USD 10,000,000,000.00

USD 10,000,000,000.00
My Check

Monday, October 13, 2014

Today on why the world is the way it is

Good day, October 13, 2014 

Thank you for a wonderful day.  Its really breathe taking to know that your preception of life might be wrong but its reality.  Its hard to muster and break your friend's dream version of life.  Its like having a good dream the waking up and realizing thats just a dream.  Dreaming is Good it gives us a better understanding of what we would like.  

My friend told me that he could balance life and still be fluorishing in all the areas namely Financially.  I told him up front that he is wrong but he is welcome to try to put it in my face.  In reality,  people tend to see things that they are capable of doing a feat and even tough they know that it is not easy and yet they feel that they are up to the task.  I told my friend that due to each person's circumstances that they choose the things they did.  His grandfather seems to give lesser priority to Children's emotional needs and his father also did what his father did.  It is because the financial need to insure that their children would get the best opportunity they never had.  Now its my friend's turn and he is still young and the game is not over but its near.  His father  also did what his father did and became one succesful financial gains.  The challenge now my friend faces is that he needs to do everything better cause his goal is to prove to me that life should be balance and it can be done.  He also said that its how we should live our life.  

Thats the problem with our society,  especially here in the philippines.  People tend to understand how to make a government run well or better.  When they are elected and is at power they realize that they need more power to make a difference.  Thats the problem, having realization means that a government cant be both with a soft heart and would work well. It should be done to work for everyone and maintain an equal opportunity for every citizen it have.  Its regardless of beliefs and  stuffs.

Life and government are the same, realizing something is a good thing proving a certain way should be done without giving up any part thats impossible cause.  We are humans and we only have 24 hours a day to do everything.  Sleep or rest is needed within the 24 hours.  Hence 8 hours are now occupied by rest and another 3-4 hours for our dull time like relieving ourselves like eating and bathroom breaks.  Hence it only gives us 12 hours to balance everything.  If we need money to survive hence it will occuply almost all of the time we have.  Without work we might not survive,  but working too much to save up in the future is also bad cause our body might fall and we trade time with health and uses money to recupperate our health which it seems to be wrong.

The clue here is not balance but appreciation.  If we could just appreciate everything we have,  we could enjoy every single moments we could get from our small time for ourselves.  Working for money is really bad but we need to work to gain capital and use other or nurture young kids to work for capital and encourage them to make money work for them.  Its not what age is ideal to reture or stop.  It what time in our life we realize that we should live the live the way we want it and do everything we can to have the life we deserve

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