Good day October 31, 2011,
I am thanking today for another long relaxing cool day, I really hope diablo 3 game would come out soon so that I could play and enjoy the game. I planned to buy two mac pro 15" next year for the game I know it's crazy but I really feel that I am earning a lot of money by next year cause of the investments I am going to place. My wife found out a note from my itouch about what would I like when I die.
The note goes on like this:
When I am dead:
1. No masses and stupid worthless temple shit.
2. It's ok to place fruits and Incense to pay their respect for me.
3. I hope that every day on my funeral starting at 8:30pm, 3 persons could say a 30 -45 mins speech about me.
The speech would be have guidelines
- introductory of one self
- on how they got acquainted with me
- what are the things you love/like about me
- 3 best memories about me
- how did I affect their lives good or bad
- last word and regret
- what do you wish that I could grant
4.on the last day of funeral, say one thing you'll miss about Jhester
5. On the day of burial, everyone sing a song. ( Chinese) Andy Lao on my iPod mhel knows it.
6. Good bye. Ps I got a video prepared. Watch it on the last day
End of note.
I also got to write a Nintendo phone idea on my notes planning to send it via email on the Nintendo site. I really hope they would love my idea and hire me. Well what job would I prefer probably the CEO position would be the best! Hahaha. I guess this would be another dream come true. I also like to be a game designer for diablo 3 game, they rejected my application but it give me a chance to write a game design that they might like. I hope they would hire me and create the game I designed.
Dear Blog Diary is where I put every thought and experience I have every day. I really hope you readers would get a have a great time reading my mind. I am glad that there is a tool for me to express my thoughts and share to people who wants to understand how a man's journey in his life would be.
USD 10,000,000,000.00

My Check
Monday, October 31, 2011
Today with being a Centillionaire
Good Day October 30, 2011,
Thank you for a start of a good relaxing day. I got home from my friends night out late. Playing a game we are fond of.... The place was new recommended by my friend Mark. The place was different and clean, the user interface and operating software was unique good. The Games are properly sorted and the games function seemlessly. I also got to watch my favorite TV shows and enjoy the day. It quite relaxing spending days like this. Being a centillionaire would be nice the whole day you could do what ever you like and spend the day how you like it. The day spend without any trouble mainly it was a non working day. Problems seems to arise when we think too much or do too much, one thing I am certain that we need lots of money to live the royal way. I don't know if living this kind of life would be boring but I know it is very enjoyable to live this life like this all the time. I want to buy a mercedes Benz , Rolex and Lots of latest computer devices. I also would want to go all over the world and experience a lot of good experiences and see a lot of cool things. Having a very high speed Internet connection and only have a job that I would love like managing investments and funds. I know being a fund manager would be fun! Imagine to decide which stocks to invest and after x duration it would grow!
Loving a very luxurious life and it's called a life. If my dead dad really understands what I am feeling he should have let me won the lottery in order for me to enjoy life to the fullest .
Thank you for a start of a good relaxing day. I got home from my friends night out late. Playing a game we are fond of.... The place was new recommended by my friend Mark. The place was different and clean, the user interface and operating software was unique good. The Games are properly sorted and the games function seemlessly. I also got to watch my favorite TV shows and enjoy the day. It quite relaxing spending days like this. Being a centillionaire would be nice the whole day you could do what ever you like and spend the day how you like it. The day spend without any trouble mainly it was a non working day. Problems seems to arise when we think too much or do too much, one thing I am certain that we need lots of money to live the royal way. I don't know if living this kind of life would be boring but I know it is very enjoyable to live this life like this all the time. I want to buy a mercedes Benz , Rolex and Lots of latest computer devices. I also would want to go all over the world and experience a lot of good experiences and see a lot of cool things. Having a very high speed Internet connection and only have a job that I would love like managing investments and funds. I know being a fund manager would be fun! Imagine to decide which stocks to invest and after x duration it would grow!
Loving a very luxurious life and it's called a life. If my dead dad really understands what I am feeling he should have let me won the lottery in order for me to enjoy life to the fullest .
Today with productivity
Good day October 29, 2011,
Thank goodness a long vacation is coming up. I also will get a chance to release my stress via computer games. Can't really wait for Diablo 3 to release. Tonight was exciting, but also a little bit disappointing. The stock exchange apparently goes against my read but I still am fearful of the current situation. Well of course everything will be fine and I would need time to analyze further about the market. The interesting part today is that I might be right in all but a little bit advance with my read about the market. The good thing that's coming is that everything happening gives me a more chance of analyzing the market better. Anyways, today would be a very cool day cause everything is going for a break on 4 days. I would get time to rest and give my mind something to think about.
Thank goodness a long vacation is coming up. I also will get a chance to release my stress via computer games. Can't really wait for Diablo 3 to release. Tonight was exciting, but also a little bit disappointing. The stock exchange apparently goes against my read but I still am fearful of the current situation. Well of course everything will be fine and I would need time to analyze further about the market. The interesting part today is that I might be right in all but a little bit advance with my read about the market. The good thing that's coming is that everything happening gives me a more chance of analyzing the market better. Anyways, today would be a very cool day cause everything is going for a break on 4 days. I would get time to rest and give my mind something to think about.
Friday, October 28, 2011
Today with Blasting Updates
Good day October 28, 2011,
Thank you for a great sales. Loving it each penny. I was really frustrated on the fact my mother could not stand by her word. It's like accepting a contract and there are loop holes on the contract. I continued to blast updates over updates to release the emotional irritation I have inside.
I posted quite a lot and hope that everything would be fine. I got a feeling that I may not last long and would probably die soon. The only thing that might change this feeling is winning the jackpot of the lottery. I taught that my life would be longer but I guess that's just it.
Tried of people stepping and using my hardship over useless waste of money..
My hardwork will is very valuable for me.
Thank you for a great sales. Loving it each penny. I was really frustrated on the fact my mother could not stand by her word. It's like accepting a contract and there are loop holes on the contract. I continued to blast updates over updates to release the emotional irritation I have inside.
I posted quite a lot and hope that everything would be fine. I got a feeling that I may not last long and would probably die soon. The only thing that might change this feeling is winning the jackpot of the lottery. I taught that my life would be longer but I guess that's just it.
Tried of people stepping and using my hardship over useless waste of money..
My hardwork will is very valuable for me.
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Today with a Good Deed
Good day October 27, 2011,
I would personally thank this day for every penny I have earned and all the good things happened to me. Today I help an old lady climbing up the stairs of the LRT. In my mind she might be a pick pocket or a swindler but I still help her up the stairs with out striking a conversation with her. Other than bad thoughts I also have crazy idea that she might be God testing me so that he could give me a reward. Selfish as I am, thinking a reward after helping an old lady up the stairs is low of me. Thinking that she might be rich and would give me all her financial fortunes to me cause I was helpful. She told me while She hold my arm, she was having hard time climbing up the stairs cause her heart was hurting every time she do climb up. Little did she know I also do feel the pain in my chest from walking and climbing up a very steep stairs about 40 steps I think.
Also today I bombard a lot of Facebook status update on my wall to blow off steam. I need to release my frustrations over my mother's unfairness and my siblings incompetence. I could not say it more vaguely and yet clear enough to strike them in their hearts. I do honor agreements and respect family values. I really can't help to get irritated on the facts that my mother encourage wasteful behavior and punish people who are working hard.
It's like the government trying to help to less fortunate by punishing the rich on raising taxes. If the government favors lazy less fortunate people then all people would rather become lazy cause they promote laziness. The system of helping the poor is really wrong. You help people by teaching them to fish not giving them the fish or giving them a pond full of fish.
I would personally thank this day for every penny I have earned and all the good things happened to me. Today I help an old lady climbing up the stairs of the LRT. In my mind she might be a pick pocket or a swindler but I still help her up the stairs with out striking a conversation with her. Other than bad thoughts I also have crazy idea that she might be God testing me so that he could give me a reward. Selfish as I am, thinking a reward after helping an old lady up the stairs is low of me. Thinking that she might be rich and would give me all her financial fortunes to me cause I was helpful. She told me while She hold my arm, she was having hard time climbing up the stairs cause her heart was hurting every time she do climb up. Little did she know I also do feel the pain in my chest from walking and climbing up a very steep stairs about 40 steps I think.
Also today I bombard a lot of Facebook status update on my wall to blow off steam. I need to release my frustrations over my mother's unfairness and my siblings incompetence. I could not say it more vaguely and yet clear enough to strike them in their hearts. I do honor agreements and respect family values. I really can't help to get irritated on the facts that my mother encourage wasteful behavior and punish people who are working hard.
It's like the government trying to help to less fortunate by punishing the rich on raising taxes. If the government favors lazy less fortunate people then all people would rather become lazy cause they promote laziness. The system of helping the poor is really wrong. You help people by teaching them to fish not giving them the fish or giving them a pond full of fish.
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Today with realization
Good Day October 26, 2011,
Thank goodness the talk over various have been a success! Everything is even better. I have read a Facebook status that money can't buy true happiness. Apparently happiness is on the person's own perception and idea. He states that one will have temporary happiness through buying stuff and using money to be happy. I got to realize he was in fact correct and also wrong.
How to become happy is not about anything other people perceive as happiness. In some instances, people hold on happiness and sees it as true if it could not be replace by any material things. Here is the thing, happiness is not a state of being rather than a feeling. So when he describe happiness as family bonding and such relationship stuff one thing that he lacks is relationship and he values it more than anything else cause for him it's priceless. While for me, Money is only a means or a measurement of power and freedom. As wealthy accumulate wealth they have more opportunity to have more and enjoy life more. They might lack on social relationship but again it depends on how each person needs it. As for me I see relationships especially with relatives are Over rated. People tend to favor a relative that helps them more hence probably by financial or time. How does a person have more time? Ofcourse they got lots of money to buy time for them to spend it with their relatives or friends. People values different stuff in life and that's make it interesting. I value power and money!, else would just be whip cream and cherry. The real happiness is not being with relatives or family. Real happiness is being enlighten to the facts of life.
People needs a lot of things but as scientist define the hierarchy of needs social stuff is on the top of the pyramid of needs hence one should start from the bottom in order to reach the top. Others tend to jump from bottom to top cause when they are on top they feel happiness.
Thank goodness the talk over various have been a success! Everything is even better. I have read a Facebook status that money can't buy true happiness. Apparently happiness is on the person's own perception and idea. He states that one will have temporary happiness through buying stuff and using money to be happy. I got to realize he was in fact correct and also wrong.
How to become happy is not about anything other people perceive as happiness. In some instances, people hold on happiness and sees it as true if it could not be replace by any material things. Here is the thing, happiness is not a state of being rather than a feeling. So when he describe happiness as family bonding and such relationship stuff one thing that he lacks is relationship and he values it more than anything else cause for him it's priceless. While for me, Money is only a means or a measurement of power and freedom. As wealthy accumulate wealth they have more opportunity to have more and enjoy life more. They might lack on social relationship but again it depends on how each person needs it. As for me I see relationships especially with relatives are Over rated. People tend to favor a relative that helps them more hence probably by financial or time. How does a person have more time? Ofcourse they got lots of money to buy time for them to spend it with their relatives or friends. People values different stuff in life and that's make it interesting. I value power and money!, else would just be whip cream and cherry. The real happiness is not being with relatives or family. Real happiness is being enlighten to the facts of life.
People needs a lot of things but as scientist define the hierarchy of needs social stuff is on the top of the pyramid of needs hence one should start from the bottom in order to reach the top. Others tend to jump from bottom to top cause when they are on top they feel happiness.
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Today with bad hands
Good day October 25, 2011,
Thank you that I could have a time to think things thru. I realize my life is never going to be easy. I agreed to earn a part of my sister's wedding expense but now my mom wants me to shoulder the whole thing cause her other business which apparently manage by my brother could not earn a dime for his share. I could not be more pissed and hurt. Well the Gods have spoken for today, he gave me a shitty day. It may be my own decisions backing fire at me. I really am frustrated on how the things are going. All I want is Loads full of money but these guys are holding me back. I want to keep moving forward and do positively for my dreams. I feel that I am wasting life over thing I don't wan. I really want to have ten billion dollars. I could earn lots of money over the stock exchange and earn lots of money thru hard work and perseverance. They can't understand how I feel and they feel like i love doing these. I am really fed up and giving up. I will eventually die early due to this and my life would be a waste as I can't live my life to the fullest. Everything happens for a reason and I know what is the reason is...... To let me die at a young age. The only positive thing I see is that I got to kick God's Ass and tell him why did you not give me 10 billion dollars to live a luxurious happy life. People say its only me wanting this. I will tell the world what I want to earn 10 billion dollars and have a great life.
Just to add up my driver is an old dude who can't listen to humble and having a profitable problem free life. He drove our car towards a vendor and tilted a motor which a opportunistic bad neighbor owned and claimed the damages to me. If I let him pay, he would just borrow the money and eventually not paying me at all.
Thank you that I could have a time to think things thru. I realize my life is never going to be easy. I agreed to earn a part of my sister's wedding expense but now my mom wants me to shoulder the whole thing cause her other business which apparently manage by my brother could not earn a dime for his share. I could not be more pissed and hurt. Well the Gods have spoken for today, he gave me a shitty day. It may be my own decisions backing fire at me. I really am frustrated on how the things are going. All I want is Loads full of money but these guys are holding me back. I want to keep moving forward and do positively for my dreams. I feel that I am wasting life over thing I don't wan. I really want to have ten billion dollars. I could earn lots of money over the stock exchange and earn lots of money thru hard work and perseverance. They can't understand how I feel and they feel like i love doing these. I am really fed up and giving up. I will eventually die early due to this and my life would be a waste as I can't live my life to the fullest. Everything happens for a reason and I know what is the reason is...... To let me die at a young age. The only positive thing I see is that I got to kick God's Ass and tell him why did you not give me 10 billion dollars to live a luxurious happy life. People say its only me wanting this. I will tell the world what I want to earn 10 billion dollars and have a great life.
Just to add up my driver is an old dude who can't listen to humble and having a profitable problem free life. He drove our car towards a vendor and tilted a motor which a opportunistic bad neighbor owned and claimed the damages to me. If I let him pay, he would just borrow the money and eventually not paying me at all.
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Today with Planning
Good day October 24, 2011,
Thank you for giving another day to enjoy and experience. I bet on a Lottery again, dreaming that I could win big to set myself happy and free. Money gives happiness and I want to live a very very happy life. Winning the lottery would give me an edge to earn more money to be financially independent. Well it will be a stepping stone on earning money by letting money work for you.
Investing crazy stuff and hope it will pay off. Well I lot people lose money they did not earn cause they don't know how to invest the money and let it grow to let them live off the money earned. Crossed my fingers and hope it will be a great day tomorrow caused today I won the 6/55 jackpot! Hehehehe heheheheh loving it!
Wishing it everyday....
Thank you for giving another day to enjoy and experience. I bet on a Lottery again, dreaming that I could win big to set myself happy and free. Money gives happiness and I want to live a very very happy life. Winning the lottery would give me an edge to earn more money to be financially independent. Well it will be a stepping stone on earning money by letting money work for you.
Investing crazy stuff and hope it will pay off. Well I lot people lose money they did not earn cause they don't know how to invest the money and let it grow to let them live off the money earned. Crossed my fingers and hope it will be a great day tomorrow caused today I won the 6/55 jackpot! Hehehehe heheheheh loving it!
Wishing it everyday....
Today with All Souls Day ....
Good day October 23, 2011,
Thank you that I was able to watch Supernatural. I enjoyed the day, even though we got an early morning argument with my mother.
I just reminded her to go slow in did disciplining our driver cause it will be hard for our business operations that I manage to lose a driver during this time. She was all up in my face she shouted and told me that who the hell am I to tell her how to manage employees where she done it a lot of times when we were small. I told her nobody is telling her how I am just telling her to lay low for the time be. That way could help me a lot in managing our business.
I felt that she was only insecure about the power she have over the employees and her position in the family. I told her again and again nobody is taking her position and she will always the boss to assure her. I got to say that I never like any position nor title cause it give us responsibility and high expectation. I would prefer having 10 billion dollars. Money gives you freedom and power! Most of all it gives you peace of mind of some sense.
I love my life especially if I have 10 billion dollars
Thank you that I was able to watch Supernatural. I enjoyed the day, even though we got an early morning argument with my mother.
I just reminded her to go slow in did disciplining our driver cause it will be hard for our business operations that I manage to lose a driver during this time. She was all up in my face she shouted and told me that who the hell am I to tell her how to manage employees where she done it a lot of times when we were small. I told her nobody is telling her how I am just telling her to lay low for the time be. That way could help me a lot in managing our business.
I felt that she was only insecure about the power she have over the employees and her position in the family. I told her again and again nobody is taking her position and she will always the boss to assure her. I got to say that I never like any position nor title cause it give us responsibility and high expectation. I would prefer having 10 billion dollars. Money gives you freedom and power! Most of all it gives you peace of mind of some sense.
I love my life especially if I have 10 billion dollars
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Today with Government
Good day October 22, 2011,
Thank you for a great day, I got to relax in my date with my wife. Able to watch my TV shows and spend quality time with my life.
Today I want to blog is government.
Government is a body of people who creates regulation to promote order and happiness to the group.
I live in the Philippines and our Government really sucks. From Cory till now, I can't say anything beyond them but most probably they are all the same except Marcos but he got bad stuffs too.
Now in my view, I can see only few rules that could help a country to grow.
1. Rules to protect peace and order and upholding the laws
2. Promote good business environment for better livelihood for the people
3. Encourage on investing in the country for the future.
If I were the president these are the things I would do for our country
1. Redo the Tax code (simplify) no more rates cause it is never accurate
2. Restrict outflows of cash from the country on people going out of the for pleasure
3. Rework the government salaries and benefits (simplified and higher)
4. Planned the Philippines for 100 years projects and let other president adds but not remove.
5. Regulate the value of the country money to control inflation.
6. Concentrate on the main street economy and the stock exchange would follow too.
Ok now let me explain the details on how I should go about this plan.
1. We would need a single national ID for all Citizen. All born would immediately have a Identification Number or code that would be their life number , tax number,SSS numbe and other government number.
This ID would serve as a regulatory control on entering and exiting the country and any transaction there of.
Now all information gathered would be kept in a central database and a different government agency for security. There should be 3 secure bases on which data are kept.
This new system would help government monitor and have a sufficient information on what is really going on the country. But no specific data would be recorded or seen by others.
Example if there are 56 people who bought a Toyota Vios, then the data would transmit to the government agency that monitors economic conditions. It will state how many are males and what ages they have. In what city they live. But not disclosing who and exactly where.
Now this serves as a tax ID connected to the BIR which enforce people and encodes tax penalties.
Example a person would pay his or her taxes during a date thru a bank deposit
With a specific amount. This is how the new tax code should look like:
Person ages 18-21 - Php 5,000 tax
Person ages 22-25 - Php 8,000 tax
Person ages 26-29 - Php 12,000 tax
Person ages 30-35 - Php 15,000 tax
Person ages 36-39 - Php 20,000 tax
Person ages 40-45 - Php 25,000 tax
Person ages 46-50 - Php 18,000 tax
Person ages 51-55 - Php 15,000 tax
Person ages 56-60 - Php 12,000 tax
These are flat tax that each individual should pay. Every year. There could be an option on monthly payments and early payment discount.
If an individual wants to own a car here is the additional tax a year a person or business entity should pay
Automobiles worth 0-1,000,000
1 car - Php 10,000
2 Cars - Php 18,000
3 Cars - Php 26,400
4 Cars - Php 34,000
5 Cars - Php 40,000
6-infinity cars - each add 10,000 from the 40,000
Automobiles worth 1,000,001-2,000,000
1- Car - 20,000 tax
2 Cars 36,000 tax
3 Cars 52,800 tax
4 Cars 68,000 tax
5 Cars 80,000 tax
6- infinity every car add 20,000 from 80,000.
2,000,001 - 3,000,000
1 Car - 30,000 tax
2 Car - 52,800 tax
and so forth.....
As the example states that as one have more expenses they would need to pay more in taxes. In terms of economic stand point it would promotes saving but I would say it good. Government should also encourage growth by means of people spending. Lowering Taxes on certain industries would encourage people to spend on which industry per year. Now of Business Taxes, it would also be the same as taxes in individual. All businesses would need to pay a yearly tax to the government. They would also need requirements to be insured for fire and other acts of God.
Here is the basic Tax code for individual business. Regardless if they earn on the first year or not.
Year 1 - 50,000 a year
Year 2 75,000 a year
Year 3 - 100,000 a year
Year 4- on wards to infinity - Php 150,000
Now each business would have limitation base on business tax code.
If they want their business to own a place pay x amount of tax base on the square meter. The square meter would come from the title of the land from the city government records.
Now if the business wants to be listed on the stock exchange they would pay X amount a year additional from the individual business tax.
Any additional taxes will be base on the operation of the business. If the business wants to be in franchising hence they would add another fee.
Now farming and fishing are also businesses so they would also need to pay the net individual business tax. Now here are some bigger adds on utilities businesses. Like water electricity and transportation, banking as well. They would be in a higher tax code. Cause of monopoly. Now I will let the congress formulate a better tax flat tax cause they are smarter but the concept is all tax is categorized.
Here are the bread and butter of the tax code system that I proposed.
1. Any money that will go outside of the Philippines would have a limit and a rate and time constraint.
An entity will pay 20% of taxes of the total money sent. Limiting to 50,000 USD higher amount would correspond a higher rate. On a single send. An individual is limited to send a 1,000,000 USD per year Applies to Business only. 20,000 USD for individuals per year.
No tax will be collected. if the money is send to the Philippines.
Any person who buys the stocks in the Philippines Stock exchange would not need to pay a single tax.
All transaction on the SEC is monitored and carefully analyze.
An individual that don't pay a year tax would need to spend a month in jail and 1,000 hours of community service. If upon capture he promise to pay thru a bank he would pay 5% percent penalty annually missed.
A person who payed a person a cheque and bounced, that person will be jailed per day the check is not payed to the payee.
My jail management would be easy they will all work for the government business free of labor in exchange of daily 3 meals. They will all be rate on their performance. Better performance they would be able to ask for parole.
Here are just some ideas that got me thinking.......
Thank you for a great day, I got to relax in my date with my wife. Able to watch my TV shows and spend quality time with my life.
Today I want to blog is government.
Government is a body of people who creates regulation to promote order and happiness to the group.
I live in the Philippines and our Government really sucks. From Cory till now, I can't say anything beyond them but most probably they are all the same except Marcos but he got bad stuffs too.
Now in my view, I can see only few rules that could help a country to grow.
1. Rules to protect peace and order and upholding the laws
2. Promote good business environment for better livelihood for the people
3. Encourage on investing in the country for the future.
If I were the president these are the things I would do for our country
1. Redo the Tax code (simplify) no more rates cause it is never accurate
2. Restrict outflows of cash from the country on people going out of the for pleasure
3. Rework the government salaries and benefits (simplified and higher)
4. Planned the Philippines for 100 years projects and let other president adds but not remove.
5. Regulate the value of the country money to control inflation.
6. Concentrate on the main street economy and the stock exchange would follow too.
Ok now let me explain the details on how I should go about this plan.
1. We would need a single national ID for all Citizen. All born would immediately have a Identification Number or code that would be their life number , tax number,SSS numbe and other government number.
This ID would serve as a regulatory control on entering and exiting the country and any transaction there of.
Now all information gathered would be kept in a central database and a different government agency for security. There should be 3 secure bases on which data are kept.
This new system would help government monitor and have a sufficient information on what is really going on the country. But no specific data would be recorded or seen by others.
Example if there are 56 people who bought a Toyota Vios, then the data would transmit to the government agency that monitors economic conditions. It will state how many are males and what ages they have. In what city they live. But not disclosing who and exactly where.
Now this serves as a tax ID connected to the BIR which enforce people and encodes tax penalties.
Example a person would pay his or her taxes during a date thru a bank deposit
With a specific amount. This is how the new tax code should look like:
Person ages 18-21 - Php 5,000 tax
Person ages 22-25 - Php 8,000 tax
Person ages 26-29 - Php 12,000 tax
Person ages 30-35 - Php 15,000 tax
Person ages 36-39 - Php 20,000 tax
Person ages 40-45 - Php 25,000 tax
Person ages 46-50 - Php 18,000 tax
Person ages 51-55 - Php 15,000 tax
Person ages 56-60 - Php 12,000 tax
These are flat tax that each individual should pay. Every year. There could be an option on monthly payments and early payment discount.
If an individual wants to own a car here is the additional tax a year a person or business entity should pay
Automobiles worth 0-1,000,000
1 car - Php 10,000
2 Cars - Php 18,000
3 Cars - Php 26,400
4 Cars - Php 34,000
5 Cars - Php 40,000
6-infinity cars - each add 10,000 from the 40,000
Automobiles worth 1,000,001-2,000,000
1- Car - 20,000 tax
2 Cars 36,000 tax
3 Cars 52,800 tax
4 Cars 68,000 tax
5 Cars 80,000 tax
6- infinity every car add 20,000 from 80,000.
2,000,001 - 3,000,000
1 Car - 30,000 tax
2 Car - 52,800 tax
and so forth.....
As the example states that as one have more expenses they would need to pay more in taxes. In terms of economic stand point it would promotes saving but I would say it good. Government should also encourage growth by means of people spending. Lowering Taxes on certain industries would encourage people to spend on which industry per year. Now of Business Taxes, it would also be the same as taxes in individual. All businesses would need to pay a yearly tax to the government. They would also need requirements to be insured for fire and other acts of God.
Here is the basic Tax code for individual business. Regardless if they earn on the first year or not.
Year 1 - 50,000 a year
Year 2 75,000 a year
Year 3 - 100,000 a year
Year 4- on wards to infinity - Php 150,000
Now each business would have limitation base on business tax code.
If they want their business to own a place pay x amount of tax base on the square meter. The square meter would come from the title of the land from the city government records.
Now if the business wants to be listed on the stock exchange they would pay X amount a year additional from the individual business tax.
Any additional taxes will be base on the operation of the business. If the business wants to be in franchising hence they would add another fee.
Now farming and fishing are also businesses so they would also need to pay the net individual business tax. Now here are some bigger adds on utilities businesses. Like water electricity and transportation, banking as well. They would be in a higher tax code. Cause of monopoly. Now I will let the congress formulate a better tax flat tax cause they are smarter but the concept is all tax is categorized.
Here are the bread and butter of the tax code system that I proposed.
1. Any money that will go outside of the Philippines would have a limit and a rate and time constraint.
An entity will pay 20% of taxes of the total money sent. Limiting to 50,000 USD higher amount would correspond a higher rate. On a single send. An individual is limited to send a 1,000,000 USD per year Applies to Business only. 20,000 USD for individuals per year.
No tax will be collected. if the money is send to the Philippines.
Any person who buys the stocks in the Philippines Stock exchange would not need to pay a single tax.
All transaction on the SEC is monitored and carefully analyze.
An individual that don't pay a year tax would need to spend a month in jail and 1,000 hours of community service. If upon capture he promise to pay thru a bank he would pay 5% percent penalty annually missed.
A person who payed a person a cheque and bounced, that person will be jailed per day the check is not payed to the payee.
My jail management would be easy they will all work for the government business free of labor in exchange of daily 3 meals. They will all be rate on their performance. Better performance they would be able to ask for parole.
Here are just some ideas that got me thinking.......
Today with Aniversary
Good day October 21, 2011,
It's been quite a while since my wife and I started our relationship then, my girl friend it was the same day, the year was 1998. I thank my wife for being able to love me and taking good care of me for all these years. I can't believe that time flies so fast.
I barely remember some minor sweet stuff but remember every bad memories all these years. It maybe the reason on why bad experiences make the best decisions in life. When your hurt the most about something that is the time you remember, I guess hardships and bad times are there to keep up on our toes. I personally can't remember any bad times with my wife. I can say that our relationship for the past 13 years was a breeze and it was fun.
Others experiences like life and family are quite the different. They tend to pissed me off and abuse every kindness I have. They tend to test every ounce of principle towards life. Family is such a group of people who take you for granted. They also do tend to let members that are ahead to wait for the ones who are left behind and when those who are left behind get ahead of you they would forget the times when you waited them.
That is why I always say family is such a drag and they just waste your energy and financially but emotionally they fills your tank and make you feel good sometime. So if you take my advise, don't bother to look back cause the best thing is to leave them behind and hope that when your far ahead you could see them trying to catch up and that is the time you could lend a hand. They might not accept it after all the things you done but always remember help them without them knowing.
Family is the only thing dragging one's financial freedom cause they don't have the similar goals that one could have. All bad experiences that one could have are the ones important enough to pull us through.
I love my wife and she is a part of my family. Everyone have their own goals and dreams. We all have different financial dreams and life situation but most of all we are all humans trying the best we can to survive. All that we experience regardless of good or bad are needed to make future good decisions or great decisions in life.
"Life is not playing a good hand, but it's playing a poor hand well"
It's been quite a while since my wife and I started our relationship then, my girl friend it was the same day, the year was 1998. I thank my wife for being able to love me and taking good care of me for all these years. I can't believe that time flies so fast.
I barely remember some minor sweet stuff but remember every bad memories all these years. It maybe the reason on why bad experiences make the best decisions in life. When your hurt the most about something that is the time you remember, I guess hardships and bad times are there to keep up on our toes. I personally can't remember any bad times with my wife. I can say that our relationship for the past 13 years was a breeze and it was fun.
Others experiences like life and family are quite the different. They tend to pissed me off and abuse every kindness I have. They tend to test every ounce of principle towards life. Family is such a group of people who take you for granted. They also do tend to let members that are ahead to wait for the ones who are left behind and when those who are left behind get ahead of you they would forget the times when you waited them.
That is why I always say family is such a drag and they just waste your energy and financially but emotionally they fills your tank and make you feel good sometime. So if you take my advise, don't bother to look back cause the best thing is to leave them behind and hope that when your far ahead you could see them trying to catch up and that is the time you could lend a hand. They might not accept it after all the things you done but always remember help them without them knowing.
Family is the only thing dragging one's financial freedom cause they don't have the similar goals that one could have. All bad experiences that one could have are the ones important enough to pull us through.
I love my wife and she is a part of my family. Everyone have their own goals and dreams. We all have different financial dreams and life situation but most of all we are all humans trying the best we can to survive. All that we experience regardless of good or bad are needed to make future good decisions or great decisions in life.
"Life is not playing a good hand, but it's playing a poor hand well"
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Today with Greta
Good day October 20, 2011,
I like to thank today for an opportunity that presented to take out my position on the equities. Today I read some interesting blog about atheist and their perception on life.
Firstly I would like to state that I was brought up by a catholic family, studied at a Catholic School and acquired enough knowledge about Christianity. Here are things I find that are very interesting, religion regardless of what kind give people a sense of hope, they teach morales that hold ups to everything about their lives. I never say the morales thought are good but they seems to stick to the people until they die. Now to think of things atheism was probably found by a once religious person whose beliefs leads him to a higher understanding and created a new religion. I don't see that I am an atheist or a religion believer the only thing I know that all religions or faith have inconsistency that would be their loop holes. While science may be the new religion of a more intellectual beings.
I would like to tell you guys that what ever we believe or know is never going to be final cause we would still find new theories and new stuff about everything. The only thing we surely know is we don't really know anything. I believe there is a being that might've god or an alien but one thing is for sure we would need time to figure everything about our environment. It's never about who is correct it is how we respect others. We don't go by other people's house and tell themthey have an ugly decorated house its not polite. Politeness is thought by morales .
Hope that everyone would just get along.
I like to thank today for an opportunity that presented to take out my position on the equities. Today I read some interesting blog about atheist and their perception on life.
Firstly I would like to state that I was brought up by a catholic family, studied at a Catholic School and acquired enough knowledge about Christianity. Here are things I find that are very interesting, religion regardless of what kind give people a sense of hope, they teach morales that hold ups to everything about their lives. I never say the morales thought are good but they seems to stick to the people until they die. Now to think of things atheism was probably found by a once religious person whose beliefs leads him to a higher understanding and created a new religion. I don't see that I am an atheist or a religion believer the only thing I know that all religions or faith have inconsistency that would be their loop holes. While science may be the new religion of a more intellectual beings.
I would like to tell you guys that what ever we believe or know is never going to be final cause we would still find new theories and new stuff about everything. The only thing we surely know is we don't really know anything. I believe there is a being that might've god or an alien but one thing is for sure we would need time to figure everything about our environment. It's never about who is correct it is how we respect others. We don't go by other people's house and tell themthey have an ugly decorated house its not polite. Politeness is thought by morales .
Hope that everyone would just get along.
Today with dilemma
Good day October 19, 2011,
Did you know that I am thanking a lot of stuff and I should really feel better. Thank you for a very valuable time capsule 2T that I ask my brother to buy it for me. I really work the way I dream it would. Backing up my two Mac pro 15" with wifi hard disk to put my other media files. Today was kinda good and bad. Here is the good thing I got some work done like someone buying the sensor again. Even in a rainy day I got not bad of a sales. Now the bad part, moms acting up again she is insecure of her status that no one would listen to her. She keeps on imposing rules and regulation even without properly thinking of Te consequences and proclaim to the world that it was her plan. Its like tell them "I'm the bad person come and kill me". I told her that she once told me people tend not to obey or follow the rules and regulation. She wants to prove to me my way is wrong and I never argues with her and tell her ok. Now she wants my approval that her way is right. Now this is a different story, I absolutely agreeing on her ways on how to deal with the impending problem is not right. I would say do it your way and tell the world that it is her way not mine. Other people tend to choose my way cause it's more logical and easier to follow. It may be lenient but if I can't impose the punishment then it is quite useless for giving rules. It's just like the Philippine government creating a lot of rules and laws but when it comes in implementation they always bend their laws to fit a certain sector. It's all about money and power. The main reason why we make rules should be clear. I make rules so that everyone would see a organize operation and everyone would adhere to the rules and regulation impose and they would be the ones to implement it cause they understand what are the rules are for.
The second thing that pissed me off is that a customer of mine tried to manipulate me to lower my prices to fit their budget by telling wrong information of the item. I admit my heart was hurt cause I thought that we have come to conclusion that they would get the items from me when they needed it. Now their changing their words by telling me my product is expensive I told them its the best offer I can give if they don't want it they could get it from others then. Even in my heart I am going to let go a big sale cause it's big quantity. I know if I can't get the price I want then the deal would be a waste of my effort.
Now with that said, I will make my stand, my mother wants to deorganize which is pretty much organize, I ll let her but this time I will not let her get her way like the last time about borrowing money to renovate the house. About the customer, it's very clear I am a great negotiator and if they don't want my terms and conditions he is welcome to look for a others imaginary deal that would get him that price with a 3 years warranty.
All in all people would like to bend my will but my will is never bend cause I am Jhester Wong, CentillionaireGenius the best investor in the world.
Did you know that I am thanking a lot of stuff and I should really feel better. Thank you for a very valuable time capsule 2T that I ask my brother to buy it for me. I really work the way I dream it would. Backing up my two Mac pro 15" with wifi hard disk to put my other media files. Today was kinda good and bad. Here is the good thing I got some work done like someone buying the sensor again. Even in a rainy day I got not bad of a sales. Now the bad part, moms acting up again she is insecure of her status that no one would listen to her. She keeps on imposing rules and regulation even without properly thinking of Te consequences and proclaim to the world that it was her plan. Its like tell them "I'm the bad person come and kill me". I told her that she once told me people tend not to obey or follow the rules and regulation. She wants to prove to me my way is wrong and I never argues with her and tell her ok. Now she wants my approval that her way is right. Now this is a different story, I absolutely agreeing on her ways on how to deal with the impending problem is not right. I would say do it your way and tell the world that it is her way not mine. Other people tend to choose my way cause it's more logical and easier to follow. It may be lenient but if I can't impose the punishment then it is quite useless for giving rules. It's just like the Philippine government creating a lot of rules and laws but when it comes in implementation they always bend their laws to fit a certain sector. It's all about money and power. The main reason why we make rules should be clear. I make rules so that everyone would see a organize operation and everyone would adhere to the rules and regulation impose and they would be the ones to implement it cause they understand what are the rules are for.
The second thing that pissed me off is that a customer of mine tried to manipulate me to lower my prices to fit their budget by telling wrong information of the item. I admit my heart was hurt cause I thought that we have come to conclusion that they would get the items from me when they needed it. Now their changing their words by telling me my product is expensive I told them its the best offer I can give if they don't want it they could get it from others then. Even in my heart I am going to let go a big sale cause it's big quantity. I know if I can't get the price I want then the deal would be a waste of my effort.
Now with that said, I will make my stand, my mother wants to deorganize which is pretty much organize, I ll let her but this time I will not let her get her way like the last time about borrowing money to renovate the house. About the customer, it's very clear I am a great negotiator and if they don't want my terms and conditions he is welcome to look for a others imaginary deal that would get him that price with a 3 years warranty.
All in all people would like to bend my will but my will is never bend cause I am Jhester Wong, CentillionaireGenius the best investor in the world.
Monday, October 17, 2011
Today with Wild
Good day October 18, 2011,
Thank you for my material things cause I still have a lot. Last two weeks my grandmother's maid pet cat gave birth to 5 kittens, apparently a group of cats is called clowder. Watching Sheldon Cooper defining it make me smile all the time. Today I got news that there were only 3 kittens left. Apparently one kitten was eaten by a hungry stray cat and the other one die due to the injuries obtain from the attack. I wonder if their mother felt anything cause looking at them I see that she was still sleeping by her kittens like nothing happens. If it happened to a human, it would probably trigger a life long struggle to accept the fact that his/her children pass away.
Humans tend have a hard time letting go of certain good stuff in their lives and always thinking what if. I would say I am one of them. Currently the car shop called and told me the total damage from the flood is 45k pesos. I would say its too much. I really can't accept the fact that I would spend my hard earn money in repairing my car which was damage caused by acts of Gods. That's life I say, need to play better in poker and hoping the road would shine at the end.
Wild things come and go, it how we deal with the ups and down of the market make me wanna go to a place where everything I want happens and everything I asked is given to me.
Thank you for my material things cause I still have a lot. Last two weeks my grandmother's maid pet cat gave birth to 5 kittens, apparently a group of cats is called clowder. Watching Sheldon Cooper defining it make me smile all the time. Today I got news that there were only 3 kittens left. Apparently one kitten was eaten by a hungry stray cat and the other one die due to the injuries obtain from the attack. I wonder if their mother felt anything cause looking at them I see that she was still sleeping by her kittens like nothing happens. If it happened to a human, it would probably trigger a life long struggle to accept the fact that his/her children pass away.
Humans tend have a hard time letting go of certain good stuff in their lives and always thinking what if. I would say I am one of them. Currently the car shop called and told me the total damage from the flood is 45k pesos. I would say its too much. I really can't accept the fact that I would spend my hard earn money in repairing my car which was damage caused by acts of Gods. That's life I say, need to play better in poker and hoping the road would shine at the end.
Wild things come and go, it how we deal with the ups and down of the market make me wanna go to a place where everything I want happens and everything I asked is given to me.
Today with Chapter
Good day October 17, 2011,
Thank you for a nice day, I am glad that I have enough capital to earn 10 billion dollars. Even though others might have a faster time to earn it but I may say this way means a lot more. My friend decided a chapter in his life and her life to try to live in other place that might be good for their future. They have some dilemma of reputation over future. My take is always look forward and see it as an experience. This might be best for them cause it's the obvious path to take. Loving someone need a jump of faith while planning for a future needs certainty. Poker and life is the same, in poker you must be sure while life you need to explore. That's why I have decided that I will be a professional Poker player before I am 30 years of age.
It's quite late but like I always say better late than never. I am really happy if they push thru with their plan. They would not be role playing but it would be real. That should spice things up for them. I really hope they would do family planning. It's the best thing having a child but being prepare is what the child needs.
I am working towards my goal regardless of what others might think.
Thank you for a nice day, I am glad that I have enough capital to earn 10 billion dollars. Even though others might have a faster time to earn it but I may say this way means a lot more. My friend decided a chapter in his life and her life to try to live in other place that might be good for their future. They have some dilemma of reputation over future. My take is always look forward and see it as an experience. This might be best for them cause it's the obvious path to take. Loving someone need a jump of faith while planning for a future needs certainty. Poker and life is the same, in poker you must be sure while life you need to explore. That's why I have decided that I will be a professional Poker player before I am 30 years of age.
It's quite late but like I always say better late than never. I am really happy if they push thru with their plan. They would not be role playing but it would be real. That should spice things up for them. I really hope they would do family planning. It's the best thing having a child but being prepare is what the child needs.
I am working towards my goal regardless of what others might think.
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Today with Profesion
Good day October 16, 2011,
You know that today was a nice humbling experience for me. I thank you for the experience of able to join a satellite poker game. It made me realize more that I love to play professional poker for life. I played very badly but it got me thinking that it's my mistake on everything I do. I often rushed things and don't analyze enough to have an advantage.
Poker is simple decision game. The math is more likely to give you more time to think. Now with the experience we have I would consider it good enough to be a pro by the future. I love the thrill and the cash income involve. I really hope that I could be able to master the game and win lots of poker tourney and earn a living and be very very best player in poker.
Wish me luck!!!
You know that today was a nice humbling experience for me. I thank you for the experience of able to join a satellite poker game. It made me realize more that I love to play professional poker for life. I played very badly but it got me thinking that it's my mistake on everything I do. I often rushed things and don't analyze enough to have an advantage.
Poker is simple decision game. The math is more likely to give you more time to think. Now with the experience we have I would consider it good enough to be a pro by the future. I love the thrill and the cash income involve. I really hope that I could be able to master the game and win lots of poker tourney and earn a living and be very very best player in poker.
Wish me luck!!!
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Today with luck
Good day October 15, 2011,
Thank you for a wonderful week of good sales and stocks prices going up. I learned a lot this week. Getting to a wedding of my mom's friend and also go a chance to experience a car wreak in the middle of the road. The night was young and peaceful and everything went well......
Life is always unexpected that is why it is great and heavenly. We try to make it predictable but it always bites back. Like my mom says she can see the beauty and uniqueness of her environment cause she was too focus on the destination. Our destination is the same and that is death. I really hope that I got a lot of great monitors that I could share during my journey. It may be great or tragic but all in all it's mine and mine alone. Enjoy the journey cause the end is never as sweet as how we get there.
Thank you for a wonderful week of good sales and stocks prices going up. I learned a lot this week. Getting to a wedding of my mom's friend and also go a chance to experience a car wreak in the middle of the road. The night was young and peaceful and everything went well......
Life is always unexpected that is why it is great and heavenly. We try to make it predictable but it always bites back. Like my mom says she can see the beauty and uniqueness of her environment cause she was too focus on the destination. Our destination is the same and that is death. I really hope that I got a lot of great monitors that I could share during my journey. It may be great or tragic but all in all it's mine and mine alone. Enjoy the journey cause the end is never as sweet as how we get there.
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Today with iOS 5
Good day October 14, 2011,
Thank goodness iOS 5 is currently being send to us! The long awaited features would be available to me. Reminders app kinda the best reminder app ever. It's like reminding me what to do! It's more than a to do list! Really hope I could send the reminder to someone, I know Steve have shown it somewhere I just can't remember it. Now with new things coming out, I hope everything would be better.
Better to organize and incorporate my life with the devices that I so much love. MSG app is very cool and very useful. Its better on all aspect and that would help me do more stuff! Busy doing stuff is that what I like or being able to do a lot of stuff is what I like. Which ever is the case, iOS is here to help me to make my life easier.
Really glad that I will able to test the features and experiment on them to help me with my everyday life.
Thank goodness iOS 5 is currently being send to us! The long awaited features would be available to me. Reminders app kinda the best reminder app ever. It's like reminding me what to do! It's more than a to do list! Really hope I could send the reminder to someone, I know Steve have shown it somewhere I just can't remember it. Now with new things coming out, I hope everything would be better.
Better to organize and incorporate my life with the devices that I so much love. MSG app is very cool and very useful. Its better on all aspect and that would help me do more stuff! Busy doing stuff is that what I like or being able to do a lot of stuff is what I like. Which ever is the case, iOS is here to help me to make my life easier.
Really glad that I will able to test the features and experiment on them to help me with my everyday life.
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Today with Switcher
Good day October 13, 2011,
Great day today, I was able to watch Big Bang theory on TV season 5! Nice and grateful again that my beautiful sexy wife is there to greet me and prepare dinner for me.
Seeing a movie change up gave me a thought that lives of people are interesting and every time they have their predicament they often say wish I have or I wish I had this and that. The fact of the matter is they like what they like and love what they love. Eventually it will reach them regardless of environment and people would become what they want to become. When we were little we dream to be a doctor, astronaut, teachers, race car driver but at the end we end up the best we can. As for me, I end up the way I want, A great businessman and the best investor in the world. I will earn the biggest money ever and eventually be one of the richest man. I would end up owning apple and become it's CEO. I would become the Steve Jobs successor and eventually my own name at the end cause that's what I want and Love.
Dream big and never stop dreaming cause once we stop, we are probably dead by then. Kudos for iOS 5 one of the best mobile operating software ever.
Great day today, I was able to watch Big Bang theory on TV season 5! Nice and grateful again that my beautiful sexy wife is there to greet me and prepare dinner for me.
Seeing a movie change up gave me a thought that lives of people are interesting and every time they have their predicament they often say wish I have or I wish I had this and that. The fact of the matter is they like what they like and love what they love. Eventually it will reach them regardless of environment and people would become what they want to become. When we were little we dream to be a doctor, astronaut, teachers, race car driver but at the end we end up the best we can. As for me, I end up the way I want, A great businessman and the best investor in the world. I will earn the biggest money ever and eventually be one of the richest man. I would end up owning apple and become it's CEO. I would become the Steve Jobs successor and eventually my own name at the end cause that's what I want and Love.
Dream big and never stop dreaming cause once we stop, we are probably dead by then. Kudos for iOS 5 one of the best mobile operating software ever.
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Today with Help
Good day October 12, 2011,
I am grateful that my worries will be put to sleep in some way. Here the thing asking for help is never free and always remember that. I got to say my uncle is never going to be generous and kind. They will always be greedy and trying to get a piece of the action who would not? Relatives should always think of Their relatives before themselves. If a relative ask for help you better listen and try to help. Helping is never bad, it's always good to help. Here is the thing after helping never feel that they are indebted to you or they owe you one cause that is bad.
It's kinda hidden terms and condition after buying a stuff. So When we give help it's better to help with a full heart than help at all. I really wish that people would learn that very well and keep that in mind it's not wrong, not to help. It wrong when you expect something in return after helping.
I am grateful that my worries will be put to sleep in some way. Here the thing asking for help is never free and always remember that. I got to say my uncle is never going to be generous and kind. They will always be greedy and trying to get a piece of the action who would not? Relatives should always think of Their relatives before themselves. If a relative ask for help you better listen and try to help. Helping is never bad, it's always good to help. Here is the thing after helping never feel that they are indebted to you or they owe you one cause that is bad.
It's kinda hidden terms and condition after buying a stuff. So When we give help it's better to help with a full heart than help at all. I really wish that people would learn that very well and keep that in mind it's not wrong, not to help. It wrong when you expect something in return after helping.
Monday, October 10, 2011
Today with Security
Good Day October 11, 2011,
Thankful for a peaceful safe day, My dad build the gates to protect us from storms and burglars even if he is not here with us no more. The gate was rebuild many times to ward off bad guys from having bad intentions over us. Time passed and it probably our time to put up barriers for the future.
Letting me think why do people think of such resorts on taking what others have work hard for. I save and prepare for days that I might need to take some from my savings. Other people tend to thing it's ok to share with my hardships. I may say that's selfish and inconsiderate for other people's hardwork. Let's see, some people especially relatives that are very close to us tend to overlook a very important thing in our lives. We to things differently and live our lives differently. I may not do stuff now but it does not mean that I don't like to do it.
I consider myself a person who sacrifice some leisures to have a better tomorrow. Others tend to live their lives like there are no tomorrow hence when they wake up to a new day, they find themselves have so little and having a hard time to live tomorrow. Now what about the day after tomorrow? It would probably be lesser than tomorrow. These people tend to feel that they have rights to ask for other people's savings for their demise and promise them of empty words that they would repay and change their ways. When we savers share with them we tend to fall in a downward spiral loop where they don't payback and we feel that all our handwork was wasted and feels that we should enjoy a little or we would not help others and be a cold heartless bastard.
The only thing that is right is we should be more aware of others feeling and consider that other have plans and we must respect them. Having a hard life now, is a lesson for people to change their lives. I hope that people do change for the better and I will always not give my hardwork for others. I rather be a bastard that does not help others even they are die cause of their own demise.
Thankful for a peaceful safe day, My dad build the gates to protect us from storms and burglars even if he is not here with us no more. The gate was rebuild many times to ward off bad guys from having bad intentions over us. Time passed and it probably our time to put up barriers for the future.
Letting me think why do people think of such resorts on taking what others have work hard for. I save and prepare for days that I might need to take some from my savings. Other people tend to thing it's ok to share with my hardships. I may say that's selfish and inconsiderate for other people's hardwork. Let's see, some people especially relatives that are very close to us tend to overlook a very important thing in our lives. We to things differently and live our lives differently. I may not do stuff now but it does not mean that I don't like to do it.
I consider myself a person who sacrifice some leisures to have a better tomorrow. Others tend to live their lives like there are no tomorrow hence when they wake up to a new day, they find themselves have so little and having a hard time to live tomorrow. Now what about the day after tomorrow? It would probably be lesser than tomorrow. These people tend to feel that they have rights to ask for other people's savings for their demise and promise them of empty words that they would repay and change their ways. When we savers share with them we tend to fall in a downward spiral loop where they don't payback and we feel that all our handwork was wasted and feels that we should enjoy a little or we would not help others and be a cold heartless bastard.
The only thing that is right is we should be more aware of others feeling and consider that other have plans and we must respect them. Having a hard life now, is a lesson for people to change their lives. I hope that people do change for the better and I will always not give my hardwork for others. I rather be a bastard that does not help others even they are die cause of their own demise.
Friday, October 7, 2011
Today with Long Conversation
Good Day October 10, 2011,
Today is a very special day for me. Riding the subway going home was the activity that often do. I really don't know how to write this or tell this to you that is why it took me two days to write this down.
With in the last two weeks, I was very irritated that nothing came my way my plans back fired, my currency trades keeps on busting out, the business I manage got an awful sales on Te month of September that gave me the chills and lastly I am having doubts on myself cause I wanted to talk to someone but don't know where to start.
Here what happen during my ride home, I was in my usual self and imagining stuff that would help me get rich quicker and the succeeding events was quite astonishing. I got to talk to GOD, the GOD that I often blames for everything. Here was our conversation:
Me: GOD, why are you here?
GOD: Did you not ask for me?
Me: Since your here, I would like to ask things that are happening to me. First, I would like to ask why did you not hear my prayers about having 10 billion dollars now.
God: Well I think I heard your prayers, that's why I am here right now talking with you. If I give you your prayers then it would be unfair for others that was asking something too.
Me: So you admit! You don't answer your prayers!
GOD: Thats not true, I have given you everything you need.
Me: Need? Do you want me to be in heaven right now? I would die from irritation from not having Loads of Money.
GOD: Did you forget, that I made you.
I made you and gave you all the skills you need to achieve what you want. I made you very thrifty, analytical, resourceful, respectful, patience and probably smarter than a lot of people.
Me: if what you said Is true then when would I have 10 billion dollars.
GOD: I will answer that with a question when will you learn everything about currency trading, investing and business.
Me: What? Isn't it easier to let me won the lottery?
GOD: Hey! Lot of people also ask that too and I think I let them win first than you cause it's likely they ask me first than you did. It kinda like first come first serve basis.
Me: Ok so you would let me win the lottery! Now that's nice!
GOD: Of course I will, it's only fair that you would also win. Ok, what will you do when you won the lottery regardless of amount? I'll answer that for you, your a very very stingy/ thrifty man and if you won the lottery you would not have enjoy the money cause you will be afraid that you might used it all up. Hence, once you learn how to earn big bucks that would be the time that you could enjoy your winnings or your earnings.
Me: I think if I Won a larger amount I would be able to spend more.
GOD: I know you very well cause it's me who made you that way.
Me: having me an expert on equities and currency trading would take a lot of time and it hard.
GOD: When did I ever told you it's going to be easy. It's going to take time that is why I gave you patience to have time to learn everything you need.
How can you boast to others if it was easy? How can you distinguish yourself from others if it's that easy? I made it enough for you to achieve, hard enough in order for others not to copy. All you need to do is to connect everything I gave you and achieve what you want.
Me: What do you mean you gave me everything I need?
GOD: I gave you enough cash to grow to what you desire. I gave you your environment, to show you, your opportunities. May I ask you, aren't you trading in the stock exchange? Aren't you trading currency too?
Me: Yeah... But.....
GOD: do you understand? It's not me who lacks it is you who stops and questions everything.
Me: Why do you give me problems? Give me situations that let me worry?
GOD: I don't give you problems or situations that would worry you. I gave you an alarm clock to see that your are lucky compare to others and notify you to work hard to achieve your desire faster. Did you not tell me? That you really hate your brother who don't appreciate his situation? I have these events happened to let you realize fast and help you to keep on track.
Me: ah..... I wonder why did you not give everyone money and let them enjoy their lives.
GOD: Like I say, please stop bothering yourself with other people's life. They have different desires and dreams.
Me: ok fine, If your saying is right why did you took away both my fathers.
GOD: Like I told you, I have given you everything you need.
Me: So your telling me I don't need my fathers? Maybe if their alive, I would able to learn more faster.
GOD: Don't kid me my child, your also lazy, I needed rest after I made all of you. Again please don't bother yourself with your fathers lives. Ok I will explain, Your biological father worries himself to death, all I wanted for him is to be reminded to take good care of you so that you would not turn out to be like your uncle. Your father in-law drunk himself to death, I made him hurt for his wife cause I want to let him teach his children to be better wives so that you could have a good wife. I think I have done well.
Me: (Sobbing) So why make me worry about my sister in law?
GOD: Hahahahaha, again it's not to worry you but to remind you, that your lucky and please appreciate it.
Me: What am I going to do now? I am afraid that even though I study and learned it all I might not get what I desire.
GOD: I made you that way to keep you humble and to reach for more.
Me: So are you Jesus? Mohammed? Other Gods maybe?
GOD: I am Jesus, I am Mohammed actually I am everything people could give me name. Sometimes I am a tree or a Rock. For you I am somewhere inside you and always going to be with you.
Me: God how could I be thankful?
GOD: Go and make me proud, I made you and be that thing I made you. I have created a lot of people in this world they pretty much be I made them to be.
Me: One last question, why did you make Bill gates so rich? Why did they become rich? Why can't I be like them?
GOD: Hehehe.... I have given them what I have given to you. They manage to get it at a faster rate so that you have someone to look up too. I made everyone with the things they need. They often forget what they have and asked for something they don't want. How can you be rich if you keep on spending? How can you be healthy if you don't live a healthy life? How can you be happy if you don't know what is it to be sad? Everything I have done have a reason and that is for your own good. I may be sitting here and observing everything I made, it's quite boring if everyone of you are the same. Imagine watching the same show over and over and over again.
Good bye now and remember what we talk about. I will always be here regardless if you condemn me, say bad things about me, and other stuff. I have always forgive you cause I am God. I will always love you regardless of what. Always remember that I will be guiding you from every step you take.
End of conversation
When the conversation was over I was on my stop and it was time for me to go home. Every worries and irritation I accumulate for the past two weeks vanished instantly. I believe that GOD is always with us. The only problem is we don't understand him. The faster we understand what he wants from us the faster we will get what we want. Apparently God wants us to have What We want.
Today is a very special day for me. Riding the subway going home was the activity that often do. I really don't know how to write this or tell this to you that is why it took me two days to write this down.
With in the last two weeks, I was very irritated that nothing came my way my plans back fired, my currency trades keeps on busting out, the business I manage got an awful sales on Te month of September that gave me the chills and lastly I am having doubts on myself cause I wanted to talk to someone but don't know where to start.
Here what happen during my ride home, I was in my usual self and imagining stuff that would help me get rich quicker and the succeeding events was quite astonishing. I got to talk to GOD, the GOD that I often blames for everything. Here was our conversation:
Me: GOD, why are you here?
GOD: Did you not ask for me?
Me: Since your here, I would like to ask things that are happening to me. First, I would like to ask why did you not hear my prayers about having 10 billion dollars now.
God: Well I think I heard your prayers, that's why I am here right now talking with you. If I give you your prayers then it would be unfair for others that was asking something too.
Me: So you admit! You don't answer your prayers!
GOD: Thats not true, I have given you everything you need.
Me: Need? Do you want me to be in heaven right now? I would die from irritation from not having Loads of Money.
GOD: Did you forget, that I made you.
I made you and gave you all the skills you need to achieve what you want. I made you very thrifty, analytical, resourceful, respectful, patience and probably smarter than a lot of people.
Me: if what you said Is true then when would I have 10 billion dollars.
GOD: I will answer that with a question when will you learn everything about currency trading, investing and business.
Me: What? Isn't it easier to let me won the lottery?
GOD: Hey! Lot of people also ask that too and I think I let them win first than you cause it's likely they ask me first than you did. It kinda like first come first serve basis.
Me: Ok so you would let me win the lottery! Now that's nice!
GOD: Of course I will, it's only fair that you would also win. Ok, what will you do when you won the lottery regardless of amount? I'll answer that for you, your a very very stingy/ thrifty man and if you won the lottery you would not have enjoy the money cause you will be afraid that you might used it all up. Hence, once you learn how to earn big bucks that would be the time that you could enjoy your winnings or your earnings.
Me: I think if I Won a larger amount I would be able to spend more.
GOD: I know you very well cause it's me who made you that way.
Me: having me an expert on equities and currency trading would take a lot of time and it hard.
GOD: When did I ever told you it's going to be easy. It's going to take time that is why I gave you patience to have time to learn everything you need.
How can you boast to others if it was easy? How can you distinguish yourself from others if it's that easy? I made it enough for you to achieve, hard enough in order for others not to copy. All you need to do is to connect everything I gave you and achieve what you want.
Me: What do you mean you gave me everything I need?
GOD: I gave you enough cash to grow to what you desire. I gave you your environment, to show you, your opportunities. May I ask you, aren't you trading in the stock exchange? Aren't you trading currency too?
Me: Yeah... But.....
GOD: do you understand? It's not me who lacks it is you who stops and questions everything.
Me: Why do you give me problems? Give me situations that let me worry?
GOD: I don't give you problems or situations that would worry you. I gave you an alarm clock to see that your are lucky compare to others and notify you to work hard to achieve your desire faster. Did you not tell me? That you really hate your brother who don't appreciate his situation? I have these events happened to let you realize fast and help you to keep on track.
Me: ah..... I wonder why did you not give everyone money and let them enjoy their lives.
GOD: Like I say, please stop bothering yourself with other people's life. They have different desires and dreams.
Me: ok fine, If your saying is right why did you took away both my fathers.
GOD: Like I told you, I have given you everything you need.
Me: So your telling me I don't need my fathers? Maybe if their alive, I would able to learn more faster.
GOD: Don't kid me my child, your also lazy, I needed rest after I made all of you. Again please don't bother yourself with your fathers lives. Ok I will explain, Your biological father worries himself to death, all I wanted for him is to be reminded to take good care of you so that you would not turn out to be like your uncle. Your father in-law drunk himself to death, I made him hurt for his wife cause I want to let him teach his children to be better wives so that you could have a good wife. I think I have done well.
Me: (Sobbing) So why make me worry about my sister in law?
GOD: Hahahahaha, again it's not to worry you but to remind you, that your lucky and please appreciate it.
Me: What am I going to do now? I am afraid that even though I study and learned it all I might not get what I desire.
GOD: I made you that way to keep you humble and to reach for more.
Me: So are you Jesus? Mohammed? Other Gods maybe?
GOD: I am Jesus, I am Mohammed actually I am everything people could give me name. Sometimes I am a tree or a Rock. For you I am somewhere inside you and always going to be with you.
Me: God how could I be thankful?
GOD: Go and make me proud, I made you and be that thing I made you. I have created a lot of people in this world they pretty much be I made them to be.
Me: One last question, why did you make Bill gates so rich? Why did they become rich? Why can't I be like them?
GOD: Hehehe.... I have given them what I have given to you. They manage to get it at a faster rate so that you have someone to look up too. I made everyone with the things they need. They often forget what they have and asked for something they don't want. How can you be rich if you keep on spending? How can you be healthy if you don't live a healthy life? How can you be happy if you don't know what is it to be sad? Everything I have done have a reason and that is for your own good. I may be sitting here and observing everything I made, it's quite boring if everyone of you are the same. Imagine watching the same show over and over and over again.
Good bye now and remember what we talk about. I will always be here regardless if you condemn me, say bad things about me, and other stuff. I have always forgive you cause I am God. I will always love you regardless of what. Always remember that I will be guiding you from every step you take.
End of conversation
When the conversation was over I was on my stop and it was time for me to go home. Every worries and irritation I accumulate for the past two weeks vanished instantly. I believe that GOD is always with us. The only problem is we don't understand him. The faster we understand what he wants from us the faster we will get what we want. Apparently God wants us to have What We want.
Today with Currency Trading
Good day October 9, 2011,
What a day! Firstly I would like to thank you that I have a wonderful brain to help me understand and analyze everyday mind boggling thing that is happening to me. You could say that everything happen for a good reason we may not know the reason now but I know that I will eventually help me to my destination. Like Miley Cyrus Song the Climb which express it's all about how to get there not the destination. For me my destination might be having 10 billion Dollars. It how to get there is the real mystery and life boggling to me right now. I know I will be a 10 billion dollars rich man. The only question is how would I get there.
Currently I do investment, stocks, business, playing lottery, playing poker tournaments, writing blogs, playing Games that will pay and lastly Currency Trading. For this week I lost about 10 percent of my account cause of my impulsive nature of wanting to prove that I am right every time I got right the markets hits me towards the wrong direction then to my direction. It gives me self doubt of my analysis of stuff but most of all it bugs me to see loosing money.
I realize that my approach might be wrong. The good thing there is still 90% of the remaining money and I could double it easily in a year all I need is patience and proper handling of money.
Well I really hope I could earn lots of money over there where people lose money I will be the best on earning the money there. Proving me wrong first make the market right it only say that I need to ride the market on the right time at the price and mostly at the right stake.
What a day! Firstly I would like to thank you that I have a wonderful brain to help me understand and analyze everyday mind boggling thing that is happening to me. You could say that everything happen for a good reason we may not know the reason now but I know that I will eventually help me to my destination. Like Miley Cyrus Song the Climb which express it's all about how to get there not the destination. For me my destination might be having 10 billion Dollars. It how to get there is the real mystery and life boggling to me right now. I know I will be a 10 billion dollars rich man. The only question is how would I get there.
Currently I do investment, stocks, business, playing lottery, playing poker tournaments, writing blogs, playing Games that will pay and lastly Currency Trading. For this week I lost about 10 percent of my account cause of my impulsive nature of wanting to prove that I am right every time I got right the markets hits me towards the wrong direction then to my direction. It gives me self doubt of my analysis of stuff but most of all it bugs me to see loosing money.
I realize that my approach might be wrong. The good thing there is still 90% of the remaining money and I could double it easily in a year all I need is patience and proper handling of money.
Well I really hope I could earn lots of money over there where people lose money I will be the best on earning the money there. Proving me wrong first make the market right it only say that I need to ride the market on the right time at the price and mostly at the right stake.
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Today with Determination
Good day October 8, 2011,
I was waiting for the subway train to come, 3 trains passes and still full of people. Luckily I got the chance to ride and arrived safely to my office. Thank goodness I was able to save money and arrived safely.
Pondering what positive attitude should entail, I feel that I am still lucky even that some other people have lots of cash than me but the thing is with positive attitude is that it will give an attitude to work towards what I like.
I would thank a lot of things like I got enough money now to earn more money in the future. I am also thankful that I need not worry my everyday meal. The fact of the matter is I am in a position to have opportunities that might increase my wealth 1,000 fold. Regardless of others better opportunities, I got my own luck and eventually will get to where I want to be.
It's all about how you see things. Now am able to invest in currency and equities in for near future surely I will be able to invest more and gain more. Another thing that I am grateful is that I am able to win any lottery cause even though the chances if winning one is slim. If I bought a ticket or joined a raffle I will still get 1 chance to win. In life sometimes that one chance could change your life to better and eventually to financial freedom. I got 4 ways to get fucking rich fast and each one of them I get the chance to do it. All I need is perseverance and dedication.
I was waiting for the subway train to come, 3 trains passes and still full of people. Luckily I got the chance to ride and arrived safely to my office. Thank goodness I was able to save money and arrived safely.
Pondering what positive attitude should entail, I feel that I am still lucky even that some other people have lots of cash than me but the thing is with positive attitude is that it will give an attitude to work towards what I like.
I would thank a lot of things like I got enough money now to earn more money in the future. I am also thankful that I need not worry my everyday meal. The fact of the matter is I am in a position to have opportunities that might increase my wealth 1,000 fold. Regardless of others better opportunities, I got my own luck and eventually will get to where I want to be.
It's all about how you see things. Now am able to invest in currency and equities in for near future surely I will be able to invest more and gain more. Another thing that I am grateful is that I am able to win any lottery cause even though the chances if winning one is slim. If I bought a ticket or joined a raffle I will still get 1 chance to win. In life sometimes that one chance could change your life to better and eventually to financial freedom. I got 4 ways to get fucking rich fast and each one of them I get the chance to do it. All I need is perseverance and dedication.
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Today with Apple
Good day October 7, 2011,
It was in the USA Steve Jobs, an inspiration for a lot of people. He pass away on Oct 5, 2011, the world mourns. The only thing I could say is Thank You for making our lives better in your own way. He revolutionize the way we use Computers and Define how Smart should a Smartphone should be.
Life is really short, Steve Paul Jobs lived 56 years old with only half of it extraordinary. His parent sign him for adoption. If his mother knew that he will be the man he is today she would probably kept him. But then again the shift in reality would change and Steve Jobs would not be the great man he is today. I would think and admit everything happens for a reason and everyone have the opportunities to be someone they ought to like and dream off. Probably Steve Jobs never thought everyone would honor him but I know for sure he knew inside that he is a very great person destined to Do great things. The only thing stoping us is ourselves when you say you can't do it. You stop yourself from among an opportunity to be something great.
A lot of great man and women was never recognize for their greatness. When they were alive they fought for what they believe in and stand on their convictions on how they think. When others see them as insane others will fine them geniuses in their own world. The most important thing is we need to find that genius inside of ourselves.
Steve Jobs, the universe might dealt you a poor hand but you played thru the river like you had a royal flush, I am honored that I hade got a chance to live thru an age where you gave an impact to this world and flourished. You will bring more Steve Jobs in this world with the legacy you have left and that legacy would remain in our lives forever. " Think Different"
It was in the USA Steve Jobs, an inspiration for a lot of people. He pass away on Oct 5, 2011, the world mourns. The only thing I could say is Thank You for making our lives better in your own way. He revolutionize the way we use Computers and Define how Smart should a Smartphone should be.
Life is really short, Steve Paul Jobs lived 56 years old with only half of it extraordinary. His parent sign him for adoption. If his mother knew that he will be the man he is today she would probably kept him. But then again the shift in reality would change and Steve Jobs would not be the great man he is today. I would think and admit everything happens for a reason and everyone have the opportunities to be someone they ought to like and dream off. Probably Steve Jobs never thought everyone would honor him but I know for sure he knew inside that he is a very great person destined to Do great things. The only thing stoping us is ourselves when you say you can't do it. You stop yourself from among an opportunity to be something great.
A lot of great man and women was never recognize for their greatness. When they were alive they fought for what they believe in and stand on their convictions on how they think. When others see them as insane others will fine them geniuses in their own world. The most important thing is we need to find that genius inside of ourselves.
Steve Jobs, the universe might dealt you a poor hand but you played thru the river like you had a royal flush, I am honored that I hade got a chance to live thru an age where you gave an impact to this world and flourished. You will bring more Steve Jobs in this world with the legacy you have left and that legacy would remain in our lives forever. " Think Different"
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Today with GOD
Good Day October 6, 2011,
Thank you for today, it's been a while since I have feel this way. I feel depressed and frustrated. These are strong and bad feelings but as I need to turn these feeling to positive and toward moving forward. I Got to see with all my experience that everything has a reason and one must travel such a road to learn a very lesson that would lead you towards what you desire. I have desire as anyone else freedom from daily routinely task where one earns an income or living. That we should do what we love in order to be happily doing the routine we need ti live. I would like to say that my routine life would be able to buy and do whatever I want when I want it without any social criticism. Having loads of Cash like 10 billion maybe the key to everyone's problem. But here is the thing, once you reach that goal you would have no idea what to do next cause apparently you reach the end of the line.
I apparently think that GOD will do what ever is right to make me feel better and He knows what is best for me. I am not talking about Jesus or Jupiter or any other religious crap. All I am saying is that the world is created to have too much variables that if we think an action was placed by us it would our own freewill. It maybe so but if the coincidence was happening to much often that we just don't see it and realize that it do exist then we might not be understanding what this force is all about.
It's our force on doing something to achieve a certain result that we hope for. I have dreamed that I have 10 billion dollars and prayed to the stars above that I would be able to achieved it at a very faster rate o enjoy it at the very best possible manner.
This gave me a conclusion that, everything that's happening might be a greater force that is driving us to it.....
It only means that what ever we decide to do it will end up the way the universe have planned. If that is the case then we don't have freewill and everything else is a dream of stupid proportion.
Today this is my prayer, Dear God, whoever you maybe. Please help everyone in this world to have a great and wonderful life. I pray that you could give us the strength to continue to live a very interesting life. This is what I really pray for. I really hope that you could grant these prayers at an earlier pace and as for me I know that you know what 10 billion dollars meant for me. It's in your will and power that this dream is to become real.
I hope that you could hear my prayer and grant me to have 10 billion dollars.
Thank you for today, it's been a while since I have feel this way. I feel depressed and frustrated. These are strong and bad feelings but as I need to turn these feeling to positive and toward moving forward. I Got to see with all my experience that everything has a reason and one must travel such a road to learn a very lesson that would lead you towards what you desire. I have desire as anyone else freedom from daily routinely task where one earns an income or living. That we should do what we love in order to be happily doing the routine we need ti live. I would like to say that my routine life would be able to buy and do whatever I want when I want it without any social criticism. Having loads of Cash like 10 billion maybe the key to everyone's problem. But here is the thing, once you reach that goal you would have no idea what to do next cause apparently you reach the end of the line.
I apparently think that GOD will do what ever is right to make me feel better and He knows what is best for me. I am not talking about Jesus or Jupiter or any other religious crap. All I am saying is that the world is created to have too much variables that if we think an action was placed by us it would our own freewill. It maybe so but if the coincidence was happening to much often that we just don't see it and realize that it do exist then we might not be understanding what this force is all about.
It's our force on doing something to achieve a certain result that we hope for. I have dreamed that I have 10 billion dollars and prayed to the stars above that I would be able to achieved it at a very faster rate o enjoy it at the very best possible manner.
This gave me a conclusion that, everything that's happening might be a greater force that is driving us to it.....
It only means that what ever we decide to do it will end up the way the universe have planned. If that is the case then we don't have freewill and everything else is a dream of stupid proportion.
Today this is my prayer, Dear God, whoever you maybe. Please help everyone in this world to have a great and wonderful life. I pray that you could give us the strength to continue to live a very interesting life. This is what I really pray for. I really hope that you could grant these prayers at an earlier pace and as for me I know that you know what 10 billion dollars meant for me. It's in your will and power that this dream is to become real.
I hope that you could hear my prayer and grant me to have 10 billion dollars.
Monday, October 3, 2011
Today with Inspiration
Good day October 5, 2011,
Thank Goodness the Stocks are back on a rally and surely would be able to unload my positions next week. This is really a great time cause again my readings and observation are good and accurate. Really happy that saw the IPhone 5 presentation and it's quite a revolutionary product. Hoping that Tim Cook would be better than Jobs.
Thinking of these I kinda like to start on writing a book that would tell a tale of my adventures place on a different dimension and universe. It's quite a inspiration that have been budging me for quite some time now. I am really glad that my thoughts are getting more concise and consolidating towards a well diverse story that could entail and tell a very good story of how I see this life. Writing is not my strong suit but imagining is. I have a great imagination and analyzation skills that prevail amongst others. I have quite carry my chair while tell you this but the only thing I need to improve on my confidence on my skills. I sure do have confidence in times I have done it right but when I did something I can't seem quite to understand why I tend to doubt my own. This constant asking for approval from peers that I see qualify to judge me is quite unwise and totally bias.
My guess is what I need is confirmation from my own and credibility that I could give myself.... That is the most important certification any person should have.
Thank Goodness the Stocks are back on a rally and surely would be able to unload my positions next week. This is really a great time cause again my readings and observation are good and accurate. Really happy that saw the IPhone 5 presentation and it's quite a revolutionary product. Hoping that Tim Cook would be better than Jobs.
Thinking of these I kinda like to start on writing a book that would tell a tale of my adventures place on a different dimension and universe. It's quite a inspiration that have been budging me for quite some time now. I am really glad that my thoughts are getting more concise and consolidating towards a well diverse story that could entail and tell a very good story of how I see this life. Writing is not my strong suit but imagining is. I have a great imagination and analyzation skills that prevail amongst others. I have quite carry my chair while tell you this but the only thing I need to improve on my confidence on my skills. I sure do have confidence in times I have done it right but when I did something I can't seem quite to understand why I tend to doubt my own. This constant asking for approval from peers that I see qualify to judge me is quite unwise and totally bias.
My guess is what I need is confirmation from my own and credibility that I could give myself.... That is the most important certification any person should have.
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Today with Investments
Good day October 4, 2011,
Its nice to know that I could see where the market is heading, I also am Glad that I saw this market crash would occur very soon. Now it's ok foe me to keep on monitoring to pick up where the bottom is and it is very near.
Monitoring and Observing the equities market make me feel uneasy cause it's like you know it will be fast once it flies and it will also be very fast when it falls. It's like riding a roller coaster seeing the slide and you know it's coming but you really can't tell when exactly and your tummy feels uneasy. On the way up you will find the ride quite slow as if you'll feel the belts won't hold it quite well. Eventually you get to the top. That's why people call is a long position when you place a buy. It will take quite some time and there will be ups and downs.
The only thing I realize is it's fun and exciting. The stock market is also that kind of fun but what we want is a steady upside growth to unlimited territories. I trade stocks and currency, both have quite the same logic and both need patience.
Everybody tell you that patience is a virtue and I could only say patience is a pain in the .... We need patience to let ourselves develop in order to tackle and deal with stuffs we can't really comprehend for the time be.
Patience is needed when we don't know where we want to go, what we want and most of all why do we want what we want. Another thing that we need to have is persistent and confidence on ourselves. There might be times that you would feel uncertain and unclear always listen to your little voice inside cause it is often the right thing to do.
Its nice to know that I could see where the market is heading, I also am Glad that I saw this market crash would occur very soon. Now it's ok foe me to keep on monitoring to pick up where the bottom is and it is very near.
Monitoring and Observing the equities market make me feel uneasy cause it's like you know it will be fast once it flies and it will also be very fast when it falls. It's like riding a roller coaster seeing the slide and you know it's coming but you really can't tell when exactly and your tummy feels uneasy. On the way up you will find the ride quite slow as if you'll feel the belts won't hold it quite well. Eventually you get to the top. That's why people call is a long position when you place a buy. It will take quite some time and there will be ups and downs.
The only thing I realize is it's fun and exciting. The stock market is also that kind of fun but what we want is a steady upside growth to unlimited territories. I trade stocks and currency, both have quite the same logic and both need patience.
Everybody tell you that patience is a virtue and I could only say patience is a pain in the .... We need patience to let ourselves develop in order to tackle and deal with stuffs we can't really comprehend for the time be.
Patience is needed when we don't know where we want to go, what we want and most of all why do we want what we want. Another thing that we need to have is persistent and confidence on ourselves. There might be times that you would feel uncertain and unclear always listen to your little voice inside cause it is often the right thing to do.
Today with Poker Way
Good Day October 3, 2011
I am glad that today was another day for me to grow and learn and prepare to the up coming market crash or double dip. I would eventually earn 20 folds of money from this crash and by 3 years time I would have build a wealth to give me sustainable income as others say it "let money work for you.".
This thought came to me as a technical chartist and considers that a system would be suffice and could be tested to adapt on my trading ways and style. The concept was to follow my strict entry prices and take profits and stop losses with certain cash prices and past data included. With this Said it is clear that some trades would let me lose money but ultimately when statistics even out it will give me a winning edge.
It's like playing poker, you would go all in with a certain situation and would learn that even with the best odds you still could lose. The only principle here is atleast you got the best possible hands going all in. Assuming that it will be the same situation it will state that X times would give you a higher chance of winning. Hence when there a million times this type of situation arises you would still end up a winner.
Here is the hypothesis, if we know what is the right thing to do it will be best to keep on betting the best odds. The only thing for sure is that there is no possibility that you would win all the time.
Why does hard work does give us better result? Especially if it's cultivating our strengths and skills on a certain activity. The Chinese have stated the routine would help a person to be better at a certain thing as long as he keeps on doing it. Other mentors states that hard work beats talent all the time. In basketball, shooting and keep on practicing shooting would make you a shooter. Hence with this ideology if I keep on analyzing how to earn money in analyzing markets and corporation it would eventually earn me lots of money. Others may have a talent in equities but believing mentors like practice makes perfect. It will come a time I will know how and it will give me loads of Cash......
I am glad that today was another day for me to grow and learn and prepare to the up coming market crash or double dip. I would eventually earn 20 folds of money from this crash and by 3 years time I would have build a wealth to give me sustainable income as others say it "let money work for you.".
This thought came to me as a technical chartist and considers that a system would be suffice and could be tested to adapt on my trading ways and style. The concept was to follow my strict entry prices and take profits and stop losses with certain cash prices and past data included. With this Said it is clear that some trades would let me lose money but ultimately when statistics even out it will give me a winning edge.
It's like playing poker, you would go all in with a certain situation and would learn that even with the best odds you still could lose. The only principle here is atleast you got the best possible hands going all in. Assuming that it will be the same situation it will state that X times would give you a higher chance of winning. Hence when there a million times this type of situation arises you would still end up a winner.
Here is the hypothesis, if we know what is the right thing to do it will be best to keep on betting the best odds. The only thing for sure is that there is no possibility that you would win all the time.
Why does hard work does give us better result? Especially if it's cultivating our strengths and skills on a certain activity. The Chinese have stated the routine would help a person to be better at a certain thing as long as he keeps on doing it. Other mentors states that hard work beats talent all the time. In basketball, shooting and keep on practicing shooting would make you a shooter. Hence with this ideology if I keep on analyzing how to earn money in analyzing markets and corporation it would eventually earn me lots of money. Others may have a talent in equities but believing mentors like practice makes perfect. It will come a time I will know how and it will give me loads of Cash......
Today with Sunday
Good day October 2, 2011,
I really had a blast this Sunday like any other Sunday. Wake up to watch a marathon of a series. The best time to spend my sunday is to enjoy every single second of he only day that relaxes me.
Relaxing in my pajama, my friend emailed me about the forum site I emailed him he told me that I really got time to spare for stuff and I told him, I just made time for everything. So the only thing that's bothering me is if what I do is efficient and effective to achieve my goal or be happy. I told myself if I got my goal I surely be happy. Then again we can't really tell if I got my goal will I be happy or will it change my feelings towards happiness. Here's the thing this may be a same issue last entry but believe me it's quite different. I spend all my time in a way that makes me happy, now if ever I chose to do an activity base on my emotions would that lead me to closer to what I want. The presumption is that we know what we want.
My wife friend married an older woman and I explain to her that my cousin tend to enjoy himself with company of other women and he treat them like stuff to play with. It's like a playmate of some sort and when he decide to get settled he would choose a younger playmate to we'd and have a family. The girl who decided to get married to an older man thinks that she is tired of young guys who just wants to honk her tootsies. These said both made a decision base on convenience hence I think that on the long run they would both either regret the decision they chose and eventually end up separated physically or emotionally. Do they really know what they like?
I just know that we move forward and keep on moving forward cause what really matters is not the goal but how we get there. Once we reach the destination we tend to look back and think of how we accomplished what we set to do.
I really had a blast this Sunday like any other Sunday. Wake up to watch a marathon of a series. The best time to spend my sunday is to enjoy every single second of he only day that relaxes me.
Relaxing in my pajama, my friend emailed me about the forum site I emailed him he told me that I really got time to spare for stuff and I told him, I just made time for everything. So the only thing that's bothering me is if what I do is efficient and effective to achieve my goal or be happy. I told myself if I got my goal I surely be happy. Then again we can't really tell if I got my goal will I be happy or will it change my feelings towards happiness. Here's the thing this may be a same issue last entry but believe me it's quite different. I spend all my time in a way that makes me happy, now if ever I chose to do an activity base on my emotions would that lead me to closer to what I want. The presumption is that we know what we want.
My wife friend married an older woman and I explain to her that my cousin tend to enjoy himself with company of other women and he treat them like stuff to play with. It's like a playmate of some sort and when he decide to get settled he would choose a younger playmate to we'd and have a family. The girl who decided to get married to an older man thinks that she is tired of young guys who just wants to honk her tootsies. These said both made a decision base on convenience hence I think that on the long run they would both either regret the decision they chose and eventually end up separated physically or emotionally. Do they really know what they like?
I just know that we move forward and keep on moving forward cause what really matters is not the goal but how we get there. Once we reach the destination we tend to look back and think of how we accomplished what we set to do.
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