USD 10,000,000,000.00

USD 10,000,000,000.00
My Check

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Today with Trump

Good day, November 13, 2016

I have not written anything since the last time i wrote here.  Hahaha,  this is quite a new way for me to put on my ideas.  As the start i would give thanks for a lot of things this year.  It may be stressful for me and also for my staff and family mostly cause i have been pushing our buttons this year.  Thank you for the blessings like able to pay for all the penalties and other expenses that we inccured.  I also made a lot of new investments in stocks which i still think is the best way to earn money due to its simple mechanics.  Its just buying low and selling high.  Now that i have earned and gotten more experience in life i really think money is the best thing that ever happened in our civilization.  As this november 8, 2016,  i realize that life is good with moderate improvement and good way for capitalism and free markets to properly work.  Donal Trump a old school business man who often find his way around thw laws and agreements that he finds beneficial to him.  Now with him in the helm of the most powerful country in the world now could he make it even better.  I am no economist, but i know the simple basic market law in which people tend to find the best route to accomplish a certain task with the most efficient effort possible.  Thats how free market works,  which means the most efficient effort for this market to work is base and valued by the participants of the trade.  

The world economy is not running the way it should be, with governments trying to regulate the market which it should not.  Government should enforce free trade and capitalization as money or value should find where people see value in the product.  The current world economy or government puts or dictate the places where they see value in the things they think is valueable.  I give you an example of government putting value in places where people dont see value.  This climate change stuff.  I know scientifically that it really does happen, the question is how to reverse it.  The world government puts value in which capitalist would invest in technologies that would help lessen carbon emmisions and force the market to buy the stuff or adopt.  That not how free market and capitalization should work.  Its like the smart phone market, people tend to spend their money to a certain amount to buy the percieved market best which is the Iphone.  Thats how market should work.  Not the other way around.  

Now with the new stuff happening in this world economy.  I really hope that a great number of world leaders would adopt a new way to value our economy.  We should go back the the gold standard and not at the same time.  The gold standards gives perceived value to certain no value object and that is fiat currency which our economy is running.  We have tested this fiat currency running our economy and the problem with this system is that we can't agree upon how each fiat currency be valued.  People in the old days use gold as the standard with a simple idea in mind.  Gold cant be printed or duplicated easily and it adds value to stuffs.  The main value of gold is not in the uses of gold but the gold as a measuring cup in which all materials in this world could be peged with.  The next we should consider is really how to value the gold to fiat currency all over the world.  Its really simple and cool, pegging the dollar to gold like roosevelt have done in the past is a good idea but done in a very bad manner.  Fiat currency cant be peg with gold cause currency is not the same as gold.  We could peg gold with land mass or the global square area of the earth we lived in.  This way we could now have a exact measuring plain in which how each gold measure to each country.

Lets do a simple math, if china have x square meters of property it have x% value of gold avalable in the whole world.  This way  china could measure how the efficiently use per square inch of their land.  This way efficient use and proper utilization is enforced.  With that said, it means that there is a certain kg of gold correspond to the percentage of land in this world it have.  This means that their total currency that they have printed out should now properly match the gold value of the land they have.  As gold being mined in the world is two percent per annum that means that their economic use of the land should equivalent the growth of gold in the whole world.  2% of the existing available gold in the world is big.  With this new model every country could now value their fiat currency against the gold freely.  This in term could compute the actual exchange rates of each country against each other.  Thats a big start on how we should value the fiat currency they have.  This would also guide central banks to print x amount of paper currency to match the value they want to product the value it should versus the value of the world.  This also promtes countries to push up their game to be more productive.  As for world climate countrymen would try to protect their world cause this would ruin their value in their own assets.  

How could government influence the economy to be more proclimate stuff.  Governement should also sell the oxygen it produces thru trees this way lands should have greater value in survival and producing oxygen.  I have seen advancement on how to use the chlorophy in leaves and produce synthetic leaves that produces oxygen. 

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