USD 10,000,000,000.00

USD 10,000,000,000.00
My Check

Friday, December 19, 2014

Today with Long Time

Good day December 20, 2014,

Thank you for a very productive day.  Latly I have been stressed and worried about what the future will hold.  The most import thing is that i am grateful that i still have a future to look forward to. I am also grateful that all of my trades are doing fine.  I have greatly improve and I know that I still have a lot more to develop to make me earn more money.  thank you for letting me have an understanding perfect wife.  she helps me with everything  and I really hope that one day I could repay her understanding with my love and time.  Thank  you for letti g me have analyze the power of manipulation and I need to find better means to control and lead the family business.  I have been distracted by a lot of bulshit government regulations and this time I would rise up to the challenge and win.  it does not matter jow many times you failed the only thing that matters is that we keep on going.  Confucious said that its ok if we are moving slow as long as we are moving forward.  I do feel and think we are moving forward as we move to new adventure i am really excited and afraid that I may not able to handle the stress and problem that might come.

Thinking a lot,  the most inportant is we keep on moving forward and I know that i will eventually reach the place that am very comfortable.  A place that Money will just fall on my lap cause i had doneall the necessary things to make that happen.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Today with Routinely Work

Good day October 23, 2014,

Thank you for a wonderful sales and a succesful day.  I consider today succesful cause i was able to do everything i set it out to do.  Today or for the past week its been like godly.  Life is really great with this.  Read a lot of good quotes and let me realize a lot of stuff.  Today a lot seems to come and punches are thrown in our way.  I should move faster and i should move bigger.  The greater the risk th greater the reward.  

People seems to thing that the grass is greener on the other side they just forgot that when they water the grass on your side everything will be greener on our side.  Life is really interesting and cooperative it just showed me another wall i should go over to get what i really want.  I should stand and do my best to get what i want.  Think of ways to make the best happen to yourself.  My equities are doing well and it will keep on getting bigger and i would earn more money as the second and minutes starts.  Life is always giving challenges that i need to cross and think of ways to achieve the way i want it.  

People would envy and try to destroy or take the prize from me.  I should stand tall and protect the prize that is mine and owned.  There is no other way to have your way.  Prptecting and earning more money is the key to be rich.  

Monday, October 13, 2014

Today on why the world is the way it is

Good day, October 13, 2014 

Thank you for a wonderful day.  Its really breathe taking to know that your preception of life might be wrong but its reality.  Its hard to muster and break your friend's dream version of life.  Its like having a good dream the waking up and realizing thats just a dream.  Dreaming is Good it gives us a better understanding of what we would like.  

My friend told me that he could balance life and still be fluorishing in all the areas namely Financially.  I told him up front that he is wrong but he is welcome to try to put it in my face.  In reality,  people tend to see things that they are capable of doing a feat and even tough they know that it is not easy and yet they feel that they are up to the task.  I told my friend that due to each person's circumstances that they choose the things they did.  His grandfather seems to give lesser priority to Children's emotional needs and his father also did what his father did.  It is because the financial need to insure that their children would get the best opportunity they never had.  Now its my friend's turn and he is still young and the game is not over but its near.  His father  also did what his father did and became one succesful financial gains.  The challenge now my friend faces is that he needs to do everything better cause his goal is to prove to me that life should be balance and it can be done.  He also said that its how we should live our life.  

Thats the problem with our society,  especially here in the philippines.  People tend to understand how to make a government run well or better.  When they are elected and is at power they realize that they need more power to make a difference.  Thats the problem, having realization means that a government cant be both with a soft heart and would work well. It should be done to work for everyone and maintain an equal opportunity for every citizen it have.  Its regardless of beliefs and  stuffs.

Life and government are the same, realizing something is a good thing proving a certain way should be done without giving up any part thats impossible cause.  We are humans and we only have 24 hours a day to do everything.  Sleep or rest is needed within the 24 hours.  Hence 8 hours are now occupied by rest and another 3-4 hours for our dull time like relieving ourselves like eating and bathroom breaks.  Hence it only gives us 12 hours to balance everything.  If we need money to survive hence it will occuply almost all of the time we have.  Without work we might not survive,  but working too much to save up in the future is also bad cause our body might fall and we trade time with health and uses money to recupperate our health which it seems to be wrong.

The clue here is not balance but appreciation.  If we could just appreciate everything we have,  we could enjoy every single moments we could get from our small time for ourselves.  Working for money is really bad but we need to work to gain capital and use other or nurture young kids to work for capital and encourage them to make money work for them.  Its not what age is ideal to reture or stop.  It what time in our life we realize that we should live the live the way we want it and do everything we can to have the life we deserve

Friday, October 3, 2014

Today with Balance

Good day,  October 3, 2014,

Thank you for a wonderful day.  I had great sales.  My people seems to be more happy.  Everything is going as planned.  I also realize and analyze the things that are happening in my life.  Thank you for a new opportunity and better underatanding of the world around us.  

Today,  i would like to share my thoughts on balance.  Its a very simple word but in action it is very hard action to do so.  Let me start by saying currently there is an issue going on in manila about Cultural buildings or historical sites being dismantle or ruined by development.  The thing here i do agree that historical sites and things should be preserved and kept for the world to remember how significant those historical sites to a city.  It gives the city its own identity and flavor.  Saying that we should also honor agreements and contracts cause those are the foundation of good values and character. 

In the City of Manila, there are a lot of cultural historical buildings that should be preserved for future generation to cherish.  Tearing these sites would decrease the value of manila?  Here is my take on this situation.  I do believe that making these sites more productive and useful is the best way to honor and preserve this historical landmarks.  Phisically demolishing them doest not take aways its value but it add a more historical sense and value to the place.  It means that the old building have done its part to help the future to grow in a better place.  Developing new building to make use of the old place means the city is growing and the old have done its part to make the future more brighter.  Removing them physically but remembering them or placing monument on the same place and reminding the future people that this site once stood a great building that help the city grow to a better place for our future generation.

Teaching the children about historical sites and the meaning of these site are the best way to preserve the historical values of the sites.  We as people should always keep moving forward cause its our duty to our ancestors that we should strive for a better future.  Clinging to past building and past way of thinking doesn't give us values but it just gives us a sense that we are cultured.

Business and agreements should be respected and that is. The balance should be.  Thinking always about profit is bad but not thinking about profit is also bad.  Profits adds values to certain things.  This profit states how each item is valued in each persons eyes.  Its free market that is moving.  Everything has an equilibrium the only question is that when will it reach the said equilibrium.  We as human being should stop finding the equilibrium but start doing compromises on what we need and want.  Everything have a middle point,  compromises are bad but free conpromises are good.  It means that we would only keep the things we really really love and like to have.  Thats what compromiese should be.  Its not meant to be a sacrifice but a middle ground in which people would set their limits on certain aspect of their like and wants

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Today with mistakes

Good day, October 1 2014,

Thank you for giving me another chance to try what could have been.  I really wish that all my hard work pays off.  I would admit that in this half of the year i became lazy and fustrated with everything that is happening in this world.  I try my best to get to the habit of appreciating life and i am really having a hard time doing so.  I know that is a struggle and i know that the road ahead would be the best one.  I can do everything and i know i can do better and think of ways to earn more money.  Its the problem of fear that everytime i earn money others or circumstances tries to steal my thunder.  I think of it and i try to sway my mind that its all in the mind.  I really hope that i could find a nee courage and strenght that would propel me to greater  heights.  Pausing life for a minute may not be the best but all i know that something great is comming and all i need to do is to be prepared that when that day comes i would have the best abilty and skills to further boost my opportunity.  In life i realize that there will always be troubles and others might end up fearing what might be.  That's what I'm saying that my uncle fears about the problems or fear that he might have more problems.  The problems he now faces doesnt suits his inteligence but it suits his attitude.  

My favorite quote " life not having a good hand,  life playing a poor hand well" 
This in poker is the best idealogy.  It gits all the concept the principle on how to play the game.  Life is a game of poker.  Texas holdem.  I would initially fold if the the hand doesnt suit the time of play.  Playing the hand too passive or too agressive wont advance me to the final table or the heads up.  Playing the card well would win me the tournament.  Its really knowing to time and letting go some hands that you know wont give you yhe best possible outcome.  If you know that the hands your holding is drawing dead and you cant bluff the way out the best way is to cut your losses short and shuffle up and deal.  Thats how life is when you got a bad hand or opportunity let go and find a new opportunity.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Today with forgot

Good day Sept 17, 2014,

Thank you for keeping me in the game.  Thank you for letting me realize this faster that i do need to focus and attact waht i like not focus and passionately say what i dont want.  Its a simple law of attraction. Yeah i forgot about it.  It seems that i focus on the things that i dont like while i should be focusing on the things that i love and fond of.

I should now focus more on earning and having more money.  I thank you that i have earned big money in my Hong Kong Rquities.  I am also thankful that i got my mojo back in FX trading.  I am also need to focus on how to organize the business and focus on how to create better weath earnings thru investments and business capital means.  Investing on like the rich and living the life a rich person.  

I should focus on how to earn money while doing the least possible work and yet get the best result while doing it.  Its the best thing ever.  I admit that its stressing me out each time i focus on the wrong things which in actually I should be more focus on what i trully want.

Friday, September 12, 2014

Today with Fancy Words

Good day, September 12, 2014,

Thank you for giving me another day to experience life to the fullest.  I try my best to write on this diary blog to make me feel better and find things that I am grateful for everyday.  Today i also saw a post from a friend that she trying to do a thank you challenge. Post 5 consecutive days of gratitude.  She would post 3 things that she is grateful for everyday for 5 straight days.  Its a good exercise for the mind.  Its a positive prespective in how we should approach life.  

Its really simple but hard to do.  It seems that people think that when you only look at the positive life would turn around.  What i realize is that life does not care about us.  It only care what we seem to care about.  It how we focus,  when we focus our energy to do something that something would be done.



Today with Fancy Words

Good day, September 12, 2014,

Thank you for giving me another day to experience life to the fullest.  I try my best to write on this diary blog to make me feel better and find things that I am grateful for everyday.  Today i also saw a post from a friend that she trying to do a thank you challenge. Post 5 consecutive days of gratitude.  She would post 3 things that she is grateful for everyday for 5 straight days.  Its a good exercise for the mind.  Its a positive prespective in how we should approach life.  

Its really simple but hard to do.  It seems that people think that when you only look at the positive life would turn around.  What i realize is that life does not care about us.  It only care what we seem to care about.  It how we focus,  when we focus our energy to do something that something would be done.



Thursday, September 11, 2014

Today with Taxes

Good day,  Sept 11, 2014,

Good day,  thank you for giving me a good life!! The challenges that are given to me makes me stronger and have me do much more.  

Currently I am pissed with my country's tax examiner which they always are corrupt and wants more money for them.  The corruption is very real and everyone knows it.  They dont want to admit it cause they are scared that it will backlash at them.  People here dont pay accurate taxes cause they feel that they are robbed everytime they pay their taxes.  Regardless of they pay it accurately the Government will still find faults on how they pay.  Its the system.  I would prefer that they would just ask each citizen pay a flat citizen tax regardless of their status and earnings.  They would say that it is unfair and unequal.  The thing is equality is needed to run the government well.  This flat tax citizen tax that i hope they would consider and remove invome tax it will be much beneficial to everyone.   People pay extra when they buy or own something.  It means that people do need to recognize a certain ownership hence if a person do claim ownership this mean that he could afford to buy that hence the person do need to pay extra for his freedom of owning.  So a carowner would pay X amount more compare to a citizen that rents and does not own anything.  Businesses do not be taxed cause these business give money to the people and employs them.  The more they employ the more jobs the more money the citizen have the more things they would own.  This means they would pay X amount a year for the freedom to own.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Today with wearables

Good day,  September 10, 2014,

Its a wonderful opportunity today to see the possibility that my equity is now greater value than expected.  It seems that each day that it gets closer to my dream profit and capital everything will be ok and everything is going to be fine financially.  Thank you for the opportunity and having me be ready and prepare to handle the amount of financial gain that will arise thru this Stock Equity!! Yeah!!!

Today is also a good that that apple released its wearable apple watch.  This new wearable seems cool but for me it lacks the functions and sensors to make it more appealing to everyone.  Features and sensors that i really hope that is incorporated in the future smart watch

For health
1. sense our Blood pressure
2. Sense Blood sugar thru perspiration
3. Sense out body temperature
4. Sense our heart rate
5. Sense hormonal imbalances or hormones via perspiration

For exercise
1. Calaries burn
2. Steps made
3. Total distance covered
4.Average heart rate thru the whole day
5. Giving us a individual exercise rating ( to determine that your day's activity is good enough for your health)

For communication

1. Notify if one of your friends or relatives are near the area
2.walkie talkie is best
3. GPS location
4. Emergency tag location send SOS
5.Replys to all comunication by choosing prefered replys.

For task
1. Reminders and wake ups
2. Longer battery around 3 days
3. Able to set your reply if your going to be late
4. Able to place an order when near a location you would buy
5. Use as a keynote clicker
6.  Remote controller 
7. Home controller for every appliances

Cool data features

1. Automatically store all your bio data heart rates and other medical data 
2.  Send all your data to your doctor to view ( with authorization). Once seen they would need another authorization to look thru again if needed

3.  Automatically do some task when your near a working place. 

4.  Its like an assitant to know that your near your devices

5.  It will warn you if you left your phone

6.  Will automatically set your browser to your frequent visited site at the time you usually checks that site

For Business

1.  Able to notify your stocks watchlist
2. Able to buy additional shares or sell your shares
3. Meetings are forwared to your watch so that you could tell them if you could come or not
4. Special conference walkie talkie only the people you like to talk to will be in the frequency.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Today with wishful thinking

Good day,  sept 6, 2014

Thank you for a wonderful day.  I have enjoyed every second of it.  Today and every other day I am thankful for a great opportunity that life has given me.  I realize a lot today and everything we lived for and why we lived for is always a mystery.  It is because hope and Faith that drives us to do our best everyday.  It like wishful thinking but also doing something that would help us be something we wish for or attain a certain goal that we wish we have.  Its letting go of the past and keep moving forward.  Life is full of opportunities and regardless of what happens its how you react and preceieved certain events in life that will judge how you handled a certain event in our lives.  Its better that we have risked and tried.  Faith in something is also good but it will also gives you the chills if the decision you made is right or wrong.  The Schrödinger's cat is an idea that if we dont know what the future bring, it could be great or it could be bad.  All in all life is a mystery and we should try to open each event with joy.  Hope that what ever happen if the cat is dead or alive it will always be something.  An event that we cant escape,  an event that will shape our being.  It will make something out of us and that is what we are.   

I know that i will earn 300M in my equity bet cause thats what i choose to believe.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Today with Bingo

Good day September 4, 2014,

Thank you for another wonderful opportunity.  Everyday seems like an adventure.  I am greatful that my like is getting ready for a financial uphill gain!! Bingo is the name Oh.....  I really hope that this equity would rise to exceed all my expectation reaching my desire price and able to sell each share to convert it to money would be a greater blessings for me!!  Life is getting better by the min!!

Having a positive attitude towards life is the best thing we can have and positive thinking on how to percieved thing is the best way to live a wonderful life.  Life will keep on getting in our nerves and they will keep on pushing the worse on our eyes.  The best thing in life is our vision should be clear and we must keep moving forward and think how to make your future a better place for you.

Luck is the thing that happens when you are prepared.  Luck is making the unknown known by being ready and being prepare.  This means that i make my own luck and i alone could make how big my luck can be.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Today with security of everything

Good day,  August 28, 2014,

Thank you have been very hard for me latly to see whats positive to everything negative that is happening in this world.  I for one is really pissed with how the government in my country handles everything.  I will give you a general idea. The Governement here always and i always say that they only will think of their own asses before their countrymen.  They try to make it work because they want their reputation to be good.  Having a good reputation is not bad but getting a job done just for reputation have a lots of bad kharma in it.  

Going back in saying thank you,  i thank you that regardless of what is happening here in this world.  i do still believe that we could make things better.  Its shifting our attitude toward positive reinforcement.  Thank you for letting me realize that for every problem i encounter i should deal with positive reinforcement to have better result.  Its how it is done.  

Security is the key in running a good government and a good ecosystem.  After reading an article about mobile payments or banking.  I would advise apple CEO to try to buy a bank or align them with a bank.  The most securebank the better.  How about bank of America as its first bank that they would align.  This way having apple handles all the bank computer transactions and adding new security things that could incorporate users to pay other users using their phones.  Its like increasing opportunity for transaction.  Imagine the payroll system incoporated in Enterprises which automatically conputes each employee's wages base on the phones location and stuff.  It would also be nice to have each employee have budgets over stuff using the phone.  The clearing house and checkers could be done by apple secure OS and making every transaction interesting for everyone.  

Lets say apple owns Bank of America,  an employee with the iOS company system would have a BOA account this way the owner of the account could track his/hers salaries and able to easily set aside x amount or allocate certain amount to their 401K or any investment that BOA could offer.  Companies could also direct send money to their employees or set a budget for other expenses that any employee would ask for or request.  Due to the mobile and direct nature of this company side documentations and paper work approval would also be easier and handle with atmost secrecy.  The less people know the better.  

Payment would also come easier,  people could pay X amount and put a certain date on each transaction.  If they agreed to pay X amount to J person at a certain time both could agree and the bank would automatically send the money on the date agreed and also notify the payer of such responsibilty.  This way everyone would pay their responsibility.  Another cool thing with this is everyone would have access to their own account and would know how much they have.  The key here is security.  Too many information they need hide and protect so that this could happen.  My suggestion is everything could only be accessed via cloud.  It means that in order a transaction or request be made they would need to use iOS iphone to access the said account.  They the cloud would just send information per request.  This way the data is always wipe clean from the phone.  The finger print and other security purposes is to make sure that the one accessing those information is to the right person this is a way to make sure that it will be secure.  Now another way to make this work is to make sure that a certain physical button can be click to actually know that the actual person is physically there to administer the said transaction.  It button is a separate device and the only function is to send a signal.  The signal would only be send after finger print and other verification.  After the verification enough power would be given to the clicker that would disipate at a certain time to lapse the verification.  This way the security layer of the system is better

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Today with Double Standards

Good day August 22, 2014,

Thank you for a very nice cool weathered day.   Thank you for giving another day another chance to prove and enjoy my life.  I am thank you that my wife loves me very much and everything is going as planned.  Life cant be predicted,  it can be planned.  The right push would push everything to a good place.  

I have envisioned a place where everyone would just get along.  Everyone would just think of others before acting this way everything would be a better and good place.  Saying something and doing the opposite is a hypocrite.  Now what do we call a person who see one mistake but doesnt see his own mistake?  Thats a double standard.  Why do we have people in this world who have double standards?  Do they not know that what they are doing is wrong?  Does it say that because they could do it and they would prove it that they can?  

I think,  people with double standards are people who are selfish.  They see themselves as beneficiary of all the things that are good and when there is wrong in the world they would just ignore it.  Kharma is also another concept that budist preach to console themselves that one day it will be even.  

I am full of emotion and depressed at the same time.  Having all my hard earn money being paid to corrupt government officials just for the sake they can.  Proving to us that there is no right in this world but only those who have power could be right.  We choose to live above them and tried our best to live an honourable life.  The problem is that people are corruptable because they need to survive and adapt.  This is the theory of evolution.  The ones who adapt survives.  Its a natural instict of human or animals to adapt.  The problem with adapting is that we are shaped by our environment.  We have a notion that we shape our environment but in reality,  we are shaped by the environment controlled by circumstances that others acted upon.

What is the reason for a person to live in this world?  Is it for their own sake or for others sake.  The world is changing fast and those who cant adapt would surly perish.  The only thing i wonder is, if there is a GOD, is this his plan?  We humans try to shape our situations and future.  The truth is we do have the power to shape and change our future circumstances.  The only problem is that people are too afraid to challenge change but wiling to adapt in order to survive.

The Philippines is such a beautiful country. The people have a very nice culture and good attitude on life.  The only problem is everyone is selfish.  They only think of themselves.  This make their Government suck and corrupt.  Given a high rating for the current president but he contemplates to run another term even he condones others to have another term.  He nor admits nor denies he wanted to run.  As a person he is selfish but as a President he should be selfless.  If i were him,  i would like to leave the office with grace and respect.  I would concentrate all my efforts to reduce all the corruption.  Change everthing that would help his fellowmen to have more opportunity.  Cleaning all the bureau of all selfish people, corrupt people and giving back the trust the government need to operate correctly.

Listening to the people means giving the right solutions to their problem.  I use all my power to make my successor have a hard time to commit corruption.  I will make sure that all the citizen would have enough money to enjoy their lives.  Let first do a national ID system and change the tax code.  Cause when there is money evil lingers.  Making all payables to the government fixed and easily accoutable so that everyone would know just how much to pay exactly to reduce corruption and weong doings.  Govenrment should be a government of just.  Justice delay is justice denied is a very good measurement.  The system of our government should have iron clad laws that nobody can be exempted.  There should no be loopholes.  Strong facts and definition of the facts are needed.  When proven guilty, serve the punishment it should be fair cause we do have past crimes and it would also fit with current crimes.  Now when the dealing failed due to lapse in time.  Both procecutors and the defense attorney would be put in jail with the judge.  This will surely make the justice here in the philippines much more better.  I forgot,  the defendant and the suing party would also go to jail until the process is finished.  This way the proceedings will be faster.  

There should be no exeption to the rule!!

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Today with Thank You 2

Good day, August 14, 2014,

Thabk you and thank you again!!  This cant go any simplier!  I wake up and smelled the air.  It smelled like any other day.  Perception is always the key to make a big difference.  This may have a big reaction, in the moment but it seems to generate a better effect in the future.  Its like a cult of religion better explained.  This properly encourage life with progress and enjoying the moment.

Thank you for a good life,  comfortable life.  Thank you for giving me the eye to find the good equitites that increase my wealth by 35-50%!  Better yet a 100% increase is just around the corner.  Thank you that i would now have the confidence to invest and wait a while to earn that much of a money.  

Earning money is a blast and it is like a breeze!  Thank you for this skill and this ability it well suits me the best.  This might be a good religion but in reality its how we see things.  Perceived thing is the key to achieveing great things  

Monday, August 11, 2014

Today with Thank You

Good day August 12, 2014,

Thank you for thank you.  I realize that i been ignoring my past deeds as like i need to thank for anything that i find thankful for.  Its not even being appreciative.  Being thankful change your perception on things and your attitudes towards certain time.  Always finding something to be thankful for is an ability that its hard for every person to comprehend.  I for one was lost and now i am back after realizing what i have done.  

I started this blog to say what i mean and what i think.  Today i really know that being thankful is very powerful it helps with everything.  Even seems that life is all about perspective.  Today a funny man committed sucide,  what does this tells us?  Those who gives smiles and laughs a lot is the most depressed.  

People should start changing their perception in things.  I for one should start changing how to perceive things.  Its not about what i perceive buy how i perceive stuffs.  Being depress is very bad thing,  it gives you the worst perception in life.  

The real question that people seems need to know why the hell they are living.  Well this is quite the wrong perception.  The new perception is not why are they living.  The best perception is what would you do to enjoy the life you have right here right now.  Live.  Make plans,  do something crazy.  If you done everything that you taught you have.  Well apparently you have not done everything.  Doing everything means doing really everything

Friday, July 4, 2014

Today with start of the end of my days

Good day july 4, 2014,

Thank you for always giving me hope but this time i think i run out of hope.  I know and understand that others might have greater problems than me nor depressed beyond my own set of dilema and fustration.  Life should be live with colors and happiness.  I now find my life meaning not really enough to sustain me.  I know the problem but i seems cant find a good sensible logic to accept this fact. Others just take what they can take while others harm the ones who make.  Others dont think while they give away something they did not worked hard for.

Life is not fair but life should be acceptable.  Writing thru this blog without readers seems unpractical and not worth it,  its logical to state all my taughts and maybe one day it will shed light on how life should be.  Accepting is never easy but its killing me slowly.  My neck and head is aching hard and its seems unable to stop.  I find it that revenge is the best way to feel better at once.  The problem is that my plan might not be perfect.  It feels good hence it is the way to go.  The problem is that upon doing such deed i may not solve the underliying problem and that is the society.  I choose to have shoulder this pain not to teach me a lesson but to earlier finish my life cause there is nothing worth here when i cant acheive another part of happiness.  I have a lovely wife,  good family and i have good things happening and yet i feel that taking away something i worked hard is killing me inside.  I cant focus nor think the way i was.  I only think that what ever i do is going to be worthless.  

I am ready to go, the will to lived vanished the moment i give in to good intentions.  Good deeds are never really about feeling good nor praise nor awarded.  Good deed is sensenless cause the result is bad.  I am currently experiencing blank taughts and i cant seem to focus well.  My mind is like expanding slowly and i can feel the blood flowing into my brain.  I know it will drive me to death and all the hardwork i did will be gone.  I hold on to love but it is bot as strong as they say.  In love you need to constantly supply it with money and effort and time.  Like i said Money and time go hand in hand.  As i spend time toward something i also spend money.

Money seems to be the guiding torch of everything.  They say money is the root of evil.  Evil is brought to you by men and women money is just a tool.  I would be more happy with more money.  Ten billion dollars cash is real money and that kind of money can make me happy forever.  I wont do bad with that kind of money in hand.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Today with Good Deed

Good day, July 2, 2014,

Thank you for a great sales for the past weeks and i am greatful that I got a light from everything happening to me this week.  It seems that everyone ups to get all the money that you have earn.  They seem to feels its their right to take it away base on their authority.  I am currently mediatating and trust me my head and neck is paying this meditation that i have.  Its seems to bother me a lot when i dont have enough power to stop injustice or justice thats injustice.  

Its like they intensionally took out your score cause they can.  Its like there is no rules in doing so and its the standard.  Everyone is not likely doing it for their sake also its like they are powerless and unable to counter everything.

I would still think that life should not be this way and if it is.  I may aswell leave this planet cause i cant change it nor can accept it.  

I feel like continuously feeling this way will eventually kill me.  Its for the good cause i cant handle this.  Its not in me to accept nor approve such injustice.  Kharma seem not enough to punish or give them enough conscience to change and be a better person.

I tell you all this may all the good people die and they may find peace when they die.  Its better and much more happy with it.  Living in this world that is not meant to be fair or equal seems the best way is to leave it to the people who seems can bare the goodness and hope for this kind of world.  

Friday, June 27, 2014

Today with Da Vinci

Good day, June 28, 2014,

Thank you for showing me a life that i may have.  Thank you for a big opportunity and life would be better.  Thank you that door and doors keeps opening for me to accomplished my dreams.  While this opportunities keeps on arriving.  I figured that i may be Da Vinci.  Leonardo Da Vinci the human that crearly surprises every generation in the future because of what he have accomplished in his time.  Today,  people studies his work and getting astonished on how did this ancient man think this way and his theories may not be tested but today being validated and verified in this time.  I think, Da Vinci have a gift.  The gift of imagination.  This imagination and curious mind even in his last breath gives him life.  He did all his work with passion and he dont need some validation from others that his work is the best nor he is correct.  His passion what drives his work.  His work became art.  As a human,  i admire him because he do have the knack of living his life to the fullest.  We might not know how he really lived or feel at that time.  His attitude towards people and his decisions towards his actions may not be known.  Books can only tell a story on how the writer wants the read to hear the story.  Experiencing the life with Da Vinci is never going to happen now unless we do have a time machine that could do such thing.  

Da Vinci taught us a very valueble lesson in life.  Life is short,  do not your best but do what drives you to live.  This way people would remember you and you will live a life that you cant regret.  Life is amazing and simply magnificent.  I am enjoying my life and learning a lot more as my life unfolds.  My life is like a movie that only i could see.  My life is an interactive story that changes every single second and minute.  We never should try to control life,  we influence our life the way we feel like it should be.  Life never cant be manipulated nor control.  It is us who is controlled by our life.  Its not saying go with the flow of life.  I am saying this is your life, love it and enjoy the journey cause every decision you make is yours alone.  Its a story that you think you can change but in actual those are the only choices you have at that moment the choices present.  

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Today with Hire Me Google

Good day, June 27, 2014,

Thank you for a big business opportunity and business ventures that am currently having.  Thank you Google for hiring me. I would be a great idea consultant cause i keep on generating ideas.  I play diablo and Dota.  Seem passionate about getting new gadgets and how each should work.  I ma also a passionate worker that would aim to have a gola to reach.  My simple goal is make android or a device that everyone must have in all the aspect in life.  A smart phone is just smart phone cause it has all the features i want is an assistnat that could help me propel to greater heights.  I manage our own business and also do some internal meditation.  I may not have the skill for interpersonal but i could learn.  I am a introvert and loves staying at home.  It means i know what people need to make their home more interesting.  Home security is quite boring.  The idea i have that would make my home entertaining and updated is make the entertainment system automatically sync with all without set up.  Its just a UI that says permission to speak with each other would be great.  Able to send me my monthly electric consumption and bills.  Automatically pays all my bills with me autorizing every transaction that is going to be released.  Having my TV record the shows i want to watch and automatically finds all the shows and games i want to play.  Google have the power to make each appliances talk.  But communication to each appliances is not really needed cause we still do need to operate them manually.  What if we can make a refrigerator prepare us a meal that we have inside the refrigerator.  Automatically tells us that we have this for dinner cause some food might get rotten.  Automatically folds our laundry and put it in our shelves.  The laundry also knows whos shirt is each item.  It will also conducts a detailed log of each item and where each is kept.  A cabinet that would store all our devices and things carefully and would tell us whats inside each drawer.  Our water heater and aircondition unit and heating unit would also automatically set the temperature inside the home so that we would feel comfortable.  Having a smart home?  Not really having a AI able to adjust to each person needs is the key.  

Driverless cars and Google glass is cute but what we need is revolutionary.  Controling the color of each light in our room.  Able to detect how many person in a room and able to determine the sickness is what we need.  Its like making each person a king and they have a servant that would do everything for them the way they like!  A robotic butler.  That would be the best.  Jetsons idea but possible.  As i can see that japan just created a very humanoid look for an android.  This way making the brand android to the next level.  With this robotics and AI,  google could help medical to create the best android to make all handicap ready for everyday task a robocop that is not a cop but a robobutler.

This is really what each of us needs.  We should also monetize this by means of leasing the unit or renting the unit out at a yearly service and or monthly service.  This way money will continually flow.   Keep the price low enough that human might reduce their need for cable TV cause this robo could access their computer and download all the shows needed for the human to watch.  Charging and maintenance is easy is plug anf roll!!  It would also charge via solar and or station dock.  The humans also adds a service fee that maintains the humanoid butler.  This unit will forever be called android.  

I dont know how to acheive this Google,  but i know this is my idea and i know that your company have the potential to create such a device.  I am jhester Wong you know where to contact me and i am offering my ideas to work with your company.  How about 1 million dollars a year salary with housing and food would do for me.  Contract for 5 years is ok with me.  BTW the android is only connceted via intranet and that is your personal network.  This way we are sure that the droid cant be hackable via the internet

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Today with Google

Good day June 25, 2014,

Thank you for a good opportunity and a great profitable day!! Earning Lots of money is very interesting!!  I have been reading and being a fan for apple.  I think my perception is too slim.  I think Google would be the better company to do the dream i have.  I do believe that their problems with different android versions makes their marketing and easy access to better features to be a hindrance.  

I have a simple solution for you google.  Make your mobile OS android a cloud base of HTTM5 processing.  They seems doing everything in the cloud hence why not make all OS be base on the cloud and let simple features be in the phone.

Notifications UI would be drawn from the cloud too.  This way everything information would be in the cloud.  The way people access or interact with the web would just be in the phone.  Its like pressing send in a google form but the button is presented differently in the cloud.  Also some apps that could be place via phone and automatically uploaded when there is a cloud. 

Updating data or information would also be seemless by letting user pick the priority of information.  Like amking the phone as primary data base in contacts and also attached the timestamp so that the program could automatically update the information in the cloud.  Another way people would opt out to but more cloud.  Google is planning to have everything run in the internet and its good idea.  They want it to run automatically.  Let the phones just be a interface and data could be transfer as soon as internet connection is detected.  

Here is my idea,  in homes like people buy appliances with androids they would have the power to control the appliances by turning it on or setting the settings of the appliances via their phone.  The data and UI would be transmitted seemlessl by the appliance to the phone.  The phone would detect the data and turn it into a UI so that the person could control the device.  This way the phone could stay light years below tech but still able to access the devices.  Ofcourse with new phones and powerful hardware the phone could communicate faster with new phones.  This way technology would be leave the same and the way we interact is changed.  

It could, change everything.  The way people interact.  Androids is just the OS, it should seemlessly run everything simple and effective.   This way apple would have a hard time saying that your android devices are scattered and cant use the latest OS update.  I have used android and the experience is too complex and too much clutter.  The services of google are simple and easy to use.  That is where the big difference is.  Androids should run simple and easy.  People wants add on let them download but with out of the box android everything should be simple and no clutter.  Using android, apps does not run smoothly.  Google should screen the apps well and only show the apps that could be installed in their devices.  Motorola is the key.  Having a benchmark for others to follow is the best.  It influence phone makers to copu the benchmark of motorolla.  This way more people could able to update to the latest software.  

Google android have more potential,  its the matter on how each looks and feel thats the problem.  The android in HtC feels different from the Android of Samsung.  They should have an option that people could switch off harware makers impromt sofware add ons and let the user have the choice to add what should be kept.  Keep it simple.  

As for mobile payments, google should buy their own bank, create a new security measure,  not finger print but a retina scan.  That way the phones know who is using and for what.  Encrypting every security data is the key.  Like the app took a photo of the person who bought an app then send it to the bank to have it recorded.  So that once the owner have complained or check who bought a certain device.

Google should also purchase GE and Ford motors.  This way they have a baseline on what google android devices should look like and feel.

Friday, June 20, 2014

Today with idolization

Good day, June 21, 2014,

Thank you for a wonderful big profitable day.  I thank you that you have given me this opportunity to let me strive.  Thank you for having me in this wnvironment to compete my ass off.  I know i am good in this situation.  I have watch NBA players describes the legends of the game.  They say legends like Michael Jordan, Charles Barkley, Shaq, Dr. J, Isaiah Thomas, Majic Johnson, Larry Bird, they will shine regardless of what era you put them in.  Its not their skills that separates them.  Its how they see the game.  Its the attitude they have to be the best.  The legends say, they will shine regardless of what era they play cause its how they work and find ways to beat the system.  Its their persistence and confidence that could beat the game.  

Analyzing this, i know i have what it takes to be like them.  Being the greatest of all times  does not mean he won the most championships.  The championships are score that have to keep score.  In terms of financial,  financial wealth is also a means of score they keep to know who is the best in earning money.  The means of increasing your self value is the key to earn big money.  I would need to see my self worth and make the best out of it and make sure that i have the skill to put up with my reputation.

The attitude towards your goal is the most important thing acheiving something and the financial gain is just your score.  Thats how i see it now.  Sales is just a number the profit is the score.

I need to find the thing that would make me financially great.  The style on how i earn wealth is the key in making more wealth.   I met with a friend and realize that his attitude towards money and how he earn money is different than others.  I find myself sane as him and i know that i vould surpass him cause the way he think is the same as me now.  The years between me and him are far ahead but i have the opportunity to make it better on my side.  Life is really great to make me able to realize this.  Thank you for this opportunity and i know i can find the best way to earn money.  

Playing a game that competes with others makes me better thru my way of thinking.  I know how to improve but gets fustrated a lot when others dont play the way it should be played cause its a team game.  The spurs won the champion ship with great hall of famers players.  What they have is not talent on i dividual skill but the talent on how they acheived teamwork on a whole new level.  Making money in this world would need me to be different.  To accomplish something others cant i should have the attitude that others dont posses.  Being persistent, passion, consistent and hardworking are only some qualities to help me.  The attitude i have is the way how i think and plan ceratin events thats how i would acheived others cant.  Its the way i think.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Today with Sowing Seed

Good day, June 18, 2014,

Today have been a very wonderful day. Thank you for this wonderful day.  Thank you that i am busy and i have task and things to do.  I thank you for the opportunity and risk that have arrived in my day.  Today is better than yesturday and everyday i feel like life is getting better and money comes easily and fast. Life never seems to stop regardless of what.  If we believed in something it will surely come true.  I believed that i would have 10 billion dollars and will continue to earn a lot of money everyday.  Thank you for this life and thank you that i found the way to live and acheived my life.  I have reach today due to the fact i appreciate every day.  Everyday went by so fast and we should appreciated each and single day the comes in our life.  

Today i planted another seed that would surely make my future even better and earn more money.  I will be a great developer and would earn lot of money in the following years to come.  Money is just a measurement on how great you ability is.  The best thing about money is that some people do have a lot of money but they dont know how to use it or they would have bad means on accumulating all that financial wealth.  In life everything should be abundant.  Abundant in all aspect in life.  Having lots of money, relatioships, health, acheievements and many more is the way to enjoy life.  Lofe is meant to be enjoyed.  So when you plant a seed thru hardship remember that in the future you will enjoy the fruit.  Life is meant to be great!!! Having lots of money and able to enjoy it the way you prefer is the best way!!

Friday, June 6, 2014

Today with Chance to Crit

Good day, April 3, 2014,

Thank you for a letting me earn 4 usd on my forex trade.  The reason i thank again is that i was able to refrain myself to bet again.  I am happy!!!  Thank you for the opportunity in letting me think of new ideas on how to earn more money.  Thank you for letting me have the time of my life to think it over.  I am also grateful that i was able to play my favorite game this morning.  I am most grateful for my wife that she prepared me breakfast before going to work.  She even pack me one of my favorite juices.  I saw a new blender machine that my cousin have and i was inspired to have one because i am able to blend different kinds of fruit juice.  

Being grateful for what we have is a first step in being appreciative in verything.  I am thankful that i have found a good contractor to finsh the housing priject.  I am also grateful that i have the opportunity to be a developer.  I am grateful that i have all the opportunity i want to be a billionaire.  Reading One of the billionaires biography sure inspires me but most of all i was thinking of my own biography that would show the future geneartion how to dream big and acheived it.  My portfolio is going nice and more equities are going to be part of my dream.  Earning money while doing the most efficient way is the key to have financial freedom.  

Financial freedom is not a myth but an idea that doesnt mean not working.  It only means that you work but it doesnt feel like working.  Playing a game seems gun and you keep on continue doing it.  Earning money is also the same.  The thing in making money in portfolio is like playing a stock exchange game.

Time is always a factor but the thing is Critical Chance is more important.  The Critical chance here is luck.  The more i work hard the luckier i am.  This means i have the luck when i work harder.  Working in passion or having the passion in doing what you like is the best thing ever.  Thank you for having me realize that i am now ready to claim my prize.  That is earning 10 billion dollars to have a greatlife

Today with Thinking

Good day April 11, 2014,

Thank you for another wonderful day.  I have a good breakfast and a new breaking record sales.  I have title this blog as today with thinking cause its a very powerful tool.  Its been with me for a lot of times and it help me do a lot of stuff.  I may be good in analyzing and i have an average comprehension of written material cause of the facts that i do seldom read.  I am trying my best to gwt my routine to read books and i think my passion in playing the game my love is eating my reading time a lot.  I do need to shift and try to control my urges and get back in motivation.  Thniking a lot about how to achieved something is the first step in really doing something great. I do hope that i get my grove on.  The thing is having all this planned situation comming along is getting into my mond that i have done something great and deep inside i do need a break but also realizing that i do need to continue to pursue the real goal.  Never stop in achieveing the ultimate gola.  The Gola would not land into my feet when i would do nothing.  Motivation is also a passionate way of thinking to get things done.  I really hope that i would get the motivation to keep developing my skills and inproving all senarios in my life.

I am grateful for my wife who is with me and being patience.  I really hope that i would achieve the dream.  I would give i proper statement i am going to achieve financial freedom at an ealier time.  I am going to earn 35,000 USD a month thru investments and interest.  I am surely going to travel around the world buy all the things i would like and be the best and good person that people percieved me to be.  

I am going to be the richest person in the world and i would achieved the dream of the life i have been dreaming.  Dreaming and living the dream my goal.  I have the plan and i should stick to my plan.  Everything would fall into place if i imrpove myself to a greater heights.  There is a saying Ability is what make things done but attitude determines altitude.  I am surpassing all my relatives and going to earn bigger than them.  I will earn more than them.  I will earn mor money than any other people i know.  I am a billionaire.  Life is great and it will continue to be great.

Today with Generosity

Good day May 28, 2014,

Thank you for a wonderful lucky drops on my favorite gane.  Thank you that my plans for our business is pushing thru.  I am also thankful that you let me realize that being rich is the only way to live.  I also realize that everyone is not like me when thinking of ideas.  My mind is like a dense feild of rare materials that only i could harvest.  I may be pushing myself to exellence but in reality i am overwhelmed with the self realization that i have.  

In my past blogs i have been writing my ideas on how Apple should proceed with its innovation.  It seems that they are going as planned.  All my assumptions about how it should go with their cash and strategy are all coming to light.  It seems that i may be a good consultant for them.  They bought beats to make their earphones much sleeker than intended.  This way people would feel that their earphones are unique.  They started with music and they still are music.  The best way to push for a better position on the market is to buy a conpany that creates appliances.  I would buy GE.  This way it would be interesting.  With all the smart appliances in and electrical circuits GE have been manufacturing.  Its high time that apple put a better perspective on how an oven or electrical circuit board should look like.

Especially with going self sustain green energy apple could also invest with biochemical company that uses wastes to generate energy.  This way apple have control over energy distribution on a household / office scale.  Having GE on its back cements its status as a company that will be around for years.  

After centralizing and creating a devices i would now suggest apple to go about giving free internet to people.  Its like a messaging app that doesnt use wifi nor other antenna but uses the bluetooth device installed to send messages even without wifi.  With everything that is apple everyone that uses apple could reach the internet free of charge.  This will push the iphone to the next level that would enusre that all 3rd world would buy.  Free interenet once you buy an iphone.  Ofcourse do not use celluar data that has a cap but use wifi connected iphones to pass on the internet to other iphones.  This way we ensure that we get the best data and information.  Streaming data is much important than using the data.  It means if a person buys and iphone he could immediately use the phone to send meassages and other low key data.  Like cloud alarm,  emails and stuff.  This way its still connected.  To view the data people whould go to a stronger data streamline to have gather all the information.  Notifications, alarms, location and other notabiltiy is key to make iphone a much better product.

As apple grows,  i would like them to create a better sharing documents app that would let anyone sign on documents  keep documents file safe and make all documents softcopy.  It would be nice if apple go with the government and ask them to have their government data and stuff be handled by apple.  This way when a person needs a birth certificate they would get it by just pushing a button.  Its a long way but it is possible.  Having apple create its own securenetwork that only apple products could edit and look is the key.  This way when a hacker intends to hack the government they would need an apple device to do so.  This would make apple job easiser to monitor.  All data ofcourse is also hidden from apple's eyes to keep all information private.

This will surely boost apple's stature.  I would think having these crazy ideas are great and i really hope that my ideas would get me 10 billion dollars.  I really love money.  The last time i attend a wedding of my friend his dad gave almost 1 million dollars away to 13 associations.  Thats crazy,  thinking one person's hard earn money will be just given to other people to spend.  Its really hard to understand.  I realize thru that experience it is probably that his dad need them at one point is just paying back what he owes to the associations.  I think giving money to the right people for a right cause is good.  Its matter on which cause is the most priority.  I would hope that having 10 billion dollars would open my mind to help others.  I have a great dream in which i would create a 5 tower condominum community that everyone in the community helps to keep the community and condo alive.  Its going to be interesting and fruitful ataining that.  

Relaxing and thinking of new ways to earn money is the key to success.  My success is when i attain 10 billio. Dollars and it will be sweet.

Today with Theoretical Physics

Good day, June 7, 2014,

Thank you for a wonderful day!!  I had a lot of fun reading Albert Einstien's passion on figuring out how the world came to be.  He fomulated a Theory of Everything or the unified field Theory that was debunked and not proved.  I do believed that its his curiosity that made him the genius he is know today.  Thank you for letting me realize that everything great comes with a little of chance.  It all came with a simple curiousity of how!  

Let me put a take on this theory.  I have a small knowledge and i know this might solve the existing questions but i would like to try.  Daring to give some of my insights on theoretical physics would have my insights be debunked or questioned would be nice.  Here is my simple theory.  All Smallest Particles gives of a small energy that would give particles power to combine.  Each new particle that combines becomes a new particle that gives off a different energy signature.  This theory states that all particles comes from Energy and all energy came from particles.  Particles exist everywhere even space is composed of particles.  Each small particles joins together that merge and change to became different.  It would explained how the big bang started and when the bang happened the univerese expanded and all particles combine to create different worlds and things around us.  

This would explain how earth came to be and why it emits a gravity force of enough to make everything as it is.  All partcles that combines gives off a new energy and each energy that creates a new partcle would have a similar energy that their parent energy have.  This would creat partcles that would worked hand in hand with the existing partcle.  This would explain almost everything.  I really hope that a physicist would read this and he would have a great bang idea that could prove this.  Now if you asked me about where the particles came from i would answer that the energy around created the particles.  How?  Well energy is in everywhere we humans just dont know how to utilize different kinds of energy. Space have energy and cold also have energy.  Well reading this might help einstein theory about unifiying all theories.

It do explain god and which came first the chicken or the egg.  It seems that the universe is created in such way that the end is the beginning and the beginning is the end.  In life,  when we are born we are also dying in someway.  It took us x years to die giving off certain energy.  Attracting same human energy that would spend time and create a new human that would have similar energy but different all in all.  Change is also in my theory and proving it would also be easy.  

The question now if energy is always present,  why are we unable to detect them or we just dont think that a certain thing is not energy.  Having to decide something might be cause of i fluences that is also consider energy and all in all deep inside each of our particle the energy or partcle is looking at the same type of energy so that i could e expand and grow.  Everything in life is seemless regardless of what you think.  This may also explain why we might get rich or why others get rich.  Thinking or shifting our mind or force towards something we like tends to bring things that we crave for this might be happing in smaller scales which is also in a big scales cause it only means that we are built that way and our core energy makes us do or act a certain way different from others.  

As we learn from energy we could shift it control it or we could bend it to our advantage hence this also explain that to a certain extent we control what is.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Today with Generosity

Good day May 28, 2014,

Thank you for a wonderful lucky drops on my favorite gane.  Thank you that my plans for our business is pushing thru.  I am also thankful that you let me realize that being rich is the only way to live.  I also realize that everyone is not like me when thinking of ideas.  My mind is like a dense feild of rare materials that only i could harvest.  I may be pushing myself to exellence but in reality i am overwhelmed with the self realization that i have.  

In my past blogs i have been writing my ideas on how Apple should proceed with its innovation.  It seems that they are going as planned.  All my assumptions about how it should go with their cash and strategy are all coming to light.  It seems that i may be a good consultant for them.  They bought beats to make their earphones much sleeker than intended.  This way people would feel that their earphones are unique.  They started with music and they still are music.  The best way to push for a better position on the market is to buy a conpany that creates appliances.  I would buy GE.  This way it would be interesting.  With all the smart appliances in and electrical circuits GE have been manufacturing.  Its high time that apple put a better perspective on how an oven or electrical circuit board should look like.

Especially with going self sustain green energy apple could also invest with biochemical company that uses wastes to generate energy.  This way apple have control over energy distribution on a household / office scale.  Having GE on its back cements its status as a company that will be around for years.  

After centralizing and creating a devices i would now suggest apple to go about giving free internet to people.  Its like a messaging app that doesnt use wifi nor other antenna but uses the bluetooth device installed to send messages even without wifi.  With everything that is apple everyone that uses apple could reach the internet free of charge.  This will push the iphone to the next level that would enusre that all 3rd world would buy.  Free interenet once you buy an iphone.  Ofcourse do not use celluar data that has a cap but use wifi connected iphones to pass on the internet to other iphones.  This way we ensure that we get the best data and information.  Streaming data is much important than using the data.  It means if a person buys and iphone he could immediately use the phone to send meassages and other low key data.  Like cloud alarm,  emails and stuff.  This way its still connected.  To view the data people whould go to a stronger data streamline to have gather all the information.  Notifications, alarms, location and other notabiltiy is key to make iphone a much better product.

As apple grows,  i would like them to create a better sharing documents app that would let anyone sign on documents  keep documents file safe and make all documents softcopy.  It would be nice if apple go with the government and ask them to have their government data and stuff be handled by apple.  This way when a person needs a birth certificate they would get it by just pushing a button.  Its a long way but it is possible.  Having apple create its own securenetwork that only apple products could edit and look is the key.  This way when a hacker intends to hack the government they would need an apple device to do so.  This would make apple job easiser to monitor.  All data ofcourse is also hidden from apple's eyes to keep all information private.

This will surely boost apple's stature.  I would think having these crazy ideas are great and i really hope that my ideas would get me 10 billion dollars.  I really love money.  The last time i attend a wedding of my friend his dad gave almost 1 million dollars away to 13 associations.  Thats crazy,  thinking one person's hard earn money will be just given to other people to spend.  Its really hard to understand.  I realize thru that experience it is probably that his dad need them at one point is just paying back what he owes to the associations.  I think giving money to the right people for a right cause is good.  Its matter on which cause is the most priority.  I would hope that having 10 billion dollars would open my mind to help others.  I have a great dream in which i would create a 5 tower condominum community that everyone in the community helps to keep the community and condo alive.  Its going to be interesting and fruitful ataining that.  

Relaxing and thinking of new ways to earn money is the key to success.  My success is when i attain 10 billio. Dollars and it will be sweet.

Friday, May 16, 2014

Today with War

Good day, May 17, 2014,

Thank you for a wonderful sales and a smooth profit gains.  I am also greatful that i am constanly warned that getting somewhere need more work and diligence.  I am greatful that enough challenges arrive for me to solve and overcome that will help me in my future endeavours.  

Life is doing great and most of the people forgot that peace is crucial that life is great.  A War is upon us cause of greed and show of power.  What i know is that following a nation's footstep on world power is not good especially following the steps of the USA.  They claim freedom and democracy but they controls and demands a lot for their benefit.  Using their power to manipulate and get what they want.  China is now following the step of a nation which creates chaos and turmoil to benefit them.  USA's ideals are not bad, their means are also good to a certain extent. The only problem is their motive and agenda.  They are too motivated on make them look good and powerful.  In reality they are not powerful.  They are weak and pretends to be a good guy.  

I would urge russia, China not to join their ranks and go thru with these types of tactics to result power and gain economic powers.  Being powerful trully is not being able to conquer and comands a certain desire.  Real power is exposing the truth and showing the world  how to be really powerful.  If every country sees that china is really the new big boss and follow the bee Boss that is china.  China should now show the world that they are needed mostly not because they are the manufacturing place of the world.  World will follow china because they work towards a real goal and that is cooperation on all aspect and helping each other country to be successful.  Helping the philippines get rid of coruption and sharing everything to help to boost friendship.  USA takes a lot from his allies and gives few.  If china can be the other guy that gives more and have equal rights for all.  That is the real china that the world could have.  USA cant do anything if china said that we dont want war and if your engage on your warfreak ways USA.  China and its allies will help your victim to rise and rebuilt while your government will suffer the wrath of the truth on why you attack a certain vountry like iraq.  

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Today with recreation

Good day April 23, 2014,

Hello and thank you for a wonderful big sale again.  My awaited items have arrived and 50% are now sold!  Tha k you for a great sale.  It will continue provide me capital to fund my new project and opportunities.  Thank you for letting me see the great value in which we could invest in a equity and enjoy the benefits of not working and still able to have lots of money to spare.  I am thank ful that all my investments are paying off and now i am analyzing on how to invest in dividend yeilding equities that would ensure me that i would earn X amount of money at the end of the year.  Recreation is something we humans needs its like a breather.  Like a theory in which we are quite stressed and not happy with the current situation in life because we as humans are program not to be robotslike now.  Or like machines that work 24/7 non stop.  We tend to focus on how to be very efficient.  The real concern here is not about that but rhythm of doing certain task via weather cyclical patterns. It do means that we might be not efficient at all cause we do have to rest more of the time than work most of the time.  The problem with this is that our society now demands us more than we could produce that is why humans tend to live unproductive life.  The key in life is not being too productive but be productive enough.  I really find it more efficient.   San Antonio's Spurs Greg Poppavich really do know how to be efficient.  Its not  training more than one capacity but training all the needed to skills to keey a system running smoothly.  As each Gear would be polished the system would run better.

Monday, April 21, 2014

Today with Vanity

Good day April 22, 2014,

Thank you for another good big sale.  Thank your for letting me realize how to earn money more efficiently.  Thank you that was able to play my favorite game.  I am also thankful that i have more opportunities now and i am better position to make life easier.  I would also be thankful for the life and health i am having cause i am really stronger and healthy now than ever before.  I really find that i am very lucky to have a very understanding wife.  I am grateful that she is by my side all the time.  Thank you for me being hard working cause as i worker harder i find myself more lucky than ever.  My forex trading is also doing well,  earned 5USD from a trad last 2 week ago and looking for another good trade within the week.  

Life is getting better by the second.  I am now seeking vanity?  Haha well my friend is currently doing a CGI film which i volunteered to do a voice over hahaha well 2 lines and a need to practice how to say them in a exciting way.  Well that the precourse well hope that it would be good for me to try and do voice over.  Doing thing that i find fun is quite lucky and thankful for it.  Life is always great and i always remember that life is not holding a good hand but playing yoir hand well. 

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Today with Quotes

Good day, April 14, 2014,

Thank you for another smooth sucessful day.  Thank you for a lovley understanding wife who cooked my meals everyday.  They say that being appreciative will be the key to happiness and this attitude would surely bring be to achieving greatness.  Lofe is really great, imagine life that is not magical then everything would be not magical.  I am glad that i was able to enjoy a great day playing a game i truely love.  Life is really going as planned.  All my investement in equities are paying off great and everything will be setup so that when i am old money would just come from yhe equities i have earned and it would pay for my financial freedom.  Now with all the opportunity lining in my life.  I really am appreciative in everything.  I do believe that being happy is a phase and to be able to live in that phase we do need a lot of Cash to keep our happiness alive.  Who said that you dont need money to be happy?  If that is the case then try having no money and just be happy.  Life is about survival, as Darwin theory of evolution state that we have evolve to a certain point that we would have our current physical capabilities to do what we need to survive.  Thos who cant adapt to the new world order will die.  This is how nature weed out the weak.  Life is really great trying to be great and achieved something monumental.  Strong passion to be alive is the only way to survive.  Doing the societies's mean of correctness or ethical value as a mean to survive is way better compare to others.

We do need to survive and everyone should find ways and means to live their lives as they seem fit.  Morally ethical to keep our conscience alive.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Today with Tea

Good day April 8, 2014,

Thank you for a great sales!! Thank you for letting me analyze the whole sales report of the business from January till now.  The results are staggering as time goes on.  I also realize that to keep the flame or motivation moving is to find new ways to keep these consistent.  I realize too that keeping this consistent is simple but hard.  

Meditation and eating well helps my mind off things to find new ways to compete and construct a new motivational ways to keep the flame burning.  I have listen to my friend who have a business that is stable and earning well but during our conversations i realize they too have problems on developing or making the business grow.  The business have a lot of parts, and all parts are integral in keeping the business alive and getting profit from it.  There should be a mastermind who thinks of everthing and manages the future and gives the business an identity.  There should also be persons who counter checks and see that all the plans and visions of the masterminds are meet.  The last integral part are the operators.  They are like the soldiers in the battle feild that fights the war.  Essentially you need good soldiers to take battles and win the fights.  While strategy is needed to porperly allocate the resources to win the war.  I am doing both and letting other manage the business in the operation side is hard to let go.  It would seem easy but in reality they might fight the battle differently as you and the style might lose the battle.  Sometimes it would win the battle.  Which is great.  Having goals for the soldiers to meet are the best.  If i could think of a way to put a system that everyone would follow because of their own motivation then the gears and cogs of the business would run accordingly.

Having taught of this system is harder than expected cause everyone have theri own agenda and they would find ways to manipulate the set goals.  Keeping everything in order and having everything monitored are different and i would need a new system or manipulation to guide my soldiers and motivate them to work towards my desire path and goal.  While doing this i would also need to gather my imagination to help me built a better following for the business and grow the business to new heights to have me consistenly earn big money.  Then investing the said earning to keep the business going and alive.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Today with Time Management

Good day April 2, 2014,

Thank you for a wonderful relaxing day.  I really find each day seems interesting and opportunistic.  Thank you for a nice gift from a friend from distance place.  I am sure that the gift will taste great.  Today seems unproductive but i am grateful that my forex trading is going bery well and i earn good enough.  I really hope that this trend would continue.

Timemanagement is quite a hard and simple thing to do.  It is managing your day.  There is 24 hours a day,  which i spend 8 hours on working and 8 hours on sleeping.  It do left me 8 hours to do my own stuff but actually it only gives me 2 hours of straight alone time.  Cause when you calvulate the time doing your meals and bathroom breaks it will consume around 2 hours of my time of the 8 hours.  6 hours left the remaining for is for chours and other simple task that guve me the luxury to do my stuff.  Living this life is nice.  Managing what time we have is also needed.  Structure is needed.  We as humans need structure to grow but we also do need freedom or break from our routinary life.  The main reason why i want 10 billion dollars is that.  Having this much money will surely free me another 8 hours of my life.  This will make my life better. 10 hoirs of free time!!

Monday, March 31, 2014

Today with Fools

Good day April 1, 2014,

Thank you for a great March month and its just getting better.  I realize having a lot of patience seems to be a fools game but in the contrary.  Life of being patience always pays off.  Business side of things are doing very well.  Money really flows good and everything is going well.  Its neither slow nor fast.  It seems that life should go the way it should be a comfortable pace that we could adjust.

I am currently getting back my old routine and having the best routine.  Having the best routine is the routine that fits your prefered lifestyle.  Playing a game I love with the new expansion gave me another insights on how life is.  Its not having the best.  Its playing your best at your current predicament.  Again,  the most favorite saying in poker i read is " Life is not holding a Good hand,  but playing a poor hand well". We could replace the poor hand with " playing your hand well". That would fit perfectly in life.  Life is never about having the best,  life is getting the best with what you currently have.  Playing the game seems boring and yet interesting.  Old stuff helps but new stuffs makes it better.  Everytime i play i get a better feel.  More oportunity to get better.  In life it is the same having exprience it make life a little better.  

The finale of the walking dead is not quite good as i expected but good enough.  Its about how to survive and wanting to survive even in the worse possible circumstances available.  Its making the best out of what they have and appreciating it on the way.  It got some crazy episode in which humans or society should deal with.  Killing off or disconnecting people who seem not going to your path.  The kid doesnt understand whats the difference between the living and the dead.  The episode shows that did we not gave her enough understanding to kill her or do we let her control and ruin the lives we currently have.  

The answer is simple,  everything have a reason it may not be right.  The only thing we should do is doing what we think is best for us and also help others achieve the best they can.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Today with Naruto

Good day, March 26, 2014,

Thank you for a wonderful big sales and a good start for my new wholesale business adventure.  I really am happy and glad that everything is going as plan. Well everything is moving fast or just right and i am just stuck on the driver seat and cruising in all the opportunities comming in my way.  Keep moving forward.  With this in mind.  The latest chapter in naruto i read gave me a new perspective in life.  I cant quite understand but i know that it is teaching me and making me realize that a great person is not a person who is very skillful or genius.  A great person is the person who could help and understand all the people around him cause he undersatnd that people would make him stronger and make him propels to greater heights.  Naruto manga and Kobe bryant and ofcourse Michael Jordan gave me the best inspiration of all,  they all worked hard to achieved the success they have right now.  Only thing different between them is that they have slightly different path.  Michael Jordan aim to be the best player in the world by making his teammates better.  I learned from kobe bryant that starting not good like picking last or now being the number 1 draft doesnt mean that your not the best.  You only need to show them why they are wrong.  Now the best lesson i learn from Naruto even though it is not real is that,  he doesnt want to be the greatest ninja just because he wants to be the greatest ninja.  He wants to be the greatest ninja to protect everyone.  

I now have a new resolve,  i want to be the richest man in the world,  not because I want to show the world that i am the best in what i do.  I want to be the richest man in the world so that i could help a lot more people and change the world in a massive scale. This new resolve is better and releaves the stress i constantly feel in being the rich or wanting to become rich.  Its the manner of why i want to be the richest person in the world.  If your goal is to help others and make your world a better place I think I could acheive my dream to become the riches person in the world with the help of everyone in the world.

This is what i need to know and need to understand to make my dream come true.  Being rich alone is not fun like i always say.  Having everyone be rich is the way to go.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Today with Game designing

Good day March 24, 2014,

Thank you for a relaxed day.  Thank you for all the sales and profits i earned for today.  Also thank you for the time i have in thinking another way for me to earn money.  How about me creating a game that everyone would love to play.  Strategic and interesting.  This way everyone could enjoy the game.  Creating a game is like being a God in a game.  You set rules and bounderies and let others play within the world you created.  

Having a great and powerful imagination is whay keeps me alive.  Now lets go with the game i taught about.  I love playing final fantasy tactics.  And there was a guy who created a game somewhat like that and fight agaist monster.  Each win would garner me exp and points to level up each hero.  Well its somewhat like that but more interesting.  Having a competitive edge in the game should need a balancing mechanism that will keep all the players happy and let them think of ways to beat others or beat the game with the set of rules.  Life is created by humans and made it this way to keep each and everyone move a certain way.  This game of life have different set of goals cause it let you decide what goal you prefer and enjoy.  Life is always great and the only thing that keeps it boring is that when people tend not to find the reason why they are alive.

Today with Sundays

Good day March 23, 2014,

Thank you for a relaxing day,  i spend this day meditation and relaxing.  I did play a lot of game today it help me by keeping my mind off business.  It needs a new fresh look on things.  Today also gave me a time to realize something.  The next level to becoming rich is only a small step but a big part of growing business.  Fear is good to keep oneself at bay.  It means with fear it give me a situation in which i need to process more information and do  certain things a certain way.   It also do mean it keeps my mind busy and stress. In the plus side it also gave me a new way to plan and protect myself to expand.  Business really is more of choice making game.  Yes a game.  Life is a game the only problem with this game that it is hardcore it means when you get something wrong your opportunity is gone.  I have been monitoring the equities and i am getting imapatient.  Knowing this make me realize that one should be more optomistic and giving time to grab the opportunity.  Sometimes letting go is the key to grabe the better opportunity.  I also realize today that time is a really the only resource that each person have yhat is equal.  Each and everyone have a second until his last breath.  It how we consume and utilize the said second that differs us from each other.  

Hoping is really a good thing cause it keep us motivated to keep moving.  I really hope that life is always a sunday.  Subday is time to relax cause the body or mind need a day to relax.  

Friday, March 21, 2014

Today with decision

Good Day, March 21, 2014,

Thank you for a very successful first quarter.  It seems that i am exhausted with all the activity in the first quarter and yet the year have just begun.  Today i got a chance to write cause its been bothering me that everything seems goinf slow.  I think i should write more to appreciate my everyday more.  I am grateful that i was able to think of a new way to compute the year end bonuses.  I am also greatful that more opportunities are aligning to me.  Another thing i am grateful that a certain equities just plummeted and its a good opportunity for me to buy and enter to the market.  It seems the only thing going slow is not the opportunity but the way i percieve things.

I am grateful that my loving partner is with me.  All this experinces and challenges are giving me a new way to push my limits.  I know that i am somewhat in my limits in terms of idea generation and decision planning.  If i think it again,  i am not even trying.  Hence my limit is limitless!!!  I really find luck is with me as long as i worked hard. Being stress and lazy rolls the same plane.  I mean i think i want to get a break or vacation at the same time my mind is saying if you get a break you might like it too much and wont work harder.  That is what stressing me.  Discipline is hard and having it is even harder.  Persistence is the key to success. I think am am going thru a rough patch.  Not writing everyday seem bad for me i need to get this habit back.

See you tomorrow and i will be grateful for another new thing and everything i have.  I got a legendary this morning and it seems a good start for a day.  Later i will watch a TV show with my wife and enjoy each minute of the time spent.

I promise to give more to my wife!!

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Today with stress

Good day February 26, 2014,

Thank you for today and the past days where i have been very busy accumulating sales. More money, More happy!!! Thats my current motto and i really find it true.  This also cones with the stress factor in which it is done by my own self conscious mind.  The stress level i am feeling is currently beyond the roof and i know it is bad.  Let me tell you the mental stress and emotional stress i am currently feeling.  Sales aside everything seems to be in disarray.  I try my best to figure things out but i know that our mind is not design that way.

Managing stress is quite tricky cause stress is cause by environments we cant control.  I watch superman unbound and superman with all his power cant defeat brainiac but he did use one power that he can't control and that is the environment.  It seems that brainiac have a hard time controlling something he cant control.  Even with infinite knowledge and computing power it seems that he cant quite conprehend what is the key to reduce stress.

Companies that are now competing with gadgets centered now with wearables that monitors health.  If apple could create a device or software that could monitor stress levels and help people manage stress then it would be a big sale for sure.  Monitoring vitals is different from managing stress.  Stress is now a big killer amongst all of the people.  With technologies going faster and faster.  Information is now flowing more fluid and faster.  The world is now getting smaller and those cant adapt would be squash by change.

Stress is really a new problem.  Now to analyze this i have understand some part of stress.  Stress would occur when a person seems agitated and out of focus because of the certain events occuring at the moment.  Due to the facts that informations are comming in too fast and changes change too fast.  Our physical ,emotional and mental being cant cope with the fast uncontrollable changes.  My life for example is having a hard time managing the fast pace in life.  My stocks and organizing skills are not coping the fast changing senarios.  Selling them is also a trouble due the fast pace changing the price agreed upon now is not a good deal in the price for tomorrow.  The fast changing is really giving me stress.  The real thing to deal with it is to let it go.  Then fix it on you pace.  Originally i think this strategy is flawed cause it will casie me earn less and give me more problems.  After thinking it for a a lot of days.  I came with a conclusion that life is like a prolonging game.  Its survival.  Everything we do is to survive.  We i keep on stressing this stuff i might not survive the next wave of change.  Darwin law of evolution also came thru billions of years. Adaptation also do need time,  and its a continue process,  some people adapt fast.  Other do make other stuff to adapt.  Those who challenge and cope to adapt are the ones who are now extinct.  We say that the dinasaurs are extinct cause they can't adapt fast enough.  I think that they did adapt.  They are now not gone buy change thru time.  Reptiles and other birds are their decendant.  

Life should be lived,  life is meant to be aboundant.  Life should be interesting.  We are all equiped with abilities that can change our lives.  Those who change the world did not intend to do so but did.  Their intense passion for their abiltity and happiness that makes others loves to follow and admire.

We admire the apple now,  we should cause Steve Jobs did well to let us understand why do we need an iphone or smart phone.  I do believed that i do share the same passion as his but in a different field.  Mine is in having money that makes our lives the way we want to live it.  Freedom from financial burden.  Apple designing a new watch, i would make it able to read our stress levels, health conditions like heart rate,  blood pressure,  sugar level and other organ or sickness.  Chinese doctors have the knowledge to know what sickness we do have with just monitoring our heart beat.  If apple could incorporate it in their watches then it would be a seller.  The manner in which the information is displayed is different than direct.  No one wants to know their sick but everyone wants to know if they are.  Its a very tricky system.  Using the knowledge of chines doctors the data collected could be summarized so that doctors could get a prliminary diagnostic via the watch.  People have the option of knowing the diagnostic or have a simple monitor to tell them everything is ok even with small sickness.  With the front face camera they could use it to verify the iris patterns to make payments and secure data on the phone.  The data from the watch is monitored to help people monitor impending heart attacks or stroke.  This way apple could save lives.  The watch would send SMS if there is impending heart attack or stroke.  It would also remind us to drink medication to hasten recovery.  If apple successfully created a smart watch that people would need.  Stress levels monitor by changing the color of the back light it also give a small static charge to induce calmness or massage the wrist to lessen the stress levels.  It should be independent device that everyone would opt to buy.  What is iWatch without music and radio.  The trick of improving battery and charge the device is another thing should be taken in for consideration.  Using Graphine material to make the watch's casing it would be lighter and also store energy.  The way it charges is by using the movement of our hands and body heat this way we dont need to remove the device often.