USD 10,000,000,000.00

USD 10,000,000,000.00
My Check

Saturday, January 20, 2024

Today with Taxes 2.0

Good day January 20, 2024 Thank you for keeping me motivated to keep moving forward.  Thank you for giving me inspiration to keep improving and glworking.  I would really choose not to work and earn money without doing anything and not worrying about taxes as government collections are ineffective and inefficient as current.  Here are some best ideas that would help every country, as the advent of technology is ready and blovkchain is quite proven and governments are trying to digitalize and capture the right way of economics. 

Here are some things that government should consider

1. to encourage everyone to use digital money, make sure that in an avent of any circumstances the government will honor the said wealth of any entity and person

2. there is no way that any government and entity will able to block and not let any person transfer the money or hold the money or prevent individual to use the said money in any ways they want.

3. Money of any entity should always be protected by the governement from governmenet itself

4. thus these services should have a payment thats is a certain percentage fee from each transfer money from one entity to another. ( that is the only tax)

5. this way the real GDP of a country is really measured, as more transactions are there the tax will be bigger.  As the GDP grows the Tax collected will also be bigger

6. if ever criminals does use the money, the government could not seize the money but will able to see where the money was spend this way illegal activities could be capture real time, but again money will still push thru

7. citizens are afraid that government will able to geab their money or wealth thats the only way we can ensure that citizen trust the government and uses the money digitally

8. in an advent that technology failed the entitly in transfer and stuff the account will be given additional money from the government as they were unable to protect the said wealth, in the advent that the account is not moving and frozen for x number years it will still not be taken or used by the government it will just be there and not moved. or transferred.

9. Governements are allowed to charge fees to each of their services, when a citizen chooses to use the governement services for their benefit.  it will also be deducted % as for the digital money was used

10. Each entity will have a minimum amount that will enter that will not be deducted by taxes as it is said its a minimum amount given to a certain citizen to live a certain standard.

11. this certain basic way to make digital money as a staple will help grow the economy and make sure government will able to operate effectively and efficiently.

12. all governement licenses are now a option for each citizen, as they want the business or certain certificate to make their business more credible 

13. this will give governement improve their services and make their certificate more credible.  when business opt not to have certified it because givernment certifications are useless and will not add value to any business 

14. this will also improve business and economy as well this will limit government intervention and less governement intervention to free market capitalism

15. i hope that these will reach the government and enlighten them on how shpuld they help and govern.

writing these might not change the world and government but with these i hope that it will in the future.

thank you again for letting me write and give my two cents to something that might work and ofcourse government are against this as they have their own agenda to control the citizen but i hope that the good will able to continue as the bad stuff be removed and never be allowed to come back