other people in the world.
I was having a hard time to sleep, also on march 4 2012, I quit on my sister in law and apparently for a very good reason. I thought my decision was harsh and wrong. But come the following days it was clear that it was the right decision all along. On March 4, 2012 when I drop the decision to my wife's auntie. She was not surprise but I saw a relief in her face. I gave her 20k for the tuition fee help, but also gave her my opinion that we would not give any further money after that day. It came as a shock cause I drop my sister in law for no apparent reason.
The last 2 weeks that she tried to behave and improve her character I notice that she really did not change from the last time I spoken and scold her. I was giving her pointers on how a person should see the world and perception to lead a better life. Apparently she was just trying to pass her punishment and continues to her own chosen path. Also for the past 2 week I monitored her movements and observe how she answer me thru the phone and how she reacts. I notice that she really doesn't care if I have approval or have her a passing mark. It was her way all the way. She knew that she would still get enrolled regardless of what she did. She was also planning her come back to her usual happy go lucky state. My wife and other in laws I was quick to judge. The only problem is when I saw something in a person it is often correct.
This is what I saw in Zerice, she always gets her way. She will pay it with her punishment but in the end she will still get her way. LOA was meant to make her think of the waste and attitude she have towards authority. It came to me that LOA was a plus points to her vanity stats cause when she come back to La Salle she will be the talk of the town. In her promise that she will do good next time. I find it impossible to accomplished. She is not afraid of her consequence cause she knows that she is the youngest and everyone would help her regardless of her treatment to them.
I meditated very hard, if dropping her would be a good motivator to help her in the future. Well it is. Here is my prediction- She would get enrolled in La Salle this term and would still fail her studies. Her family would also give up on her but would enroll her to a lower tuition fee college. She would then learned the hard way about how she would accomplished her dream. She would be very devastated but as I know her resourcefulness she would go and finished her college and finds a Job. This would only happen if Her family would also drop her cause of her attitude and perception.
Well I would still be the bad guy, but they would not realize the thing I did for her and that's letting her face her own stupidity.
The consequences of actions would be having no family beside me when I would have sickness or die. Well, I got sick a lot of time and during those time trust me I only have fuzzy memory of what happened.
I live my life without regrets and I live my life the way I like. I care less about others cause when they did made a wrong decision they would always blame on others. I blame myself.
Now that I am free from both sides it's time to gather money to make me more happy. My only revenge on people who said that I am wrong is to prove them wrong. The way I live my life is the proof I need to show everyone that I chose to live a life that is envied by selfish people and dreamed by unselfish people.
They would say I worship money, I tell them that money worships me and keeps on finding ways to come to me cause they like what I am doing and that is keep on moving forward and perseverance on the path I take.
30 years from now I would have tons of material things and 10 billions of dollar living a luxurious life without any worries. Sacrificing a family that is a risk that might make or break my will. Children are there to keep your legacy alive but they would also tend to break that legacy of yours. I broke my father's legacy by not having a legacy.
Thursday, March 1, 2012
Today with Visa
Good day March 2, 2012
It seems that time flies and everything moves very quickly. I tried to anticipate the forex moves and yet often failed to grab a ride thru the right trend. I find my strategy working and it only needs some tweaks to make it perfect. Emotions of mine are the one that hinders but everyday it seems to cooperate very well. Thank you for a wonderful life and everything that I have and happens. Like I always say everything happens for a reason.
Life is never expecting but it's should interesting.
It seems that time flies and everything moves very quickly. I tried to anticipate the forex moves and yet often failed to grab a ride thru the right trend. I find my strategy working and it only needs some tweaks to make it perfect. Emotions of mine are the one that hinders but everyday it seems to cooperate very well. Thank you for a wonderful life and everything that I have and happens. Like I always say everything happens for a reason.
Life is never expecting but it's should interesting.
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Today with total realization.
Good day February 29, 2012
Watching white collar's season finale, made me realize that I do have a wonderful life thank you for that and I appreciate it so much. I thank you that I realized it quickly this time I guess it took me 6 months now to get back in track. I thank you that I got a nice house my mom let me live. I got a beautiful, caring and understanding wife. I also would like to thank you my career cause it's one of a kind and no other could be like me. Now I realize it it's time to live it and love it. It easy to say it but in truth it is often we see at what we don't have that we conceive that we need it. I need everything I got and I would now get what I want. It's easy without risking my current predicament. I am sure that this time I get it and everything would go my way.
I can't stop saying thank you for what I have it's very nice it would be a very good day tomorrow!
Life is unexpected! Love it and it will love you too.
Watching white collar's season finale, made me realize that I do have a wonderful life thank you for that and I appreciate it so much. I thank you that I realized it quickly this time I guess it took me 6 months now to get back in track. I thank you that I got a nice house my mom let me live. I got a beautiful, caring and understanding wife. I also would like to thank you my career cause it's one of a kind and no other could be like me. Now I realize it it's time to live it and love it. It easy to say it but in truth it is often we see at what we don't have that we conceive that we need it. I need everything I got and I would now get what I want. It's easy without risking my current predicament. I am sure that this time I get it and everything would go my way.
I can't stop saying thank you for what I have it's very nice it would be a very good day tomorrow!
Life is unexpected! Love it and it will love you too.
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Today with Diablo 3
Good day February 16, 2012,
Thank you that someone won the lotto. This would make me focus more on investing and hard work rather than wishing dreams that have small odds of winning. I still would bet the lotto if it reach a certain amount cause I believe that I have the opportunity to win it and have a fantastic life. Life is really great, the things that come to your way is often than not unexpected. Diablo 3 is the game I would be playing for a long time. It would be nice to keep the game interesting by unlimited customization and the unexpected events that may occur would significantly increase. I have posted almost all my comments to a forum and hope that it would give much help to the team. The most cool thing about the game is not the killing but the amount of customization and randomness of items that a person could gather through the game.
I have suggested the amount of probability that one player could have and the limits a character may have due to its class and gender. I really hope that they would seriously consider the magnification of customization.
Thank you that someone won the lotto. This would make me focus more on investing and hard work rather than wishing dreams that have small odds of winning. I still would bet the lotto if it reach a certain amount cause I believe that I have the opportunity to win it and have a fantastic life. Life is really great, the things that come to your way is often than not unexpected. Diablo 3 is the game I would be playing for a long time. It would be nice to keep the game interesting by unlimited customization and the unexpected events that may occur would significantly increase. I have posted almost all my comments to a forum and hope that it would give much help to the team. The most cool thing about the game is not the killing but the amount of customization and randomness of items that a person could gather through the game.
I have suggested the amount of probability that one player could have and the limits a character may have due to its class and gender. I really hope that they would seriously consider the magnification of customization.
Today With God Shooting off....
Good day February 15, 2012,
Thank you for a great sales and Profit. Thank you for giving me the personnel and opportunities to do my thing. I may feel like I could handle lots of cash but having it handled by me is a different story. On my birthday last February 12, 2012, I played the casino thinking I may be lucky. I forgot that luck is made not given. I was lucky I was born. My Dad and mum made me. The luck part was, I was growing inside my mom and turned out the way I am now. Trying to change your fate by chance or by probability is quite tricky cause what ever you bet your luck on the set of stuffs are already at place. It simply means that the best one who could get the guess would win. It's like I betting the lotto. It seems like just betting is good but having the right numbers would have insane odds. This only means God as we know it have strike a deal with other people cause he feels like they would need it more than I do. I really hope that I would not need to win but having me to win as a reward for my perseverance and faith on myself would pay off. Hence this just tell me that I should only have faith on myself.
Thank you for a great sales and Profit. Thank you for giving me the personnel and opportunities to do my thing. I may feel like I could handle lots of cash but having it handled by me is a different story. On my birthday last February 12, 2012, I played the casino thinking I may be lucky. I forgot that luck is made not given. I was lucky I was born. My Dad and mum made me. The luck part was, I was growing inside my mom and turned out the way I am now. Trying to change your fate by chance or by probability is quite tricky cause what ever you bet your luck on the set of stuffs are already at place. It simply means that the best one who could get the guess would win. It's like I betting the lotto. It seems like just betting is good but having the right numbers would have insane odds. This only means God as we know it have strike a deal with other people cause he feels like they would need it more than I do. I really hope that I would not need to win but having me to win as a reward for my perseverance and faith on myself would pay off. Hence this just tell me that I should only have faith on myself.
Monday, February 13, 2012
Today with lotto
Good day February 13, 2012,
Just a day after my birthday. Thank you for giving me another birthday and letting me enjoy every single minute of my birthday. The past week was quite a nightmare for my currency tradi Ng cause I lost focus on the goal which is trying to earn money from it. It should be easy but I let my emotion run. It normal cause I am human. But if I want to be a god I should know what to do what trades to make what trades not to make. I always loosing faith on my reads and practice it's just the way.
I really am glad I still have enough to Earn it all back. Thank you for letting me win the Lottery and I really would make it worth while. God is real and he will surely let me win the grand lotto 6/55 PCSO lottery jackpot on February 15, 2012. Cause I know I would enjoy my life with it.
Thank you advance for letting me be 10 billion dollars rich.
Just a day after my birthday. Thank you for giving me another birthday and letting me enjoy every single minute of my birthday. The past week was quite a nightmare for my currency tradi Ng cause I lost focus on the goal which is trying to earn money from it. It should be easy but I let my emotion run. It normal cause I am human. But if I want to be a god I should know what to do what trades to make what trades not to make. I always loosing faith on my reads and practice it's just the way.
I really am glad I still have enough to Earn it all back. Thank you for letting me win the Lottery and I really would make it worth while. God is real and he will surely let me win the grand lotto 6/55 PCSO lottery jackpot on February 15, 2012. Cause I know I would enjoy my life with it.
Thank you advance for letting me be 10 billion dollars rich.
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Today with Frustration and Depression
Good day February 8, 2012,
Thank you for having me think about everything that is happening. I really feel that money is the source of my power and energy. The more money I incur the more possibility I could do earn more. I once tried to write a book about self help and everything one man desire as I see fit. It states that there are areas in a person's life needed to be filled to be happy.
Here it goes, a person need to have these 5 things to make them happy. Achievement, Financial, Social/Love, Health and Self Worth. There could be a man that has money but his family hates him. He could also have a sense of achieving something.
Here is the first part that each person needed to be happy. Achievement in definition is the part were a person tries to gain ahead of others in his mind. While success is the acknowledgement of co equals that this feat is and only been achieved by the person. The most fulfilling part is achievement. How do you know that it is good enough? The best thing about achievement is a person set his own goal. It could differ from person to person. Some people see their achievement by surpassing others in areas they seem important.
It seems I have all the answer but the more I meditate the more questions I need to answer. I realize last night that passion is needed to properly motivate and discipline me in achieving my set goal which is accumulating and or winning 10 billion dollars. I have small experiences and memories, but the important thing is that I need all of them to sculpt me to the man I would become. I know everything happens for a reason and everything happens is a result of my own decisions. The only thing bothering me is faith that I know what I am doing.
Thank you for having me think about everything that is happening. I really feel that money is the source of my power and energy. The more money I incur the more possibility I could do earn more. I once tried to write a book about self help and everything one man desire as I see fit. It states that there are areas in a person's life needed to be filled to be happy.
Here it goes, a person need to have these 5 things to make them happy. Achievement, Financial, Social/Love, Health and Self Worth. There could be a man that has money but his family hates him. He could also have a sense of achieving something.
Here is the first part that each person needed to be happy. Achievement in definition is the part were a person tries to gain ahead of others in his mind. While success is the acknowledgement of co equals that this feat is and only been achieved by the person. The most fulfilling part is achievement. How do you know that it is good enough? The best thing about achievement is a person set his own goal. It could differ from person to person. Some people see their achievement by surpassing others in areas they seem important.
It seems I have all the answer but the more I meditate the more questions I need to answer. I realize last night that passion is needed to properly motivate and discipline me in achieving my set goal which is accumulating and or winning 10 billion dollars. I have small experiences and memories, but the important thing is that I need all of them to sculpt me to the man I would become. I know everything happens for a reason and everything happens is a result of my own decisions. The only thing bothering me is faith that I know what I am doing.
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Today with 5th week
Good day February 8, 2012,
Thank you for letting me learn a lot more about investing. Thank you for giving me an opportunity to invest in currency. I realize that I was doing good in currency and it all depends on my attitude towards it. My strategy was go with the trend as it should be. placing x amount upon seeing a reversal pattern or it's reversing trend. Trust your instinct and read to set a new goal. Never aim to high but dream big. It's not slowly and surely but only surely.
Today seems wild and my attention is also divided that is why I could not see clearly. But after 5 weeks with my sister in law staying with me during the days I found out that I still need a lot to learn in order to properly control or manipulate others. It's the power to manipulate myself is the skill I do need. How do I manipulate my emotions when trading wrongly. Shutting it down gave me bad results while fearing all the time also do have bad results. The time when I feel great was the only time I gained. It's the time when I feel greedy when I also failed. I now know what I need. Now is how do I manipulate or control myself. Setting limits only gave me boundaries that seems cut my growth. I need a manipulation greater than mind manipulation. I think it's motivation is what I need.
Thank you for letting me learn a lot more about investing. Thank you for giving me an opportunity to invest in currency. I realize that I was doing good in currency and it all depends on my attitude towards it. My strategy was go with the trend as it should be. placing x amount upon seeing a reversal pattern or it's reversing trend. Trust your instinct and read to set a new goal. Never aim to high but dream big. It's not slowly and surely but only surely.
Today seems wild and my attention is also divided that is why I could not see clearly. But after 5 weeks with my sister in law staying with me during the days I found out that I still need a lot to learn in order to properly control or manipulate others. It's the power to manipulate myself is the skill I do need. How do I manipulate my emotions when trading wrongly. Shutting it down gave me bad results while fearing all the time also do have bad results. The time when I feel great was the only time I gained. It's the time when I feel greedy when I also failed. I now know what I need. Now is how do I manipulate or control myself. Setting limits only gave me boundaries that seems cut my growth. I need a manipulation greater than mind manipulation. I think it's motivation is what I need.
Monday, January 30, 2012
Today with future of....
Good Day January 31, 2012,
Thank you for giving my brother in law a Singapore Job. This would greatly help his family and his life. I would also thank you for giving me an opportunity to try out my Currency crazy strategy. If it does pays off I would surely earn lots and lots of Dollars. Centillion Dollars easy does it. I would also like to thank you for giving me time to influence my sister in law to do better in her life. I would also thank that I was able to join the blizzard forum this could open me to work with them as a game designer. I would also thank that it would blow my opportunities to even greater heights. I
Here is a investment idea as apple keeps on growing big and they have the best business model ever and that is business innovation and the business strategies that are taught are all in them. Investing is like gambling but it seems like we put our money where we feels like we want the world to go forward. As for me another data provider for our Internet needs in the philippines is still the best option. PLDT might be the better value choice but they are not even close. With new stupid product launching out I feel like they might not grow into what I call a profitable sustainable model. If I were going to make it better I would surely incorporate what people want and that is fast good results.
In the future, it seems that my brother in law would live a very good life and the rest would be left out. My sister in law which apparently turn on the wrong road needed to turn back and go back. I would always recommend is never go back and just keep moving forward cause that is the only way we should go. The road we choose might be wrong but no road is perfect hence at every end of the road there will be the goal we seek. Regardless of how we do it, sometimes result is all that matters.
Thank you for giving my brother in law a Singapore Job. This would greatly help his family and his life. I would also thank you for giving me an opportunity to try out my Currency crazy strategy. If it does pays off I would surely earn lots and lots of Dollars. Centillion Dollars easy does it. I would also like to thank you for giving me time to influence my sister in law to do better in her life. I would also thank that I was able to join the blizzard forum this could open me to work with them as a game designer. I would also thank that it would blow my opportunities to even greater heights. I
Here is a investment idea as apple keeps on growing big and they have the best business model ever and that is business innovation and the business strategies that are taught are all in them. Investing is like gambling but it seems like we put our money where we feels like we want the world to go forward. As for me another data provider for our Internet needs in the philippines is still the best option. PLDT might be the better value choice but they are not even close. With new stupid product launching out I feel like they might not grow into what I call a profitable sustainable model. If I were going to make it better I would surely incorporate what people want and that is fast good results.
In the future, it seems that my brother in law would live a very good life and the rest would be left out. My sister in law which apparently turn on the wrong road needed to turn back and go back. I would always recommend is never go back and just keep moving forward cause that is the only way we should go. The road we choose might be wrong but no road is perfect hence at every end of the road there will be the goal we seek. Regardless of how we do it, sometimes result is all that matters.
Saturday, January 28, 2012
Today with everything
Good day January 28, 2012,
Thank you for giving opportunity to try out my crazy strategy. I really hope it worked. In a fantasy side, if I were CEO of apple I think there are big market for them to capitalize in due to their ecosystem. I would suggest to buy a bank like bank of America as they would be a part of American capitalism and ideals. I feel like their close mindedness would help bank of America be the bank of America. After buying the bank they could strip off products that would not fit their Philosophy which is keep your products simple. They would offer Savings/Online, Savings / Current, Time deposits, having consumers buy more apple shares as investments and hold it for a longer period. Having a flexible payment for all apple products. Now with that said, the 30% apple inherit from all transaction could now be lower like 5% max. Apple could go on and offer all products with NFC that would pay off all iTunes products and Apple Products via Apple ID system. This method would only be allowed if the iOS is not jailbroken. This is also to prevent buyers from jail breaking the iOS devices. Next Due to the 5% take apple could ask all developers open bank of America accounts so that they could transfer the payments to heir accounts. Same goes with all the in app purchases and music and TV shows. TV networks would agree with this cause 5% is a small rake from apple but, they would need to open an account with Bank of America. Apple would still give them price range to keep consumers happy. Like low bit rates song quality would still remain .99C. As for the iAd product apple is offering, All of apple suppliers are given free iAd support but when a product click in the iAd they would need to pay apple .30c as advertising fee. Secondly the product would also be charged 5% when bought thru the iAd support and the payment would automatically transferred from the buyer to the seller.
Thank you for giving opportunity to try out my crazy strategy. I really hope it worked. In a fantasy side, if I were CEO of apple I think there are big market for them to capitalize in due to their ecosystem. I would suggest to buy a bank like bank of America as they would be a part of American capitalism and ideals. I feel like their close mindedness would help bank of America be the bank of America. After buying the bank they could strip off products that would not fit their Philosophy which is keep your products simple. They would offer Savings/Online, Savings / Current, Time deposits, having consumers buy more apple shares as investments and hold it for a longer period. Having a flexible payment for all apple products. Now with that said, the 30% apple inherit from all transaction could now be lower like 5% max. Apple could go on and offer all products with NFC that would pay off all iTunes products and Apple Products via Apple ID system. This method would only be allowed if the iOS is not jailbroken. This is also to prevent buyers from jail breaking the iOS devices. Next Due to the 5% take apple could ask all developers open bank of America accounts so that they could transfer the payments to heir accounts. Same goes with all the in app purchases and music and TV shows. TV networks would agree with this cause 5% is a small rake from apple but, they would need to open an account with Bank of America. Apple would still give them price range to keep consumers happy. Like low bit rates song quality would still remain .99C. As for the iAd product apple is offering, All of apple suppliers are given free iAd support but when a product click in the iAd they would need to pay apple .30c as advertising fee. Secondly the product would also be charged 5% when bought thru the iAd support and the payment would automatically transferred from the buyer to the seller.
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Today with The Bet
Good day January 26, 2012,
Thank you for giving me strength and a wonderful opportunity to use my magnificent logical analytical brain in making me rich. I have decided to buy 120,000 shares of LIB a equity that hopefully would grant me closer to my dream. I have also found a way to accumulate 2M of capital to invest in the stock exchange of Hong Kong. I really am happy that everything is going alright. Because of the currency trading I am doing I am learning how to manage my emotions and controlling myself. It ok to blast of heat and irritation sometimes but cause of the Facebook post of my friend which shows a chubby guy with slowly exercising eventually sculpt his body like a model. It probably took him all the effort to reach his current physical shape but everything is well cause it was great that he made it. It just show that we must continue with small steps to reach our goals. Sometimes others moves faster than others but eventually you would reach your desired goal. I am very grateful that I was able to learn currency and equity trading cause I am sure that this is the path to reach my happiness and financial freedom. Slowly should do the trick and eventually I would get there. Having a great time analyzing and everything is going as I plan.
Thank you for giving me strength and a wonderful opportunity to use my magnificent logical analytical brain in making me rich. I have decided to buy 120,000 shares of LIB a equity that hopefully would grant me closer to my dream. I have also found a way to accumulate 2M of capital to invest in the stock exchange of Hong Kong. I really am happy that everything is going alright. Because of the currency trading I am doing I am learning how to manage my emotions and controlling myself. It ok to blast of heat and irritation sometimes but cause of the Facebook post of my friend which shows a chubby guy with slowly exercising eventually sculpt his body like a model. It probably took him all the effort to reach his current physical shape but everything is well cause it was great that he made it. It just show that we must continue with small steps to reach our goals. Sometimes others moves faster than others but eventually you would reach your desired goal. I am very grateful that I was able to learn currency and equity trading cause I am sure that this is the path to reach my happiness and financial freedom. Slowly should do the trick and eventually I would get there. Having a great time analyzing and everything is going as I plan.
Friday, January 20, 2012
Today with Game designer
Good day January 21, 2012,
It seems that as the day pass by so fast I realize it would be great for me to enjoy the days passing by me. Thank you for a wonderful big sales and profit. I really wish everything would be great. Thank you for letting me earn lots of money everyday. The secret told me that I attract what I want and dream of. I attract money and lots of it. I would eventually earn 10 billion dollars. I also posted some of my Ideas to blizzard and hope that it would make a difference it creating the game I like. I love the way things is turning out for my game. I really hope that my ideas would get notice and try would hire me as consultant and adviser to be a developer in the game. I really hope they would really acknowledge and ask for my help in creating the game I love.
It seems that as the day pass by so fast I realize it would be great for me to enjoy the days passing by me. Thank you for a wonderful big sales and profit. I really wish everything would be great. Thank you for letting me earn lots of money everyday. The secret told me that I attract what I want and dream of. I attract money and lots of it. I would eventually earn 10 billion dollars. I also posted some of my Ideas to blizzard and hope that it would make a difference it creating the game I like. I love the way things is turning out for my game. I really hope that my ideas would get notice and try would hire me as consultant and adviser to be a developer in the game. I really hope they would really acknowledge and ask for my help in creating the game I love.
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Today with Mac
Good day, January 19, 2011,
Thank your for giving me an opportunity to make tons of money. Thank you for giving me interest on Macs. I love how they are made and I wish that everything would work out in my mind about the Mac's. Planning to buy 2 Mac book pro and upgrade the ram to 8Gb each. It's for playing diablo and for work and trading equities. I know I would earn a lot from it. Another thing I figured out and would like to try is to make Mac mini as an media hub which it will automatically downloads TV shows and opt for me to watch it via my LCD TV. I would also love for it to be a hub for all digital files and stuff so that everything would be nice and in sync. Life is good cause of the gadgets. It make life interesting. That is why I want ten billion dollars to buy every gadget in the world.
Thank your for giving me an opportunity to make tons of money. Thank you for giving me interest on Macs. I love how they are made and I wish that everything would work out in my mind about the Mac's. Planning to buy 2 Mac book pro and upgrade the ram to 8Gb each. It's for playing diablo and for work and trading equities. I know I would earn a lot from it. Another thing I figured out and would like to try is to make Mac mini as an media hub which it will automatically downloads TV shows and opt for me to watch it via my LCD TV. I would also love for it to be a hub for all digital files and stuff so that everything would be nice and in sync. Life is good cause of the gadgets. It make life interesting. That is why I want ten billion dollars to buy every gadget in the world.
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